Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 222 Racial Characteristics: Slow Reproduction

[I have imagined that maybe my gene seeds will carry certain problems: I have psychological expectations about this matter, as well as preparations for facing disasters and trials. 】

[My various speculations about this unknown disease even reached the point of whimsy: bloodlust, depravity, fanaticism, becoming an irrational monster, or being lost in the waves of subspace. 】

[Every day before I meet you again, every moment I get along with you, I am worried about these problems. I am afraid that things that I cannot face will appear vividly in front of me. 】

[But even so, even though the sad thoughts of hoping that nothing will happen, or the various speculations about unknown sufferings, have flowed through my heart thousands of times, I still cannot speculate on even the simplest reality. 】

[I am not a prophet: No matter how much I desire to be a prophet, I cannot grasp even an inch of reality and the future. 】

[So, now, they are in front of me and laughing at me. 】

[In the most absurd mode. 】


[It’s really interesting, isn’t it? 】

[I have sighed and groaned countless times, unable to sleep at night, worrying again and again whether your misfortune was caused by me, and whether the gene seeds I donated would bring new bad news to the legion. 】

[I have been afraid countless times that when a new day comes, you will turn into bloodthirsty monsters, ignorant beasts in front of me, or be twisted by the vicious links in your genes into blasphemous creations that the real universe cannot tolerate. . 】

[I was once so worried, so frightened, and so cowardly that I hardly looked like a descendant of the Emperor or a Primarch. Perhaps it was this attitude that allowed me to receive the report in front of me. 】

[Let’s take a look: The world of Avalon under our feet has a population of more than 1.2 billion, an extremely healthy population structure, a martial social atmosphere and a popular hunting tradition, and a culture of knights and heroes that spans thousands of years. , and there is also an innate strength and bravery that cannot be explained by scientific theories. Even a weak scholar can easily kill a medium-sized beast with his bare hands. 】

[Here, we can recruit staunch knights with superb martial arts skills, find psykers who have been systematically trained, find outstanding figures with both courage and knowledge among countless noble descendants, and fight in the boundless wilderness and recklessness. In the forest, unearthed are ruthless hunters who have been able to fight wild beasts since they were young and who understand the secrets of hunting and death. 】

[In short: From the perspective of thirsting for new blood, this is a world that can only be described as perfect, isn't it? 】

[Even for other legions, my brothers and my nephews, when they are hungry for fresh blood, such a world is enough to satisfy their most greedy appetites and satisfy their most picky choices. 】

[In my hands, these layers of reports show that Avalon can single-handedly support the replacement of old and new legions: any legion can do it. 】

[But we alone can’t. 】

【Let's see. 】

[More than one million people passed the initial preliminary test and audition. This is the rich heritage of this world for thousands of years. After passing the most stringent trial level, there are still more than 50,000 people who have proven that they can achieve What it takes to be an Astartes recruit: If it were my brother Perturabo, that would be the standard of fifty thousand recruits. 】

[But I am not Perturabo, and my gene seed is far from as high a matching ratio as that of the Olympian. After unrelenting attempts and surgeries, how many of these 50,000 people can adapt? From my gene-seed, to become a Dawnbreaker? 】

[Two thousand people. 】

[Just over two thousand people. 】

[The best seedlings are selected from among millions of talents, and 50,000 new bloods are selected to become Astartes warriors. Among these 50,000 new bloods, only 2,000 are able to match my genetic seeds and become Astartes warrior. 】

[And if my speculation is not wrong, a world like Avalon will only happen once in a thousand years, and a large-scale conscription like this one will be difficult to repeat: What does this mean? 】

[This shows that our upper limit for recruiting new blood has been inadvertently blocked. This shows that my worries have become reality in the most comical way. This shows that even if we recruit a generation from such a blessed place, we can only To squeeze out such thin nutrients. 】

[The good news is that I don’t have to worry about large-scale diseases among the recruits. 】

[Because, I can't recruit many new recruits at all. 】


Hector hasn't seen his genetic mother in a long time.

After the Randan War ended and the Lord of the Second Legion reunited with her warriors, the promotion of the rising star of the Legion became one of the first decrees signed by the Primarch, along with Morgan signing a string of letters on paper. With beautiful cursive characters, all reviews and considerations were skipped directly. In the blink of an eye, Hector, who was once the captain of the Second Fleet, suddenly became the top officer of the main company of the 23rd Company. .

He accepted the appointment as calmly as possible, and the concerned veterans around him could not see any special reason for his promotion: the last unlucky person who inadvertently revealed his good relationship with the Gene Queen, Now he has enjoyed the full set of services for more than 1,800 Terran standard hours in the Arena of the Second Legion. This number even exceeds that of most of the Dawnbreakers, and is no longer far away from those few arena regulars.

Hector even heard that the unlucky guy named Ahriman could even use a very good set of swordsmanship skills. Many Terran veterans were secretly amazed at the progress of the Thousand Sons. Abaddon from the Lunar Wolf Legion even went to applaud him from time to time.

Under the all-encompassing guarantee of the Sons of Horus, the Thousand Sons warrior Balak, who had some concerns at first, could not help but accept the strange reality of [Ahriman suddenly awakened to a new hobby] with some doubts, and settled down with the Son of Morgan with peace of mind. We continue to communicate and learn.

Of course, these are all gossip, and are nothing worth mentioning compared to the problems the Second Legion is facing now.

Thinking of this, Hector swallowed a drop of salty sweat and looked up at his Primarch: She was sitting there, sitting on her silver-white throne, and she looked extremely uncomfortable with her arms resting there. Standing next to the sharp armrest, he frowned slightly as he looked at the messages in front of him.

In Hector's eyes, his genetic mother had almost no changes or differences from when they first met. She was neither so tall that it made people fearful, nor was she so indifferent that it made people fearful. Sitting there, she actually looked... She exuded a touch of mortal aura, as if she would naturally reveal a sly smile when she put down those unpleasant documents.

Hector's eyes and body were so eye-catching, and soon he noticed that his mother had glanced at him. This scared him so much that he hurriedly lowered his head and tried to hide among the dozen colleagues in the throne room. .


Morgan looked at his son, who was almost a third taller than the other warriors. He was lowering his head and moving quietly, as if a wild goose wanted to squeeze into a group of quails: Compared with the last time they met, Hector was undoubtedly He has grown taller. If you look at him from a mortal's perspective, you might mistakenly estimate that he is four meters tall.

She sighed.

[Hecht. 】

Dayan was shocked.

[I remember that you are one of the people in charge of the most important recruitment point. Come and tell me what is going on there? 】

"Yes, mother."

Hector took a step forward. He was even able to look at the sitting Morgan at eye level. The captain of the Dawnbreaker prepared his words for a while before speaking slowly.

"The recruitment point I am responsible for has an elimination rate of 95.4% after layers of selection. Most of the people who were eliminated were eliminated because they were unable to handle emergencies well during the selection process or were unable to control their mentality for a long time."

"We strictly follow your orders and monitor the entire process to ensure that all candidates will not die due to external factors. And some of the candidates who were eliminated were indeed due to uncontrollable luck factors. We also allowed some of them to pass after additional testing.”

"In short, we strictly abide by your order: every candidate who can pass the screening is a rare and precious asset, and their lives should not be ignored and abandoned casually: under the creed here, we will never From the 150,000 candidates at the recruiting station, 7,000 qualified candidates were selected, all of whom were qualified to become Astartes warriors."

"Subsequently, after conducting a series of observations, we performed gene seed modification surgery on seven thousand qualified candidates one after another: The first qualified person to undergo the surgery was Kulan from the Aisibernian continent. He... …”

There was the briefest pause in Hector's voice, which was enough to make the entire throne room focus on him.

【What do you want to say? Hector? 】

"...I have no right to evaluate any recruit, mother..."

[I allow it. This time, I allow it. Say it. 】

"Yes, mother."

"Kuran...Kuran is not a noble warrior. He has a beast-like mentality and thinking. His talent and tenacity are indeed speechless, but he..."

[But he is not good enough to be a real warrior? 】

"...I dare not jump to conclusions, mother."

[I know, I know the worries in your heart, Hector, we cannot guarantee that every genius is a saint, we can only hope that the transformation surgery can play its original role. 】

[However, since you care so much about this warrior, I remember that he passed the transformation surgery? 】

"Yes, he is the first to undergo transformation surgery and the first qualified person to complete transformation surgery. Strictly speaking, he is now an Astartes warrior and my battle brother: the entire Among the 7,000 qualified candidates at the recruitment site, less than 800 completed the reconstruction surgery, and he was the first."

[In other words, my gene seed only has a success rate of about 10%, because other recruitment points have not exceeded this number, and one or two recruitment points have even been completely destroyed. 】

[As for Kuran... If you care about him so much, Hector, I will allow him to be transferred to your company after he completes his training. 】

"Yes, mother."

[Please step aside now. If you have any documents to be handed over directly from the parliament, I want to be alone. 】

The original gene waved her hand. Although her order was abrupt, no one dared to disobey it. After a minute, the entire throne room was empty.

It wasn't until the last person left that Morgan slumped down on his throne, feeling the ruggedness behind him, and let out a sad breath.

"Are you worried, body?"

In the shadow of the silver throne, Semiramis and the maid walked out one after another. The empress of Avalon picked up two cups of black tea from the pink and white tea set in the maid's hand, and offered one of them to Morgan's hand.

[No, I'm actually not surprised. 】

Morgan drank it all in one gulp, and then played with the cup boredly.

[I have had this kind of psychological expectation a long time ago, and to be honest, the current situation is better than I thought. 】

[Do you know about the mutation of flesh and blood? In my initial guess, my descendants may have the same problem and run wildly on the road to destruction that is already destined. 】

[After all, think about how the demons are dancing in my soul. I am being watched by two great powers of the subspace and a tyrant in the physical universe. How can my gene seed be intact? 】

[The current situation is much better than I thought, but the success rate is pitifully low. Compared with the real genetic diseases in other legions, this is not a fatal problem. 】

[I can even guess the reason why this happened: after my genetic father discovered that I was contaminated, he must have tried countless methods to save me, and by the way, he regarded me as the return of the bad genomes of other original bodies. I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know that my genetic module has been modified beyond recognition during this process. 】

[Under the influence of this temporary patchwork of genetic modules, my gene seeds were affected, thus rejecting the bodies of most candidates, resulting in the current low success rate. 】

[It’s easy to understand, isn’t it? 】

Semiramis sat aside. It took her a moment to understand the words, and then she nodded.

"It's really easy to understand, but now the question is: How do we solve this problem?"

The maid put down the tea set and picked up her clipboard and pen.

[This is a problem, but it is not enough to pose a fatal threat for the time being: as long as I maintain a cautious posture and cherish my troops as much as possible in the battle, the soldiers under my command can still maintain a slow growth, but the originally planned conquest speed It has to be accelerated, and the order of conquest has to be changed. 】

[If possible, I need to conquer the remaining fifteen systems in this sector in the next Terran standard year, expand the recruitment base, and continue to attract immigrants from other areas. 】

"Where to attract it from?"

[Aren’t there alien countries everywhere in this galaxy? 】

Morgan rubbed the corners of his eyebrows in annoyance.

[Thanks to the dark technological age before mankind, this galaxy is full of human colonies. A considerable number of them fell during the Age of Strife and became slaves of various alien empires and pirates. 】

[These alien empires are goals that kill two birds with one stone: the aliens can be captured to refine my Spear of Eros, while the human slaves can be liberated by us and brought back as a population, and those free worlds can be lost to Terra of bureaucracy, satisfying our performance. 】

"As a result, we need to divide our forces into two groups in the future?"

[Almost. In the early stage, we can hunt the surrounding alien empires, but there will always be a time when we finish hunting. But by then I should have completed the structure of each system of my country. I will create a few more projections and work with you. Maintain it, and I will lead the main force of the legion to other parts of the galaxy to annihilate those alien empires that enslave mankind. 】

"So, maybe you will become a liberator among mortals in the future?"

[It’s just a useless name. 】

"So, do we need to adjust Avalon's future development path?"

[No need, just continue the current situation: countries are unified under one government, but independent of each other, maintaining a kind of competition or even low-intensity war, which is conducive to the emergence of new seeds, you just need to keep an eye on me Those instructions were given to prevent traces of chaos from appearing here. 】

"I will, but I always feel that there is something special about this world. The mortals here are unusually strong and seem to have a kind of resistance to chaos: I personally speculate that maybe there is something buried in that Leng Yuan. "

[Not maybe, there must be something in there, a crazy product inherited from the dark technological age, using inertia and final orders to maintain the world: I will one day go in and find out, but not now, I need more More power and better preparation. 】

"Can't we send the aircraft first?"

[From outer space, that continent is shrouded in a strange electronic storm and cannot be detected. It can only be vaguely inferred that there seems to be the ruins of a huge city and a series of strange mountains that are so tall that they do not conform to common sense in geography. , as for low-altitude aircraft, they all go without return. 】

[In short, you don’t need to worry about it for the time being, just keep monitoring. I have summarized Avalon’s development direction and possible events in the next century and handed it over to you. Just follow it and fulfill it. This world will follow my instructions. It is calculated that each recruitment can provide hundreds of new recruits. At present, this is indeed a number worthy of attention. 】

"I understand, but what are you going to do about genetic diseases?"

[...I will take care of it. 】

Morgan hesitated, and finally pointed to his head.

[Do you know why I was able to cooperate with Perturabo in experiments without any problems for eight days? 】


[Because I ate part of the soul of Heydrich, my eleventh brother, and have countless knowledge and experimental records in his mind: they are all in my mind now. Given time, I can Restore everything that is useful to me. 】

"not now?"

[No, because Heydrich was born with these things, and I acquired them the day after tomorrow. If Heydrich and Perturabo were born with these knowledge, then I would be equivalent to getting a bunch of textbooks: although they It is in front of me now, but I still have to study and experiment bit by bit in order to truly master these knowledge and principles. 】

[This is a long time, it may take more than ten years or even longer, but as long as I study them thoroughly, I will definitely be able to find the corresponding method. 】

[Primaris, Raptor, or it can be said to be Super Raven Guard, this is one of its names in the future, as well as some of the surgeries of those Golden Guards, and when my genetic father was transforming the original body and other warp creations. process and insights. 】

[I found them, just in Heydrich's memory: the Emperor gave them all to him, and it seems that he had great trust in this heir, didn't he? 】

[After all, even Heydrich was once his child. 】

【Not like me...】

The two Morgan creations raised their heads as these words faded away. For a moment, they saw the head of the Lord of the Second Legion tilted to one side, and his pupils disappeared into the dark silhouette of the endless light.

However, this performance only lasted a fleeting moment.

[But it doesn’t matter, I will get them with my own hands. 】

[It only takes time, a long but necessary time. 】

The original gene showed a weak and pale smile. It seemed that the bad news had indeed hit her to some extent. She waved and asked her maid to come to her and touch her soft hair.

[Ania, my Ania, my little proud creation: What do you think of her strength, Semiramis? 】

"You once boasted to me that she has siege-level firepower and extremely high intelligence, and can even be directly commanded by you when necessary. I think there may not be many individuals stronger than her among your descendants. .”

[Indeed: But what if Aniya is not a special case? 】

"……What did you say?"

[Perturabo gave me a copy of all the drawings. Relying on the wisdom of being the Primarch and the memory of Heydrich, I can continue to create such characters. Although the speed will be very slow, in the long run, I will always be able to create such characters. It can form quantity. 】

"Is this a supplement to combat effectiveness?"

[That's right, a robot that acts exactly according to my orders: Since those Martian fighter soldiers are already in front, I have come up with something similar, what can they say? This is not artificial intelligence, all kinds of Under the various armors, there is no electronic hub that operates independently, but a new model of wetware with my soul fragment as the core. 】

"To put it simply, put a pieced together soul into a war engine?"

[You can call it the devil engine. 】

"That's not a good name."

[I know, so it is not a real demon engine. After all, there is no demon in it, it is just a fragment of my soul, and...]

[You know, when I saw the craftsmanship of this weapon in Heydrich's memory, who was the creator I saw? 】


Seeing the corners of Morgan's raised lips, Semiramis didn't dare to say a word.

The empress of Avalon coughed, rolled her eyes, and thought of a very important question.

"But this method does not significantly supplement the combat effectiveness, the main body."

[I know, so I’m also thinking of other ways. 】

[For example, for my heirs, maybe I can use some method to retain their souls who died in battle, and then let them continue fighting in an illusory state, or...]

[Those things from the Spirit Tribe...]

[Endless Loop...Soul Stone...Netherworld Lord or Netherworld Prophet...Since the broken body can stay in Dauntless, is the same possibility for a complete soul? 】

"This sounds like a very dangerous idea, body. I think the one from Holy Terra will not be happy. His anger is something we cannot bear for the time being."

[I know that if I merge with the aliens to obtain these technologies, I will definitely die, I know this very well. 】

[But what if... it’s other ideas and methods? 】

"...for example?"

[In terms of probability, as long as I eat enough souls of the Eldar in the future and usurp their memories and thoughts, there will be a certain probability that I can piece together one or two pieces of Eldar technology from the memories of each Eldar. ,Is not it? 】

"Whimsical ideas, true nature."

[Sometimes life needs a little whimsy. For example, I have a whimsical desire to get away from the terrible things in my mind. Without this whimsy, maybe I would have gone crazy. 】

Morgan smiled, her face looked worryingly pale, and her state seemed a little different from normal. From time to time, she would close her eyes, take a nap, and then quickly open them, regaining clarity and speed again. Speech rate.

"You may need to rest, main body."

[Not now, Semiramis. 】

"Now: you have just deduced and compiled plans for the conquest and governance of Avalon, and even the entire sector and other sectors. You even arranged additional plans for each plan. You also inquired about the forty-eight thousand people in turn. Then, you observed the actual situation of each kingdom and gave me a complete set of reform plans: As long as I implement them all, Ava The Lon people's standard of living would be the envy of any world's inhabitants."

"I think maybe you can give this set of reform plans as a gift to Guilliman during your next visit. He might like this gift very much."

[That makes sense. I will give you another copy of the "Psychic Scripture" that I wrote personally. I just can't think of what kind of gift I want to prepare, so I will make do with them. 】

Semiramis listened quietly to the words from the body. In her brain, the only thoughts were constantly spinning, and she was working hard for their common cause.

"You seem to value the well-being and strength of those mortals, body."

【Yes. 】

[In the beginning, this was a dispensable chess piece, but now, with my legion temporarily unable to expand rapidly, I need the power of these mortals even more, and I need to extract value from them. 】


"I don't see that any of your policies are about extraction. The governance ideas and reform methods you gave me are all about how to better weaken local power, promote social progress, improve stability, and how to establish a new social circulation channels and establish reasonable methods to achieve class crossing."

"They don't seem to be about extraction, essentially."

[No, Semiramis. 】

A smile twitched at the corner of his pale mouth.

[This is extraction, this is the best extraction, and it is also the most brilliant extraction: What do you think extraction is? Relying on your own strength and size, can you cut more weight on the existing cake? 】


[But I have another way, my Semiramis: I can make the cake bigger and let everyone eat more, so that they will willingly contribute to the process, and I can even unintentionally , expand their share, they will not find out: mortals are short-sighted, as long as I give them a better life and more benefits, they will not be able to see higher-level things. 】

[Remember, Semiramis, what I want is not a bunch of emaciated people who have been squeezed until they are like mummies and then squeeze the last bits of oil out of them: that would be too stupid. 】

[I want them to become stronger, greedy, and brave in pioneering. I want to make the mortal society more efficient, more reasonable, and more productive, and let their faith and loyalty accompany my will. Running, giving me more and more continuously. 】

[Sustainability, man. 】

【This is our real future. 】

[We want to make their lives better and happier, and let them deeply feel that they have received welfare and progress. Only in this way can they work wholeheartedly for us, become our screws and army, and be invested by us on a larger scale. In the process of expansion, we unintentionally took away more autonomy, and eventually became part of a centralized country with me as the core. 】

"...a question, the body."

【explain. 】

"Do you have so many benefits, do you want to distribute them to them?"

[Don’t forget, this is the Great Expedition. There are countless worlds and territories outside the Avalon Sector. 】

"But one day, the cost of war will outweigh the benefits, unless you can find a benefit that does not require war and more investment to make them excited."


[But what if...I have it? 】


Semiramis did not reply, because she sensitively discovered that Morgan fell into some unconscious rest again.

As Semiramis said just now, Morgan's current state is visibly bad. She leans on her throne and touches the maid's hair from time to time, looking a little listless.

"Obviously, Noumenon, you have been worn down by the intense work for more than ten days in a row."

[No, Semiramis, it’s just that my full work needs to burn the souls I have stored up, and I have almost burned all the last reserves, so now I am a little weak. 】

"Then, you should change your next recovery route and attack those alien countries first to obtain enough reserves of alien souls, and then go to recover those independent human colonies."

[Reasonable advice. 】

Morgan rubbed the corners of his eyebrows and hummed softly.

[I remember that among the remaining fifteen galaxies in the Avalon sector, there are eleven independent alien nations, six large-scale pirate forces, a newly emerging greenskin force, and three independent human colonies. . 】

[The two weaker colonies have already sent a reply, willing to surrender to the human empire and accept all arrangements. They only need us to annihilate the pirates around them. However, the stronger and independent human colony has rejected the envoy's proposal. . 】

"Sounds very confident."

[They have the capital to be confident: an entire armed galaxy, a highly industrialized home star, several satellites that have also completed industrialization, two agricultural worlds that allow them to be completely self-sufficient, and there are also satellites all over the galaxy. Mining stations and floating fortresses. 】

"A standard pocket empire."

[Yes, even stronger. They have an entire fleet, including big guys that can rival the Imperial battleships. In addition, they also have a population far greater than Avalon, and several powerful land legions. They There wasn't even much low-altitude power, since they had long since been outgrown. 】

[In the distant era of strife, they once established a moderate hegemony in this star region, and also made expeditions to some worlds in other star regions. This was enough to make them arrogant enough to reject my mission. 】

"So, you're going to conquer it?"

[After wiping out several alien empires, I will personally lead the main force of the legion there. After all, such a world needs to be treated with emphasis. I can't afford to lose soldiers now, so I might as well do it myself if I can. 】

"What about those bandits?"

[I will hand over part of the reinforcements sent by Reza, the Iron Warriors, the Dark Angels and the Catachan Corps to Luther, and let him be responsible for the encirclement and suppression of the rogue bandits. The two routes will be carried out at the same time. This sector will be pacified within a year, and then According to my previous plan, comprehensive construction began. 】

"Sounds good, but what you need now is rest, body. If your soul is weakening, then I may disappear temporarily."

[It hasn’t reached that point yet. 】

Morgan smiled.

[But I do need to rest. After I issue the first battle order for that pocket empire, I will take a long rest. The war will be left to my council first, and Avalon's I leave it to you, Semiramis. 】


[I asked Lana to go to the world near Avalon, which contains unimaginably rich minerals, enough to become Mars in our hands. I asked him to lead people to quietly place those production lines there, and those Reza guys were Attracted by the mineral worlds I threw out belonging to other galaxies, they are busy internally collecting the stolen goods. 】

[As for Hawthorne, I asked him to start the establishment of the Zhongsi Academy in the world second closest to the sun. Don’t forget to conduct a second examination among those losers and mortals. My Semiramis, again After all, we need at least 100,000 students at the beginning. 】

"I see."

"But what is your first battle order, body?"

"Send out a harassing fleet?"

【No. 】

Morgan smiled, a smile that was cunning enough to make those who knew her feel instinctively uneasy.

【I can……】

[Send a larger mission. 】

I seem to have a cold or rhinitis today. In fact, it started last night, so these pictures may not work well. I'm sorry...

Let’s skip the specific process of farming. After all, I’m not a professional. If I write it down in detail, it will easily lead to high blood pressure. Moreover, I personally feel that systems and systems need to be conquered in a star region before they can operate. Once I get it running, I'll write a side view to see how it works.

Moreover, Morgan’s farming method is actually not complicated, it is very simple, so simple that you can find the corresponding words in history textbooks.

I will start writing about the first battle tomorrow, the real first battle between Morgan and the Dawnbreaker Legion. As for the opponent, you Hammer friends should be able to make a rough guess. I based it on Ironhand's Battle of Gardenar.

There is also the problem of gene seeds. I have never found the scale of conscription during the Great Expedition, so I will write this first. If any readers know, you can tell me. There must be problems with the second group of seeds. After all, Morgan Being brought up like that by these three things, the lack of a flesh-and-blood mutation in the second group is already the result of my special care.

And from now on, I started to add cheats to Morgan little by little. The native protagonist is not good at this, so he can only play around in the Warhammer system. Generally speaking, Morgan's cheats are difficult to make a comeback all at once. able……

Look at what I'm writing!

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