Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 263 A surprise for Guilliman

【How to do gastric lavage? 】

[Can promethium be used to induce vomiting and gastric lavage surgery? 】

[What about plasma? 】

[What about the whirlpool grenade? 】

[Should the gastric tube be inserted through the ear or the eye? 】

[Is it better to use a chainsaw or a chainsword for gastrointestinal surgery? 】

[Are Genotypes allergic to spin dryers and closed ovens? 】

Along with the clicking sound, the maid of the Lord of the Second Legion slowly repeated another question in her mind. She no longer knew how many unsolved mysteries she had searched for today.

As early as when she created [Virgo], the first experimental [Star Maid], the Lord of Avalon had made almost all the plans and preparations. She was committed to making these mechanical and mystical creations become enough Instead of taking charge of her own existence, countless special transformations have been made to them.

Among these transformations, the most important one is the [Minerva Sequence], which is a simple but practical creation. It is installed in the mind of every Star Maid and stores a huge amount of knowledge reserves and necessary common sense: In this way, Whenever the Spider Queen's creations encounter something that is beyond their scope of work and have to solve, they are not at a loss.

Now, Virgo is using this precious knowledge storage, constantly searching for the knowledge she needs. However, it is a pity that after the long search process, the little maid of the Primarch can only accept it with some helplessness. A reality: Even the supreme Creator in her eyes does not know any kind of knowledge in the galaxy.


Can promethium be used to induce vomiting and gastric lavage?

Virgo frowned and leaned against the buzzing dryer, falling into a real sense of sorrow and worry: her creator was no longer with her, which made her mental computing array feel something. Discomfort, some kind of discomfort that cannot be described in words.

Next to her, the huge drying machine was comparable to three Virgo seats stacked up. The constant roar of the machine and the collision of the huge body in it intertwined into a chaotic music, making the original maid's brows become more and more intense.

She glanced at the time casually and determined that it would take at least fifteen minutes for the midnight ghost, which was almost brand new, to finish drying. Then, while wondering whether to add some promethium, she performed a task that she had rarely done before. Things to do: Think.

Think about her discomfort.

Virgo cannot explain this discomfort, but she is certain that this discomfort is not because of any problem with her meditator core or computing program, but because she is facing a series of problems alone: ​​but her creator is not there Around her, this vacancy is even more intense and obvious than the problem itself, causing Virgo's not-so-cunning thinking ability to quickly fall into an endless loop.

Finally, she squatted down and buried her head in her knees, evolving into a melancholy pale pink fungus. The only sound in her ears was the almost desperate sound of retching from the person in the dryer.

Morgan is not next to Virgo, she is not even in her private lounge: this is a matter of course, after all, the Spider Queen is no longer alone now, she has an army, a country, and more than 20,000 people who are loyal to her. The descendants and warriors whose fate is followed, as well as so many reporting documents that it can never be sorted out.

She has too many things that need to be listened to and reviewed carefully. Although most of the daily affairs have been solved by the increasingly skilled legion council, the really important part of them is always solved in the small meeting between the thrones. , the Primarch of the Dawnbreaker Legion is entrenched on her silver throne, and summoning a few of her most trusted subordinates is enough to determine the life and death of tens of billions of civilians in the distant stars.

This kind of behavior was just the interest and whim of the Primarch at the beginning, but with the passage of time and the observation of changing discussants, the Lord of the Second Legion gradually figured out a good team: They are always available, quick-thinking, and can miraculously keep up with or match the inspiration of the Mother of Genes. And more importantly: their opinions are often different and can bring more unintentional ideas to the Spider Queen. .

Therefore, I don’t know when exactly, the Lord of Avalon developed this habit: whenever an important matter needs to be decided by her, she is used to summoning several of her descendants: Lana , Bayard, Hecht, and, if circumstances warrant, Marshall and Hawthorne.

Among these people, Hector was the transfer student who was favored by the Mother of Genes after just a few conversations. Lana and Bayar had long been the confidants of the Lord of Avalon. As Marshall, the former commander of the Legion, and Hawthorne, who has semi-retired, are somewhat special. Although they no longer operate with the Legion's large forces, they have been assigned a more important task by the Primarch: to oversee the territory established by the Dawnbreaker Legion. He became the most trusted and relied upon guard dog of the Lord of Avalon.

Such a small group of three people, occasionally five people, and sometimes temporarily expanded according to the actual situation, has become a necessary organization in all Astartes Legions: this kind of organization does not have an exact Name, in the Luna Wolf Legion, it is called [The Society of Death] or [Council of Four Kings], and in the Iron Warriors Legion, the descendants of Perturabo will jealously whisper [Trident], and when it comes to Austria Telama, people seem to be accustomed to calling this kind of people [heroes].

The leader of the Second Legion still did not name this small team: on the one hand, she did not want this organization to have more authority, and on the other hand, she really could not think of a satisfactory name.

But no matter what, this can't stop her from subconsciously summoning these heirs to her throne room when she starts to think about important things.

[How is the planning for the expedition to the Salamas sector going? 】

The Primarch sat high on the throne, his eyes first glanced at Bayar, and the Captain of the Second Company also took a step forward, saluted gracefully, and reported unhurriedly.

"Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, Lord Primarch, and the situation is better than we imagined: according to reports from our diplomatic envoys, most of the land in the Thalamas sector is controlled by a [Saar Regent Llamas] rules, and under his command are countless loose noble territories and states, which together form a distant and lonely fortress surrounded by countless terrifying and powerful enemies."

"The Regent of Salamas is happy to surrender to the rule of the empire, and the lords under his command are also willing to do so, but they also have a condition: after they surrender to the empire, we must fight side by side with them and fight together. Fight against countless fallen human pirates and greedy alien barbarians in the surrounding star fields, and leave enough power to ensure their safety."

"In return, Salamas is willing to open every world, every nest, and every group of families to us to select new Dawnbreaker warriors. Our envoy also specifically mentioned that the population of the area It is extremely dense, enough to rival the top hive worlds in the Sun Star Territory, and the martial culture prevails here. Most residents can even adapt to the long battle in the void. Even if they cannot become new blood, they can still become such as the Sun Auxiliary Army. An extremely elite mortal force."

"According to the Council's calculations, the entire Salamas sector may be able to provide the Dawnbreaker Legion with more than 10,000 qualified new blood who can withstand your gene seeds. If we manage this land carefully, this number will be There may be more to come.”

【Ten thousand...】

The Primarch whispered this number, and a greedy light flashed in her pupils: You know, when she took over the legion, there were only less than 20,000 heirs, but after sweeping four or five star sectors, and not With intermittent recruitment, this number has only barely accumulated to 25,000.

Such a comparison, as many as ten thousand new blood of the legion, can indeed make the master of the second legion a little extra patient with Salamas: not to mention that their request itself is not excessive.

[It seems that our expedition to the Salamas sector, no, it should be said to be recovery work, should be put on the agenda soon. 】

"I don't think there's any need for such troublesome action, sir."

Lana took a step forward.

"During the discussions in the Legion Council, we carefully evaluated all the intelligence coming from the Salamas Sector, as well as all the Empire's previous diplomatic records and exploration documents with them: the Council's view is that the Salamas Sector does not There is no need for you to recapture it yourself, we only need a fleet of ten Astartes companies to recapture them all."

【Five thousand people? 】

"That's right, sir. Although this number is not enough to conduct an expedition against the darkness outside the territory, it is more than enough to assist the Salamasians in wiping out the bandits in the sector. And this also involves another issue: Sir, as we are about to To recapture the Salamas sector, the jurisdiction of our legion is a bit too large. Even if we can recruit 10,000 new blood in Salamas, the force will become stretched."

The Lord of the Second Legion blinked, her eyes wandering over the three heirs, and it only took a moment to understand what they were thinking.

[So, you are interested in the Zhongsi Academy that I founded? 】

"That's right, my lord."

[Is this Marshall’s proposal? Or Hawthorne's suggestion? 】

"Jointly signed by two Your Excellencies: They have noticed that the first batch of students of Zhongsi Academy have completed most of their studies and are only left with the final internship stage. We can completely use them as the core to expand the mortal auxiliary of the Dawnbreaker Legion. Military forces serve as the main defense force of each galaxy."

"Not long ago, another batch of weapons and equipment from our Forge World ally Reza has arrived, including a large number of Brutal Blades, Storm Blades, Baneblade Tanks and Scimitar Tank Destroyers. Because These vehicles are already over-equipped in the Dawnbreaker Legion, so we gave their common equipment to the [Queen's Guards Legion]."

"The Council believes that with such equipment additions, even a mortal army will be able to complete some low-intensity combat missions. At the same time, they have also noticed the performance of some Zhongsi Academy students in combat..."

"More fanatical."


[Tell me more details. 】

"To be specific, not long ago, a combat video from the Valkyrie Training Base of Chungji Academy was passed on by Mr. Marshall. As you know, sir, the Valkyrie Base specializes in training those who have been admitted to Chungji Academy and have A mortal woman who aspires to be a warrior.”

"Intelligence shows that due to the strength of the enemy, some War Dog-class Titans from the [Sun Titan Legion] who happened to be passing by also joined the battle, fighting side by side with these female graduates and getting along happily."

"It's just that after the battle, these Titan pilots also seemed to have introduced some kind of... worship of [Hunting Goddess Pakmitris], that is, for you, the original body, into these graduates. They are now Claiming to be your follower and martyr reveals an eagerness to rush into battle."


[I do remember that I allowed the Sun Legion to retain some belief in me. 】

"Yes, sir, these graduates now call themselves [Blood Roses Watered by the Lord of Avalon], and have caused quite a turmoil in the Loyalty Academy. Intelligence shows that other female mortal students at the Valkyrie Training Base are not interested in This kind of belief and fanaticism seems to have a high level of interest, but other students and teachers react more strongly."


Frankly speaking, this news did not surprise the Lord of the Second Legion. She knew that as long as this kind of worship that was close to faith did not go online or even affect the Great Expedition, no one would really care.

The Spider Queen just sat there, wondering how her heirs would react to this [cross-border behavior]: in some thoughts deep in her heart, she could regard this reaction as a sign of the relationship between the Emperor and the Emperor in their hearts. The status of the Primarchs relative to each other.

"The Parliament believes that this kind of thing..."

The three Dawnbreakers looked at each other.

"It's not a big deal."

"Although this act of worship goes against the truth of the empire, considering the responsibilities of our legion and the special nature of the Far Eastern border, the legion council believes that as long as the situation is effectively controlled, there is no need to care too much about these things."

[Even if it goes against the truth of the empire? 】

The vague tone in the Gene Mother's mouth made the three warriors look at each other again.

"At this stage, we still have to focus on the actual situation."

"I'll tolerate it for now, but I'll regret it later."

"So...what do you mean, my lord?"

Morgan smiled, stretching lazily on her throne, seemingly unfazed by the question and her heirs' answers, as if she was unaware of the sensitivity involved.

[You just have to figure it out. 】


"Understood, my lord."

"Then, the Legion Council plans to incorporate these female graduates into Salamas's recovery fleet as their first actual battle. This will also quell the riots in the Tadashi Academy."

[Sounds good, but there is one small change that needs to be made. 】


[They have a better place to go and practice. 】

The leader of the Second Legion casually snapped his fingers, and a letter appeared in her palm, already opened.

[Not long ago, I received a call from one of my blood brothers. 】

[The call from Ultramar. 】


Time is up.

Virgo glanced at the timer and checked the mental computing device again. After ensuring that everything was in order, she turned off the giant dryer that had roared for almost a Terra standard hour, and then opened the hatch.

In the cabin, there was an extremely deep groan, almost completely suppressed by the huge cold storage and tenacity. It was like a beast that had long been accustomed to pain and was reliving the feeling of blood and scars.

Under the indifferent gaze of Virgo, the pale figure slowly climbed out of the darkness of the cabin: this person was the midnight ghost who had changed his face. At this time, he was more crazy than in Nostramo. , it can be said that he is a completely different person.

The dirt and dust that had lasted for almost ten thousand years had long been washed away after another Primarch's ten-tera-standard-hour battle. The refining promethium spent for this was enough to even turn a The Chapter's Astartes were burned to ashes.

The original skin color of Midnight Ghost: that extremely unhealthy paleness has been exposed to the air again, but under the influence of a large number of special moisturizers and cleansers, the pale skin color of the King of Nostramo is no longer It's like the original shroud color, but more like the maverick moon in the summer night sky, exuding cold indifference.

Against this pale complexion, when the pupils of the midnight ghost focused on Virgo in the next second, the creature that theoretically had no emotions of fear and awe could not help but retreat quietly.

"Do you still want to continue to provoke a fight, Lord Conrad?"

After calming down, Virgo forced himself to look directly into the eyes of the Midnight Ghost: the Primarch was still not out of the severe restraint state at this time, although he was no longer wrapped into a steel dumpling like before, but there were still some traces on his limbs. There are still layers of restraints on the torso and even the neck.

However, the Midnight Ghost was not more dissatisfied with this. In fact, after the thorough cleaning, the capricious King of the Night fell into an extremely strange silence, and his face even changed. He put on a terrifying smile and just squatted beside the machine, silent.

After hearing Virgo's question, the King of Nostramo raised his head with dignity and glanced at Morgan's creation.

"Why, do you want to be judged too?"

He smiled, and his rugged teeth were covered with yellow stains that had not yet been cleaned.

Virgo is noncommittal.

"In your eyes, doesn't everyone in the world deserve to be judged?"

Hearing this, Midnight Ghost instantly lost his smile. He put on a rather serious expression and stared closely at the blasphemous creation of the Lord of the Second Legion. About a minute later, accompanied by a burst of mocking laughter, he Shaked his head.

"Do you think trial is just pure killing and atrocities?"

"No, that's totally wrong."

Midnight Ghost took a deep breath, and he no longer looked at Virgo, as if he had lost all interest.

"Not everyone has the value to be judged. Judgment and torture are a rather sophisticated method. They are the fastest steps to achieve order and mercy. Every time a sharp claw scratches the skin, it requires the most careful observation. , the most exquisite art, and the strongest determination.”

"You don't deserve this, little one."

"After all, you... hmm, I don't know how the Carrion Queen created something like you, but your blasphemous birth shows that you don't deserve the most precious gifts and gifts in the world."

"For example: trial."

Midnight Ghost slowly uttered these heavy words, then said nothing, maintaining a strange tacit understanding with the equally quiet Virgo beside him.

The Primarch of the Eighth Legion hid himself in a large number of shelters made of chains and galaxies. While observing and memorizing everything in the room, he watched the strange creature take out more of his Something he didn't recognize looked like a bunch of torture instruments.

Midnight Ghost remained as quiet and patient as possible. It wasn't until he saw the maid dragging a chain ax not far in front of him that he felt that he couldn't hold himself any longer.

"Are you not done yet?"

【certainly. 】

The person who answered him was the leader of the Second Legion who opened the door and strode in.

The Spider Queen casually rolled down the crown on her head, as if the calmness and solemnity in front of her offspring had also gone away. Then, she rolled up her sleeves boldly, and raised the heavy crown with both hands, similar to Vacuum cleaners are usually medical equipment. They squatted in front of the midnight ghost and smiled.

[We still have a lot of work to do. 】

Looking at Midnight Ghost's face that finally became somewhat fair, the Spider Queen couldn't help but feel proud. She grinned and patted Midnight Ghost's cheeks and the shining skull casually.

[Are you still getting used to the new hairstyle? 】


The corners of Midnight Ghost's brows and mouth were twitching at the same time, showing an expression of extreme disgust for his blood relatives. He tried hard to drag the chain around his neck, avoiding the friendly yet arrogant hand of the Spider Queen, and then faced Accurate it.


Morgan jerked his hand back, but there was already a trace of white scratches on his nails.


[Originally, I wanted to anesthetize you first when inducing vomiting: Now it seems that you are in good condition, so there is no need for anesthesia and the gastric tube and gastric lavage surgery will be performed directly. 】

Morgan was still smiling, but for some reason, the slightest difference in the same smile was enough to make Midnight Ghost retract his neck uneasily.

However, the Spider Queen did not have the right indignation. It seemed that the swimming pool war with the Midnight Ghost consumed a lot of her energy, and the Lord of the Second Legion actually became a lot more peaceful. She directed Virgo to go about her business, He threw a jar of reagents to Coze.

[Give, hair growth. 】

Conrad took the reagent, blinked, then dragged the chain and slowly opened the reagent. The cool breath inside soothed his brows a little, and he drank it in one gulp.

When Morgan looked back again, he could only see a few liters of liquid disappearing in the Midnight Ghost's drinking. The astonishingly large Adam's apple on his neck was constantly rolling, pulling up layers of pale skin.


At the moment when the Spider Queen was in a daze, Kurtz had finished a whole can.


[Conrad. 】


[That is for smearing. 】




In general, after experiencing the brutality of the bathhouse war and several high-quality sleeps like a baby, Midnight Ghost's temper may have gotten better.

Of course, the charming smile on his face that never dissipated made all of this a question mark: especially when he opened his mouth and there was hair growth agent spread between the gums and sharp teeth...

Of course, the Spider Queen doesn't believe that a bath and a dragon can change the mind of the midnight ghost, but she doesn't care too much about where her blood relatives hide their boiling malice, because after filming a video about After the dialysis film image of Midnight Ghost's abdomen, Morgan could only sigh at Conrad's stomach pouch.

She came to Koz and pointed to the stomach pouch in the photo.

【What's this? 】

"The claws of a rat, the eyes of a wild dog, and the tail of a bat."

【What about this? 】

"Those things you put out on the side of the road."

【...Then what is this? 】

"Your logistics manager: Don't you recognize him?"

Morgan's brows twitched. She looked at Midnight Ghost and saw only a sarcastic and unapologetic smile.

[The reason you killed him was because he violated the law? 】

"I would just kill people because of it."

[But that is your law, and this is my ship. Your behavior is an improper and excessive law enforcement. 】

"This is your ship. He committed a crime on your ship, but he never received any punishment from beginning to end: this is enough to show that your so-called law is a piece of paper."

[Unsolved cases cannot be used as an argument for judicial incompetence, my parasite, and your ruling is so serious: I have never seen a judge judge a mortal into his own belly. 】

"Seriously? Do you mean he should be acquitted?"

[Ah, not really. 】

[According to the laws of the empire, the crime he committed will not lead to the death penalty. He, all his relatives, friends, and his descendants only need to serve six generations of hard labor. If they cannot support it, they can do it at will. Everyone has the freedom to become machine slaves. 】

[Look: This is much more humane than peeling off his skin. 】


Curze narrowed his eyes.

For a moment, he couldn't even tell whether the person in front of him sincerely believed in that ridiculous set of laws, or whether he was telling lies in a rather artificial way.

He thinks it's the latter.

But the development of things would not stop with the Midnight Ghost's contemplation. When he raised his head again, the Spider Queen had already filled a cart with a bunch of strange things, and then came to him. , the master and the servant worked together to lift the midnight ghost to a recliner, tied it tightly, and then turned on the high-concentration light to fix Conrad's wide grin.


"What are you doing?"

【Tooth repair. 】

【gargle. 】

[Then gastric lavage. 】

[If you do not perform well, I will consider adding an enema or something. 】

The smile of the Lord of the Second Legion has changed into a dangerous posture, but among the biological instincts of Midnight Ghost, the most dangerous thing at the moment is the strange torture instrument in her hand.


Just hearing this sound made Midnight Ghost's whole body tremble.

"……what is that?"

【This? 】

[This is a dental drill. 】

[It will enter your mouth later and pay a good visit to each of your teeth. 】

[Come on, be good and open your mouth. 】




#Kuz's Indescribable Scream#

"Don't come over here!!!!"


"By the way, the sound in mother's room seems to be even more tragic today."

"Yeah, it's much scarier than last night."

"But did you hear anything similar to the sound of an electric drill?"

"It's kind of... this sound sounds really scary."

"……Me too."


"Is this truly in line with the Emperor's duty, my lord?"

Looking at the midnight ghost holding the iron bucket and vomiting crazily from a distance, Virgo turned to look at his original body while enduring the smell of many ghosts and monsters in his stomach.

Morgan thought for a moment: It didn't take long.

[Don’t worry, my Aniya, I can assure you: so far, I have not violated any of the emperor’s orders, nor have I failed to live up to any of his requirements. 】

"Not a single violation?"

"The emperor's requirements for the training of his heirs should be very complicated, very demanding, and very onerous, right? Sir, are you really confident that you can achieve it?"

[It’s not... very complicated. 】

[Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm fulfilling the Emperor's requests, but it depends on how I interpret them: Get the promethium ready, Anya, he's almost vomiting, ready for the fifth gastric lavage. 】

"I thought I heard him spitting out the marble, my lord."

[I wouldn’t be surprised if he vomited out a Primarch. This guy would eat just about anything except my food, as if it was poison. 】

"Maybe he just thinks your food tastes bad?"

[...Shut up, Anya. 】

"Okay, my lord."

"But my database still needs to record the answer to one question: Why do we have to groom him so urgently? Can't it be divided into several days of labor?"

[First of all, I don’t have that much confidence in him. He is not Zhuang Sen. There is nothing worth exploiting. It is better to get it all at once. 】

[Secondly: Indeed, I am in a hurry. After completing this part of the work, I will lead the main force of my fleet south immediately. I will also gather other forces on the way to form a large-scale expedition fleet. 】

"Where to go?"

[Go to the south of the galaxy, to the Ultramar region, to answer the call of my blood brother Guilliman: he has captured traces of the Osiris psychic species, and is eager to get my help. 】

"So, you're going to take Cozzie?"

【yes. 】

[Since the Emperor has given me such a surprise, how can I not surprise Guilliman with him? 】

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