Chapter 104 Specifications of Buster Call

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

A crowd of senior Naval Headquarters generals have gathered in the conference room. Except for Garp who went home to visit relatives, only Sakazuki was no longer here. The person responsible for presiding over this meeting is now Admiral, Sengoku, the only real power of Naval Headquarters.

From the fact that Marshal Kong did not appear, everyone can see that Marshal Sora is actually transferring power. It is estimated that in a few years, Naval Headquarters will have one less Sengoku Admiral and one more Sengoku Marshal.

The generals sitting below basically represent Marine’s future.

“Compared to you, everyone knows exactly what it is for this time to hold such a meeting.”

Sengoku glanced across everyone, and then he said in a deep voice: “The Celestial Dragons has put pressure on more than one occasion, asking us to arrest King Vongola I before returning to New World, and then sentence him to death. Why is there such a request? I think everyone should be very clear. Vongola I shot Celestial Dragons. This is a felony that the World government cannot tolerate.

Secondly, if he returns to New World, we will lose the opportunity to capture him to a large extent. ”

That’s right, if Giotto enters the New World, then 667 Marine will not dare to continue to attack him.

The reason for this is also because in the past few years, Marine has made a choice, which is to pacify the four seas and the first half of the Grand Line, and put most of the waters under Marine’s control.

Therefore, except for a G5 branch that was considered symbolic to be established in New World, they almost gave up New World.

After all, if you want to fight for the dominance of New World, you need to face the Whitebeard Pirates, BIG-MOM Pirates, Vongola family, etc., which are far stronger than the four seas.

In the eyes of Marine’s senior management, such an approach obviously outweighs the gains. When confronted with these forces, Marine will be greatly injured even if it wins. It is better to settle the easy-to-solve four seas and the first half of the route before considering New World.

At the same time, they also hope that when they put their forces on the paradise and the four seas, the major forces of the New World will kill each other and consume each other, which is also conducive to future advances in the New World.

“If you want to start before the opponent enters New World, then I think the best place to deploy troops is in Sabaody Archipelago, where ahce is actually the only way for him to return to New World.” Crane Vice Admiral thought about it. , Is to give an answer.

In her opinion, Sabaody Archipelago is undoubtedly the best place to ambush, but there are also some disadvantages to ambush here, that is, the other party will definitely think of this and be prepared.

“No, the World government has banned us from using the surrounding area of ​​Sabaody as a battlefield, because Celestial Dragons will also appear in the Sabaody Archipelago from time to time.” Sengoku shook his head and rejected Crane Vice Admiral’s proposal.

And hearing these words, many Marine’s faces were sideways, and some even clenched their fists subconsciously.

Those stupid Celestial Dragons again!

When is this, because Celestial Dragons are going to Sabaody to play, and Marine is prohibited from deploying troops to capture Vongola I?

What a bunch of idiots who succeeded less than failed!

“In this case, we can only find a way to encircle Vongola I, but he is only a small boat sailing alone, so it is difficult to control his whereabouts, and I want to set up an encirclement under such circumstances.”

Before the words of Tsuru Vice Admiral were finished, a Marine officer quickly walked and said to Sengoku Admiral: “Sengoku Admiral, Sakazuki Vice Admiral called just now, saying that he has discovered the whereabouts of King Vongola I. He has launched a pursuit, and the location is Near Ball Island. Sakazuki Vice Admiral said that he will arrive at Ball Island in three days, and he hopes to face Penger there.

Column I for encirclement and suppression!”

Hearing this, Sengoku didn’t hesitate to look at the chart, frowning, “Is Yuanqiu Island closer to the Seven Waters Capital? Very good, tell Sakazuki immediately, we’re on Yuanqiu Island. The arrest of Vongola I! I remember that it was an arrest. The request of the World government is to publicly execute Vongola I in order to make the world deeply impressed.

Understand, Celestial Dragons can’t offend!”

The moment Sengoku saw the location of the island, Sengoku’s eyes immediately lit up, and he didn’t expect Sakazuki to bring such good news to himself!

The geographical location of Yuanqiu Island itself is not good, but for now, it is definitely the most suitable place to encircle Vongola I!


It’s because you are very close to the Seven Waters, and the Seven Waters is not far from Enies Lobby. As long as you go to Enies Lobby through the Gate of Justice, the Marine fleet can reach the vicinity of Orb Island as quickly as possible. Need extra arrangement, can directly encircle Vongola I.

It can be said that this is an excellent fighter opportunity given to them by heaven!

“Then who decides to attack next, this time encircle Vongola I. For special reasons, the scale of the attack is equivalent to Buster Call!”

Equivalent to the scale of Buster Call, that means there will be five Vice Admiral headquartered, leading ten battleships and Marine’s elite combat power. There are about 1,000 Marine soldiers on the battleship, which means more than 5,000 troops.

With such a force, few people on the sea could resist, even a powerful lunatic like Douglas-Bullet fell under the artillery fire of Buster Call.

In fact, even if Marine wants to encircle Vongola I, it is far more than using Buster Call, but this time it will act like this, and all Marines will know it well.

Celestial Dragons!

“This time the old man of fighting spirit will personally lead a battleship to attack, and the remaining candidates are Kuzan, Polusalino, Momousagi, and Yumo!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone opened their eyes subconsciously, and it was hard to conceal the color of surprise.

Where is the Buster Call specification? Obviously it has exceeded the Buster Call specification, plus Sakazuki Vice Admiral who discovered the whereabouts of Vongola I. The number of Vice Admiral in this attack has already met the five-person requirement. It is in this case, Sengoku Admiral will also attack himself.

And the five Vice Admiral are still the top combat power in the active Vice Admiral, especially Kuzan, Polusalino, Sakazuki and Momousagi. They are all future Admiral candidates!

Although they have not yet reached the peak of their strength, that is, they do not have the strength of the Admiral level, they are definitely quite powerful monster-level combat power!

In the final analysis, it is because of the nobles of the world that Marine has such a terrifying combat power at this time!

But since their Marines are all out for such a battle, even if the opponent is the famous Vongola I in just a few years, this time I am afraid that it will be at the end of the road.

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