Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 55 The signs of war

After the execution missions on both sides were over, Gray also returned.

As warriors wearing guard power armor, people like Gray and Yaoen can use teleportation technology without restriction and can always go to where they want to go as quickly as possible.

After entering the underground cave, Gray sat in front of Qin Mo. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but didn't. Then he suddenly looked at Yaoen: "Uh... have you had dinner with the legion commander?"

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Neither you nor I are just concerned about superiors and subordinates." Qin Mo said.

"I killed Grote's brother?" Gray asked.

"Otherwise, who do you think you just killed?"


Gray didn't know what to say.

He didn't know that he was going to kill Grote's family. When he arrived at the place, he saw that half of his body was covered with a heavy metal hammer, and then he remembered what Grote had said when he came back after killing people in the first area. Only then did he realize that his target was Grote's brother.

Then he said to Zhongmai, "You are your brother's shame.".

I didn't feel anything at the time, but now that I'm back, I feel bad when I think about it.

"That man killed civilians in the slums at that time, so, I, I had to..." Gray hesitated, hesitating, "This matter... well, I, Grote..."

Qin Mo raised his hand to interrupt these unclear words, but he understood the contradiction in Gray's heart.

On the one hand, he believed that what he did was right, but on the other hand, he felt guilty for killing Grote's family with his own hands.

Although Grote was transferred to repair logistics machinery, Gray believed that this did not mean that the friends would not meet again, and when they met again, he did not know how to explain to Grote.

"Not many people know about the execution mission, we are the only ones, so I have the following plan."

Qin Mo then told Gray his plan.

"We want to tell Grote that his brother is indeed dead, but he was not executed, but he fought to the death with the gangs in District 1, and he rescued many people before he died."

"Then I will find Groat's only remaining family member, his sister. I heard her name is Maya. I will send out reconnaissance drones to search the entire nest and compare everyone's genes with Groat's. way to find his sister and reunite them as brother and sister."

After hearing Qin Mo's plan, Gray nodded vigorously in agreement.

In fact, he came over and spoke dryly just to express his thoughts, and his thoughts coincided with Qin Mo's.

"But cheating...isn't it good?" Yaoen on the side interjected.

"Indeed." Gray felt that it was really not good to deceive Grote.

"I don't want to lie to him, but some things just can't be explained. At least in this matter, even if you tell him the truth, what he knows is not the truth. Why does his brother go crazy and kill civilians? Can you give him Any explanation?" Qin Mo said.

Yaoen and Gray looked at each other and nodded silently.

Qin Mo lowered his head and thought.

He was now certain that Grote's brother was corrupted, but there was no way to say that.

Who knows what someone like Groat, who wears power armor and likes to fight in close combat, would do if he knew about the existence of Khorne.

"That's it." Qin Mo stopped discussing Groat and began to build a genetic comparison device for the drone searching for Maya.

But before Gray left, he said one more thing: "By the way, will we start a war with the hive sooner or later?"

Qin Mo stopped what he was doing, turned his head and looked at Gray seriously, and then admitted: "Yes."

Facts have proved that the prediction of mimicry is very correct.

David is indeed a follower of the evil god, and the mimicry says that the entire hive is being corrupted.

There is every reason to believe that the plan to attack the bottom nest was hatched by the corrupted nobles. As for the reason, we don’t know yet. Anyway, it is a conspiracy.

"I think we may not only start a war with the hive city." Yaoen took off his helmet as he spoke, and then played a recording, "This is what the power armor's radio heard."

"Tailon Hive is not our territory yet, we must be careful what we say here."

"Tailon Hive is not our territory yet, we must be careful what we say here."

This recording is played on a loop.

Gray felt baffled when he heard the recording. Then he saw Yaoen turning on information sharing, and then an encrypted mission log appeared in his visor.

After decoding the encrypted log with a key that only existed in the power armor of Gray Qinmo and Yao En, the mission log showed the entire process of Yao En's assassination of David.

Only then did Gray realize that while he was going out to perform a mission, Yao En was also performing another mission.

If he was still doubtful about whether the First Army would go to war with the hive city before, now Gray could conclude that the two sides would definitely go to war, and it would be impossible not to fight.

"There is only one reason why I asked Yaoen to assassinate David, and that is that I think he does not believe in the emperor, and we have all been deceived." Qin Mo said.

Gray had no doubt at all. He immediately concluded that David was a liar, and then came to an obvious but hard-to-believe conclusion: "So we not only have to go to war with the hive, but we also have to go to war with David's territory. Where is his territory?" where?"

"Who knows, there are three worlds in the Tyrone Galaxy. Except for the Tyrone Nest, one or both of the other two are his territory." Qin Mo analyzed.

"Oh..." Gray nodded, his expression not showing much surprise, giving people a very calm feeling.

Just when Qin Mo thought that Gray was a natural-born general who could remain calm no matter where or when he faced any situation, Gray suddenly asked: "If the fleet comes over, you will definitely be able to design a weapon to defeat them, right? "

"Are you using me as a wishing machine?" Qin Mo knocked Gray's helmet hard.

Gray smiled naively and said easily: "Then we can only teleport into the battleship and carry out a decisive attack."

Qin Mo shook his head: "Don't be too pessimistic. I plan to build a dock in the bottom nest. After we seize low-Earth orbit after the war, we can transfer the dock to orbit, and then work overtime to build warships."

"The dock is so big, can it be teleported?"

"Otherwise? You don't think that dimensional teleportation technology can only allow you to pass around the nest, right?"

"Hehe, that's pretty good."

Gray felt confident and no longer worried.

"We have to expand our troops." Qin Mo said, "Next, I need you to deploy water purifiers in various areas of the lower nest. After the deployment is completed, we will start recruiting soldiers. The recruited soldiers will be sent to the lower nest for training. During the training, we will Screen out those people who have strange beliefs and talk nonsense.”

"What if a war breaks out and the water purifier in the enemy-occupied area of ​​​​the lower nest is used by the enemy?" Gray asked.

"After drinking the purified water, will the enemy be able to break through the gravity shield or tear our tank into pieces? Even with our current strength, we can quickly control the nest even if the enemy is ten times more numerous." Qin Mo replied.

"Okay." Gray and Yaoen saluted together, turned and left.

Brothers, I made a mistake, this is Chapter 8. Today is the 7th, so I won’t just update Chapter 7, so as not to be corrupted by my loving father.

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