Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 273 Do you want a shield machine?

Riddles, idle talk, vague words.

It is full of unknown words and messy references that are common to subspace creatures: and these chaotic sentences are often the necessary elements for a sophisticated lie.

When the last words of Vashtor appeared in Morgan's ears, this was the Spider Queen's instinctive judgment of his words. Her brows could not help but frown, making the air in the hall feel a little heavier.

"Do you need me to destroy it, sir?"

Feeling the displeasure of her master, Virgo began to move her fingers. The hot plasma and electric current were running under her soft and innocent pair of snow-white soft skin. The sharp fingers that were used to kneading dough and yeast were also moving at this moment. Always waiting to take out the ultra-miniature Gauss cannon and linear particle cannon.

The red pupils reflect the appearance of countless data and observations, revealing the whispers of the Destroyer, and the Lord of the Second Legion only needs to hum a little to activate this terrible war weapon.

But it was quite rare that Morgan did not answer her beloved maid, but slowly closed her eyes and was quiet for a while. When she opened her pupils again and looked at the creator in front of her, those eyes The blue eyes that were once in a daze have regained their clarity.

In Vashtor's chest, because of this light of reason, there was a roar of gears that was almost admiration and joy. It still stood in place, like an overly abstract steel statue.

Morgan spoke.

[You broke your promise, Steel Demon. Do you think that long speech you just made was enough to make things clear? This may go against your original promise. 】

Vashtor nodded, not angry at the blunt accusation.

"Regarding this, please allow me to apologize to you, Your Excellency, I have a reason to do this: in the subspace, there are some secrets and darkness that even I cannot easily mention. You explained it clearly and caused more damage to my interests."

[Then what other benefits can you bring me, devil? 】

[For example, that deal you have been thinking about? Do you have any leverage to impress me? 】

[Although the existence called the Heart of Plague that you revealed does have extraordinary value, its name alone is enough to put me off. 】

"My chips are more valuable than you can imagine, Your Excellency."

Vashtor made a noise, either in annoyance or approval.

[Then take it out, every second of your hesitation is reducing my patience. 】

"as you wish."

Vashtor was silent for a while, as if preparing the necessary logic for the official start of the transaction. Its bright eyes were burning with fuelless flames, looking extremely strange.

In its hard chest, countless gears driven by flesh and blood kept grinding, and finally slowly roared out the coherent words of the Lord of the Soul Furnace.

"The Heart of Plague is just a deposit I gave you. It symbolizes the basis of our sincerity for this transaction and the value this transaction will bring to each other. Before you finally choose to use this item, I will definitely We will not violate the treaty we signed."

【What happens after that? 】

"We may become enemies, or we may be partners again: it all depends on where we are in the future and whether you are willing to trade again."

The Spider Queen was quiet for a moment.

【So, what will you give me? 】

Vashtor's biomechanical limbs scraped against the stone slabs, making a harsh sound. The demonic demigod waved his hand, and a huge screen formed on its arched spine, high enough for the Primarch to see. Clear every inch of the content shown on it.

What was playing on the screen on the demon's back was not complicated. It was three indescribable ancient devices. One of them was currently staying in front of Morgan, the Heart of Plague, and among the remaining two, one looked like Like the engine of a battleship, the third one was abhorrent to the Primarch with its disorder and distortion.

"From the beginning, the Heart of Plague has not been a lonely existence, Your Excellency. It has two equally ancient companions. Although each of their devices possesses powerful power, only when the three of them come together , they can play a real role.”

"Unfortunately, I can't give you the other two devices together, but I already know their whereabouts and the hiding places of the remaining two devices, which is another bargaining chip for me in this transaction."

【What are their names? 】

"Except for Plague Heart, the remaining two are named Ouroboros and Tuchulcha Engine."

[You just said that each of them has powerful power. What power is that? 】

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you the answer at this time. You can explore on your own."

[Not even those from Heart of Plague? 】

"Yes, this will make the Lord of Corruption feel offended."

【All right……】

[So, tell me, where are the remaining two devices? 】

Vashtor did not answer immediately, and the cold voice it projected into Morgan's armor audio device turned into some kind of whisper with an ancient atmosphere.

"A long time ago, in the long history that you can't find, there was an extremely tragic war. That war even promoted my appearance in subspace."

"In that great war that was enough to burn heaven, a race that was as powerful as gods fell, and they are the creators of the three ancient devices in front of you. These ancient devices were created at the end of the war. And given a great mission.”

"But before these devices could fulfill their mission, the war ended, and their creators fell one after another, leaving behind only a few terrified successors who called themselves the new masters of the galaxy: successors who feared the power of these ancient devices. Power, and that great mission, so the successors dismantled the three devices and imprisoned them in different places until today."

"In the passage of time, the Heart of Plague passed into my hands; and the Tuchulcha Engine successfully escaped from prison a long time ago, and it is looking for the person it is waiting for everywhere, because it is eager to be needed and used by others. .”

"That person can be you."

"And it's very close to you. Very close."

[You don’t want to tell me that that engine is on my Avalon? 】

"Not really."

"But it is in the land you rule, in the land called the Far Eastern Frontier: May I remind you that the Tuchulcha Engine is a cold and cruel creation that only has its mission in its eyes, and it It has the power to enslave other beings, and it often does so."

"As for your Avalon: There are also interesting things on it, but that has nothing to do with the deal between you and me. If you want to find out, I suggest you prepare all the power you can prepare."

【Thank you for reminding. 】

"After all, our deal will be long, and your death will do more harm than good to me for the time being."

【very good. 】

[So, what about ouroboros? 】

"Ouroboros is the only device that has not been able to escape its cage. Although it is actually the most terrifying, depraved, and powerful of the three ancient devices, it is precisely because of this that its cage is the most strong."

"Its cage restrained its spirit. Although the Ouroboros was tirelessly corroding its cage and turning the world where it was imprisoned into a terrifying hell. But just a few decades ago, a creature fell from the sky and let Its efforts are almost in vain.”


Morgan frowned, and the obvious hint in Vashtor's words made the Primarch quickly realize something.

[Where is it? tell me. 】

"A name you are extremely familiar with."


"Ouroboros, right here on Caliban."


Morgan was silent for an extremely long time.

The demon demigod did not disturb the Spider Queen's silence. Along with Morgan's contemplation, the steel statue temporarily fell into deathly silence. Only the huge sound like a war engine from its chest could reveal its existence.

The Lord of the Second Legion lowered her head. She used half of her will to guard against the demon's possible sneak attack at any time, while the other half gathered in her mind, setting off layers of huge waves of thoughts, and countless Thousands of inferences and possibilities were mixed together, and every loophole that might be a trap was carefully selected and checked until Morgan's deep-rooted caution was even slightly satisfied.

Even though Vashtor's words were as sincere as his body, and even though the Spider Queen's spiritual power never detected the slightest bit of concealment, when the Creator slowly finished talking about his chips, Morgan was still the first to fall into……


...This is not right.

Coincidence, what a coincidence.

Of the three ancient artifacts, one is right in front of him, and the other is also in his own country. As for the last one, it sounds like it is far away on the other side of the galaxy, but it is Caliban...

Does her lion brother have any reason to refuse her visit?

At first glance, it seems that she can easily obtain these three ancient devices and obtain their powerful unknown power. This is really...

So relaxing.

What was before her was an unknown and powerful power that was easily accessible.


Morgan wasn't sure whether Vashtor's words were truly unconcealed, but one thing she was sure of was that the last Primarch to face such a powerful, mysterious, yet easy force was named Maggo. Nus.

At the thought of this name, most of the Spider Queen's slow-burning flame was extinguished in the blink of an eye.

"Do you have any concerns?"

Perhaps it was because the Spider Queen's silence lasted for so long that even the demon demigod, who had always maintained a cold attitude, had to take the initiative to ask questions.

Morgan glanced at the Creator, and in return for its sincerity, she did not conceal her true thoughts.

[I don’t trust you, devil. 】

[The things you gave me are so beautiful and powerful, and they are so easy to obtain. It doesn’t seem like I need to pay more. 】

[This condition is so good that it is already suspicious. 】

"indeed so."

Vashtor nodded.

"But you ignored one thing: you only heard what you will get, but you haven't heard what I need you to pay. Your judgment only refers to half of the truth, so it does not have real value."

"Do you want to continue listening?"

【Let me think about it. 】

Morgan dismissed Vashtor's questions casually. Her main will had already left the conversation and came to the depths of her heart that had just gained some order and stability.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, the Spider Queen clearly knows that when facing this kind of subspace existence that she doesn't know much about yet, she must get a guarantee, a promise that is absolutely trustworthy.

She knew where to go to get the promise.

After a long absence, Morgan's soul fell on the territory of her mind. She raised her head and looked at the golden light in the distance: the golden sword was inserted there, it was as clean as new, and it seemed that it would be like this posture until eternity.

Morgan walked to the side of the sword, put her hand on it, closed her eyes, and listened quietly. In a daze, a ridiculous idea popped into her mind.

From this point of view, her genetic father is not useless.


When Morgan opened her pupils again, the Creator was able to capture a ray of golden flame flashing through her eyes. Although it was fleeting, it was indeed there.

It knows what it is.

"I take it you have permission?"

[It is a promise. 】

The Spider Queen corrected her posture. Her posture seemed much more relaxed. Compared with the previous cautiousness, she had a vigorous confidence. When she raised her head and looked directly into Vashtor's pupils that were like bright lights, This confidence is maximized.

She spoke, her voice more like a command.

[Go on, devil, I will consider agreeing to this deal. 】

[So now, tell me, what do you long for in trading? 】

The Creator nodded.

"So much the better."

"I'll make it clear to you."

"As I said to you before: these three ancient devices, you can also call them the three subspace artifacts, they have a great mission, and this mission is: when they come together, they will Be the key to a treasure house.”

[Another key? 】

"It's just words with similar meanings. Don't care about these details."

[You said this key can open a treasure house, what is in it? 】

"Heritage is a powerful legacy that is enough to subvert the galaxy. Those ancient races as powerful as gods have sealed their power and creations in the treasure house, and these three ancient devices are the only keys to the treasure house."

"The successors of the ancient race were afraid that the existence in the treasure house would see the light of day, because it would be enough to subvert their ascendant empire, so they imprisoned three ancient devices separately."

[You don’t need to be so mysterious, Vashtor, I know what you mean: As early as the War in Heaven, the ancient saints of the ancient race created a batch of terrible weapons and sealed them in a certain treasure house, and you The three ancient devices you want me to put together are the keys to this ancient treasure house? 】

"That's it."

[Then, let’s talk about the main point: What you want in this transaction is for me to collect three ancient devices, let them combine again to become the key, and open the treasure house, so that you can obtain the destructive power inside. 】

"I have more purposes, but you can understand it that way, because essentially, there are no more problems with your inference, and it is indeed the case."

Morgan listened carefully, her brows never relaxing from beginning to end.

[Then why don’t you do all this on your own? Now that you have mastered their traces, you can collect them by yourself to open up the treasure house that you have longed for. 】

[Is there any reason why you can’t do all this yourself? Or maybe you're hiding some of the dangers from me. 】

[Answer me, devil, or we end this deal. 】

A roar like a sticky swamp surged in the Creator's chest, and for the first time a trace of urgency flashed in its eyes, which Morgan easily caught.

"Okay, I'll answer you."

[This time, won’t it include some subspace secrets that will embarrass you? 】

"No, because the person behind you understands my words and sincerity better than you."

The Spider Queen raised her brows. Vashtor's words made her a little unhappy, but she could not refute the correctness of this sentence, because in her heart, the buzzing golden sword was indeed This is her greatest confidence in carrying the conversation to this point.

[Say it. 】

"Although the great mission of the three subspace artifacts is to open the treasure house of the ancient saints, for you young, overestimating races, its other function is more important. The person behind you What you like."

[Speak clearly. 】

"I will tell you a way, or give you a blueprint. As long as you place the three artifacts again according to the above method and place them in a specific cage, they will be reorganized."

[What is a specific cage? 】

"A world needs to be broken enough and completely saturated with subspace."

[Then after they are reorganized, besides serving as keys, do they have other abilities? 】

"Yes, they can form a discord engine, and with the cage itself that houses them, they can freely come and go between the subspace and the physical world."


[I can't hear it having any more value. 】

Vashtor was silent for a moment. It seemed to be struggling for less than a moment on whether to continue to tell, but it quickly resumed its indifferent narration.


[Internet channel? 】

"Yes, the Discord Engine is one of the greatest travel engines. It can be used to make a powerful piercing tool, like a stubborn worm, biting through the third space hidden between reality and subspace. .”

[When you talk about the third space, do you mean the Internet Channel? 】

"Don't you know it?"

Morgan did not answer the question from Vashtor, but in her heart, she was sure of the answer to this question: I don't know.

She had heard of the Webway, as countless Eldar had in their broken memories, but she had never really cared about it because she could not see the value in such a broken passage.

The Spider Queen paused for a moment, then continued to ask.

[You said that this so-called discordant engine can bite through the webway like a worm. What do you mean? 】

"literal meaning."

[A network tunnel shield machine that can dig out new network tunnels? 】

"That's understandable."

"The Webway is an ancient garbage dump. Although it contains immeasurable value and wealth, for young races like you, most of its passages are either too dangerous or cannot be used at all."

"However, with the help of this discord engine, you can continue to work on the basis of the old network channel and dig out your new roads among those ancient walls. As long as everything goes well for you, you can even own A web channel of its own.”



【so what? 】

Morgan fell into confusion: this was real confusion, because even if she searched every corner and territory in her mind in an instant, even if she raised her hand and placed it on the top of Virgo's head, she said it with the same She searched Virgo's database as fast as she could, but she still couldn't find anything about the web channel.

Apart from a few words from the Eldar, this thing that seemed important enough to serve as a final bargaining chip in Vashtor's mouth was completely beyond Morgan's cognition.

She even specifically searched for the memories left by her brother No. 11, but still found nothing.

Webchannel, is it important?

In Morgan's mind, such words kept emerging, but on the surface, she still organized her thoughts, letting her cold face cover up the anxiety in her heart. After a brief moment of shallow thinking, she spoke again.

[Let me speculate: The treasure house you are talking about is in the Webway. You want me to build the discord engine to help you dig out the location of the treasure house. 】

"Without your help: the moment you magically merge the three subspaces, our deal is over. You can do whatever you want with them, they are yours."

Morgan nodded, temporarily suppressing her confusion about the Webway.

[But despite this, you still seem to be unable to answer my question: You can do these activities by yourself, why do you come to me for transactions? Is there anything I am responsible for that you cannot do? What? 】

【You can't find them? Or can't you put them together and drive the Discord Engine into the webway? 】

"I can't do the second thing."

After a brief silence, Vashtor's voice flashed like its pupils.

"My kingdom is in subspace, in the soul furnace. I can maintain a corresponding balance with the gods. Although their power is stronger than mine, they also have their own concerns, so I am not afraid of them. .”

"But in the webway, or in the physical universe, I will lack enough power to protect myself. If the Discord Engine is in my hands, then unless I have powerful allies, I will definitely not be able to protect myself. Smooth sailing in the webway."

"And you may be powerful enough, but you cannot be my allies. You can only be my trading partners, helping me complete these dangerous tasks."

【Why did you choose us? 】

"For reasons you don't know, but the one behind you knows it very well."

In the roar of Vashtor's gears, which sounded like the blending of flesh and blood, there was an eagerness of praise and evil fear.

"The gods are very sensitive to the existence behind you, especially when he involves the Webway. The attention of the four gods will be highly concentrated. That will be an extremely rare time when they have no time to care about him. .”

"So, I gave you this artifact related to the Webway, because only you can attract all the attention of the four gods and create a safe enough opportunity for me: Such an opportunity may only last ten thousand years. There will be a fleeting time.”

"And this is the real core content of our deal: I will get the way and opportunity to open the treasure house, and you will get the artifact related to the Webway. This may be the best opportunity to change the destiny of your race."

"One chance for another, that's fair, isn't it?"

"So now that I've said everything I need to say, it's my turn to ask you."

"Do you accept it?"



Morgan fell into hesitation: she didn't know how to choose. Vashtor seemed to have constructed an extremely fair deal, but it did not expect some things, such as the impact of the Primarch in front of it on the Webway. This kind of existence can be said to be unknown.

And at this moment, an unprecedented tremor shook the Spider Queen's heart, that was the golden will.


[Promise it, my daughter. 】

[Morgan, my most important heir, agree to its deal and hold those ancient existences firmly in your hands. 】

[I will answer the doubts in your mind, but now, to carry out my order: you need to agree to its transaction, my Morgan, this is a crucial step. 】




If he happens to go against the emperor's desire, what kind of expression and anger will appear on his face when they meet again?

For a moment, Morgan even looked forward to the answer to this question.

So she blinked and smiled.


【I accept. 】


"Among my brothers, there are only two I am ashamed of."

"One is Horus, and the other is Jonson. They are the most powerful commanders, with the longest and most glorious legion. Their deeds are enough for anyone to look up to, because they stand on a path that no one can surpass. At a high level.”

“I admire them because they are better individuals than me.”

In the sacred but not extravagant command room of the [Macragge's Glory], the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds is standing among countless documents and reports. He handles these scattered information with ease, and also I was able to take some time to chat with the heirs around me.

On the star map in front of them, the southeast corner of the entire Storm Star Territory has been divided into countless strict grid squares, a small half of which has been painted out, symbolizing the purity and safety there, while the remaining grids are like The gradually tightening hunting net gradually surrounded the opponent he had not yet met.

The hunt was going very smoothly. The Primarch expected that he would be able to wipe out the shadows over the legions with his own hands within two months. This made him feel a lot brighter. When he was chatting with his closest descendant, He rarely mentioned his blood relatives.

"But apart from Horus and Jonson, there is only one brother that I can admire, and that is Gorgon from Medusa. He is simply a natural computing machine. My reason and logic are in front of his aesthetics. Not worth mentioning."

"I can't even imagine how I would face him on the battlefield. Ferus is synonymous with invincibility on the battlefield. Just associating his name with failure, I think it would be a kind of blasphemy."

Such exaggerated words made the high-ranking officers of the Ultramarines look at each other in confusion. Soon some people had the courage to take a step forward and question their original body.

"Do you mean that Lord Ferrus can never be defeated, father?"

Guilliman laughed.

"As far as I know, Ferus himself has always wanted to experience a failure, but his strength does not allow such a thing to happen. And for me, even if I am given more time to plan and prepare, I will not The slightest certainty that Ferrus and his legions can be defeated.”

"For him, the plan failed?"

"Yes, my boy."

The Primarch nodded.

"There are only two types of people who can make the most sophisticated plans fail. One is geniuses like Ferus. Their wisdom and logic can make even the most rigorous plans have loopholes. The second kind of people are just the opposite. They are fighting They will not carry any brain organs at all, and no amount of rigorous planning can prevent such a group of people."

The Ultramarines were silent.

"Is there really such a person?"

The Lord of Five Hundred Worlds scratched his neatly short golden hair.

"I'm not sure, for example, Ruth? Who knows, he looks almost the same as the second state. I really don't know whether he did it intentionally or unintentionally."


"You always seem to like to mention Lord Leman Russ in various questions, father?"

"Because in a way, he is really... very representative."

Guilliman coughed slightly and rolled his eyes, thinking of some supplement.

"But despite this, Russ is not without merits. He has his own charm. He and his wolves are unstoppable on the battlefield. Only death can intercept their footsteps, but they never stop. They despise death in their bones, and this barbaric thinking allows them to tear through any line of defense."

"If Leman Russ and his wolves are my allies on the battlefield, then I will have the confidence to defeat any opponent: provided that he listens to me, even if he only listens occasionally."

"Then, my lord."

Among the audience, the face of senior field commander Auguston was already filled with the most brutal and expectant smile.

"You mean, as long as we can join forces with the Space Wolves, we are invincible?"

"Are the Space Wolves so powerful?"


Guilliman was silent for a while, then shook his head towards his heir.

"This is a very complicated issue, my Auguston. I can't explain it to you in a few words, but what I can tell you is: Yes, joining forces with Leman Russ is enough for me to have Conviction and odds against any opponent in the galaxy.”

"Is this the unique charm of Leman Russ?"

"No, it's not."

Guilliman shook his head.

"In addition to Leman Russ, there are four blood relatives. I believe that joining forces with any one of them will be enough for me to win the destined victory on the battlefield."

"Who is there? Sir?"

"Horus? Or Jonson?"

Even among the rigorous and conscientious Ultramarines, this question was like a boulder falling on a pond, setting off a low but heated wave of discussion. The officers one after another named their own candidates, and Horus had no choice. Questions are the most frequently mentioned, but there are also Primarchs who are not even mentioned once.

For example, Luo Jia.

But in the end, it was Guilliman who waved his hand gently, suppressed the discussion, and solved the short-lived mystery himself.

"There is no Horus and Jonson: Although I admire them immensely, I don't think I will get along with them on the battlefield. Excellence and suitability are two realms, and there is no real hierarchy between them. "

"Who is there? Sir?"

Guilliman thought for a moment.

"Ferrus must be one: On the throne, I am willing to fight alongside him at any time."

"Sanguinius is also included. He has a unique charm, a powerful legion, and a stronger strength than me. Although there is no real strength gap between us Primarchs, Sanguinius Les is indeed that much stronger."

"Dorne is also a good choice. The Imperial Fists are the best allies at all times. Dorne will not be interfered with or hit by any factors in the battle. If there is a terrible catastrophe on a galactic level, then Dorn is the most suitable commander, his determination and will even surpass those of Horus and Ferrus."

"There is one more, my lord, who else?"

Facing the heir's questioning, the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds was silent for a while, then showed a knowing smile. His thin lips touched lightly and said the name.


"My blood relative."

"She has qualities that I trust and even envy: her rationality, her prudence, her kindness to her subordinates, and the burning fire of mission in her heart, which all prove that she is a reliable comrade-in-arms who can work with her subordinates. A cornerstone of the Empire like Dorne."

"As for other factors..."

"Her psychic powers, her planning, her versatility in management and rule, and her ever-expanding, ever-growing kingdom are all unique strengths."

"How can I get her help? If the power the two of us control, the legions we command, and the territory we manage can be united for one purpose."

"I will even have enough courage to face an entire burning galaxy."

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