Somewhere somewhere in the Eye of Terror.

A large number of battleship wreckage is scattered in the cold and vast void, and the symbols of the post-rebellion Iron Warriors can be seen everywhere on the larger pieces of wreckage.

Beneath the scattered wreckage lies the planet Medlengard and the massive fleet of the White Scars Chapter.

The White Scars, who specialize in void warfare, have annihilated the Iron Warriors' fleet, even though the fleet in their path was incredibly weak.

A small number of strike cruisers were in orbit around Medrungard, conducting orbital bombardments of the surface. Others, many more, were various auxiliary combat warships, used to assist in the landings on the surface under the personal command of the White Scars Chapter Master Juba Khan. war.

Judging from the local battlefield, this landing battle was undoubtedly fierce to the point of astonishing.

The first and second companies of the White Scars were deployed. A large number of mortal auxiliaries and chapter servants mobilized from the Chapter's recruitment world assisted the first and second companies in fighting. They even used various weapons prepared for Space Marines on a large scale. A heavy armored vehicle that builds positions near the landing site.

The White Scars, who were weak in positional warfare, acted as the attacker in this landing battle and actually started a positional battle with the Iron Warriors.

So from a macro perspective, this offensive war that was limited to the vicinity of the landing point was nothing more than a small fight. The war blacksmith who directed the war even doubted whether White Scar really wanted to choose to attack Medlengard, because at the landing point In the nearby battle, the Iron Warriors looking to retake the landing site looked more like the attackers.

The new flagship of the battle group, the 47-kilometer-long Glory Queen-class battleship named Lightning, is far away from Medlengard. It is docked there as if to protect Medlengard. The role of virtue.

As this strange war raged on, Jaghatai, Primarch of the White Scars Chapter, stood on the command deck of the Lightning.

When the White Scars Space Marines on the ground were fighting a positional battle at the landing site, the crew of the flagship, the Mechanicum priests and the mechanical slaves, all kinds of people came and went around Jaghatai, passing various messages or orders. , only the original body Jaghatai stood there motionless.

Like a stubborn stone.

"As you command."

The command deck gate opened, and the think tank stepped onto the deck and came to the Chagatai, placing his hands on his chest and saluting.

"We consolidated a position at the landing site."

"But the Iron Warriors' attack was so fierce, and Medrengard was so full of forts and fortifications that we could no longer widen our position even one kilometer."

The think tank had obviously just returned from Medlengard. He was covered in blood, and there was a strong smell of gunpowder smoke all over him, which made Chagatai subconsciously shrug his nose.

The think tank was very respectful and his tone was calm.

However, Chagatai, who is astute as he is, still sensed some dissatisfaction from the think tank.

Ryan couldn't accept his son's doubts and dissatisfaction, but Chagatai was different. He knew that this was human nature, and he understood and empathized with it very much.

After all, the entire battle group was executing a puzzling order.

The entire fleet defeated the weak Iron Warriors fleet at an extremely fast speed, and then there was no orbital bombing to disintegrate the defenses. The direct landing battle was completely contrary to the characteristics and strengths of White Scar.

"I understand." Chagatai nodded slightly to the think tank, "Continue."

The think tank saluted respectfully, then turned and left. He was originally sent by Juba to report the situation. Because the communication on the ground was affected, various information could not be directly conveyed to the fleet.

A large number of communication interference facilities, this is only the most insignificant of the many preparations of the Iron Warriors on Medlengard.

Such is the consequence of a plunge into Medrengard, the home of the Iron Warriors.

"Talonians." After a brief silence, Chaghatai looked at the man wearing a Tyrone navy uniform on the command deck, "Have your superiors given you authorization?"

The Tyrone said: "I have permission to assist you in deploying the C'tan. As long as you feel the time is right, the Tesseract Labyrinth can be launched from the celestial engine."

Jaghatai nodded.

Branch fleets assisted by Star Gods all have permission to deploy Star Gods, and such permission requires the person in charge and liaison stationed in the Tyrone sector in the fleet to obtain authorization, and then go through a long series of deployment links and processes. confirmation.

As with all aspects of the Tyrone Sector, they enjoy and excel at highly procedural things.

However, this is the first time that Chagatai has requested the deployment of the Star God to the person in charge of the stationed fleet. Even though Saranoga was in the fleet before, it has never been deployed by Chagatai in a war.

Jaghatai accepts a transcendent war ally, but never agrees with it.

However, it was a difficult battle to capture Medlengard, even after the enemy's fleet power was completely disintegrated.

Considering the price the Chapter might have to pay in this war, Jaghatai decided to borrow the power of the Star God.

Chagatai went through his plan in his mind, checking for any gaps.

It's very simple, that is, after consolidating the landing point position and ensuring that the black stone dropped will not be destroyed before landing, deploy the star god named Night Holder in the celestial engine, and then deploy the troops on the ground. All evacuate.

When the Nightbringer destroys a place, it drops the black stone structure to consolidate the reality of the place, and so on.

After the war, wait for the star god named Mimic to arrive, and then Mimic will retrieve the Nightbringer.

When you let go of certain attachments and choose to use the power of the Star God, things often become so simple.

However, Chagatai, who had previously been determined not to rely on the power of the Star God, had not yet figured out how to explain it to his heir.

When another branch fleet and the main fleet turned to the Star God for help, White Scar relied on his own strength to win one victory after another... and the heirs of Jaghatai were proud of this.

And now, Jaghatai felt the same way that Sanguinius felt when he asked for the deployment of the C'tan.

"The Blackstone Structure is ready." A Mechanicus priest came over and reported to Chagatai.

"Evacuate the ground troops and release the Blackstone construct after ensuring that there is not even a single Astra Militarum private left on the ground." Jaghatai ordered to everyone in the command deck.

Then he looked at the Tyrones on the deck: "Deploy that Death."

After hearing this, the person in charge who was sent by the sector to station the White Scar Fleet ordered into the communicator: "Activate the cognitive filtering matrix on the Lightning, and ask the Celestial Engine to implement the standard deployment process."

Chagatai felt heavy as he watched the person in charge conducting various verifications and sending various authorization documents.

He didn't want to use the power of the Star God, because he knew that whether it was Saranoga or the thing locked in the celestial engine, the only difference between them was that the former stood on his own front, and other than that, they were both cruel and greedy. .

But Chagatai felt slightly relaxed.

At least Medrungard, which is full of fortifications and fortresses, doesn't need to leave a corpse of a mortal or Space Marine every half a meter.

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