Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 97 The enemy ship returns

In the cruiser.

Even Adam, who had always been calm, looked extremely surprised at this time. He reported immediately after seeing the capital city on the planet disappear.

The person who made the report was not just Adam, but also the captains of the other two frigates.

The army could not directly overlook the entire planet, and it did not conduct a battle to attack the capital, so they did not discover this extremely strange situation.

After the report, Adam and the others soon heard the order: "Continue to focus on orbital bombing."

Adam immediately followed the order, forgot about the disappearance of the capital, and continued to arrange the bombing of various cities on the Tyrone 2.

Every time the light spear is fired, it can leave a deep crater in the city below. Other weapons can turn the entire city into a sea of ​​​​fire. The killing effect of the weapon is extremely clear when the field of view is magnified to the limit.

After watching the orbital bombardment for a while, Adam was still confused and couldn't figure out why the capital city disappeared.

But he soon gave up this doubt, because he found that even if the capital disappeared, it would only save some ammunition for all the battleships. Even if the capital did not disappear and the void shield was just closed, it would be enough to blast it for a whole day. Wipe out the capital.

"Report, enemy warship detected!"

A sudden report on the fleet communication channel drew Adam's attention from the surface back to space.

Since the frigate does not need to install a large particle lance, it has enough space left for more equipment, including detection equipment larger than that installed on the cruiser.

The frigate was the first to spot the enemy fleet, and its position was marked within Adam's field of vision.

When Adam turned his head and turned his perspective behind the battleship to the location of the mark, he saw three battleships jumping out of the subspace.

When this situation was discovered, the coordinates of the enemy ship were immediately transmitted to the superior.

Qin Mo, who had studied the technological relics, also discovered this situation. He saw the enemy warship from the holographic image.

These three battleships are located on the edge of the Tyron system.

Qin Mo knew that it was the location called Mandeville Point.

When a ship equipped with a subspace engine travels in subspace, it must avoid interference from the gravity of stars or other celestial bodies, and the minimum distance to avoid interference is the Mandeville point.

It is not absolutely impossible to forcefully jump near a planet. During the Damocles Expedition, there was a fleet that jumped out of subspace in orbit. It was like a roulette wheel loaded with five bullets. If you are unlucky, you will be There are serious consequences.

The two frigates that had jumped away from the galaxy before were among the three warships. They were lucky that no accident occurred.

In addition to the two frigates, there is also a Moon-class cruiser. This cruiser's port side macro guns are all scrapped. It is the cruiser that harassed the orbital dock before and was beaten away.

These three battleships were very lucky, but they did not dare to engage in extreme sports when they jumped back, and chose to jump out from the Mandeville Point in the Tyrone System.

I just don’t know what these guys are doing here, are they looking for death?

"Attack them." Qin Mo stopped paying attention to the situation outside the planet and just gave an order to Adam.

Adam immediately followed the order and prepared for battle, letting the entire cruiser move forward, while the other two frigates continued to accompany it.

Soon, the first two frigates entered the shooting range of the particle light spear, but Adam did not order an attack, but just watched silently.

In his field of vision, the range of the particle light spear was a clearly visible circle, and he waited silently.

Until the enemy's moon-class cruiser entered the circular range.

"Fire, target enemy cruiser." Adam ordered.

At this time, in a cabin in a room at the bow of the ship, the crew controlling the particle light spear began to lock and shoot.

Unlike the light spears used for orbital bombing, the power of the light spears used to shoot enemy ships has been reduced to ensure the longest shooting distance, but even the adjusted power is stronger than the small light spears originally carried on the orbital dock. Much stronger.

After locking on the Moon-class cruiser, a slender crimson beam was launched from the bow of the cruiser, and soon spanned half the galaxy and hit the Moon-class cruiser that was moving forward at full speed.

As expected, the light spear was deflected by the void shield.

But this is to be expected and acceptable. Adam continued to watch the particle light spear being charged and fired. Only after firing three rounds in a row, the light spear would take some time to dissipate heat and discharge the heat into space.

The third luminous spear shot at the Moon-class cruiser's void shield and was intercepted, and the fourth luminous spear was shot out again.

Just like before, the dazzling crimson beam emitted by the light spear weapon quickly streaked through the dark space, and was intercepted by the void shield just like before. However, this time the void shield was still there after intercepting the light spear, but it was not there yet. It disappeared when it was able to intercept the fifth luminous spear.

The fifth luminous spear was shot out and hit the starboard side of the enemy ship, penetrating directly close to the hull.

Those macro cannons and various other weapons that had not had time to fire were instantly destroyed. The starboard side of the Moon-class cruiser was as scrapped as its port side, and it was impossible to repair it in a year or two.

But the Lunar-class cruiser continued to move forward.

The captain stared at the holographic image in the bridge and stared coldly at the opponent's cruiser.

There was the sound of the bridge gate opening and falling almost every second, and a large number of people were running back and forth to report damage to the ship's hull.

"A conservative estimate is that more than 1,400 people were killed when they were hit just now."

"The starboard side weapons of the hull were destroyed as well as the port side!"

"Obviously, Captain, the enemy's beam weapon is stronger than the one used by their satellite to attack us before. It has a faster rate of fire, a longer range, and more power."

"what should we do?"


The captain listened silently to the bad news, then continued to stare at the holographic image.

His expression was as cold as his eyes, and he was staring at the enemy ships with a straight face... Although he didn't say anything, his calmness was enough to make everyone present feel a little at ease.

"Block off the area affected by the attack, and everyone should stop going to the left and right sides."

"The Tyrone Hope continues to move forward at full speed and lets the other two frigates execute the plan we made before!"

The captain finally spoke the order.

Everyone immediately went to execute it.

At this moment, another luminous spear came over and hit the top of the church on board the Moon-class cruiser, directly cutting off half of the entire church.

The captain continued to look at the holographic image and looked at the other two frigates approaching the ship.

There were only three battleships in total, and even the moon-class cruiser that was supposed to perform the mission in pairs only had one.

But these three warships are the only warships that the Tyrone Galaxy can own. They were obtained by the Governor after selling many things.

For this reason, the Lunar-class cruiser was named Tyrone's Hope.

"If you want to destroy Tai Lung's hope, fine, but I will die with you!" The captain squeezed out these words through his teeth.

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