When Creed tested Klein, the enemy army had been defeated and gradually annihilated.

By night the fighting was completely over.

Creed left the command building and returned to his comrades, who gathered in a room to chat as usual.

And Creed became the center of attention.

"Did you work as a staff officer during the day?" the officer asked.

When questioned by his superiors, Creed habitually confessed: "Yes."

"I know you think they are good people and want to help them, but I have to remind you that they are actually more suspicious than their enemies. Aren't you curious where the technology they use comes from?"

"Don't do this kind of thing again next time."

"This is my last warning to you, it's okay to reward them for their willingness to fix the ship, but don't go too far."

After hearing these warnings, Creed nodded seriously and said that he would never mess up next time.

While Creed was making his promise, a local soldier from the hive city suddenly opened the door and invited everyone: "You are all participants in the war. The legion commander invites you to join the commemoration of the war dead for a while, and there will be a dinner party later. , you can also watch "The 44th Regiment Holds the Position."

"Thank you, but no need." The officer refused immediately.

The soldier nodded, closed the door and left.

"Wait a minute..." Creed asked, rubbing the back of his head, "Why are we participants in the war? Is it because we served as staff officers?"

The officer hesitated for a moment, and then said: "When you were going to the command building, a tunnel in District 13 was suddenly discovered by the enemy, and then we, you know... helped along the way."

"More than just helping out, our company repelled the attacks of at least two enemy regiments in the tunnel." A white shield recruit stood up proudly and said.

"I don't even know about this." Creed was surprised.

"Of course you don't know. The specific battle situation in the Thirteenth District is discussed by several regiment leaders. Their command system is different from ours. One regiment can be responsible for many things."

"Do you even know their chain of command?"

"I have to learn more about the battle and analyze it. Besides... I want to buy some power armor from them at a friendly price."

"Alright alright."

Creed stopped asking and just smiled.

The others looked at each other and smiled too.

For the people of the Cadian Assault Army, their time in Tyrone's Nest during this period was like a vacation. Facing the attacks of two regiments in the tunnel of District 13 was like entertainment, and everyone was in a good mood.

late at night.

Creed was lying on the bed in the room, his body shaking and rolling, and the pillow was soaked with sweat.

Creed was lying on the bed and fast asleep, but in his dream he was fighting a war.

A sky full of airdrop pods streaked across the sky, the roar of artillery fire almost echoed throughout the entire planet, and the Titan roared as it advanced.

The war is becoming more and more difficult, and all kinds of bad news are brought to Creed. He patrols back and forth where the fighting is fiercest on the front line, showing his perseverance to the soldiers.

But the war is inevitably lost.

Until a super large black object slowly fell towards the continental plate of the planet, Creed suddenly woke up, sitting on the bed and breathing heavily.

Creed is a Cadian, this system is closest to the subspace rift called the Eye of Terror. Whenever the enemy launches an expedition from the Eye of Terror, Cadian will face the most violent attacks.

As a Cadian, Creed is not afraid of anything, but he, like everyone else in his homeland, has dreamed of the fall of Cadian more than once, but will be wary of the sky whenever he wakes up and sees Cadian still standing. The Eye of Fear in the middle raised its middle finger.

There is no sky visible from the bottom nest of Tyrone's Hive, and this is not Cadian, but Creed still raised his middle finger upward: "Cadian remains standing."

Creed fell down and continued to sleep, but he couldn't sleep, so he went to the rooftop of the building to relax, and took out a cigar from his arms and put it in his mouth.

Soon the second person came to the rooftop again, and Creed discovered that it was Qin Mo who was here.

Under Creed's confused gaze, Qin Mo walked to the railing and pointed to the street.

A ceremony was going on in the streets.

The orbital dock has been completed. Everyone in the city and all the soldiers of the First Army rushed to the streets to escort the ashes of the previous war dead to the orbital dock.

If you're looking for a place to watch the ceremony, look no further than the rooftop of a tall residential building housing tens of thousands of people.

"There are acquaintances of mine in there." Qin Mo said, looking at the big box containing the ashes, "A company commander who admired me very much died in this war."

"May his soul rest on the Golden Throne," Creed said.

Qin Mo continued to watch without saying a word.

Creed recalled the information he had collected about Qin Mo in the past few days. He knew what Qin Mo had experienced before, knew that he was a survivor of the 44th Regiment, and knew that he was running around to stabilize the defense line...

Creed believed that it was difficult for such a person who turned the tide of the war not to have high hopes and praise from everyone. It was not difficult to imagine what those soldiers who had loose military discipline but unconditional obedience were thinking.

And Qin Mo is not a ruthless ruler. Although the city is full of drones, people do live a good life.

Every civilian family can have a clean house to live in, with fresh water and food. This is a life that is simply unimaginable in other hive cities.

"You can leave after the orbital dock is built." Qin Mo suddenly said, "As a reward for your participation in the battle in District 13, I will issue a set of power armor to each of you."

After hearing this, Creed nodded: "I will also help you establish a complete officer training system and tactics suitable for you. I will do my best."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a heretic?" Qin Mo asked.

Creed shook his head. He felt from the bottom of his heart that Qin Mo was not a heretic, even though the technology he used was indeed very weird and suspicious.

Then Creed suddenly remembered that when he first came to Tyrone Nest, he instinctively wanted to go to the nest. He thought that he was not a person who easily trusted others, but he trusted the Tyrone Nest very much. Everyone in the nest.

"I'm not good at training the army, and I have no idea how to train military talents. You helped me a lot." Qin Mo turned to look at Creed and said calmly, "You can make a request to me."

Creed wanted to refuse and say that the boat could be repaired, but something suddenly occurred to him, so he swallowed his refusal.

Under Qin Mo's gaze, Creed asked slowly: "What do you plan to turn the Tyrone Galaxy into?"

"A safe and strong fortress galaxy. Everyone here must prepare for war, just like you, Cadian. Everyone can find their place, and even the hive will not have a chaotic place. Order exists in every corner of Tailong's three worlds, even in the darkest and most remote places in the Undernest," Qin Mo said.

Creed nodded and thought for a while, then asked: "Will you fight for the Emperor?"

"I will only fight for humanity." Qin Mo said frankly.

Upon hearing this answer, Creed was angry at first, then suddenly calmed down and nodded.

Both fell silent.

When the team escorting the ashes got further and further away, until no trace could be seen, Creed said: "I don't ask for anything from you, I just want an agreement."

"Say." Qin Mo nodded.

Creed stared into Qin Mo's eyes and said seriously: "I think you will definitely have a powerful army and fleet in the future, so my request is that you help Cadian when it falls into the most critical situation. Can I agree? ?"

In Qin Mo's view, this request was no different than nothing, because he knew that in the future, Chaos Warmaster Abaddon would launch the Thirteenth Black Crusade to attack Cadian. He could not sit back and watch the fall of Cadian with its black stone obelisk. No matter whether Creed, the future Lord of the High Fortress, would ask for help, help would definitely arrive in Cadian.

Because the black stone obelisk has the function of suppressing subspace, Qin Mo, who hates subspace very much, cannot sit back and watch the cracks in subspace expand.

So of course Qin Mo agreed without hesitation: "At that time, you only need to send someone to say a word to me."

"Say what?" Creed asked.

"Say: Cadian asks for aid," Qin Mo replied, "and I say: Tyrone will respond."

At this time, Creed nodded vigorously, and then suddenly felt a sense of fate. He felt that his arrival in the Tyrone Galaxy might not be just an accident.

Just when Creed wanted to ask Qin Mo and get the many doubts in his heart answered, Qin Mo had already turned around and left.

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