Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 19 Militia with Complex Composition

"For our Cato!"

The man controlled the logging gun to shoot at the most rebel areas. From time to time, two live rounds or lasers would be fired at the car, but he was fearless.

During the frantic shooting, a small building full of rebels was collapsed, burying all the rebels inside alive.

"Is this thing used for anti-aircraft defense?" Gray pointed at the logging gun.

"It seems so, but he should have modified this thing." Grote nodded in approval.

Qin Mo walked up to the man and ordered him: "You go to other places immediately. You and your machine gun are needed more in street fighting."

"I came here to defend this place?" The man glanced at Qin Mo, unmoved.

Qin Mo didn't explain, turned around and shot a ball of light with his shoulder cannon.

The ball of light exploded over the heads of the rebels in front, and a huge beam of light swept toward the ground, clearing out all the rebels within the killing range.

"Okay." The man immediately stopped shooting, jumped out of the car, took his wife and children and rushed to another place.

Qin Mo turned around and looked at Gray: "You and the others disperse to various parts of the city. I will defend here alone."

Gray nodded and used his jetpack to jump far away.

Other people wearing power armor also jumped to various places, scattered throughout the city.

After landing on the top of a tall building, Gray's eyes scanned the nearby area.

In this neighborhood, the rebels are fighting a tug-of-war with the militia. There is not much difference in the weapons and equipment between the two sides. Some of the militiamen are not only wearing power armor but also holding strange-looking weapons. These weapons will release a beam of light when fired. It can penetrate the rebel tanks instantly.

After ignoring the friendly forces who were not in a critical situation, Gray began to focus on observing the rebels. He found that he was on the side of the rebels. There was a heavy weapons position set up by the rebels in the building under his feet. This position was suppressing those who wanted to seize it. Militiamen all over the neighborhood.

"Death." Gray activated the gravity shield.

The gravity shield immediately crushed the floor beneath his feet, causing Gray to fall directly to the ground at the bottom.

The rebels on the first floor who were concentrating on manipulating heavy weapons were startled and looked nervously at the uninvited guest wearing power armor.

Gray raised his right hand, and tiny balls of light poured out like a torrential rain towards the rebels in the room. When his right hand turned in a circle, all the rebels in the entire floor were wiped out.

Gray calmly walked towards the undamaged heavy weapons and used the gravity shield to crush them into pieces of iron.

At this time, a shell suddenly exploded outside the building, and a huge amount of shrapnel poured in through the window.

Gray raised his head and looked in the direction of the cannonball. The image in the center of his field of vision was enlarged and penetrated the walls directly in front, showing the enemy manipulating heavy artillery in a building 700 meters away.

Gray silently adjusted the shoulder cannon to cannon mode and fired.

The beam penetrated the building and then penetrated all the walls along the path, blasting the heavy artillery 700 meters away together with the operator into pieces.

After the heavy artillery was destroyed, a tank roared out from the corner. A beautiful woman holding a gun was spray-painted on the left armor of the tank.


"Thanks brother!"

A man with a red cockscomb emerged from the tank turret. He shouted thanks and was frightened back by a shell that exploded not far away.

Behind the tank followed a large number of men and women dressed in strange clothes. The common symbol of these people was that they all had red combs on their heads.

"Scarlet Cockscomb Head?" Gray was surprised. "I thought the Bottom Gang had already joined the rebels."

"Don't fucking push forward!" The man in the tank got out again and shouted to the others with a communicator: "The church is about to be lost! The church is about to be lost! The church is about to be lost!"

"What did you say? How could the church be lost? Isn't that the home front?"

“Back to the church!”

"Return for help quickly!"

The tank immediately turned around on the street, while the man with the cockscomb hair ran directly back.

Seeing the sudden appearance and withdrawal of this group of people, Gray's mood did not fluctuate. He completely distrusted the gangs in the bottom nest. In his opinion, it was better to clean up the entire neighborhood by himself than to let the gang members mess around.

Gray rushed out of the building and walked on the road, shooting at the rebels while advancing under the rebel artillery fire. The shotgun laser on his hand cleared the infantry, and the shoulder cannon was used to smash buildings or rebel armor.

The incoming live ammunition was intercepted by the gravity shield, and the incoming beam was absorbed into the energy engine of the power armor, converted into energy in the weapon and fired at the rebels.

After walking to the end of the street and clearing out the enemies, Gray suddenly recalled what Qin Mo had said.

"When I complete the masterpiece that I am proud of and let you see it, you will feel how fragile and ineffective these weapons and equipment are now."

Now that I think about it, it's true. If the power armor from before was definitely not so powerful, the energy plating would be overloaded, and then it would be shot into pieces by the rebels' energy weapons.

"The next block." Gray looked forward firmly and stepped over the burned enemy corpses. "You still have ten minutes to live, ants."

The joining of Gray and others turned the tug-of-war into a battle of annihilation.

Every neighborhood in the city was cleared of rebels. They no longer had to fight in street battles. They only had to stay in the building and wait to be blown up with the building.

For the militiamen, there are many benefits to fighting with soldiers wearing powerful power armor. Those buildings occupied by the enemy no longer need to carry explosive packs to blow up. They only need to shout and warn the men wearing power armor amidst the sound of gunfire, and then The building will be completely blown to pieces.

There are also disadvantages.

That is, the warriors wearing power armor are not Cato people at all. They don't care that this city is the homeland of the Cato people. They will not hesitate to blow up a building that has existed for thousands of years. The reason may just be that they are too lazy to enter the building. Go and clear out the enemies.

Gray, who was always fighting alone, fought all the way to the edge of the city, and then met Grote, who also fought to the edge of the city, and others.

Militiamen within the city also met at the edge of the city.

The rebels who were driven out of the city fled in panic, throwing away their weapons and carapace as they fled.

But these lucky few could not run far before they were overtaken by the rolling sea of ​​fire behind them and burned to ashes.

"Are there any living enemies elsewhere?" Qin Mo slowly fell from the air, the double-headed eagle scepter in his hand covered with blood.

Behind him, two thousand soldiers and militiamen were running wildly together. People from the entire city who participated in the battle were here.

"Thank you for coming to the rescue." The officer took a step forward and knelt down on one knee in front of the double-headed eagle scepter. "Praise the Emperor! Praise the Emperor's envoys!"

The soldiers also knelt before the double-headed eagle scepter.

Other civilians, gang members and bounty hunters also knelt down, but instead of facing the double-headed eagle on the scepter, they faced Qin Mo.

Everyone who has been holding on in the city until now understands that if reinforcements had not suddenly arrived, everyone would have continued to fight in the streets. Even if they paid huge sacrifices, they might not be able to save the city.

Qin Mo glanced at everyone present and thought that the composition of this group of militiamen was quite complicated.

Civilians, gangs, bounty hunters...

"With all due respect." A bounty hunter suddenly raised his head, "It would have been better if you hadn't turned half the city into ruins... But of course, we still thank you."

"You have to understand that this is a war." Qin Mo turned around and walked towards the center of the city, "When the war is over, I will build a new city here that will make the people of Shangchao jealous, called New Cato. This is your reward for fighting the rebels.”

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