Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 47 Confrontation

"What is the order?" Gray stared at the position ahead and asked Qin Mo for the next order through the communicator.

In order to quickly analyze the data of the first large-scale transmission and improve the transmission device, Qin Mo did not show up immediately. He was in the fortress, observing the outside world through Gray's mask.

"Let the opponent retreat one kilometer and let us take over the position in front of the passage." After Qin Mo ordered, he stopped paying attention to the outside world and calmed down to analyze the transmission data.

After receiving the order, Gray immediately thought that a war was about to begin.

Because since the other party is staying outside the blocked passage, they are ready. No matter who opens the passage, they must stop them.

Such a request to take over the position is obviously unlikely to be granted.

But Gray was ready to fight. He took a step forward, raised his arms and said to the general on the ground: "Back one kilometer, this position is ours."

"But...but this position is for defense..." The general resisted as expected.

"The passages are all blocked. Who are you going to build such a large position to defend against?" Gray took another step forward and started charging the shoulder cannon. "Do as I say, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

The general felt very helpless.

In fact, no one was guarding this position, because the passage had been bombed and it was impossible for anyone to escape from it, at least it was thought that no one would escape.

This position is only a small part of the original defensive position, most of which have been withdrawn.

But now that a group of people have appeared again, this position is very necessary and cannot be left out under any circumstances.

"Can we... discuss..." The general walked forward, trying to ease the situation. "I set up defenses here because I received news that the attack plan failed. The collapse of the passage happened only after the defenses were set up."

"I understand you are very angry right now and you feel you have been betrayed."

"I don't know what you went through in the bottom nest, but we all belong to the Planetary Defense Force. We are comrades-in-arms and partners."

"If you guys want to talk, I'm here, Barret."

While the general named Barritt kept approaching and making attempts to de-escalate, Gray waited quietly for orders from Qin Mo. His shoulder cannon and shotgun laser were ready to fire.

If Qin Mo ordered to fire, Gray would not hesitate.

"He doesn't seem to know, but we don't rule out that he is just bluffing us and bombing the place where the tanks are parked on the right side of the position." Qin Mo ordered.

Gray immediately controlled the shoulder cannon and aimed it at the right rear of the position. A light ball flew out of the shoulder cannon and drew a perfect arc towards the target location.

The ball of light exploded in the air, and countless beams of light fell towards the tanks parked on the ground, like a rain of beams.

During the "heavy rain", the tank's armor gradually melted, and holes were etched into the metal ground.

This attack horrified Barrit and his men. Although all the tanks were slowly being ablated, if the attack by the people in front of them was not at the tanks, but at the soldiers present...

"You...you are not attacking the people on the position, but the parked tanks." Barritt raised his hands, "You do want to talk, right?"

"Don't talk about it." Gray controlled the shoulder cannon and pointed it at Barritt, "Back off one kilometer."

Barritt began to hesitate.

At this time, Gray's shoulder cannon began to accumulate energy. Although the energy had not yet been converted into beams, Barritt could already feel the scalding heat.

Barrit turned back and glanced at his soldiers.

All the soldiers had frightened and worried expressions. On the one hand, they really didn't want to fight the army in front of them, but on the other hand, they felt wronged and questioned.

Because the news they heard when they came to set up defense was that the people of the First Legion had died in the bottom nest, they did not send a distress signal to their superiors at all, so even if they wanted to send troops to carry out rescue, it was too late.

Some of the people in the First Legion were brothers and sisters of the defenders, and it was impossible for them to fire on someone who suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Okay." Bartlett nodded, turned around and waved to his adjutant.

Both sides retreated and advanced respectively.

The situations in the lower nest and the bottom nest are completely different in the hive city. Although the sky can't be seen, and although you can only see giant pipes and endless dark spaces when you look up, the lower nest has the largest population.

At this time, many civilians were attracted to watch.

Barritt didn't feel ashamed, he just felt lucky because these people who had narrowly escaped death were at least not overwhelmed by anger.

After Barritt and his men withdrew one kilometer, Gray and the army behind him also stopped.

"Okay, we have entered the confrontation period. Let the others set up their positions and wait for negotiations. I will be there in person when the negotiations begin." Qin Mo issued the last order and then continued to do business.

Gray conveyed the order, and the regimental commanders Duncan and Klein immediately arranged for the troops to deploy for defense, and the logistics machinery helped them strengthen and expand their positions.

When Barritt led the troops to retreat, the senior leaders of the hive city had already been informed of the situation, and they began a meeting in the governor's manor at the top of the tower.

The spire is the highest point of the entire hive city complex. It is far away from the heavily polluted planet ground. The nobles living here can enjoy the purest air and the most beautiful environment.

Every building is splendid and magnificent, and every garden is full of animals and plants that cannot be seen in the lower and lower nests.

The nobles sat in the garden and discussed matters while admiring the plant artworks made of metal.

"Why is the Governor still missing?"

"He has a weird personality, you know."

"How on earth should we deal with the mess left by the Governor? He found a way to let the marshal die gloriously, and then found a way to deal with his family. Why can't he find a way to deal with these troops that suddenly appeared?"

"What else can we do? They are deserters. They will all be executed as before."

"Are you joking?"

The nobles were in the middle of the discussion, and then they all looked at the state church personnel sitting in the middle.

"Say something David, don't stay silent, as if we are ostracizing you." said a female noble.

David is responsible for spreading the state religion in Tyron Hive and handling the religious affairs of the entire hive. He plays a pivotal role. As long as he personally designates the First Legion as a heretic, hundreds of millions of believers on the planet will form a powerful of armed forces.

But David didn't say a word. He just stroked the strong-brained cat in his arms.

Seeing that he said nothing, the nobles continued to discuss.

"Let the war begin."

"I approve of war."

"Not only must we go to war, but we must execute Barrit and make him pay for his compromise with the rebels."


"No, we can't go to war." David spoke slowly, then stood up under the gaze of the nobles, and said sonorously: "The First Legion of the local planetary defense forces are not rebels, they are firm believers of the God Emperor, otherwise They can't survive in the Underhive, the real rebels are the aliens in the Underhive."

After speaking in the eyes of the nobles who were half-smiling, David turned around and left, leaving another sentence: "Let me negotiate with them."

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