Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 58 Commemorating the War Dead

A few days later.

In a factory in New Cato, Grote sat on the ground and looked at the logistics machinery being delivered.

It was crushed while collecting metal, and another logistics machine was repairing it.

As a maintenance engineer, Grote watched like this until the damaged logistics machinery was repaired and flew out of the factory.

At this moment, Grote thought that the so-called job of a logistics machinery maintenance engineer was actually nothing to do. It might just be an excuse, an excuse to give food to others.

Most of the maintenance technicians in the factory were watching from the sidelines.

"Personnel No. 488181, Personnel Category: Worker." The logistics machinery responsible for maintenance floated to Groat's side. The black spherical body was facing another worker. "You have been working continuously for a month. You can go to the church. Relieve mental stress.”

The workers immediately got up and left.

Then the logistics machine floated to Grote again and told him in the same cold voice: "Guard No. 4, it has been detected that you have not relieved the pressure since the last war, and it can be obtained from the results of the last psychological examination. Based on the conclusion that you have suffered many mental shocks recently, you are allowed to go to the church to relieve your mental stress."

"I am no longer a guard. Shouldn't your database be updated?" Grote patted the sleek casing of the logistics machinery and walked out of the factory.

It’s work time, but relieving mental stress and working time are not in conflict.

Grote walked to the church with people who had come from other factories. They were all people who were allowed to relieve mental stress and were engaged in everything.

The sentry drone flashing red and blue light flew in front of Grote and others. The sound of the safety unlocking came from the heavy bolt weapon mounted on it, and at the same time, a beam of light shot out and scanned the people present.

"Thank you for accepting the inspection." The scan result was correct, and the sentinel drone thanked him in a cold voice, and then flew to the next area.

Grote and others continued walking until they entered the church in the city center.

The church is a huge building that extends to a hundred floors underground. The auditorium on the ground does have the function of praying to the emperor, but its actual function is not for this.

Grote took the elevator to the underground part and saw a straight steel corridor and countless rooms on both sides of the corridor. He randomly found an empty one and walked in.

After detecting someone coming in, the door automatically closed and locked, and the originally dark metal room lit up with lights. Then a beautiful environment was displayed, and two bottles of wine popped up on the ground.

A beach, with the ocean in the distance and the blue sky above.

In this beautiful environment, a holographic interface popped up: Do you want to continue "Loyalists vs. Rebel Aliens"?

"Go on." Grote nodded.

Then a rifle appeared in his hand, and he participated in the previous full-line counterattack against the rebels from the perspective of an ordinary soldier.

After re-fighting the war from a normal perspective, Groat walked out of the room and took the elevator back to the surface.

The moment the elevator door opened, Grote saw a familiar figure.


When Gray, who was wearing Praetorian power armor, leaned against the wall and waited, everyone who passed by paid him a respectful salute.

"What, the guard captain Gray is also here to play against the alien rebels?" Grote smiled and walked forward and hugged Gray.

"I don't like that game. I prefer to watch a movie called Super Gray Kills Rebels." Gray joked, then suddenly became serious, "Maya has been found."

When Grote heard the news, he was stunned at first, then trembled, and then ecstatic, with tears and snot flowing out.

Gray patted his brother's shoulder and continued: "Her residence is assigned next to yours. You can see her when you go back after get off work. Then you must teach her some rules of life in New Catori."

"For example, you cannot engage in any recreational activities without permission, and you should not resist scanning when facing a sentry drone..."

"The legion commander specially made a genetic comparison device to help you find Maya."

"Fortunately, the person who was found through comparison and search using your genes is really your sister, and not a so-called woman with muscles all over her body."

"Besides, your brother..."

When it came to Grote's brother, Gray hesitated.

"He's dead, right?" Grote asked.

"Hmm. Huh? Yes, but..." Gray wanted to tell Grote what he had discussed with Qin Mo that day, but Grote did not give him a chance to say it.

Grote's expression was very calm: "My brother never yells at me. He is indeed good at using violence but does not rely on violence. He is simply a model... It was very wrong at that time. He seemed to have been taken away from his body. You know I was Do you feel anything? When I looked into his eyes, they looked like glass. He was banging on the glass inside to ask for help..."

"..." Gray was silent. Although others thought that Groat was a violent maniac when facing people who were not his own, he always understood that his good brother was actually a wise man.

"Contact me if you encounter any trouble." Gray patted Grote on the shoulder. "I have to go to work on recruiting soldiers. I'll come to you for a drink tomorrow night."

"Okay." Grote nodded in agreement.

After a while.

the other side.

"He is quite insightful." Qin Mo communicated with Gray with a very surprised expression.

"Of course. So...um...can Groat put on the Praetorian Power Armor again?"

Gray wanted to plead for Grote. He nervously waited for Qin Mo's reply, but then he heard a knock on the door from the communicator.

"Let's talk." Qin Mo hung up the call and turned to look at the door, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Duncan, the leader of the 87th Regiment, stepped in. After saluting, he asked: "You are looking for me."

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded, recalled for a while and said, "I heard that you have your friend's ashes in your hand?"

Duncan immediately thought of Albert's ashes.

My friend's last wish is to be able to see the sky after death, but even if he goes to the next nest, this wish cannot be fulfilled because it costs 30,000 Throne Coins to place the ashes on the planet's surface.

Unless everyone can garrison the upper nest one day, then Albert's ashes can be sent directly out of the window of the building to fulfill his last wish.

"You know, almost all soldiers who died in battle only had two last wishes before they died." Qin Mo stood up and walked to the table to sit down. Then he picked up the report he got from a census of the main control intelligence organization and read out It reads: "One is entrusting his family to his comrades, the other is wanting to see the sky after death."

"Yes, legion commander." Duncan nodded.

Qin Mo also nodded, and then suddenly asked something unrelated: "Do you know we are building an orbital dock?"

"I know, legion commander." Duncan said with some confusion.

"There is a position left on the orbital dock. This position is in the interlayer between the outer shell of the dock and the internal structure. It cannot accommodate instruments and equipment that are too large, but it can be used to store some small items, such as the ashes of the war dead. piece."

When Qin Mo said this, Duncan was so excited that he almost lost his temper. He could already predict what the legion commander would say next.

That is, the ashes can be put into the orbital dock together with the ashes of other war dead, and then they will be transmitted to low-Earth orbit together.

"In the last war, when we launched a counterattack, the probability of soldiers dying was less than 5%, but in the previous defensive war, the death rate was 70%. These war dead should be commemorated."

"Now they can not only see the sky, but they can look down at us from orbit."

Qin Mo said.

"Yes... yes, legion commander." Duncan nodded vigorously.

"After you leave, put the ashes in the hands of any logistics machine you can find, and then they will send the ashes to the dock." Qin Mo reminded.

"Yes. Thank you, legion commander." Duncan saluted and thanked him, then turned and left.

Qin Mo thought for a moment while watching Duncan leave.

Of course, placing the ashes of the dead in the last war in the mezzanine of the orbital dock is to commemorate them, but it also has another purpose.

The abilities of the mind in this universe are quite outrageous, and when something is worshiped or commemorated by many people it can even give rise to miraculous abilities.

Perhaps these ashes in the mezzanine of the dock can serve as a shield against psychic attacks.

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