Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 77 The Real Guard

at the same time.

Stinger sat on the governor's throne as usual, handling affairs in the army, while his servants stood aside and reported various things at the same time.

"The Governor is very angry with you. Not only did you lose two battles, but you also caused the Roaring Rain of Bullets and Aylan to be killed. He is the only one in their family who believes in the Lord of Wisdom. The Governor also needs him to fight on the Tyrone III. Woolen cloth."

"After a while, the governor will send warships to transport soldiers and replenish your existing troops to about 700,000."

"Then there won't be any support."

Stinger listened quietly to the servant's report, then put down his military affairs and asked: "Wait, why did the Governor want to fight the people on Tyrone Three?"

"When the nobles were evacuating, some of them ran away to Tailong Three." The servant looked helpless, "Obviously the governor didn't even notice that some of his allies and enemies were secretly in contact with Tailong Three, and Tailong Three The number has been occupied by the Lord of Joy."

"Lord of Pleasure." Stinger searched his brain for information about the name.

He suddenly remembered that the Lords of Joy were a small, unpopular sect on Tyrone III, at least a hundred years ago.

As a result, I didn't expect that they had grown so fast and had already seized control of Tailong Three.

Before today, Stinger thought Tyrone Three was still under the control of the Governor.

"Let's do this." Stinger looked at the servant, "You and the Governor have a talk. I don't want reinforcements and let his warships come to the sky above the hive city for orbital bombing. Is that okay?"

"He will definitely say: I want to be beautiful, you loser." The servant replied with a smile.

"Don't make me skin you." Stinger warned coldly, and then began to think.

I originally thought that the First Army could be wiped out quickly, but now it seems that it is unlikely. The teleportation technology used by the First Army is too disgusting. It will take more than ten years to figure out what this teleportation technology is. Something happened.

Yesterday, another report was received from the front line. Some people who attacked District 13 reported seeing the Cadian assault force.

But the Stingers tended to believe that the news was a false alarm, or that the opponent was disguised as a Cadian strike force.

There is no reason why the Lord of Wisdom has been able to develop in this galaxy for so long. The Tyrone Galaxy is not an important place, and the Cadian Assault Force cannot come.

After thinking about this, Stinger asked the servant: "I can't figure it out right now, why the enemy doesn't take the initiative to attack? Are the people who come to the nest and are used as ritual materials by us unimportant in their eyes?"

"Maybe they are doing something important? Such as military expansion or something." The servant said with a smile.

"I guess so." Stinger nodded.

"By the way...what if we lose?" the servant asked.

"It doesn't matter if we lose, it won't affect our plan." Stinger said.

The servant thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "You will gain the favor of the Lord of Wisdom as we planned, and become the most powerful psyker in the entire galaxy."

"Shh..." Stinger looked around nervously, and when he saw that no one else was present, he quickly signaled the servants to be silent, "Don't say it, otherwise my other subordinates will hear it. I also want them to become my ritual materials. .”

In the next half month, Qin Mo still did not launch an active attack, but was preparing for the next war.

The weapons and equipment of the infantry have been comprehensively upgraded. The laser rifles are more powerful and faster-firing, and the power armor focuses on strengthening protection.

The chassis of the Leman Russ tank was transformed into an anti-gravity suspension chassis, and rocket pods were installed on the turret, making the tank more powerful.

Qin Mo even upgraded his five imperial guards, but not to the power armor, but to the physical body.

An upgrade from head to toe inside and out.

First, genetic enhancement is done to give the guards a stronger body and harder bones. These already strong muscles will also undergo various enhancement surgeries to ensure that their muscles and bones can supply energy when the power armor is not used. The power armor can be supported and can move normally.

The brain is implanted with a brain-computer interface, which is used to directly control the power armor of the guards through thinking. A biological processor is also implanted to help the guards process more information on the battlefield, and even allows their brains to rest in different areas. You can fight continuously.

The guards' faces and throats are implanted with metal skeletons and small storage chambers containing nanorobots. The former is simply to improve defense capabilities, while the latter can release nanorobots for repair when the body is injured.

Even the original eyeballs have been removed and mechanical prosthetic eyes have been implanted. These prosthetic eyes are directly connected to the database and can analyze everyone they see and confirm the identity of the other party. Of course, there are also functions such as auxiliary aiming and thermal imaging.

The guard's body and legs were also replaced with metal skeletons, and the original heart and other organs were replaced by three fusion reactors.

These three fusion reactors will continuously provide energy. The energy supplied is relatively small, but the advantage is that it will not go out.

As long as one reactor has not been destroyed, the guards will not die.

A more efficient transmission device is also implanted in the joints of the metal skeleton, allowing the guards to move faster, even if they are not wearing guard power armor.

In addition to the strengthening of the body and brain, the most important thing is the strengthening of the spine.

The original spine is directly replaced. The new spine not only allows the guard to carry the load of a tank, but also strengthens the nerves of the entire body, allowing the guard to react faster and move faster.

There is even an ability that can be actively activated, which is to speed up the reaction speed of the guards to the extreme they can bear.

When this ability is activated, the Guards will feel as if time slows down, but they can still move freely.

In their eyes, even the most agile Eldar warriors become cumbersome and sluggish.

It's just that this ability puts too much pressure on the nerves and lasts for ten seconds. If you use it for the second time within an hour, you will go crazy.

The guards who have undergone these transformations will not look like metal monsters. They are still covered with a layer of human skin cultivated in the nutrition warehouse. Of course, they can do without this skin.

These transformations involving genes, brain bones and even spines are theoretically fatal, but Qin Mo can make subtle adjustments through the ability to distort physics to ensure that the guards can survive the transformation surgery.

There is another benefit of the transformation, that is, the prosthetics and enhancements used in the transformation only involve genes and material technology, and do not have any subspace content. They will not mutate and develop more advanced anti-Asia in the future. After space technology is used by the guards, there is no need to worry about them being affected.

The upgraded guards are still called guards, but they are a hundred times more powerful than before.

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