Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 92 The little temple demon is so powerful

A week later.

In the command building, Qin Mo sat at the conference table, taking some time out of research to deal with other matters as before.

Those present included all regiment leaders and guards.

Klein is reporting on the most important things at the moment.

"The new recruits have been trained. There are a million people in total. They continued training according to the plan given by Creed halfway through the training. I have to admit that the Qadians have a good military skills."

"The 44th Regiment can be rebuilt."

After listening to the report, Qin Mo nodded, feeling that one million people was still too few.

The amount of one million people is nothing to a world with a huge population like Hive City.

The total population of Tyrone Hive is relatively small among all hive worlds. After all, there is only one hive, but the current population in the hive has not been fully registered yet.

According to the calculations of the main control intelligence, there must be at least more than two billion people in this hive.

"We have been recruiting troops everywhere since we came out of the lower nest. Now that the nest has been captured... the training is complete." Gray looked helpless. He recalled that the guards were following the logistics machinery in the lower nest. When the water purifier was being built, the Imperial Guard recruited troops, thinking that the new recruits would at least be able to participate in the war to take over the entire hive world.

"I'm afraid the existing weapons and equipment are not enough to equip so many people, right?" Anruida said worriedly.

"Enough." Qin Mo was very sure that the number of weapons and equipment was definitely enough.

From the day when the main control intelligence and logistics machinery were born until now, it is no longer known how large the number of logistics machinery has multiplied by itself. They carry printing devices to manufacture non-stop, and the number of weapons and equipment is definitely enough now.

Qin Mo felt more and more that it was absolutely wise for him to develop printing technology. Otherwise, even if the logistics machinery could work around the clock, it would not be possible for one person to have one piece of power armor.

"When will we start attacking Tyrone II?" Gray asked thoughtfully.

"Wait until the battleship is built. It's almost time." Qin Mo replied.

Gray nodded silently, lowered his head and continued to think about things.

"You are now the governor, should you hold a large-scale ceremony?" Anreda suddenly mentioned something unrelated to the war.

He was originally Boer's secretary, so he did not always think about things from the perspective of war. He believed that Qin Mo still had many things that he had not done, including the ceremony.

"We should still focus on the war." Qin Mo smiled and said in a calm tone, "Whether there is a ceremony or not, it does not affect the fact that I am the governor of this hive world."

"Of course, you deserve it, but..."

"We should spend our time on more important things."

"I see."

Seeing that Qin Mo was resolute and refused to mention the ceremony, An Ruida then thought about it. Qin Mo really didn't need to go through a ceremony to prove his status, or show his face in front of the people of the nest to let them remember. So the ceremony is really not an important thing.

"Do you have anything else you want to say?" Qin Mo asked everyone.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Everyone, please disperse." Qin Mo indicated that everyone could leave.

Everyone stood up, saluted and left, except Gray.

Qin Mo knew that Gray must have something to say, so he stared at him, waiting for him to speak.

"Can Groot participate in the war against Tyrone II?" Gray got straight to the point without mincing words, and helped his good brother relay the request, "Not as a guard, but just as an ordinary soldier."

"Okay." Qin Mo nodded in agreement.

Such a happy attitude made Gray stunned for a moment, and he couldn't believe it: "Really?"

"Really." Qin Mo thought for a moment and said his reasons, "The life of a normal civilian has made his mental state worse and worse. Since he is willing to participate in the war, let him participate."

"Okay!" Gray nodded vigorously, eager to tell Grote the news.

Qin Mo tapped Gray on the shoulder, wanting him to remind Grote of something, but he swallowed the words before he could say them.

Grote is not Yaon, he is not untouchable.

Not everyone wants to be the Riddler in this universe, but there are some things that really cannot be told to others. This is a universe where the more people know about it, the more dangerous it becomes.

After thinking about it, Qin Mo said: "I will make him the squad leader of the newly formed 44th Regiment. He has combat experience himself and does not need to start as an ordinary soldier."

"I will tell him. Thank you Governor." Gray thanked him, saluted, and turned to leave.


Qin Mo lay down on the table to rest.

When he opened his eyes in the dream, he found that he was once again in the place where he had dreamed of the mimicry.

The mimic this time turned into a bolter.

"Long time no see." Qin Mo sat in front of the mimic, looked at it and asked: "You haven't come to see me for a while. Was it because you were dragged by the Necrontyr to generate electricity or to help them fight the war?"

"Don't make fun of my tragic fate." Mimic changed from a bolt gun to a middle-aged man, looking at Qin Mo angrily.

Qin Mo stared at the mimicry calmly, unmoved.

Mimic sighed helplessly and directly told the reason why he found Qin Mo again: "I recalled one of my abilities. I can let you directly see the situation on the other two planets in the Tyrone galaxy."

"Can it still be like this? I thought you could only give a vague prophecy." Qin Mo was very surprised.

"Of course I can, otherwise how would I find you?" Mimic's body transformed from the bed into a screen, and then immediately showed Qin Mo images of other planets in the Tailong galaxy.

However, this image is not displayed on the screen, but the surrounding environment changes to look like the two planets.

Qin Mo stood between the two planets, watching them quietly.

Mimicry enlarged the two planets and quickly showed Qin Mo the specific situation on each planet.

As Qin Mo expected, Tailong 2 is the home base of the Bishop of Wisdom sect. They are carrying out rituals non-stop. It seems that they have some big plan. However, there are still resistance forces on the planet, and hundreds of millions of people are on the planet. They live and fight in the darkest sewers in the world. When these loyalists are at their most critical, the Eldar will appear to assist in the fight.

The cities on this planet are built like bastions. The largest capital city is even protected by a shield. The huge bastion cities can be clearly seen in space.

Tailong No. 3 is the focus of Qin Mo's inspection.

The planet is being bombed by two frigates, but the bombing is of little significance because all the people on Tyrone III live underground.

The situation on Tyrone 3 is... very, very disgusting. The people on it are engaging in hedonistic behaviors that challenge the limits of human beings, such as having a drinking competition. The competition is not about who drinks more, but who bursts his belly first.

In addition to the Corrupted, Tyrone III also contained Greenskin Orcs and Genestealers.

What makes people laugh and cry is that the Genestealers are fighting against the greenskins and corrupted heretics. They are attacking an underground city. Tens of thousands of people are escorting a standard bearer. They are shouting for the four-armed God-Emperor, withstanding the heavy firepower from the front. After fighting desperately to reach the center of the city, the flag bearer was eventually shot to death. Several people around him howled and rushed forward to raise the flag.

There were four people in total, the one at the front was holding the flagpole, and the three at the back were pushing the flagpole. They planted the double-headed eagle flag with four arms in the center of the city, declaring that this place belonged to the four-armed God Emperor.

"This galaxy..." Qin Mo was greatly shocked, "It's really a little demon in the temple, and a lot of bastards in Chi Qian."

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