Warhammer Expedition Super God

Chapter 5 The war between angels and scum 5

There are many battleships floating in the orbit of Tiangong Star, and these battleships are mainly one battleship that is one hundred kilometers long and sixty kilometers wide! The entire body of the ship is made of a material very similar to the living metal unique to the Necron. The entire body of the warship is engraved with prayer verses to bless the warship as it travels across subspace. Will be attacked by warp demons or corrupted by warp.

And this battleship is the famous "Sky Dragon" Emperor-class battleship. It is also the largest of all Emperor-class battleships, even bigger than the Phalanx and the Abyss-class!

Such a battleship is the dream of all the original bodies, but as to why it fell into the hands of Leon, this is another story. Let’s not talk about this story for today. We’ll talk about it later.

The "Sky Dragon" Emperor-class battleship was one of the ten super battleships built when the Emperor landed on Mars to slay the Void Dragon. It was one of the vehicles of the Human Emperor at that time! As for why it is called one of the vehicles of the Emperor of Mankind, it may be because the Emperor of Mankind at that time owned countless vehicles, and this one may have been awarded to the Primarch Leon of the Second Legion, and Perhaps Leon, the Primarch of the Second Legion, gained the Emperor's approval through some means and obtained the battleship.

So much so that when Leon obtained this battleship, his other brothers were very jealous of him. Even the Primarch of the Sons of Horus, the 16th legion most trusted by the Emperor, Horus was jealous of him. The Emperor was jealous of this behavior, but Horus said nothing, just a little jealous of Leon.

alright. The topic is back on track

In the command module of the Emperor-class battleship "Dragon" floating in the orbit of Tiangong, Leon, the Primarch of the Second Legion of Space Marines, was discussing the next step with his ally, Keisha, one of the three leaders of the Female Angels. How to deal with the stubborn lackeys of Chaos on Tiangong Star.

But at this time, the two battlefields of Tiangong Star were in full swing. The enemies on the side battlefield were helped by the enemies on the front battlefield. As a result, the Space Marines responsible for the attack on the side battlefield were subjected to a baptism of ammunition like a violent storm every step forward. . At this time, the mortal auxiliary army Consquet's Third Regiment on the flank battlefield had an Emperor's Chosen presence. As a result, any enemy who wanted to attack Consquet's Third Regiment was killed by the Emperor's Chosen. .

However, due to the extremely powerful enemy firepower on the side battlefield, even the presence of an Emperor's Chosen member from Consqueit's third regiment could not completely reverse the situation on the battlefield.

The frontal battlefield is much more tragic than the side battlefield. Because the enemy's firepower on the side battlefield is too fierce, and the enemies on the side battlefield previously requested support from the front battlefield, the enemy's firepower on the side battlefield has doubled. As mentioned above, this also resulted in the fact that although the frontal battlefield lacked firepower, it relied on natural barriers to block the vast majority of Space Marine attacks and the artillery cleaning of the mortal auxiliary army.

As for why orbital bombing was not used, the main reason is that Kesha, one of the leaders of the female angels who is an ally of the Second Legion, disagrees. After all, as the home of angels, Kesha is afraid that chaos will pollute this beautiful planet. Not agreeing to let the men of the Second Legion use orbital bombardment.

For the sake of their allies, the Second Legion did not use orbital bombing, but not using orbital bombing does not mean that the Second Legion does not have weapons more terrifying than orbital bombing!

Although on the frontal battlefield, the enemy relied on natural barriers to block the Space Marines' attack, don't forget that the Second Legion has some "magic machines that walk on the earth" that have not been used.

Although using these "magic machines that walk on the earth" will have a certain probability of angering the accompanying machine guys, dispatching these things also means that this war has reached a certain level! The most terrifying thing is nothing less than an apocalyptic war! Every apocalyptic war can affect the safety of the empire!

But now, these "magic machines walking on the earth" have not yet come to their stage, but! I believe that all of you here have seen the Emperor's Baneblade, it can be said to be very rare! I think it is the most suitable for dealing with natural hazards!

The Emperor's Baneblade and its variants are one of the oldest Imperial tank designs still in use.

It has some standard template technology from the Dark Ages that exists only on its own architecture. These STC technologies are limited to a dozen forging worlds, and the most important Emperor's Baneblade is still produced on Mars.

It is said that the Emperor's Baneblades served the Emperor in full divisions in the past. An Imperial Guard force was extremely lucky to have a company of three vehicles, and most of the time there was only one. The Emperor's Baneblade's main cannon uses an incredibly powerful rocket-propelled projectile, and the Emperor's Baneblade's Crusher Cannon allows it to carry out devastating bombardments as it advances.

At the same time, this also makes the Emperor's Poison Blade very outstanding in attacking fortresses!

At this time, a shuttle carrying the Emperor's Baneblade slowly took off from the battleship's cabin. After all, due to the Emperor's Baneblade's huge size and astonishing weight, the shuttle emitted a hundred percent loud noise while flying. The power of the machine soul in the body is constantly burning its soul in exchange for greater power.

In the end, after the shuttle swayed and safely delivered the Emperor's Baneblade to the surface, it unfortunately crashed, which made the oilmen on the battleship a little too sad.

After all, this is its incarnation. Now let this Emperor's Baneblade show its due strength!

When the Emperor's Baneblade swayed onto the frontal battlefield, facing the heavy fortifications built by the enemy using natural barriers, the pilot sitting in the Emperor's Baneblade saw the heavy fortifications built by the enemy through the spy device. Then he showed a dismissive expression.

Then the driver gave the order to the ammunition loader, "Load high-explosive armor-piercing rounds in one shot."

"The high-explosive armor-piercing ammunition is loaded in one shot," the ammunition loader said after loading the ammunition.

"Lean upward at a 45-degree angle and fire after three seconds," the pilot in the Emperor's Baneblade said.

Three seconds later, with the roar of the Crusher Cannon, a high-explosive armor-piercing projectile flew out of the cannon's muzzle at an extremely fast speed and quickly hit the target.

In the cockpit, the driver was observing the heavy fortifications built by the enemy through the peephole. Then a few seconds later, a harsh scream came from the sky, and then the heavy fortifications built by the enemy relying on natural dangers exploded with huge explosions. The sound and the mushroom cloud that could be clearly seen from outer space turned into a puddle of debris.

The enemy's heavy fortifications were vulnerable to the Emperor's Baneblade.

The heavy defenses were broken and the enemy's morale was severely hit. On the other hand, the Space Marines' morale was greatly improved with the help of the Emperor's Baneblade. In the next battle, no enemy could be defeated by the Space Marines in one round. The enemy, the bolt gun in his hand is like a reminder. As the sound of the bolt gun is fired, the enemy on the opposite side will be beaten to pieces or broken into two pieces at that moment.

Due to the help of the Emperor's Baneblade on the frontal battlefield, the enemy's firepower on the side battlefield instantly weakened. The Space Marines responsible for the frontal attack seized this moment and jumped out of the trench, holding in their hands The bolt gun of the bolt gun was tightly locked, and all the bombs in the magazine were shot out in the blink of an eye. The "normal bullets" bombs were simply astonishing in the eyes of the enemy. Just like the book of life and death of the king of hell and the judge's pen, whoever wants to die can be allowed to die.

In an instant, those enemies who had not yet hid in the trenches were instantly cut into pieces by the bombs flying towards them. Half of their bodies, full of fishy odor but with strange purple blood, lay in the trenches, twitching from time to time. When his companions came to their senses, the Space Marines had already jumped into the enemy's trenches, and the bolt gun in their hands had already been replaced with magazines. Then with a slight movement of the thick index finger, for ordinary people, the gun was deafening. The sound was so sweet to the ears of a Space Marine, ah, another Chaos cultist bowed before the Emperor's glory!

The side battlefield was reversed at that moment. The Space Marines instantly transformed from the defensive side to the offensive side. The enemy was beaten with feces and urine, and the entire trench was filled with a fishy smell.

As the main force of the mortal auxiliary army on the side battlefield, the Third Regiment of Consqueit is led by an Emperor's Chosen. Any enemy who dares to stand in front of them will be torn to pieces by them!

Now, the pressure on the side battlefield is instantly reduced, and on the frontal battlefield, thanks to the help of the Emperor's Baneblade, the morale buff has been 100% strengthened. Thanks to the leadership of the Emperor's Baneblade, any fortifications built by the enemy will be destroyed. It was reduced to ashes in the roar of the Emperor's Baneblade's artillery.

And now, in the center of the Tiangong Star, the gorgeous palace where Hua Ye lives comes with Hua Ye's angry rebuke! "Don't eat the sour radish, you bunch of scum, you're going to be so pissed off! Baga is blocking the road, you bunch of scum will all die! I have spent so many resources to upgrade your system and your divine body. Looking back, Is this how you repay me! Oh, tell me, answer me! You scumbags!" Hua Ye's roars continued in his magnificent palace! Some leaders in the army had their faces covered with Hua Ye's angry curses and spittle, but they did not dare to act rashly because some who dared to resist Hua Ye at this time had already been beheaded by Hua Ye's sword. .

The leaders of these armies could only be scolded by Hua Ye and endure the anger from Hua Ye! As the master of male angels, Hua Ye saw that his army was being defeated by the army of female angels and outsiders, and there was a sudden anger in his heart that came from nowhere. Those who used to pay Hua Ye The female angels around him had already been turned into nutrients by the furious Hua Ye through the power of Slaanesh.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the armor worn by Hua Ye actually has the painful and wailing expressions of those female angels before they were devoured by Hua Ye and became his nourishment!

The painful and wailing expressions of the female angels are densely packed with the armor that Hua Ye is wearing now. If the breeze passes by Hua Ye, then you will smell a trace of perfume with a slightly bloody smell, and at the same time, you will also smell this slightly bloody perfume. In the bloody perfume, you can smell or hear the painful wails of those female angels before they die and the moans they make when they turn into joy!

At the same time, above the orbit of the Tiangong star, in the command cabin of the "Tianlong" emperor-class battleship, Leon and Kesha were discussing Hua Ye's next move.

Leon pointed to the sign on the palace where Hua Ye was located on the map and said: "I think that guy named Hua Ye will be hiding in his magnificent palace until our joint forces attack his palace. After that, he will come out of his splendid palace!"

Kesha retorted: "Do you think Hua Ye is a fool? Staying in his palace like a fool, and then waiting for us to attack? Then throw yourself into a trap or bring about your own destruction?"

Leon chuckled and then said: "Kesha, Kesha, it's no use that you are still the commander-in-chief of all female angels. According to you, Hua Ye is an extremely arrogant person. He will definitely stay in his palace. , waiting for us to come, but when we come, it will not be that he will die, but that we will encounter an unprecedented battle, and you Kesha will also see the horror of fighting Chaos! It’s good that you Keisha won’t wet your pants in fear!”

After Kesha snorted, she said a little arrogantly: "Then I'll wait and see. I want to see how terrifying it is to fight Chaos. Will it make me, the commander-in-chief of all female angels, pee in my pants? "

After Leon heard what Kesha said, he laughed and said: "Haha, Kesha, don't be so full of words. I think you, the commander of the female angels, will not be aware of the series of side effects caused by fighting Chaos. You will want to see it. As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer. This sentence is perfect for the series of side effects of fighting with chaos! "

When Kesha heard Leon's alarmist words, she cut her throat and said: "Then I, Kesha, want to see what it means when gods fight and mortals suffer! I, Kesha, am the commander-in-chief of all female angels, and I will be afraid of this!" Don't be ridiculous, as an old man who has been used to fighting on the battlefield, I will be afraid of those trivial side effects? Leon, have you heard of Yingxiao? "

Leon frowned slightly and then said: "According to the records left by an ancient Eastern country in the Imperial Library, camp roars mostly refer to a type of sudden events in the ancient army, and long-term mental stress is one of the main causes. 1. According to the description of Ying Xiao in an ancient oriental book called "Zizhi Tongjian", it can be seen that Ying Xiao is extraordinary! "

Kesha sighed and said: "Yes, Ying Xiao, this is a very scary thing. I have seen female angels under my hands. Due to the long-term fight with male angels and the combination of male and female angels, Due to the unequal fighting power between them, it is not uncommon for multiple female angels to work together to kill a male angel. One time, I was leading a female angel troop to be stationed in a valley. That day I was in a tent. Processing the casualty documents of the troops, but what I saw that day was what my father often called the camp roar! That day, some female angels kept killing themselves like crazy, and even attacked their comrades around them. , and because their comrades could not bear to harm their former comrades, they became living souls under the swords of these female angels! In the end, the camp roar was solved by me and some other sisters, but from now on, only the troops will survive! It doesn’t matter if anyone who appears in Yingxiao is killed, after all, losing a small part in exchange for the safety of the vast majority of people, I think this is something that any angel commander will face! "

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