And everyone who heard Murong Yi's words was also shocked. 『

The ten major attribute powers are the foundation of all things in the human world, as well as the root and source of monks' cultivation.

In the human world, there are many types of martial arts.

But anyhow the exquisite martial arts. All can only make a certain extension on the basis of these ten attribute powers.

And like Su Fan, someone who directly played a different kind of attribute power.

It can be said that no one has ever appeared since the world opened up.

Even the ancient powerhouses in the ancient times were completely unable to do this.

"Beyond the top ten attribute powers? Does such a power really exist in this world?"

Bei Chenhao looked at Su Fan standing in the center of the thunder and lightning storm, with a little bit of jealousy on his expression besides being surprised.

Because he knew that Su Fan at this moment had already thrown this "old predecessor" far, no matter in terms of talent or combat power.

At this moment, Bei Chenhao couldn't help thinking of the era he was in.

At that time, his name was chanted everywhere on the northern land where the Soul Heaven Continent belonged.

He was the only emperor deserved there, and he was also the most prestigious strong man in the world at that time.

The king of the north, this resounding title, was the affirmation of him by the world at that time.

However, time has passed, and the legends that were once have disappeared in the long river of history.

Bei Chenhao now is just a person who has been forgotten by the times.

The legend that belonged to him had ended tens of thousands of years ago.

"Why did God wake me up in this era? And why did I meet such a terrifying genius at this time?"

Bei Chenhao smiled bitterly in his heart. For a moment before, he wanted to compare with Su Fan.

But as soon as this idea came into being, he couldn't help feeling that he was very ridiculous. He was a man of his age, and he was competing with a child.

But now, Bei Chenhao knew that he was no longer qualified to compare with Su Fan.

The opponent's abilities in all aspects have far surpassed or even crushed him.

"This era is destined to be his stage!"

At this moment, Bei Chenhao heard Murong Yi say such a sentence beside him.

When Bei Chenhao heard the words, he also shook his head helplessly and sighed: "It's really unfortunate to be a genius who lives in the same era as Su Fan!"

"Of course, Brother Su is the most promising man to become the number one man in the world!"

When Du Hengjiang heard the words of the two of them, Dang even said with excitement: "And I! I will follow in the footsteps of Brother Su and aspire to become the second in the world!"

Bei Chenhao couldn't help smiling when hearing Du Hengjiang's childlike remarks.

Once upon a time, he, like Du Hengjiang, said the most powerful rhetoric that dominates the world.

It's a pity that his cultivation level has improved too quickly, and after unifying the north, there is no more time to lead troops south.

In the end, he could only choose to sleep in the Epoch Coffin and wait for a destined person to wake him up again.

And this is the time when this world is sealed ten thousand years later.

Bei Chenhao sighed in his heart, it was time and fate, fortunately this world was sealed.

Otherwise, as soon as he came out of the Era Coffin, he would be drawn to the way of burying the gods by the attraction of the upper space.

"How is this possible, with such a strong thunder and lightning power, he can't help him!"

Among the crowd, a pair of scared eyes stared at Su Fan's figure.

And the owner of these eyes is Jia Wuzeng.

If he heard Bei Chenhao and Murong Yi just now, he still had a trace of luck in his heart.

Then at this moment, seeing Su Fan using his martial skills to blast the sea of ​​thunder, he has completely fallen into despair.

You know, here is the Heavenly Palace, any trap mechanism released, from the demigod to the saint, all have to be killed in seconds!

And Su Fan, in such a powerful Thunder Sea, was unscathed, but he could still crush it unilaterally!

Is it still human? Is it too strong?

Jia Wuzeng almost cursed in frustration, but he finally resisted it.

After all, people Su Fan knew were all around here, and he didn't want to expose himself prematurely.

"The road has been opened for you, this time you have no reason to refuse to walk with me!"

Su Fan walked back from the middle of the road step by step. As the lightning power in front of him was cleared, the scene in the cave was restored to its original state, without any threat to everyone.

Everyone in the Brotherhood moved their mouths, even though they wanted to shout the phrase "Leader is mighty."

But after the incident that happened before, they just felt distressed at the moment.

"Brother Su is good!"

Compared to the dullness of these brotherhood monks, Du Hengjiang was very happy.

He once again witnessed Su Fan's strength, and he also felt more and more deeply that it was a very dynamic and happy thing to make Su Fan his pursuit goal!

Besides Du Hengjiang, there was another very happy person, Beichen Muyun.

Beichen Muyun looked at Su Fan with bright eyes, thinking that if they could really get Su Fan's help this time, then their Beichen Dynasty would surely become famous in the northern part of the mainland again!

At that time, the Beichen Dynasty will inevitably receive the courtesy of the Bafang court.

And his Beichen Muyun will definitely become a man of merit in the revitalization of the dynasty.

He even had the honor to become a great emperor with a long history!

Thinking of this, Beichen Muyun was both happy and excited, and instantly expelled the fear of his body.

Then, ignoring the obstacles of the personal guards around him, he trot all the way to Bei Chenhao, and said with a red light: "Uncle, if the leader of Su is not busy for a while, shall we invite him over for a chat?"

Looking at the most beloved junior, with eager eyes, Bei Chenhao really didn't want to hit Beichen Muyun's enthusiasm.

Because he can't tell Beichen Muyun that to talk about cooperation with Su Fan is tantamount to seeking skin with the tiger!

You know, if Su Fan is really selfish, even the lives of his subordinates can be sacrificed at will.

Therefore, let alone the people who work with him.

Maybe, Su Fan promised to cooperate with their Beichen Dynasty on the front foot, and maybe they directly captured their territory on the back foot.

At this moment, Bei Chenhao actually didn't want to go on the road with Su Fan again.

Not only did he completely lose sight of the hope of cooperation, but he was afraid of Su Fan's uncompromising approach.

He understood that Su Fan was a typical hero, and all his actions were based on his own interests.

And if Beichen Dynasty seeks Su Fan for help, it is undoubtedly attracting the wolf into the house.

"No, as the ancestor of the Beichen family, I absolutely cannot let Su Fan get involved in the Beichen Dynasty!"

{End of Chapter}

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