Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 243 Helping the Tiger

[The last procedure, the black carapace implant, has been successfully broken and can create a weakened product of equal proportions. It is not yet certain whether it is suitable for the body structure of mortals, but without considering the exclusive power armor, the cost-effectiveness of the surgery is not not tall. 】

[In addition, there are three additional procedures discovered by accident, which are not part of the current Astartes transformation steps, but are quite practical and reference, and can be partially transformed and promoted in the future as appropriate. 】

[Tendon cables, ode to the pituitary gland, and something that will be called Belisarius’ furnace in the future: to enhance strength, enhance thinking ability, and enhance survival ability respectively. It is difficult to imitate, but it is not impossible. It is being Think about whether it can be weakened and added to the surgical transformation for mortals. 】

[The Lord of Mankind has already mastered or known these technologies, and he has seen their role in the future, and Heydrich, who inherited the emperor's biological knowledge, also knows all this from birth: Until now, I have also seen it. All this sees the future in disguise. 】

[If it can be weakened, then the transformation surgery package originally designed for mortals will need to be rested again, and the cost of adding new steps will also have to be considered. 】

[All in all, the progress of everything is relatively smooth so far, and it is expected that the goal can be completed before the planned time: the transformation surgery of the Astartes warriors is much simpler than I thought, and thanks to the legacy of my ruthless blood relatives It is relatively easy to thoroughly understand these technologies and all the matters involved in them. 】

With a sigh that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, Morgan temporarily ended her work. She pulled off her white gloves a little tiredly. The long research time made these fine gelatin stick to the sweat of her fingertips. Wow, that's a little disgusting.

The leader of the Second Legion at this time is completely different from any time she was in the outside world: she tied her hair high and hid her body in a scientist's lab coat, which was a white fully enclosed Cleansing suits are what Morgan wears when she begins conducting scientific experiments and biological research.

The clean room filled with all kinds of sterile utensils and experimental reagents is much larger than anyone imagined. It is an empty and terrifying kingdom of silence. Only Morgan and her most trusted Virgo can walk here. A long process of research and recording: every two breaks may be separated by dozens of Terran standard hours, and the only sounds in between are the Spider Queen's ruthless summary and the sound of Virgo's electronic board being constantly rubbed by the pen tip.

For three years, such conditions had become commonplace in the clean rooms, as the Primarch of the Second Legion devoted thousands of hours to her kin's legacy, voraciously learning all that her cause required. Make countless to-do lists and then force yourself to complete them one by one.

For now, everything is going well. The simple goals listed at the front are like precise gears, completing their historical missions perfectly and becoming part of the power controlled by the Lord of the Second Legion. With the power brought by this new knowledge, Morgan can further expand her power in the real universe and plunder more resources that can support her continued experiments.

A virtuous circle: the Spider Queen couldn't help but be happy about it.

[Report to me on the recent experimental progress, Virgo. 】

"Yes, my lord."

"The Brutal Blade is completed."

"The overall research and in-depth analysis of the Astartes transformation surgery has been completed."

"Further research on [Primaris] is generally completed."

"The [Nun Type Power Armor] was specially researched and designed for the female mortal auxiliary army. The prototype is the armor you wore during the First Legion. It is basically completed."

"Systematic body enhancement surgery for the Mortal Auxiliary Army is in progress."

""Basic Technical Guidance for Think Tanks" is in progress."

"The new generation of star maids: [Lynx], which specializes in tracking and fighting, and [Ophiuchus], which specializes in scientific research, are scheduled to be launched."

"Aiming at the name [Super Crow Guard]..."

The cold cardamom sound of Virgo echoed in the laboratory that was like an ice purgatory, showing a strange contrast. Morgan squinted his eyes and listened to the maid's report while completing the last experimental steps at hand.

[Have you ever thought about why I rank transformation surgeries for mortals so high on the list? Virgo. 】

A few hints of metallic color flashed through the maid's pupils, and then she shook her head honestly.

"My memory chip does not store this part of your order, my lord."

[It’s just forced by the situation. 】

Morgan shook the test tube and stared closely at the rippling liquid, her blue pupils flashing with erratic light. She didn't care too much about Virgo's answer, because she knew that her current behavior was actually talking to herself. language.

[Although I have thoroughly understood all the steps of the Astartes transformation surgery, I still have not found out the reason why the success rate of my gene seed matching is so low. Now I have to suspect that the real reason lies with me. For myself, the real reason is a factor related to metaphysics and subspace: that would be too bad, because it means that I am helpless to deal with the Legion's predicament in a short period of time. 】

[Unless I can break through the technology called the original mother gene in Heydrich's memory, but it is obvious that those technologies can only come from my genetic father. Even I have to admit his power in this regard: I may It took a long time to recreate this technique because I was missing a crucial core prop. 】

[If this is really the case, all I can do is to continue to regain the world externally, expand the recruiting areas, and at the same time retain more troops internally to ensure that my legion will continue to maintain a low battle loss ratio. Great Expedition, thus achieving a situation of slowly accumulating troops. 】

[According to my thousands of calculations, and at the speed at which I am expanding the legion at all costs, if this great expedition ends within one hundred and twenty years, the Second Legion will have approximately 130,000 to 160,000 Asta. Although this number of special warriors should be enough, it cannot withstand heavy losses: my legion’s health recovery time is ten times longer than that of other legions, or even more. It only takes one medium-sized damage and I will miss the entire war. . 】

[I cannot accept this result, because it means that by then, I will still not have the strength to confront my father. I don’t expect to defeat him, but I have had enough of him and other things in my mind. exist. 】

[Therefore, at the end of this great expedition, and at the same time when the real war is about to begin, I must hold on to a force that can protect myself: if my legion alone cannot do this, then I will Need to prepare more back-ups. 】

"Mortal Auxiliary?"

[Yes, they are a ready-made option, aren't they? 】

[The students in Zhongsi Academy still have a few years to graduate, but after I sent people to rectify the elites of the conquered world, I still have a considerable number of mortal auxiliary troops, and it can be expected that in my upcoming There are at least a lot of elite troops like this in the recovered Far Eastern frontier, and quite a few of them may even be unlucky enough to become Astartes warriors. 】

[The problem now is how to transform these sufficient sources of troops into practical and powerful combat capabilities: logistics, organization and experience are things that need not be discussed. All I can do is to determine a feasible process for selecting talents. , and then create a more prosperous paramilitary society, so that these mortal soldiers have the determination and belief to fight. 】

[Ultramar is a pretty good ready-made case. On this issue, we really need to refer to the Ultramar model. 】

The leader of the Second Legion raised his lips and revealed a mocking smile.

[If he lives in a society that worships heroes extremely, if his status as a soldier makes him highly respected, if he gets the best treatment in the army, if behind him is his family and hometown, and beside him It means the officers who fight side by side and the extremely sufficient supplies. If he knows very well that once he is killed in battle, all his family members will have no worries about food and clothing in this life, and his statue will be erected in the small square of his hometown, becoming a new hero. 】

[If all this really comes true: In other words, if we make him believe that he has a motherland worth protecting. 】

[Then even the most cowardly mortal would probably fire two shots and resist on the most terrifying battlefield. 】

[It's not difficult, is it? 】

[Life is not priceless, but there are too many people in high positions who think they can squander their fellows at the bottom for free, and are not even willing to pay the smallest reward. 】

[I am different. In order to shed their blood when necessary, I don’t mind being a little more generous and generous in the previous decades. 】

Virgo tilted her head and blinked her eyes.

"So, sir, are the elites of the Mortal Auxiliary Army the beneficiaries of the mortal transformation surgery you are studying? Do you plan to create a private Sun Auxiliary Army?"

[Maybe stronger: if I can do it. 】

Morgan snapped her fingers, and the mini-projector displayed various human structures and experimental data in front of her, allowing her to pick out the smallest errors and opportunities.

[You know, even among the mortal auxiliary army, there are too many talented and precious talents. It is really a waste to let them be consumed together with other big soldiers, so I must form various elites. Mortal Auxiliary Troops. 】

[As for the most elite of them, their soldiers are often those who can survive the Astartes selection, but have bad luck when it comes to gene seeds. Such characters are naturally worthy of a set of transformations. surgical. 】

[I used the transformation surgery of the Astartes warriors as a blueprint, deleted, deleted, and made the necessary weakening and modifications to streamline a set of systematic enhancements for the mortal body. In other words, when we combine the best When the mortals are recruited into the best mortal auxiliary army, we can uniformly strengthen and transform their bodies. 】

[Although the results of this kind of surgery are far inferior to those of Astartes warriors, and most likely not as good as those of semi-modified Astartes like Luther, it is enough for mortals, and their strength and body will be greatly strengthened. Then use sheer quantity to form an advantage. 】

[Eventually, they will become the most powerful and fanatical mortal army. They will become the second most powerful force in my hand after the Dawnbreakers. They will do it for me and for Avalon. 】

【Willingly working for the tiger. 】

"Have you already researched it?"

[It’s basically done, isn’t it? 】

[When the technology matures, I will personally perform a corresponding transformation surgery on Luther. Then, I will tell him that out of gratitude to him for his hard work and commanding the mortal auxiliary army in the past few years, this Systematic transformation surgery will be named:]

[Luthor’s Nirvana. 】

"...You always seem to like to bring up things about Luther, my lord."

[Because he is about to go back. If you don’t mention things that happened in a few years now, if you don’t use them now, you won’t have the chance in the future. 】

Virgo blinked, thinking of all the information she had collected before.

"You don't seem to know Luther very well, sir. He will not give up the battle."

【No. 】

Morgan smiled and touched his maid's little head.

[You don’t understand Zhuang Sen. 】



"However, I have one last pertinent question, my lord."

[Say it. 】

"Your plan is so grand. Not only does it include a large amount of subsidies for the Second Legion, a lot of deployment of the mortal auxiliary army, but also an ambitious shipbuilding plan."

"But how do you plan to supplement the [hard power] required for these plans? Where do you plan to find enough productivity to complete your strengthening of various armies?"

"Although Reza and Tigrus have both reached cooperation with you, one of them is too far away, and the scale of the other is not that big. And considering that many of your plans have to bypass Reza, then It’s even more difficult.”

[A question that goes right to the core, my Virgo, you have found the point. 】

Morgan smiled, waved her hand, and all the experimental data turned into a star map of the Far Eastern Frontier in an instant.

[Do you know how many forging worlds there will be on my way to the Far Eastern border? 】

"I don't know, sir."

[Eight, including Tigurus, that’s nine. 】

[Corinth, Belus, Karagat, Gurgrad, Roxasar, and the triple system of Galatea, Farr, and Thule. 】

[Most of them are so weak, so weak that they don’t even have their own Titan legion, but because of this, they gave me the opportunity to fully master it, and when I built the gears belonging to the Avalon Federation Parliament, when I can centrally mobilize all their resources and productivity, their weakness will not matter. 】

[In any case, they are all forging worlds, and when the nine forging worlds are in my hands, all my desires will not be castles in the air. 】

"...There is a question, sir."

"The Triple Galaxy is a very powerful and arrogant galaxy, and they may not kneel at your feet obediently."

【It doesn't matter. 】

[The Far Eastern frontier is mine. 】

【Everyone will surrender. 】

[And some people just need some small means. 】

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