Intimidated by Ron's momentum, Yusef subconsciously took a step back.

He quickly realized and felt extremely ashamed: "Incompetent man, you must die here!"

Yusef used more power, bloodshot eyes appeared on his body, and more flesh and blood tentacles sprouted from his body.

Those tentacles were like flexible octopus claws, swishing towards Ron and wrapping him tightly.

One of the largest tentacles sprouted an extremely sharp, coldly venomous stinger.

The tentacle raised its head like a poisonous snake, and then suddenly pierced Ron's head.

This is a powerful body created by Yusef using the power of the great Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes and integrating the characteristics of various creatures.

The stinger is made of mixed fine gold, and the poison sac inside contains deadly venom, which is perfect for sneak attacks.

If Ron were struck by that terrible poisonous thorn, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Yusef thought proudly.

Soon that loser Ron will be begging in pain in front of him, he will extremely regret going against him, and then die in despair.

But his hopes were dashed.

The stinger suddenly stopped a few centimeters away from Ron's eyeball, and could no longer sting.


Yosef was furious, and he felt his stinger being imprisoned by a force.

That's the power of psychic energy!

That incompetent Ron could be such a powerful psyker?

Before he could react, he felt a tingling sensation on his hand.

The golden current flowing around Ron's body became thicker and stronger, burning the tentacles wrapped around his body.

The cell structures inside those tentacles were quickly destroyed by psychic power, becoming charred and fragile.

When cooked, you can even smell the burnt aroma.

Ron pulled away slightly, and all the tentacles broke and fell to the ground.


Seeing this, Yusef turned around and wanted to run away, but it was already too late.

There was severe pain in his abdomen. When he lowered his head, he saw a poisonous thorn stuck straight there, which looked familiar.

"Bao, have you not developed an antidote?"

Ron stood in front of Yousef and asked softly.

"Get away!"

Yusef panicked a little and punched Ron with a giant hammer.

But Ron didn't move at all, he just turned his head slightly and ducked away.


Do you feel like you have become a clown? "

Ron's face was cold. He clenched his fist and swung it out, hitting the opponent's face hard:

"This time, I'm going to beat you up, you idiot!"

Yusuf's face was so hit that it was distorted and half of his teeth flew out, making him look extremely embarrassed.

"How dare you..."


Another blow, and his nose was sunken and dripping with blood.

"This time, it's for the innocent people you killed!"

Yosef received a steady stream of hammer blows.

"Avenge the Homan family!"

"For His Majesty the God Emperor!"

"For world peace!"

There are too many careerists in this world who act recklessly and regard life as nothing.

In order to achieve their goals, they use the people at the bottom as bargaining chips to inflict suffering on innocent people.

But almost no one can punish them for being so superior.

Such people are more likely to be bewitched by evil gods and become desperate lunatics.

In the end, it caused huge damage and even destroyed the civilization of the entire planet.

For such bastards, we have to let them know what pain is!

Ron poured out all his anger over the past few days on Yusef.

Those heavy blows carrying psychic energy not only broke his bones, but also inhibited his recovery ability, doubling the pain!

Yosef kept retreating, the bones of his upper body almost shattered into pieces, wailing in pain.

"Go to hell!"

Ron charged up and hit Yusef hard in the abdomen. He was knocked away, hit hard on the giant glass petri dish, and then fell to the ground.

Yusef lay twisted, spitting out a mouthful of black blood.

He struggled to get up, but the bones in his body were all broken, and he was lying limply with no strength to use, and there was no way he could get up.

After knocking down Yusef as an obstacle, Ron quickly turned his attention to the giant glass petri dish.

He could feel that the Chaos Embryo was becoming more and more energetic.

The dark eyes of the Chaos Embryo shook rapidly, and bursts of murmurs came from the surroundings.

That damn thing is about to be born!

Ron became anxious, rushed over quickly, and hammered the special glass as hard as he could.

Bang bang bang——

Again and again, the powerful hammering made the entire petri dish shake violently.

However, it still has no effect.

Yusef's hoarse voice sounded, and he sneered extremely proudly:

"Incompetent person, you missed the best opportunity. Now nothing can stop the birth of the son of the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes..."

This is his true purpose.

Even if you sacrifice everything, you must let that great thing be born.

Yousef looked at the chaotic embryo, his eyes full of enthusiasm, and there was a touch of love hidden deep in his eyes.

Because it is the gift of the Lord of Eyes, his most outstanding work, and his child...

And he will inherit his will and let the flames of revenge burn brightly.

Until everything owned by the Grant family is destroyed!

Yosef looked at Ron who was hammering the glass anxiously, and he was in a very happy mood. He kept mocking:

"You struggle like a clown, but everything you do is in vain.

You and everything you hold dear, including the untouchables you care about, will die in agony...

And all this is because of your incompetence! "


Ron's entire mind at the moment was on the glass in front of him.

He gathered all his strength and made a sudden push, but he still couldn't shake the special glass.

But Ron quickly changed his strategy.

He mobilized his psychic lightning to wrap around the heavy steel platform, pulled the platform in a circle with his psychic power, and then threw it out like a lead ball!

The steel platform hit the special glass with incomparable force.


The steel table hit the special glass hard, and the bombardment made the cracks in the special glass even bigger.


Ron became excited. He once again wrapped the steel platform with psychic lightning and shook it fiercely.

One more move will break this special glass!

Yousef became anxious and his eyes were cracked: "You bastard... stop it!"

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Ron swung the steel platform, and when it reached the maximum speed, he suddenly threw it out and smashed it out.

But the moment he smashed it out, the dark eyes of the Chaos embryo in the petri dish stopped shaking, and all the eyes stared over!

In an instant, Ron felt countless evil eyes staring at him, as if he had fallen into a group of snakes, with cold snake bodies crawling and squirming all over his body.


The huge glass petri dish exploded suddenly, and the shock wave pushed away the steel platform that hit it.

Ron and Yusef were also knocked away, hitting the ground and sliding out.

Yousef struggled to look in the direction of the petri dish, like a father looking at the birth of a newborn:

"The gift of the great Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes, my child, you...have finally arrived!"

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