Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 85 Lightning Strike

Inside the underground cave.

Qin Mo, who was studying weapons and charging the teleportation device, felt a throbbing in his heart, and a strong sense of disgust filled his mind and senses.

He originally thought this was an illusion. After all, it was impossible for there to be a large number of psykers around him, but this feeling was getting stronger and stronger now, so strong that he could even clearly feel where it came from.

Qin Mo slowly raised his head and looked at the roof. His gaze did not penetrate the roof, but he knew that something disgusting appeared at the top of the hive tower above him.

This thing is like a foreign object embedded in the material universe. The surrounding terrain, air, and even physical rules seem to be disrupted by the appearance of this thing.

"Gray, report on the progress of the war." Qin Mo stopped everything he was doing without hesitation, stood up, put on his power armor helmet, and asked.

His inquiry was conveyed directly to Gray in the communication channel and echoed in the latter's head.

"We have begun to march towards the eastern area of ​​​​the upper nest. The situation on the enemy's side is chaotic, and there have been a large number of deserters."

"After contacting the various regiment leaders on the front line, I think we can squeeze out at least six regiments to attack the hive tower."

Gray was still fighting when he made the report, and the enemy's screams and explosions could be heard from time to time.

The hive capital spire is not large in scale, and it is not the main target of this war, but the war situation is good now, and it will not be a problem to squeeze out some people to occupy the spire.

But Qin Mo stopped Gray: "Inform Yaoen to prepare for teleportation. Others will continue to attack the upper nest. I will personally take charge of the top of the tower."

"Okay... I'll notify Yao En right now." Gray hesitated for a moment, wondering what had interfered with Qin Mo's research.

Although this kind of war does not require Qin Mo's personal participation at all, Gray is good at obeying rather than questioning, so he did as he was told.

After receiving the order, Yao En immediately withdrew from the battlefield, evacuated to his own army amid heavy enemy troops, and then prepared for teleportation.

Qin Mo put on his power armor, took the chain sword and scepter, stood in the open space and prepared for teleportation, and then angrily ordered to the main control intelligence: "Send me to the center of the hive capital tower immediately. Let’s show some color to those bastards who practice witchcraft!”

The spire of the hive city.

The servant takes control of a Chaos Spawn called the Stinger, forcing it to follow him into the fortified building of the Governor's residence, and then begins searching for things in the hidden corners of the various rooms.

He is very familiar with this place, so familiar that he feels as if he is back home.

It didn't take him a moment to find what he was looking for - the scattered parts of the communication device.

The servant quickly assembled these parts, and then conveyed the order to his subordinates hidden in a secret corner of the hive world: "Send me to low-Earth orbit in your transport plane, and then we will wait for the arrival of the governor's battleship. Let’s go home together.”

"Roger that. For the Lord of Wisdom!"

His subordinates did not resist or negotiate terms. He immediately took off in a transport plane and would soon fly to the spire of the hive to pick them up.

The servant waited calmly, then looked at his master.

The Stinger was furiously resisting control, and the ground beneath its feet was shaking along with its body.

"Don't worry, your lifespan is short anyway. You will be free when we complete our big plan." The servant comforted softly.

Of course Stinger didn't understand. He was still resisting control, but this resistance had no effect at all.

The servant was thinking about his big plan in his mind, looking out the window with a smile, hoping that the transport would arrive soon.

Two seconds later.

An energy rift appeared in the center of the empty manor courtyard, and a second energy rift appeared on a large tree in the servant's peripheral vision.

A warrior wearing power armor appeared in the first energy rift. Just seeing this warrior servant made him feel uncomfortable.

And a person emerged from the crack stuck in the tree. This person's body had completely overlapped with the tree. The chain sword and scepter in his hand were like branches growing out of the tree. But the man was not affected and emerged from the tree like a phantom.

Even the servants found this weird scene incredible: "This... this is unreasonable..."

The man emerging from the tree walked forward in a menacing manner, as if he was very angry.

After observing all this, the servant immediately began to think whether he should run away or do something else.

An untouchable person, and a person who can penetrate the surface of objects like a ghost. This combination is not easy to deal with, and it is obviously irrational to fight head-on.

After thinking for a long time, the servant suddenly looked at the stinger beside him, thinking that this chaos egg might be able to delay him for some time so that he could find a chance to escape.

Although this would interfere with the grand plan, there was no other choice at the moment.

Besides, survival is part of the plan.

While the servants were thinking about countermeasures, Yaoen and Qin Mo walked together in the courtyard, and then strode forward, not caring whether there were enemies hidden in the huge luxurious building like a fortress in front of them.

"Just stay here and cooperate with me, Yao En." Qin Mo gave the order as he walked forward, then raised his hand towards the building directly in front of him.

A flickering electric current immediately appeared in the air, and then a small electric current was released from Qin Mo's fingertips and hit the building wall.

Yao En, who was following him, saw Qin Mo attack for the first time. He even turned on bullet time so that he could more clearly admire the power from the gods.

A small electric current traveled in the air and quickly flew to the outer wall of the building directly in front, and then penetrated directly into the wall without shattering it.

Immediately afterwards, Yao En saw light emerging from the luxurious and majestic building in front of him, and dazzling thunder and lightning spurted out from every window accompanied by a deafening roar.

Then, as if someone had stuffed a huge bomb inside and detonated it, the fortress-sized metal building was instantly blown to pieces, with the remaining debris splattering around.

The remnant power of this attack alone filled the air at the top of the hive's tower with electricity.

"..." Yaoen, who had witnessed the whole process, was now expressionless and his mind was blank.

"Follow me." Qin Mo stopped and ordered Yaoen.

"Yes." Yaoen immediately followed and accompanied Qin Mo as he continued to move forward, while habitually observing the biological scan results.

After the biological scan results confirmed that there were no living creatures nearby, and Qin Mo could not feel the strong sense of disgust, the two of them were sure that all the enemies had died in the previous attack.

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