Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 75 Life is precious nourishment

The middle-aged man has made up his mind, no matter what the price, he will stay!

Ya Rui had a cold face. He stared at the middle-aged man for a while, and then firmly refused:

"Sorry, you are indeed not qualified to join the National Guard.

With your weak constitution, going to the battlefield will only lead to death.

I want warriors who can fight and obey orders.

I am responsible for my army and the Governor!

Now, please leave immediately.

If you interfere with discipline here again, you will be subject to military execution! "

Soon, the middle-aged man was dragged out by the SADF soldiers.

Ari understood and pitied the poor man.

But in the army and on the battlefield, excessive kindness can be fatal.

If such a weak man goes to the battlefield, he will only die in vain, and he is more likely to drag other soldiers down!

To put it bluntly, not everyone is qualified to sacrifice their lives for the great and benevolent Governor-General.

How can it be so cheap to just grab a gun and rush to the battlefield to die for the Governor?

First of all, he has to have the qualifications and conditions, and he has to undergo rigorous training, and finally he has the opportunity to carry the new laser rifle and go to the battlefield to sacrifice everything for the Governor.

Otherwise, it will be a waste and blasphemy of the governor's gift!

Of course, the family of the middle-aged man who was kicked out would not easily starve to death.

Life can give birth to the power of hope, which is Ron's precious nourishment.

Although Ron is not an evil god, he will not let go of any life easily.

It is an extravagant waste to let a loyal life pass away in vain.

He will give all life its due value.

While the middle-aged man was on his way home in despair, Ron had passed a new decree.

This decree will provide the extremely poor special families in the Wangting District with half a piece of Type I corpse starch bar with a wheat flour content of one-twentieth every day.

Although such a meal cannot completely relieve hunger, it can at least sustain life.

This will give some extremely difficult special families a glimmer of hope, allowing them to survive the most difficult period.

After that little episode, Ya Rui inspected the place and left the recruitment office.

He wanted to return to the military camp to train those young men hard and improve their combat capabilities.

In this way, when fighting against the damn Homan family, we can win the battle and more people can survive.

All for the extremely kind Governor!

While mobilizing for war in the King's Court District, Ron was also paying attention to the situation in the Homan family's territory.

He could feel that the darkness in the territory of the Homan family was gradually getting deeper.

The power of darkness is slowly getting stronger, he has to hurry up!

In order to weaken the strength of the Homan family territory.

He followed Yusef's example, sent a large number of spies, and launched a plan to disrupt their territory.

But his attack was not the use of chaos pollution, nor was it inciting riots, nor was it spreading rumors. Those were the tactics of a shameless villain.

Ron used an upright attack.

He ordered spies to regularly deliver a type of corpse starch stick with one-twentieth of wheat flour content to various parts of the Homan family's territory, as well as a large number of promotional leaflets.

Those type-1 corpse starch sticks and flyers clearly conveyed some information to the people in the Homan family territory.

That is, there is enough food in the Royal Court area, and in the name of His Majesty the God-Emperor, we are willing to accept any people who dare to leave the Homan family and come to offer their loyalty!

This trick is very useful.

These days, groups of people secretly escape from the Homan family and come to pay their loyalty to the great Governor Ron Grant.

That greatly strengthened the strength of Wangting District.


In the secret laboratory in the territory of the Homan family.

The deformed gray rat was covered in bruises and was hiding in the corner looking at the hateful human named Yusef in fear.

Recently, he didn't know why, but he was feeding himself less and less fresh meat.

And it became more and more manic, beating it to the ground at every turn.

It’s simply baffling!

Although the eyes of the deformed gray rat are filled with fear, its round eyes are actually secretly observing the escape route in order to escape when the opportunity is right.

Of course it tried a few times, but failed, getting beaten worse each time.

Humans are really scary, simply more cruel than that.

Shushu can't stand it anymore!

The deformed gray rat felt sad and couldn't help but chirped a few times.

Yosef heard the noise and became furious:

"Damn mouse, are you laughing at me?"

He raised his mechanical arm, contracted his palm to reveal the black muzzle, and fired two hard shots in this direction.

Two booms.

The deformed squirrel was hit hard by two shells. Its whole body was charred, its dark eyes were closed, and it lay on the ground with its belly turned upward, motionless.

If you look closely, there is a small teardrop falling from the corner of your eye.

Shushu, it’s heartbroken!

The deformed squirrel did not dare to move, and the experimenters did not dare to breathe.

In recent days, the whole family of anyone who offended the lord was sent to be fed to the divine fetus descended by the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes.

Yosef was indeed very angry. He suffered the greatest humiliation in his life.

All his perfect tricks were easily solved by Ron's incompetence!

Many spies sent out have lost contact!

He really couldn't figure out how Ron, that coward, got the food.

In the end, he could only conclude that the food and farm technology were in the treasure house of the Grant family.

Just like the guards, they are the treasure of the Grant family.

Ron, that despicable person, has always been hiding his strength, just waiting to see his own joke.

And that villain actually sent me a thank you letter!

He felt like his ancestors three thousand years ago were deceived and teased by the shameless Grant family.

What a shame!

But Yosef had seen the cunning man's wiles.

He just wanted to provoke himself and make him impulsively provoke the final decisive battle!

But he is the great Yusef, how could he fall into such a cheap trick?

The core area of ​​the Wangting District has been maintained and armed for three thousand years. Even after being plundered by evil traitors and rebels, the defensive weapons left behind are extremely powerful.

Unless you wait for the true heir of the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes to hatch, taking the initiative to attack him is a foolish act that seeks your own death!

In fact, Yusef hoped that Ron would be able to hold back and attack quickly.

Then I can let him taste the chaos gift that I carefully prepared...

After thinking it through, Yousef quickly calmed down and responded.

Since Ron, that hypocritical person, cares so much about those untouchables, he will never let them get what they want!

“Humph, all the strength of the Grant family has been exposed.

When the final moment of battle comes, it will be me who wins! "

At this time, the Homan family's refugee camp.

Many refugees from Wangting District are stranded here.

Many of them were instigated and bewitched by spies and betrayed the Wangting District. They were undesirable elements.

On the night of the riot, they smashed, looted and burned, but were suppressed by the bailiffs.

Some people scattered and managed to make it out of the streets alive.

After the night of the riot, they were afraid of being pursued by the Wangting District, so they secretly fled to the territory of the Homan family alone or with their families.

However, when they arrived, they did not receive the promised shelter and food, but were thrown into this refugee camp.

Later, they learned that the food supply had been restored in Wangting District, and they also provided extremely delicious wheat flour corpse starch bars!

Those people's intestines are so full of regret!

They hate the Royal Court District and the damn governor.

Why not get the food out earlier so they don't make the mistake.

At the same time, they are preparing to escape from here tonight and return to the Wangting District.

Didn't they distribute flyers over there?

Anyone who escapes from the Homan family territory and offers their loyalty will be accepted by them!

As long as they return from the territory of the Homan family in an upright manner, they will not dare not accept it, otherwise they will deceive and blaspheme the Emperor!

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