Valkyrie Destruction System

Chapter 1765: forgive

"Spiked Charge!"

Jin Ling's eyes were full of gloom, raising the thorns of the vine, and Luo Ting was the first to attack!

The surging sacred power sprayed out the thorns of the vines, transformed into a long qiang of sacred power in the void, and stabbed fiercely towards Luo Ting.


This blow is so powerful that everything it goes through is broken, even the surrounding space is no exception!

"Magic Flame Feiye!"

Facing Jin Ling's extremely powerful blow, Luo Ting didn't dare to hold it big, and immediately displayed his strongest nirvana martial arts.

He slashed out with a single axe, spreading the blazing flames.

The radiant sparks turned into flying leaves, swept by the violent wind, carrying a monstrous fire, and rushed to Jin Ling.


In an instant, the sprinting Qiang Ying and the burning leaves were strangling each other continuously, and they fought a hard time.

"Block... blocked!"

"Success! Our efforts were not in vain!"

In the rear, Lu Ruocheng, Ning Xiangyun, and Murong Yi, who were lying on the battlefield, saw Jin Ling actually blocking Jin Ling's attack, and they all closed their mouths in surprise.

Among them, the expression on Lu Ruocheng's face was full of excitement.

At this moment, there are only two words left in his brain, that is "success"!

For Lu Ruocheng, the meaning behind these seemingly simple words is extremely far-reaching.

You know, just a few days ago, Lu Ruocheng was still a bereaved dog chased and killed by Luo Ting.

But now, he finally blocked the mighty Luo Ting through his own ability.

Although, Lu Ruocheng is not the key performer of this battle.

But in his heart, he was already satisfied.

"Young Master Jin, come on, get rid of that **** Luo Ting!"

Lu Ruocheng raised his head, looked at the back of the battle with Luo Ting, and roared loudly.

"Come on, Lord Jin, we are optimistic about you!"

"We believe you can do it!"

Hearing Lu Ruocheng's shout, Murong Yi and Ning Xiangyun, who had lost their strength, also cheered for Jin Ling.

"Have you heard? They said you would kill me!"

Luo Ting sneered at Jin Ling, then swept away!


The attack was heavy, Jin Ling hurriedly returned the attack, and was suddenly taken a step back.

"You must die today!"

Jin Ling said bitterly, her face soaring anger: "Song Surui, it can only belong to me!"

"Haha, you have a crush on your master!"

Luo Ting laughed, but he smiled, his attack did not stop in the slightest: "It's a pity that your master has decided to be with me. When we leave the temple this time, Xiao Rui and I will be in Fengdu. The world is hosting a grand wedding!"

"If you were alive then, you are welcome to have a glass of our wedding wine!"

"Shut up! You disciple!"

Luo Ting's words obviously carried a hint of provocation, Jin Ling was young and careless, even if he became furious.

At this moment, Jin Ling furiously attacked his heart, and more and more flaws were exposed in the battle.

Luo Ting seized this opportunity and attacked Jin Ling with a round of fierce attacks.

"watch out!"

When the two faced off again, Luo Ting displayed the magic flame flying leaf again.

This time, Luo Ting not only attacked at close range, but also attacked a fatal flaw in Jin Ling's body.

"Young Master Jin, be careful!"

Lu Ruocheng yelled when he saw it, but it was completely useless. Jin Ling was in a state of recruiting at the moment, and there was no time to defend.

"Junior Dare!"

Seeing that Jin Ling was about to be killed by Luo Ting, Li Guangbin's remnant soul hidden in the scroll decisively emerged.

With a flick of Li Guangbin's transparent soul arm, the flame that was directly pushed in, the backhand was completely extinguished!

"So strong!"

Luo Ting was shocked. Although he had known that Li Guangbin was very strong, he had made certain psychological preparations in advance.

But Li Guangbin's strength still far exceeded his expectations.

"Junior, I don't want to be an enemy of you, if you leave now, I promise you will never trouble you!"

Li Guangbin stared at Luo Ting with a gloomy face. If he was not afraid of the power that the Demon Wolf Axe originally possessed, he could directly kill the opponent by his previous actions.

Luo Ting's eyes flickered, and he estimated the gap between the enemy and us in his heart.

"Okay, senior, today I will sell your face and forgive Jin Ling for the trouble to me!"

In the end, Luo Ting gave in after weighing the pros and cons.

He looked at Jin Ling and said loudly, "Young Master Jin, you have to thank this old man well. If he weren't there, you would have died in that blow!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling looked very ugly with anger, staring at Luo Ting with her own eyes.

"What kind of eyes are you? Goldfish eyes? Just stare at people?"

Luo Ting, as the victorious side, could not kill Jin Ling under the interference of Li Guangbin, but he could still humiliate the opponent through his own words.

"Luo Ting, don't be happy too early!"

Jin Ling finally couldn't help snarling loudly: "Between you and me, there must be someone who will fall to **** forever!"


Luo Ting sneered contemptuously: "But that person is definitely not me!"

"Then let's wait and see!"

Jin Ling said angrily. After he said that, he lifted the vine from his body, and said unwillingly to Lu Ruocheng and others: "Let's go!"


At this moment, Luo Ting suddenly said again.

"What else do you have?"

Jin Ling turned his head and looked at Luo Ting's eyes, full of hatred!

"You and him can go!"

Luo Ting pointed at Jin Ling and Murong Yi, and then glanced at Lu Ruocheng and Ning Xiangyun: "But they two can't do it, I have to save my life!"

"Luo Ting, I warn you, don't get too far!"

Jin Ling's face became cold, he could fight Luo Ting, relying on the cooperation of Lu Ruocheng and others.

And if Lu Ruocheng was killed by Luo Ting, then he would have completely lost the ability to fight Luo Ting again.


Luo Ting snorted coldly, did not pay attention to Jin Ling, but turned to look at Li Guangbin and said, "Senior, I hope you don't interfere in this matter!"

While talking, he fiddled with the magic wolf axe.

Li Guangbin deliberately wanted to mention Lu Ruocheng a few words.

But he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a powerful wave of energy in the magic wolf axe ready to go.

Could it be said that Luo Ting can already use the power of the magic wolf axe?

You know, this is a horror magic weapon that used to tusha hundreds of millions of gods!

Li Guangbin couldn't help but shake his lips, and hurriedly changed his mind and said: "The **** is only responsible for protecting Jin Ling. As for the lives and deaths of these people, what is it to do with the god?"

"Lord God help, we are willing to be a cow and a horse for you!"

"Yes, Lord God, isn't Jin Ling your slave? We are willing to serve you as a slave too!"

{End of Chapter}

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