Chapter 1054 Cheats

The dark-skinned boy didn’t seem surprising, but his figure was extremely quick when he shot it. One jumped directly onto the stone platform at a height of ten feet high, but just when he wanted to turn his head back to report peace to the two of them, some objects were swept out of his eyes, and his heart trembled immediately.


The unclothed boy was familiar with the former, and now seeing him look like this, he immediately knew that there was a difference in the above, and he wanted to run Qinggong up. But his figure did not move, but he thought of the girl in red next to him, and if he took her with own Qinggong, he might not be able to go up.

However, at this time, the voice of the dark boy rang from the stone platform, but the tone was extremely relaxed, with a somewhat joking meaning:

“Ling’er, are you afraid of ghosts?”

The girl in red was taken aback when she heard the words, then raised her head to look at the dark boy on the stone platform, but looked around him for a long time, and then said:

“What the hell? Nigga?”

The dark-skinned young man made a mouthful, then his heart flashed, and then he said to the two people below:

“It’s okay up there, you can come up from the side steps, pay attention to safety.”

Hearing the four words pay attention to safety, the Su Yi boy felt helpless. He knew that the other party must have left behind, and there must be something strange on the stone platform, otherwise he would not remind himself like this. Of course, he was not reminding himself to pay attention to safety, but to remind himself to protect the safety of the girl in red.

The two of them walked towards the stone platform slowly from the steps on the side. The slope of the stone steps is not big, and they are formed around the stone platform. They walked around the stone platform for a full circle before boarding the stone platform, and neither of them could see the stone platform before. What is on the stage.

However, when the two appeared on the stone platform, the figure of the dark boy was gone. He was hiding in a place out of the fire, and he was holding something in his hand, waiting for the opportunity.

“Where is the black charcoal man?”

The red-clothed girl’s voice is not small, she seems to be asking the plain-clothed boy, but in fact it meant to be addressed to the dark-skinned boy. They didn’t know each other on the first day. The girl in red knew at this time without even thinking about it. That guy must be hiding in a dark place, waiting to appear suddenly and startled herself. Since then, she will cooperate a little bit and then turn over. All right.

“This is not a place to play, come out quickly.”

The unclothed teenager never let go of his vigilance. He never forgot where it was. At this time, although he understood the dark teenager’s approach, he did not advocate it. At the same time as he spoke, the voice of a dark teenager rang out on the right side, with a somewhat helpless tone:

“Hey… okay okay, look at this way.”

The red-clothed girl turned around and took a photo of the torch in the dark direction. However, under this photo, her heart was shocked and her steps were a little unstable. If it weren’t for the plain-clothed boy, she was in her body. On the side, she didn’t want to be underestimated by the other party, I was afraid that this scream had already been spoken.

“Hey… Linger is not afraid of skeletons.”

The dark-skinned young man walked out of the dark, holding a skull in his hand. At this moment, seeing the two people’s eyes look very weird, the dark-skinned young man was a little embarrassed. He immediately threw the skull aside, and then turned and turned towards the back. One finger:

“When I came up just now, I found a skeleton there and two short knives next to the skeleton. If I guess right, the skeleton should have committed suicide in his lifetime, but why it chose to commit suicide here is not clear.”

I have to say that the dark-skinned teenager has a strong ability to change the subject, or because his two companions are willing to cooperate, he easily brought the topic to the skeleton at this time. It’s just that the latter two are not interested in the death method of this skeleton, and they are also not interested in the knife in his hand, because the Li family uses a sword, while the Zhang family uses a knife, but a long knife and a simple knife.

Only at The next moment, the two of them discovered what they were interested in. At this moment, a smile appeared on the dark-skinned boy’s face. In my heart, you finally found the point. At this time, they said to the side:

“In addition to the skeleton, there are three wooden boxes here, but these boxes look dusty. I don’t know what’s in them. If there is any mechanism, I’m afraid we will become skeletons too.”

Although the dark-skinned boy’s words were a bit playful, what he said was not unreasonable. At this time, the red-clothed girl also began to think about what the dark boy said before. If the skeleton really committed suicide here, the things in this wooden box should be related to him, otherwise he has no reason to be in front of the treasure chest and not reach out to open the treasure chest. , But choose to commit suicide.

Unless, what is hidden in the wooden box is not a mechanism, but a certain poison. When the wooden box is opened, the person triggers this poison, so…

The thinking of the young girl Ling’er is much better than that of the undressed boy, and she is afraid that only she can make up so many things. However, at this moment, a soft sound suddenly broke her mind, and then she saw the dark-skinned teenager squatting in front of the wooden box, reaching out and pressing towards the wooden box.


The Su Yi boy reacted, and he was also worried that there were organs hidden in the wooden box. However, the dark-skinned boy didn’t stop this time, but directly opened the wooden box, as if he didn’t realize the danger at all, he took out the contents of the wooden box and sprinkled a lot of dust.

The dark boy turned around, and the moment he stared at the plain-clothed boy, the latter saw his thoughts in earnest from the former for a moment, and after a while of silence, he said softly:

“Next time I come.”

“You come? No way, no way, I like this thing like opening a treasure chest, and since I have opened one, there is no reason to give up halfway, it will definitely break Feng Shui, it is unlucky, too unlucky.”

The dark-skinned boy knew that someone must try at this time. No matter what was in the wooden box, someone would always take this step, so he came. However, he was not blindly sent to death. He had already eaten the Poison Pill before, and he was wearing the inner armor of the old man, so even if there was a poison mechanism inside, he must have suffered the least injury. of.

The corners of the red-clothed girl’s mouth quivered twice, and she thought to herself, this kind of ghost place, if you tell us Feng Shui, even if this is not a place of great evil, it is definitely not a good place, besides, people are still dead here. They have been dead for many years. The person who was discovered.

The dark-skinned boy said, and directly threw the book in his hand towards the plain-clothed boy, and then quickly opened the remaining two wooden boxes with a thunderous force. Fortunately, there are no organs and poisons in the wooden box, and perhaps because of the age, it has long lost its original function.

“God travels to the profound veins, uses qi to protect against thunder. After nine weeks of travel, they will converge in…sigh..”

The red-clothed girl did not see the dark boy’s mind, so she did not focus on the other party, but looked at the book that the other party had thrown over. Although she was born in the Li family, she had outstanding martial arts talents, and only a few people knew this. If it weren’t for her identity, it would be no problem to be a true disciple.

When the girl read this, she suddenly lost her breath, but after half a breath, she took a breath of cold air, and then hummed softly:

“This book is not a good thing, it looks like some martial arts cheats, but it’s actually something made up by Rivers and Lakes crooks. If someone changes it and does not change it, if you practice according to this book, you won’t die. I must be delirious, Qi Deviation.”

After the girl came to this conclusion, she closed the book and did not look at it again. The three characters “Ben Lei Jue” written in seal on the cover of the book were particularly conspicuous. At the same time, the dark-skinned boy had opened the other two wooden boxes, and in these two wooden boxes, there were also two books. For a while, the dark-skinned boy turned into a gray-black boy with dust all over his face.

But when he glanced at the two books, he suddenly laughed. Seeing him like this, the plain-clothed boy on the side immediately leaned forward, only to see him dancing and dancing with two books. It took half a breath before he recovered his composure.

“We are really lucky. One of these two books is Saber Technique and the other is Sword Technique. We just need to use it, but the mental method…”

“Hmph, I advise you not to practice this mentality. If you become an idiot, don’t call it my friend in the future. I feel embarrassed.”

The dark teenager said and looked at the girl, but the latter used her own method, which was also a way that the dark teenager could understand, telling the other party that there was a problem with the mental method, and it was really impossible to practice. The dark boy was taken aback for a moment, but he would not doubt the words of the red-clothed girl, not to mention that there are not two swordsmanship in his hands at this time, he should…

“I think that since Saber Technique and Sword Technique are together with this mental method, they are probably not good things. I don’t understand swords and swords. Hurry up and see if the things written in that book are reliable. Don’t think you are reliable. When I found the baby, I blinded my eyes, and I must finish these things when I fight for Qi Deviation.”

The tone of the girl’s speech at this time was very much like a woman who was worried about her child’s embarrassment. The plain-clothed boy and the dark boy looked at each other, and each smiled. In the end, the dark boy chose to suppress his joy. Take a look at the Sword Technique with him, because he thinks that good things must be shared until the end.

Only after half a breath, the dark youth suddenly took two steps, pointed at the Sword Technique and said:”Ling’er, you’re right, this thing is really unreliable. What kind of Sword Technique is this? It’s just an anthology of poems. I can buy dozens of copies for a gold coin at the bookstore. From this point of view, this book Saber Technique is probably also…”

Thinking of this, a huge gap appeared in the dark young man’s heart, but the plain-clothed young man looked at the Sword Technique’s eyes, but he did not move a half point away. Just when the dark-skinned young man wanted to see with his own eyes how the Saber Technique in his hand was unreliable, he saw that the Su-Yi young man suddenly pulled his sword and practiced on the side. The sword technique was very strange, and it was unpredictable. .

Both of them know that the Suyi teenager is very savvy, but the dark youth is a little worried at this time that he is walking a crooked road, but at this time the girl Linger on the side is very calm, only the handsome figure of the Suyi teenager dancing sword in his eyes. , And there is no worry.

After ten breaths, the plain-clothed boy took his sword into its sheath and let out a long breath, then looked at the dark boy aside, and slowly said six words:

“This sword book is true.”

“Really? But from my point of view, isn’t it just…”

Speaking of this, the Su Yi boy shook his head, and then unreservedly said something he shouldn’t have said, because this is the Li family’s secret, but in the eyes of some experts, it is not a secret:

“You don’t know, the Cultivation Technique I practiced in the Li family is the Sword of Line Poetry, which emphasizes the use of poetry into the sword. If I have not learned the Sword Art of Line Poetry, I’m afraid I can’t understand this sword book, because I I have learned sword art, so in my eyes, these verses are naturally no longer verses, but sword moves.”

“This… such a coincidence?”

The dark youth couldn’t accept it. Although the barren mountain was far away from Heavenly Mystery City, the three of them didn’t seem to encounter any difficulties and obstacles along the way. Coupled with the coincidence of this sword spectrum, I am afraid it has something to do with the Li family. Then why has no one found this place for so many years?

And at The next moment, the dark-skinned teenager figured out the key points. This time the experience was completely led by the other party. It is very likely that the other party got some clues, so he brought the two people he believed the most to come here. It makes sense.

At The next moment, when the plain-clothed boy opened his mouth, he revealed an amazing secret. This secret is different from the previous one. Only the contemporary Patriarch and Transfer Power Elder are qualified to know it, but he did not know it from the Li family. People can get along well, and now that he said this, there are five living people who know this secret in the world.

“It’s not a coincidence. This is a long story. I will tell you slowly in the future. The purpose of my trip is indeed to get back the inheritance of the Taishifu, because our Li family’s poetry and swordsmanship is actually this. This is the introductory chapter of the Qinglian Sword Classic, so…”

At this point, the Suyi boy spoke for a while, then pointed to the book in the dark boy’s hand and said:

“Master Tai has both swords and swords. Since this book of swords appears here at the same time as the Qinglian Sword Classic, it is very likely that it is the inheritance of Saber Technique. You can take a closer look and you will definitely gain something.”

Hearing this, the dark youth finally focused on the secret book in his hand, and then turned to the first page, but at this moment, something fell out of the book, it was a withered yellow one. The letters were full of seal scripts, and he could only understand two words:


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