Hua Ye, who became the Demon Prince, was so powerful that Chi You's fang in his hand was like a child's toy in front of him.

Although one of his wings and an arm like a crab's claws were cut off by Sakski in a sneak attack, as a great demon under Slaanesh who generally possesses the trembling attribute, the loss of an arm and a wing made him feel very sad. The pain but also made him feel the ultimate stimulation

emmm, this guy’s M attributes are maxed out!

But his powerful self-healing ability allowed his broken arms and wings to quickly heal and give birth to new ones.

Moreover, there was one more wing and arm that was broken off, and then the wings behind it were fanned hard to fan out Sakaski, who was unable to dodge. If Sakaski hadn't used the chain in his hand when he was being fanned away, The saw sword was placed across his chest, taking away part of his strength. Otherwise, based on the blow just now, Sakaski would probably have to enter the Dreadnought sarcophagus to tell stories to the new recruits even if he didn't die.

The angry Hua Ye attacked us fiercely with the crescent moon sword and the long whip in his hand. The think tank chief Zhan Guo directly used the psychic barrier to resist Hua Ye's attack, but he was also struck by that wave. The giant force opened it and took a few steps back.

The chain sword in the hand of First Company Commander Sakaski had already been broken into two pieces by resisting Hua Ye's blow. Now he could only use a double sword picked up from the ground from the remains of the legion brothers. Storm Arrow held on to the trigger tightly, and bullets flew out of the gun like a storm. But to Hua Ye, who had become the devil prince, this was as painless as a fish being bitten by a mosquito.

But too many mosquitoes are annoying. Hua Ye's snake tail whipped towards Sakaski like a long whip. The sound of the snake's tail swinging like a whip through the air made Sakaski feel scared, but the speed of the human body is always as fast as Regardless of what he was thinking, he wanted to dodge but couldn't. He was directly hit by Hua Ye's snake tail. The thickest ceramic breastplate on the chest, which is famous for its defensive power, was pulled out and dented, but it was dented. Sakaski withstood the attack, but completely lost his fighting power and fainted.

Seeing that Sakaski was so seriously injured, I became even more anxious, so I picked up Chiyou's tooth that was stuck on the ground, holding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, just like the ancient Roman records recorded in ancient Terra documents. Gladiators holding swords and shields fight against each other in the arena with ferocious and hungry ferocious beasts!

The sparks caused by the collision of the two blades flew across my face, causing a stinging pain.

The energy shield on his left arm was slapped hard on his face, and the high-temperature energy field attached to it burned the skin on his right cheek and tore off a piece of it.

The loss of face seemed to make him feel very ashamed. Three arms like crab clamps from behind came towards me. The think tank chief Zhan Guo used his powerful palms to clamp his crab clamps and attack.

Now the three of them are at a stalemate, and no one wants to let go. Qitai, who is not far away, has already solved a Slaanesh Daemon Engine (Slaanesh Conqueror) that has been entangled with him.

He limped towards us with his long legs, and the earth shook with every step he took. The teeth on the huge chain sword in his right hand shone with a cold light, and at the same time, the chain rotated rapidly, causing the saw teeth on it to buzz. The heavy cannon mounted on his left hand can be said to be a god dominating the battlefield!

The two hive missiles on his shoulders were a threat to everyone. When he came to us, he raised his right leg and stepped down directly. At this time, Hua Ye became a demon prince and his height had also increased significantly, about three meters. It's about 30 meters, but in front of the knight, it's just like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

The knight titan is about 9 to 14 meters tall. Hua Ye, who became the demon prince through sacrifice, is about the same height as Rogal Dorn, about 3 meters, less than 3.2 meters. The knight kicked down and Hua Ye was directly knocked down. Ye couldn't hold up his hands and bent his waist.

The arrogant Hua Ye will eventually face his own trial. The purity seal made of paint on the Knight Titan's shoulder armor protects him from the interference of chaotic spiritual energy. Hua Ye has so much power but doesn't know how to use it. After he obtained the black hole engine carefully built for him by Carl, he was full of desire to commit suicide, provoking this and that. In the end, he was defeated by Angel Yan, who became the new successor of Angel, and fled. Even his gunmate and assistant Ruoning was killed.

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