Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 201 Shocking Magnus

Chapter 201 The Shocking Magnus

"Come on, Morgan."

"Come, my blood relatives."

"Come to Tizca, come to the City of Light."

"You will witness the true meaning of the world, you will get a glimpse of the light of the future, you will be bathed in true wisdom and knowledge, and you will be lucky enough to see the greatest and most sacred scene in the galaxy. Believe me, you will always remember it A miracle witnessed on this day.”

"Everything in the Warp is coming and walking on Prospero, and we are working to break down the sad barrier between the two worlds, allowing endless knowledge and alien life to pour into this planet, making it a center of great attention. focus."

"This is a big project, my dearest blood relatives. Although we have been working on this for more than ten Terran standard years, we have only laid the most basic foundation."

"But it doesn't matter, we have the patience and determination to get it done."

"One day, Prospero will become the starting point for the future. The two separate worlds will be tightly integrated. Each of my father's people will have their own elves and happiness. All mankind will embrace the Thousand Sons. The best future that the Legion has opened up."

"And this is the mission, burden, and expectation that our father, humanity and the empire, the world and destiny, gave to us, to the Thousand Sons, and to me, Magnus!"


Magnus's words were full of unquestionable arrogance and passion. In front of dozens of Thousand Sons and Dawnbreakers, the tall Crimson King made such bold statements to his blood relatives, and Naturally, he was basked in the cheers that followed.

Cheer: Cheer, of course.

The dozens of Sons of Magnus on the tarmac have long been inspired by the ambition of their genetic father, because each of them is an indispensable and important part of this [great plan] and the future of mankind. of pioneers.

Pride in oneself and the legion, and desire for the future and glory, these emotions were drawn out and danced in front of the Primarch's domineering personality, turning into the most sincere cheers and responses, for Magnus' words added color.

On the other side, although the Dawnbreakers could not empathize with the cheering Thousand Sons officers, this did not prevent them from being polite and imitating the Gene Mother, and responded to Magnus's bold words with smiles and applause. The Second Legion's applause never stopped until the last Thousand Sons warrior stopped cheering.

The Primarch of the Fifteenth Legion enjoyed such flattery. He raised one arm high, with the simplest smile of a winner on his face. In front of his ambitious declaration, in the roaring mountains and tsunami, In front of the cheers, Magnus seemed to have grasped all the truth in the world.

The cheers and applause lasted for a while, until the Crimson King found that his blood relative had slowly come to his side, smiling, applauding, and an inexplicable shame suddenly struck Magnus's heart. He indulged in this enjoyment for a final moment, then lowered his raised arms to signal that everything should be quiet.

Before Magnus could cough lightly and find a humble word for himself, Morgan's sincere feelings and her smile had already plunged into the Crimson King's chest.

[Amazing, bro. 】


Magnus coughed lightly, seeming to be thinking about the words to greet this emotion, but his blood relatives did not give him more time to think and prepare. Morgan's eyebrows were curved, which was a kind of expression that no one would expect. An irresistible smile.

[In your words, I feel faith and ambition. Magnus, you possess these two purest emotions. Listening to your words is like bathing in a warm sunshine. 】


【I will never admit my mistake. 】

Morgan smiled, and she winked at Magnus with a sincerity and playfulness.

[After all, this feeling is so rare, I have never felt it with anyone except you and our father. 】

Her tone was slow and soft, like a whisper in her ear.

[To be honest, I'm a little jealous of you, Magnus, did our father really not give you more preferential treatment? 】

The Primarch of the Thousand Sons Legion did not immediately answer his sister. His crimson face was already full of joy, and a snort gently blew out from his face, slapping on the ground that he could not restrain. , the edges of the mouth that are raised upward.

"There are indeed some, Morgan. My father and I have the deepest understanding of each other. He has accompanied me to swim in the deepest oceans and mine treasures of history and knowledge."

"If you are interested in this, my Morgan, I can take you to see those souvenirs left by the travels later. Believe me, it will open your eyes. The value they contain is better than a A hundred prosperous galaxies.”

Morgan blinked, and a few rays of real surprise and curiosity flashed through her two blue lakes: this was exactly what Magnus needed, and his happiness accompanied this surprise. Expanding more and more.

[Really, then why are we still hesitating here? Let's set off quickly. 】

【I can not wait any more. 】

Magnus smiled. He did not refute the eagerness of his blood relatives. After seeing that the fleet of the Second Legion had gradually sailed into Prospero's low-Earth orbit and the nearby void, the first step of the welcoming ceremony was It was also declared complete, and the Crimson King ordered his battleship to return to the space station in the orbit of the home star.

Along the way, high-ranking officers of the Thousand Sons Legion constantly left the team and returned to command their own companies and battleships to complete the merger of the fleets of the two legions over Prospero: this involved a three-digit powerful war engine. Not an easy job.

But with the joint efforts of the Astartes and countless mortals, the merger was finally completed very successfully. The Dawnbreaker fleet, which was generally gray-white and silver-white, docked quietly in Prospero's orbit, as if a group of people had been inserted into it. Like a sharp knife that cuts through the warm soil.

The two most powerful battleships: [Ten thousand feet ray] and [North Star], finally docked almost side by side, forming a weird yet harmonious combination that can make any artist inspired.

One of them is a void book city built with scarabs and pyramids. It is a perfect palace built by mysticism and number theory. Just like its name, the Queen of Glory belonging to the Thousand Sons Legion is always shining. The most illusive light, like a profound scholar indulged in knowledge and records, exudes leisure and comfort that does not belong to war.

Another battleship alongside the [Wan Zhang Ray], which is the flagship of the visiting Second Legion, exudes a rather chilling and dangerous aura: bullet wounds and scars that have not been repaired in time are all over the hull. In every corner, the gray-white appearance and overly sharp appearance make it seem like a hungry shark lurking in the shadows, looking for a good meal in the conspiracy.

However, no one would notice these things, and the warriors of both legions were all indulged in a kind of cautious first meeting, and were always waiting for messages from their respective primarchs, waiting for them to reach Prospero. Moment.

And when the original group of people came to the apron of the space station, they found that there was no flying instrument that could carry them to the surface of Prospero: neither the Thunderhawk nor the Stormbird were here. They stood there. On a wide and smooth surface, there is nothing around.

The Dawnbreakers looked around uneasily, their fingers resting on their weapons intentionally or unintentionally, but the Thousand Sons did not observe this at all. They stood proudly with their faces as usual, as if they had expected this place. everything of.

In front of everyone, the Crimson King, who was leading the way, was still talking. His words and passion were unusually abundant, and he showed no signs of taking a break.

"We are going to [City of Light] Tizca, Morgan, which is the core city of the entire Prospero and the greatest treasure you will ever see. Believe me, there is no place except the sacred temple on Terra. Comparable to Tizca.”

"After all, 90% of the so-called cities in this galaxy are just a pile of vulgar history and stupid money. They are places where a group of idiots full of power and desire vent their ridiculous fantasies. They are a place where barbarism , a wilderness where violence and bestiality run rampant.”

"Some of them actually call this their own choice. It's really pitiful and ridiculous. Facts have proved that even among our brothers, there are those wretches who are infinitely close to being hopeless. .”

Magnus sighed softly. He did not hide his dissatisfaction with certain characters and existence in his words, but he cleverly stayed outside the red line and did not really break his face. This Prosper The King of Luo showed a cheerful smile to his blood relatives, then opened his arms, venting endless spiritual energy and arcane magic wantonly.

"But my Tizka is different, Morgan, it is different. It flows with beauty and fantasy, full of knowledge and rationality. It is full of the unique noble beauty in the world at every moment and every angle. , only the truly wise will stop and look, discover the infinite mysteries in it, and marvel at all the exquisiteness."

"And you, my blood relative, who is also bathed in the sea of ​​souls like me, of course you have such ability and qualifications to have a glimpse of the miracle of my [City of Light]."

"Now, let me lead the way for you."

As soon as the words fell, the psychic power was enough to easily tear apart the battleship and the hive. In Magnus's smile, in Morgan's cold pupils, in the indifferent or astonished gazes of the Thousand Sons and Dawnbreaker, It poured out, and in just a moment, it completely enveloped the several hundred square meters of steel platform under their feet.


At this moment, following Magnus's proud command, the steel platform completely shrouded in spiritual energy left the apron, slowly left the gravity constraints of the space station, and came into the void.

The next moment, like a slow meteor, it broke away from the space station in low-Earth orbit and headed towards Prospero's atmosphere and surface: at this moment, blocking the deadly vacuum environment and space radiation, and The only thing standing between dozens of Astartes warriors was Magnus's thin soul shield.

The steel platform carrying the two Primarchs and dozens of legion leaders fell straight towards the surface of Prospero with an absolutely suicidal attitude. Countless pairs of eyes looked at the psychic shield. The casing burned with the most intense friction.

First there were sparks flickering, then there were crimson flames accompanied by invisible thick smoke. Then, in the blink of an eye, the entire platform turned into a blazing, pure white and dazzling meteor, in Prosper. It passed through Luo's atmosphere so fast that even the Primarch's psychic shield became blurred due to the huge pressure it endured and the increasing speed.

But this did not affect Magnus's interest at all. A steady stream of psychic power flowed from his fingertips, constantly replenishing the psychic shield that was constantly being eroded. The Thousand Sons' genetic original body was loose. His face: He had obviously done this countless times, and the fear and caution had long since faded away, leaving only the arrogance and complacency of a child playing a masterful trick.

Morgan lowered her eyebrows, and the corners of her slightly pursed mouth were ready to spit out a sophisticated spell at any time, which could teleport everyone present to her battleship at the moment when this crazy trick got out of hand.

In a place where Magnus could not see his pride, the Spider Queen's face was now as frosty as she looked at Magnus who was indifferently watching the storm and flames that could tear them apart, but did not panic at all. The sons, guessing how many times they have experienced or enjoyed this way of traveling.

But soon, Morgan's eyes were taken away by another group of people: the Dawnbreakers stood next to the Thousand Sons warriors, their faces changed because of the whimpering wind and raging fire outside the psychic shield. They were extremely pale, but despite this, everyone still stood upright. In their faces and postures, except for the somewhat pale complexions, there was no trace at all that could shame the mother of their genes.

They didn't look like they had anything to worry about: thought Morgan.

But even before the thought could flow through her mind, her hand went up.

Along with the silent casting, a layer of cyan-blue shield that clearly symbolized the Lord of the Second Legion appeared. It merged with Magnus's psychic shield, restoring life to those pale complexions once again.

Magnus looked at this scene, and his face instinctively became displeased, showing the anger of being questioned and provoked, but when he followed Morgan's gaze and looked at the Dawnbreaker, the Scarlet King's most The brief moment of anger dissipated, and he smiled at Morgan and whispered softly.

"You can tell them there is no need to worry, I know it well."

[Not everyone can face such unknown power calmly, Magnus. Most people will instinctively look for the peace of mind known. 】

Morgan's words made Magnus raise his eyebrows. He sighed and agreed with these words with a kind of sadness that was not understood.

"This is the tragedy of this world, isn't it?"

Then, as if to show off and prove his point, Magnus supported the psychic shield with only one hand, and snapped his fingers with his other hand, accompanied by a crisp sound, The countless clouds in front of them were violently pierced through a deep and straight passage, as if it was an express passage opened for this crazy steel meteor.

Everyone plunged in, and in just a moment, they could vaguely see the city of Tizca, as well as the continuous desert and ocean around it.

Until the entire steel platform, protected by the psychic shield, smashed straight through Prospero's atmosphere, until the friction between the rapid speed and the air caused a continuous whirlwind of flames to appear on the periphery of the psychic shield, Magnus looked at the blood relative beside him who was trying to remain calm and showed a proud smile.

"Like I said, Morgan, Tizca is a perfect city, and it would be the purest waste and sacrilege if we only viewed it from the ground."

"As for those Thunderhawks and Stormbirds, they can certainly dock in mid-air, but they can only close all their sights in steel, which is certainly not a good choice."

"So, I chose this way to show you the most wonderful scenery."

Before he finished speaking, the entire steel platform had already pierced the last layer of cumulus clouds and came directly to the sky above Tizca City. Magnus waved his hand casually, and a strange and huge air flow brought a strong wind. , causing everyone to stop at an altitude of 10,000 meters and slowly fall.

"Look! Everyone!"

"Cheers, everyone!"

"Cherish the beautiful scenery in front of you! Because every second now will become the most glorious fragment in your life, worthy of your memories until the end of time and the world!"

The Crimson King turned around and opened his arms. As the undoubted king and ruler of the world under his feet, he welcomed every visitor, and with the most sincere and passionate preaching, all Ah The Stat soldiers couldn't help but look at the magnificent landscape thousands of meters away from their feet.

Magnus did not lie. When he looked at Tizca and even Prospero from such a high place, even the most knowledgeable person could never suppress the shock and amazement in his heart.

As the home planet of the Thousand Sons Legion, Prospero is not a very rich or lush world. Most of the landscape here is endless deserts or calm oceans, with a few cities scattered here and there. Beside the oasis.

But there is only one exception, and that is Tizca, the capital of the planet, the greatest and most glorious [City of Light].

It is located among the mountains, and on the other side is Prospero's vast and endless sea, on which an entire naval fleet can even sail.

Just like its nickname, Tizca is a city bathed in light. All the buildings in this city, even the factories and the old city built in the early years, have a unique aesthetic that combines practicality and order. , those snow-white Great Pyramids that soar into the sky are the undoubted core of the city. They constantly reflect the brilliance of the sun, shrouding Magnus’s beloved hometown in a hazy layer, like a myth. In a general fantasy.

With these huge and gorgeous buildings as the core and starting point, the entire city is planned in a radial pattern. The psychic energy collection array responsible for the city's operation is dotted with obsidian obelisks engraved with runes, extending all the way to the coast. On an unprecedentedly prosperous seaport.

Like the sun, like the stamens, like the bright eyes that are constantly flashing: Magnus is indeed not boasting. Tizca is a city that cannot be seen in full from the ground. Its greatest aesthetics can only be seen from an altitude of 10,000 meters. Can really see everything at a glance.

Whether they are the Thousand Sons or the Dawnbreakers, all Astartes are greedily witnessing the scene in front of them, because the ground that is getting closer and closer is silently announcing that they are about to lose this most dreamy moment.

In Morgan's ears, Magnus's proud words kept flowing, and he wished he could grind every brick in the city into powder and pour it into the ears of his blood relatives.

"Look, Morgan, the place where the pyramids stand is the downtown area of ​​Tizca. Before I arrived, it was just a wasteland. I personally planned the construction of this city, planning every plant and tree. , and this perfect radial pattern: because from the moment I decided to start construction, I knew clearly that one day, I would fly to the sky to see this city that belongs to me."

"Then, the Pyramid of Light, my private sanctuary, I will entertain you there. I have prepared many surprises and several gifts that will definitely satisfy you."

"Look at that, the great city library of Tizca, the most important academic center in Prospero. One day, I will make these prepositions become the whole empire and the whole galaxy!"

"Those pyramids second only to the Great Pyramid of Light are the pyramids of schools. Each one represents a school of thought, and the children who make me most proud live there."

"That mysterious square, that's where I landed."

"The Sesturian Grand Canal, one of the projects I personally directed, did not use even a trace of excess manpower. It relied on my psychic power from beginning to end."

"And there, that's the Blue Zone, with the Tizka Orbital Transfer Field connected to the Orbital Space Station. We can actually get down through there, but then we won't be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of us."

"And there..."

Like a child showing off the sandcastle he built with his own hands, Magnus stood beside Morgan, pointing at the glorious buildings at his feet, venting some of his desires: Magnus had long wanted to show off Tizca to his blood relatives.

He was full of interest, he talked endlessly, and every word and every thought he spoke received the greatest encouragement because of Morgan's shining eyes: his blood relative did not speak, but her eyes shone with envy and silk. A look of admiration in his eyes was enough to make the Primarch's heart float in the clouds.

Amidst the most wonderful scenery and the most greedy enjoyment, the spotless steel platform protected by the psychic shield landed on the square in the center of Tizca. Everyone on the platform, except Morgan, I feel somewhat unsatisfied with this trip.

As soon as they landed, they were surrounded by endless cheers: the Tizcan people had seen the steel platform falling from the sky early, but they did not panic at all, but gathered together excitedly, facing their Prospero The King salutes and cheers.

Magnus smiled, and he raised his hand gently, setting off waves of enthusiasm in the crowd. It was not until the Thousand Sons and Spire Guards who maintained order arrived that the Primarch calmed down in cheers, still unfinished. Xu left, taking his blood relatives and his heirs with him, and went straight to the Great Pyramid of Light not far away.

And just when they were about to arrive at the mysterious residence of the original body, the group of people separated at a fork in the road: most of the Thousand Sons warriors and Dawnbreakers were not lucky enough to get a glimpse of the mysterious Great Pyramid of Light. Naturally, they have someone dedicated to receive them and appreciate the various scenery of Prospero.

At the end of the avenue where at least five hundred sons of Magnus lined up to welcome him, Morgan looked at her son, fumbled for a while, and pointed to the chief psychic master of the Third Fleet, who was also the temporary chief think tank under her.

[Zosimus, come with me. 】

[Marshall, Bayar, I leave my team and legion to you. 】

The two knights stood at attention to accept their orders, and Magnus also looked at his heir. Without any more hesitation, he waved to his former mentor Amon.

And just when Magnus was thinking about whether to bring Asawa with him, he suddenly felt a spiritual energy fluctuation: it came from Morgan beside him. With this spiritual energy fluctuation, Ma Genus's eyes gradually moved to the side.

Ahriman stood there, casting his fiery gaze in the direction of the two Primarchs: and around him, unknowingly, he was surrounded by the Dawnbreakers.

Magnus was happy and waved to his child.

"Follow me, Ahriman."

"Asawa, Balak, I leave it to you to entertain the guests."

Just like that, in the somewhat regretful eyes of the Dawnbreakers, Ahriman's figure disappeared awkwardly into the backs of the two original bodies.


Among the Dawnbreakers, Bayar shook his head unwillingly. With a sigh, his eyes searched randomly among the Thousand Sons warriors, and those Terran veterans in the Thousand Sons Legion recognized him. Behind the faces, everyone turned away in panic, avoiding looking directly at the god of murder.

But Balak is fearless. This rare good-tempered figure among the sons of Magnus, the future captain of the fifth company and the temple lecturer of the Tianxiao School, has a look on his face that no one can be hostile to. The smile came in front of all the Dawn Breakers.

He was silent for a moment, then slowly made a suggestion.

"……have a drink?"


"I was troubled at one time, Morgan."

"When I received your letter, for a moment, I was really troubled. There are so many miracles in Prospero. Which one should I show you first? They are all so perfect and perfect. precious."

Like any building owned by the Thousand Sons Legion, Magnus's personal Great Pyramid of Light is filled with an aura of mysticism: Although Morgan has not really entered it, she can be outside. Just smell the change and exploration.

"So, I decided to play a little fun game."

On the side, Magnus showed a rather proud smile, and his fingers slowly drew circles in the air. Next, a set of looming tarot cards appeared in the broad palm of the original gene. , he was revealed in front of Morgan.

"Draw one, sister. Each one of them changes randomly. Let fate decide the order in which we browse next. This is the fairest and most interesting."

Morgan smiled. She didn't refuse the offer, but when she stretched her fingers to the tarot cards, the Spider Queen couldn't help but ask a question.

[Do you always talk about fate? Magnus? 】

"why not?"

"After all, fate always favors me."

Magnus raised his head, as if he was telling something common sense that everyone in the world knew.

"Well, now, let me see...The Chariot."



Accompanied by the Crimson King's soft sighs and admirations, the flickering spiritual light swallowed up five people in the blink of an eye, and then transported them to a rather dark room filled with the smell of metal, with the only lights. Focusing on the platform in the center of the room, it was obvious that something huge was covered by the thick curtain.

"This is a new thing. It was brought to Prospero not long ago."

The Primarch hummed a happy tune, strode forward, and opened the thick curtain, revealing the steel body below unreservedly in front of everyone.

"How? Morgan?"

"You can recognize it, right?"


[This is an...intelligent control robot? 】

"correct answer."

Magnus patted the pinging steel shell in a ostentatious manner. He did not enter any password or current, but casually snapped his fingers, and the huge steel killing machine made a loud echo. The electronic eyes flashed with blue light, and the bolt guns and huge power claws creaked. Among the somewhat clumsy movements, there was actually a trace of agility that only existed in intelligent creatures.

"The Fortress-type intelligent control robot, but I prefer to call it the Pathetic type, because this is a new model that belongs exclusively to the Thousand Sons Legion. It is the product of our cooperation with a forging world."

The whispers of admiration from the Astartes came from behind her ears, but Morgan, who was frowning, was observing another thing. She looked carefully at the intelligent control robot that was walking around in front of her. Recalling the scene just now.

[How... did you activate it, Magnus? 】

"Psychic energy."

The Crimson King smiled. He walked to his blood body, put his arms around his shoulders, and proudly told the secret in a low voice.

"This is a new product, Morgan, a new product that only belongs to the Thousand Sons Legion."

"Generally speaking, the core of this kind of intelligent control robot is the intelligent control core system, which allows it to follow fixed personnel or codes, but this one is different."

"It has no core code for intelligent control."

"Instead, there is a unique psychic control matrix, and..."

Magnus, with a smile on his face, spoke out a lot of technical terms word by word, and although Morgan basically didn't do any more in-depth research on all this, she still heard a question.

[These...should be...the designs of technological heretics, right? 】

"No need to question, my blood relatives."

Magnus smiled, his smile as confident and pure as ever.

"This is technological heresy. Every layer of its design under the outer shell has elements of so-called technological heresy in it, but what does it matter?"

"We have been experimenting for a long time. Psionics can completely control this kind of weapon. The so-called technical heretics are just one-sided words from those incompetents and conservatives, just like they denounce the greatness of psychic powers."

"In other words, there are no technical heretics in this world at all. There is just knowledge that has not yet been understood and mastered, and is feared and cursed by ignorant people."

Magnus stroked this special intelligent control robot, and the confidence shining in his pupils made Morgan swallow his words.

The next moment, the Crimson King looked at his blood relative again, and he blinked.

"Do you want to?"

【……Um? 】

"As a gift."

Magnus smiled and knocked on the shell of the intelligent robot, making a crisp sound.

"I can't give more, but a token one is still no problem."

Morgan's face froze, and her mind spun.


[Then it’s better to be respectful than obey orders. 】

The next moment, Magnus's laughter resounded throughout the room. He put his arm around Morgan's shoulders affectionately and took out the deck of tarot cards again.

"Here, pump it again."

"I can assure you, my blood relative."

"Every remaining item is a good thing that can shock you. The intelligent robot in front of us is still too common compared to my real treasure."


【...Ah, I'll wait and see...】

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