Warhammer Expedition Super God

Chapter 21 For the Emperor

The people of the Vena civilization have declared war on the Empire! The Empire's temporary base in the NO.1 universe is under attack!

The Second Legion and the mortal auxiliary army that survived the Great Purge and successfully reproduced are resisting tenaciously

Fortunately, the people of the Angel civilization lent a hand and transformed our weapons into special weapons that can kill the God of Technology. This made me sigh that the technology of the Angel civilization and the technology of those space skeletons can collide with each other. Perhaps the female angel with silver-white hair and blue eyes may be very interested in the technology of Space Cry!

The Vena civilization is worthy of being an old civilization. The fighting power that erupts when we confront each other should not be underestimated, although they often have to pay the price of 10 to 15 people to kill one of our Astartes monks!

And because our weapons and technology have developed rapidly with the help of the angels, (the angels also got what they wanted from us, such as the Geller stand, void shield, psychic power and even the warp engine! But they don't have the warp energy, so they can't drive the warp engine to make a warp jump)

Although the people of the Vena civilization are all so-called super soldiers in the mouths of the angels, we think these super soldiers are not as powerful as the super soldiers mentioned by the angels, and they are still beaten to the ground by our Astartes! Although the recovery ability of these super soldiers is very powerful, under the weapons with the ability to kill gods in the hands of our Astartes, their extraordinary self-healing ability is as useless as it is!

The wrist blade installed on the right arm was transformed by the angel into a phase weapon like the phase weapon of the Necrons, which can ignore any armor, protective gear, even energy shields or the body of the demon, but in our universe, phase weapons are very rare. Perhaps there are many phase weapons in the entire universe, and most of them are in the hands of the Necrons, only a small part is in the hands of the Empire, and some are still in the hands of assassins who like to hide in the shadows!

Just like the wrist blades of the Necrons' phase weapons make us even more powerful, those arrogant guys will eventually pay the price for their arrogance!

At this moment, a huge and magnificent warship is heading towards the target direction, the temporary base of the human empire in the NO.1 universe!

At this moment, the leader of the imperial guards team on the warship, Kassan, is explaining the situation of this universe and the current situation of the temporary base they are about to arrive at!

He must ensure the safety of all the imperial guards, the sisters of silence, and the sleeping cargo on the warship! Because once those sleeping cargoes wake up, they will burst out with a strong morning gas, which is likely to cause the destruction of this human super battleship that has survived since the golden age of mankind

The super weapon carried on the super human battleship ~ Yamato~, ~heavy particle beam torpedo~ is ready to be launched at any time

~Heavy particle beam torpedo~When it is fired from the torpedo tube, the aiming system on the top will self-correct the trajectory, and after hitting the target, it will release powerful heavy particles, and the heavy particles bombard other particles to produce a powerful explosive force! At the same time, the beam will cause the target to produce a strong light. If you don't avoid its sight in time when the explosion occurs, it is likely to blind you. At the same time, due to the strong beam concentration, it will gather high temperature and melt the surrounding protective armor and the surrounding living forces. At this time, a ~heavy particle beam torpedo~ popped out from the launch chamber and headed for the target planet at a very fast speed. To be precise, it was a warship from the Vena civilization in front of the target planet! What consequences will the torpedo hit the target? In the novel, it cannot be clearly expressed in words. It can only be said that at the moment of the explosion, everyone on the battleship saw an extremely powerful beam burst out, and at the same time, it directly tore a crack in the thick armor of the battleship, and drained all the air in the battleship. Then the heavy particles collided with each other to generate powerful energy, and the energy began to fission and then produced a powerful explosion! Even if these imperial guards had seen the magnificent scene of the nuclear bomb explosion with their own eyes, they could not compare with the magnificent scene of the heavy particle beam torpedo explosion! It was like a sun appearing in the center of the enemy's warship, cutting it in half.

At the same time, on the ground battlefield, everyone stopped attacking at the same time and looked up. They saw that there was another sun in the sky, which was bigger than the sun hanging in the distance, but the temperature was also higher. The super soldiers of the Wiener civilization seemed to have no gene to endure high temperatures, and they were sweating like dogs. Then, although we Astartes monks could endure extreme high temperatures, the heavy armor wrapped around our bodies made us feel like we were in a steamer. Although it was very hot and our bodies sent warnings, we were not as unbearable as the super soldiers of the Wiener civilization!

But soon the sun hanging in the sky, the sun closest to us, quickly disappeared, which made us realize that perhaps the sun was man-made!

It is estimated that the so-called Wiener civilization was destroyed by the warships of our empire, which caused the eruption of such a brilliant and dangerous sun!

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