Linda was already emotional, and the wet corners of her eyes were even more charming.

Her whole body fell.

As long as the Governor nods, she is willing to do anything.

Ron looked at Linda's appearance, swallowed his saliva, and couldn't help it.

In broad daylight, it is simply tempting to commit crimes!

Linda's eyes were straight, as if she cared about Ron: "Sir, are you feeling unwell? I'll accompany you back to your room."

Ron frowned, asking questions knowingly, right?

If I really enter the room with you, the situation will be difficult to control.

He took another look.

Hiss~ It’s really hard to control...

Seeing that Ron didn't agree, Linda hesitated for a while.

She gritted her teeth and said with a blush, "If you don't want to go to the room, then... you can stay here, too."


Ron glanced at a row of maids standing not far away. They were looking here cautiously, their faces slightly red.

It's in public, isn't it?

Ron wanted to be impulsive, but he couldn't.

What if I get impulsive and end up in the palace of Slaanesh again?

He must restrain his desire, at least wait until Little Sun's ability has recovered to a certain level and he has the ability to protect himself!

Seeing Ron's hesitation, Linda took action.

Phew, this is not bad!

Ron quickly held her down and comforted her: "Definitely next time!"

"Sir, did you promise me?"

Linda, who was kneeling, raised her head with an expectant look on her face.

What kind of magical perspective is this?

Ron couldn't restrain himself, so he made some moves, then stood up and left with satisfaction.

"I still have something to do, I'll go deeper later!"

He is indeed in trouble.

After leaving the spire mansion, Ron came to the Anglican Church under Carter's escort.

He had something important to discuss with Bishop Dorney.

A few days ago, after learning that Ron had used gold and gems to decorate the God-Emperor icon, Bishop Donnie was very satisfied and his attitude toward him became much better.

This time, he went to the church door in advance to greet Ron.

"Your Excellency, are you too polite?"

Ron got out of the car and exchanged greetings: "I just made some insignificant contributions to His Majesty the God Emperor."

"The great God-Emperor will never forget anyone's efforts!"

Bishop Doni was smiling: "Your Majesty the Governor, let me pray for you."

He turned and walked inside.

When Ron saw this, he followed him. He didn't mean to pray.

But now that it’s here, let’s pray.

He followed Bishop Doni to the shrine and prayed under the guidance of the other party.

Cherubim flew around him and sang hymns.

There were also angels holding holy water and pouring it on him as if they were free of charge.

The whole church was dedicated to Ron alone.

It seems there is really no business left.

But that's right, this church originally served the nobles and officials who came to the nest.

But in that heretical rebellion, almost all the nobles and officials who came to the nest were slaughtered.

Those who were lucky enough to survive were purged again by Bayev.

Those who can stay now probably don’t have much time to pray.

Nowadays, there are many loyal believers among the people in the territory.

But they are either in the mine or the factory at the moment, so it would be nice to have time to sleep.

There is no time to come to church.

Since I am willing to use the luxurious rest time, I want to come to the church to pray for the blessing of the God and Emperor.

Due to long-term hunger, they simply did not have the strength to walk such a long way to the church.

Even if they really have the strength, the Sacred Square is already under martial law.

They would be stopped by bailiffs and driven away.

If you are stubborn and force your way in, a beating will be considered a light punishment, and the unlucky ones may even be executed on the spot.

But that's only temporary.

Everything will change in the future.

Every citizen of Eth is qualified and must be qualified to pray for the God-Emperor’s protection.

After the prayer, Ron came to Bishop Dorney and handed over the data pad, which contained documents related to the ceremony.

From the time Urth was burdened with heavy taxes to the fission of subspace now, the "Emperor's Ascension Festival" gatherings have been suspended for many years.

Now he wants to restart the "Emperor's Ascension Festival" and hold a grand ceremony on the festival day!

Ron promised to help the church rebuild its former glory in the future, and hoped that Bishop Dorney could cooperate with him in the ceremony.

Based on his contacts in the past few days, he felt that the old pastor's probability of rejection was low.

Bishop Dorney carefully flipped through the words and pictures on the data pad.

To put it simply, it is the imperial version of PPT, which records the ceremony process, the attire of relevant personnel and the speeches in detail.

Of course, the most important part is about Bishop Donnie, who needs to cooperate with Ron's actions.

On the "Feast of the Ascension of the Emperor", the icon of the God-Emperor will appear in its entirety and perform great miracles.

In conjunction with the grand ceremony, Bishop Donnie announced to everyone the identity of Ron's savior based on the divine revelation he received.

Afterwards, the benevolent Imperial Governor Ron Grant will appear in front of his people in the most perfect posture.

He will make promises to save people from their suffering!

That's the whole plan.

The entire plan will use most of the material reserves in Wangting District. This is a huge gamble!

As he read through it, Bishop Doni's expression became more serious.

Ron's heart was also raised: "If you have any questions, you can ask us, and we will make changes and cooperate."

"I only see deceit!"

Bishop Doni tightly grasped the data board, and he controlled his emotions: "You are deceiving the believers, trying to use the majesty of the Emperor to seek political benefits...

What a blasphemy!"

"This is temporary, I will..."

"I will not agree!" Bishop Doni interrupted Ron's explanation: "Go, Your Excellency the Governor, the church will never tolerate such blasphemous behavior!"

He stuffed the data board back to Ron, leaned on the scepter and turned away.

Influenced by the master, the cherubim also flew away from Ron.

"At least listen to my explanation." Ron sighed: "What's wrong with a white lie? I'm doing this for the people of the territory."

"Lies lead to heresy, and the Emperor does not accept any deception!"

Bishop Doni's stern voice came, without a trace of room for negotiation.

Ron looked at the other party's back and sighed deeply.

It seems that there is no way to win the support of the church.

But the plan has begun, and he has let people spread the news: the kind Lord Ron Grant has been blessed by the Emperor and will save the people from suffering.

Such news, combined with the miracle of the Emperor, the restoration of the Emperor's statue overnight.

The inspiring effect will be multiplied.

But he does not have the support of the church now, and may even be opposed.

The problem is troublesome...

If the church suddenly jumps out to oppose him on the day of the ceremony, the situation will be difficult to deal with.

Ron looked at Bishop Doni's back as he walked away, feeling helpless.

He couldn't even force this old man.

When Shangchao resisted the army of heretics, it was Bishop Doni who led the priests to charge at the forefront.

He wielded a huge power axe and chopped into the enemy's rear under the gunfire.

In the end, he chopped off the head of the heretic high priest who blasphemed the Emperor.

This greatly hit the morale of the heretics, giving the Royal Court District a chance to turn defeat into victory.

For this old man, this loyal, fanatical, and even radical believer of the Emperor.

Ron really didn't want to do anything to hurt him.

His face was heavy, and he turned and walked out of the church.

The Royal Court has already spent so much manpower and resources, the ceremony of the "Emperor's Ascension Day" must continue.

The arrow is on the string and must be shot!

Ron got on the hovercraft and set off back to the Spire Mansion.

Face-to-face communication failed, so he had to start Plan B.

"Since I can't convince you, let the Emperor come!"

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