+ When Leman Russ reported to me, he once made a rather imaginative proposal to me. +

+ At the beginning, I was even a little surprised by this: because Leman Russ never actively expressed any of his inner thoughts to me, he was used to listening to orders from me instead of giving me feedback. , or tell me what he is thinking. +

+ You know, it brings something new to me. +

【Do you hate this novelty? 】

+ Hate it? Why I hate it: In the eyes of my daughter, am I a tyrant who can only block the flow of speech? +

[I have never thought of it this way, but you rarely listen to me or other Primarchs, do you? After all, except for a few, you spend more time with most Primarchs. It's only that long in total. 】

[In other words, whether it is as a father or a king, whether Leman Russ is your heir or your right-hand man, you are actually surprised by the advice from him. This is a very sad thing in itself. 】

As he spoke, Morgan stretched out a hand, feeling the biting cold wind at high altitudes bypassing the natural golden light around the emperor, caressing her wrists and earlobes: follow the direction of the wind. , the distance that the Lord of Avalon can see even exceeds the territory of any small country on Terra in ancient times.

And at the end of the field of vision she could see, she only saw the extremely rare sun hanging in the sky of Holy Terra. The thick dark clouds dispersed, revealing a rare sunny day: the already magnificent Terra Palace. Under the sunlight, like a sacred light originating from heaven, it envelopes itself, the city at its feet, and the rolling mountains around it, and the phantom as huge as a celestial beast is even reflected in the to the distant Altai Mountains.

It is both the starting point of the Emperor's conquest of the world and a natural memorial to a great battle: it is said that the Emperor's first legion died there, or somewhere else.

+Q should not blindly accuse me, my daughter. +

The Lord of Mankind was silent for a moment before giving his reply loudly. He walked in front of Morgan and took his daughter to the maze next to the square, which was created by rare alien vegetation and a dazzling array of marble statues. As they walked slowly through the place, they did not encounter any outsiders along the way, but closely separated by the fragile wall, there was the sound of the Forbidden Army squad patrolling back and forth and breathing.

However, these most powerful warriors did not seem to have any awareness of this conversation that was only separated by a wall.

+ You think I have been ignoring your voices, but when will I be able to listen to your thoughts one by one: Just like you have more than forty company commanders under your command, how can you ensure that you satisfy their needs anytime and anywhere? , those are either serious or absurd ideas? +

[It is true that I cannot be satisfied, father, but even the least valued company commanders under my command can meet with me alone every three to five days at most during normal times when there are no expeditions or special combat missions. I will listen to their words. 】

[Even though this kind of meeting itself may not have any substantive effect, it does not mean that I will stop this kind of behavior in the future, because the very act of listening and communicating is its value. 】

+ So when you are on an expedition, when you are on Terra and part of the company commander is on Avalon like now, can you still do this? +

【Can't do it. 】

+I can’t do it either. +

The emperor placed his fingers on the eagle statue nearby and adjusted it.

+ Among your brothers, there are some who don’t want to meet me at all, and meeting me will only make everything worse. And among those who can meet me, most of them have been destroyed by the war. Worried about the expedition: Compared with countless fellow humans who are being ravaged by aliens and war, the meeting between father and son is nothing worth mentioning. +

The emperor turned around and took a deep look at his daughter. His golden pupils were filled with serious brilliance, making Morgan bow his head respectfully: Whenever the Lord of Mankind becomes serious, the Lord of Avalon I dare not confront him openly.

+ You told a simple and easy-to-understand truth, and I do understand this truth, but the actual conditions do not allow me to practice it: Therefore, when I accepted Leman Russ’s suggestion, I took the most serious Think about it with an attitude because it is valuable enough. +


[This is best, father. 】

Morgan bowed his head respectfully. This apparent obedience made the Lord of Mankind nod his head: after a certain point in time, the Emperor no longer expected to make Morgan become like Horus or He has a confidant like Donne. In his opinion, it is a good result that this daughter can communicate with him in a cooperative manner.

After all, Morgan is the only Primarch who can communicate with the Emperor on some private matters. This is an extreme advantage that all her blood relatives cannot have: Although Conrad can also do it, he is still too crazy, crazy to the Emperor. I still don't trust him enough in my heart.

With this relationship at the foundation, the Emperor doesn't mind if his daughter keeps a little secret of her own: anyway, compared to some of Morgan's brothers, the Lord of Avalon is already a cheerful guy.

+Okay, then let's talk about Leman Russ's proposal. +

The emperor randomly picked the edge of the flower bed at the right height and sat down. The golden armor made the entire bush sparkle, and the Lord of Avalon stood in front of him, with his hands behind his back. , quietly listening to his father's words.

The Lord of Humanity still maintained his serious face.

His first words were like thunder on the ground.

+Tell me, my daughter: do you want to be a Warmaster? +

【……? ! 】

Morgan did not respond, because when this sentence broke into her mind, all the Lord of Avalon could do was instinctively blink his eyes as a symbol of the dullness in his mind.

[You mean... Warmaster? 】

+ Yes, Warmaster, that rumor in the Great Crusade: Tell me Morgan, do you want to become the Warmaster of the Empire? +


Morgan took a deep breath.

She had guessed that the Emperor wanted to discuss the Warmaster with her, but he never thought that his father would do so in such a... straightforward way.

Is this the superb level of the Lord of Mankind without the Imperial Guard?

Morgan sighed fiercely.

[If I said, I want to be a Warmaster, how would you respond? 】


The Emperor raised his brows. Morgan's answer seemed to surprise him. He seemed to have never imagined that Morgan really wanted to become the Warmaster. In those golden pupils, it seemed that he had flickered for a few times. Silk had the urge to modify the language, but soon the Lord of Mankind wisely gave up on this delusion.

So, he used the simplest, rudest, most straightforward, most effective words, and the most suitable words for this [private occasion] to answer his daughter.

+ If you tell me that you want to become a Warmaster, then I will find a way to dispel your idea: I will give you certain special compensation, or give you a position that is more satisfying to you, but nothing more. +

+From the beginning, I did not intend for you to become the Warmaster. +

【……Why? 】

Although he had known it for a long time, a trace of unwillingness still flashed through Morgan's heart: the competitiveness originating from the depths of the Primarch's soul briefly occupied Morgan's heart at the moment he heard the emperor's words. Upside.

The Emperor remained impassive.

+Because you are not fit to be a Warmaster, my daughter. +

+ In fact, most of your brothers are not suitable to be Warmasters. This is not because you are not good enough, but because your abilities are not in this aspect. Making you Warmasters is like using a fine weapon. A sword is used to carve a statue. +

+ Possible, but inappropriate. +

As he spoke, the emperor pointed at the eagle statue that he had just adjusted: the stone bird of prey with wings spread seemed to be more ferocious.

+ That would be a waste, I am tired of this senseless waste, and you deserve to be in a more suitable position, my daughter Morgan. +


+Before this, I was worried about where to place you: but Leman Russ's proposal successfully reminded me. +

As he spoke, the Emperor laughed, speaking very quickly. It was also wrapped with unquestionable identification, like a rain of meteorites, constantly bombarding Morgan's mind, making the Lord of Avalon passively accept his ideas, and could not even find the time to raise objections.

But then again, this kind of rough and straightforward statement is extremely suitable for the master of mankind, because when he becomes serious and solemnly tells something, his voice, temperament, majesty and face are all... Can't let anyone say "no"

Even Morgan.

The Lord of Avalon could only acquiesce, letting every word from the Emperor's mouth become an unshakable fact.

[Leman Russ’s proposal? Is it the Warmaster's Council he proposed? 】

+Yes, he told me that he discussed this matter with you, and you did not express any clear-cut objection to his opinion, but I want to hear your thoughts again, and then I will tell you that I am What do you think? +

The Emperor changed his sitting position and seemed to be really waiting for Morgan's words.


[I think you should just tell me your thoughts directly, father. 】

[After all, I have never considered this matter from the perspective of the entire empire, and my current thoughts do not have much basis for reference. 】

+Okay. +

The Lord of Mankind followed what was good, and he didn't care if it was Morgan's humility.

+ Leman Russ's proposal gave me some new inspiration: before this, my vision of the Warmaster was to take over my position in the Great Crusade, but after talking with your brother, I realized Here comes a question. +

【Which question? 】

+Actually, I am not responsible for the current Great Expedition alone: ​​I have the Masters and the assistance of the entire War Council. Although they cannot play a decisive role, without them, the entire war machine of the Great Expedition will not be able to survive. Maybe it operates so smoothly, especially the palm holder. Compared with me, he is the actual controller of the empire at the moment. +

【……indeed. 】

+ As my replacement, Zhanshuai lacks this point. +

The Lord of Mankind narrowed his eyes and looked directly at his daughter. Those words that could be regarded as highly confidential were spoken clearly in this airy and cold garden maze.

+ I don’t need to say it, but you can also know: the reason why I set up a Warmaster and quit the Great Crusade is to return to Terra to carry out that big project. After I return to Terra, I will start from the Legion of Astartes. Select a legion from among them to serve as my Guards of Terra, and the War Council will also be dissolved and reorganized into the Council of Terra. +


[Terran Guards? Council of Terra? 】

Morgan whispered these two words, her brows furrowed high, because these two words made the Lord of Avalon feel something bad instinctively.

Not for other reasons: because even Morgan has to admit that the current system of the Great Crusade is actually the most suitable for the Human Empire, or in other words, the most suitable for the fragile and sensitive hearts of all the Primarchs.

And once the [Terran Guards], like the Terra Guard, appear to protect Terra, or the Terra Council replaces the War Council led by the Primarch, the current balance will undoubtedly be shattered.

More importantly, they will undoubtedly break the fragile psychological defense and dignity balance between some Primarchs: among other things, the Terran Praetorian Guard who can defend the Emperor and the Imperial Capital is undoubtedly another An existence that can vaguely surpass all the original bodies and even many legions.

Great, another Warmaster.

You know, after all, the Warmaster is only the Primarch's personal honor, and the Terra Guard, according to the Emperor's wishes, is related to the honor of a legion: this is much more serious than the Primarch's personal honor.

As for the Council of Terra...

[Is there anything wrong with the current war council? Father, why should it be reorganized? How do you plan to reorganize it? 】

The second question was more critical, and the Emperor had no intention of hiding it.

It is strange to say that the communication between the Lord of Mankind and his only daughter, although far less intimate and warm than between him and some of his sons, is more candid and more important: The few words they exchanged were enough to send an earthquake through the Primarch.

For example, the following sentence.

+Fundamentally speaking, there will not be any big changes. The responsibilities of the Terran Council are the same as those of the War Council. However, the seats belonging to the Primarchs in the original War Council will be thrown away: the Terran Council will It is an institution managed entirely by mortals, and Malcador will be its council president. +


[Throw away the Primarch, why? 】

It took almost all of Morgan's endurance to suppress the sharpness in her voice, because she simply could not understand the rationale for such a suicidal political move: especially when it came from the mouth of the Emperor.

You must know that the War Council is the highest command body of the Great Expedition on the surface, and is second only to the throne. Although the Primarch has never actually participated in more things within the War Council, they have always been this council. an unshakable part of it.

But now, the Emperor wants to throw his heirs out of the War Council, and even reorganizes a Terran Council: the Primarchs of the various Astartes Legions, who are the main force of the Great Crusade, actually started from the highest level of the Great Crusade. Removed from the command structure?

The political implications behind this were enough to set off an apocalyptic storm in the official circles of the entire empire.

And more importantly: why on earth would the Emperor do this?

Turn the Council of Terra into a purely mortal body?

But the current War Council is essentially a mortal government: the Primarchs who are fighting abroad cannot come back to participate in this council. They are just in name. The only power that is used on a large scale is to control the various provisions of the council. Just the right to refuse.

There would be no more harm in keeping the Primarchs, but if they were abandoned, there would be a real political disaster: among other things, after being eliminated from the high command of the Great Crusade, , the various Primarchs and their legions have become subordinate agencies of the Terran Council in a practical sense.

To place the Primarchs beneath a group of mortal lords?

Morgan felt that he could not think of a more explosive idea than this.

She opened her mouth, only to feel an inexplicable dryness between her mouth and tongue, so she licked her lips with difficulty before she could barely squeeze out the next sentence.

[But, Father, you have excluded us from the highest authority of the Great Far Army. So, within the framework of this human empire, what position should we and our legion be in? 】


The emperor narrowed his eyes. He did not respond immediately, but looked at his daughter with interest.

+ You don't seem to have any thoughts about being kicked out of the War Council: don't forget that you are also a member of the Primarch. +

[It’s just a false position. 】

The Lord of Avalon spread his hands indifferently.

[In the worst case, I’ll go back to Avalon. 】

[But you have to know, father: there are not many Primarchs as open-minded as me. Although some of your descendants usually disdain the orders of the War Council, if you want to deprive them of their status in it, you will It will cause some unnecessary waves. 】

+I never said that I would deprive you of your status in the empire. +

The emperor laughed, and he spread a hand, his words filled with confidence.

+ This is a very simple truth. You see: whether it is the formation of the Terra Guard or the Terra Council, it will be a matter after I return to Terra and leave the Great Crusade. By that time, the Warmaster's The position has been finalized a long time ago, and he will take my place in the Great Crusade. +

+ In other words, all armed forces, including every original body and legion, are departments under the jurisdiction of the Warmaster. As my replacement, the position of Warmaster itself is equal to that of the Terran Council. He Although he will be restricted by the Terran Council, the Council itself has no power over him. +

[However, they can restrict the position of Warmaster through some soft power through supply, logistics, publicity and other conditions: I have to remind you, father, the position of Warmaster can never replace your position in the Great Expedition. , because he could never become the empire's top political leader. 】

+ It is not a serious problem, Morgan. Let us believe in Malcador's ability. He will not let the relationship between the Terran Council and the Warmaster reach this point. +

The Emperor waved his hand, brushing off Morgan's warning with a brief smile.

+ Since the Warmaster will be the leader of all the armed forces of the empire, the original body will naturally be under his command: Therefore, I will separate the original body from the War Council, because they and the War Council will be subordinate to two people from now on. systems, do not interfere with each other. +

[But in essence, it is also a derogation, isn't it? 】

[We have gone from being at the same level as the War Council to being subordinate to the Warmaster who is lower than the War Council. Although I personally have no opinion on this arrangement, some of my brothers do not think so. 】

+I will deal with this problem. +

The Emperor waved his hand.

+Before I left the Great Crusade. +

[This is not the only problem you have to solve, father. 】

Morgan scoffed.

[Other than that, how can you determine and coordinate the relationship between the Warmaster and the Terra Council: Malcador is indeed worthy of trust, but as for the Warmaster, don’t forget, the one you are looking forward to Warmaster, a not-so-good conflict is about to break out with your noble palm bearer. 】

[The direct cause and root cause of this conflict are all you. 】


[What's more, even if we assume that Horus and Malcador are both righteous people, the coordination between a warmaster who is only responsible for the military field and the Terran Council who is far away from the front line of the Great Crusade will be disastrous. of. 】

[When the Warmaster encounters political matters that are not within his jurisdiction, does he have to report these matters all the way to the Council of Terra, and then wait for the Council of Terra to send his opinions on resolution: these two Between a short sentence, there will be a gap of four or five days or even four or five months. It is a catastrophic efficiency problem, isn't it? 】

[Don’t tell me, you haven’t thought about this? 】

+Of course I realize that. +

+ Even if I didn't realize it before, after talking to Leman Russ, I already realized it. +

+ The problem you mentioned does exist, Morgan. The position of Warmaster itself is incomplete because he lacks a solid bridge with the Terran Council. He lacks a person who will not compete with him, but will work for him. A solid enough position and support to share worries and solve problems. +

+The one who lacks his palm seal. +


Morgan's eyes narrowed.

When the Emperor stood up slowly while speaking his words, the Lord of Avalon suddenly had a bad feeling. The last time she felt like this, it was a certain Caliban lion. He patted her shoulder affectionately while throwing a pile of documents to her that could drive Coswayen crazy.

And now, the genetic father of a certain Caliban lion was coming to her step by step, patting her shoulder with the same affection: his other hand said he was not holding the document, but he seemed to be holding it. Something scarier.

+ A political manager of the Great Expedition, a person who can assist my Warmaster, a person who does not need to be selected. +

+This position, among all the Primarchs, is a single-choice question. +

+Isn’t it, my daughter? +


The emperor raised the corners of his mouth slightly, trying his best to look as kind as possible.

+ an Overseer. +

+ a chief of general staff. +

+A Warmaster's Sealbearer. +

+General Secretary of a Great Expedition. +

+ Or the Chief Prosecutor of a Great Crusade, or some other title. +


The Emperor patted Morgan on the shoulder

+Which one of them do you prefer? my daughter? +



[Can I not like it at all, father? 】

Morgan rarely showed a flattering smile to the emperor, her face was a little pale.

The Lord of Humanity shook his head firmly and ruthlessly.

+ Like I said, Morgan, this is a multiple-choice question. It is a position that does not need to be elected, but a position that needs to be appointed: you should make your choice early. +

+After all...+

+ Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, right? +

The Emperor laughed.

Morgan had never felt that his smile was so terrifying, so invincible.

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