Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 417 In front of the statue of the original body

"Let me comment on my brothers, and that's without them being around?"

"I'm not telling you, Riemann, this is not an appropriate move. This kind of behavior of discussing other brothers behind their backs is disgraceful: especially on the land of Terra, this is undoubtedly a whim..."

"It's not just you, Horus, we all will evaluate: Aren't you curious how I would evaluate Guilliman and Dorn? I would put them both together."

“…but the idea of ​​a promising future.”

When the Wolf Shepherd God was interrupted by his other wild wolf brother, he froze on the spot, and then added the words with earth-shaking connotations. His footsteps had already reached Leman Russ and Kang. In front of Rad, and with the arrival of the chief primarch, the other three brothers also followed.

There was no need for the Wolf King to say it again, because the voice of Leman Russ greeting his brothers could cover the three Squares of Heroes. Even the Imperial Guards who were wandering around the edge of the square and who were called guards but actually under surveillance, also gathered one after another. In the sight of the Primarchs, guess what tricks these restless Imperial demigods are up to now?

In the central area of ​​the square, facing Leman Russ, who held Conrad in one hand and took the proposal of [Evaluating Brothers] in his own name, the primarchs also showed their different opinions. Attitude: Obviously, the Wolf King does not want the primarchs to think that this proposal comes from Konrad. He naturally believes that his barbaric self is more suitable to make such unreasonable demands.

As for Conrad: In the view of the Wolf King of Fenris, his little brother has been burdened with enough false rumors. Now, let him become the little brother of Nostramo in the eyes of everyone.

Thinking like this, Leman Russ glanced at his brothers: Wolf Shepherd was obviously a little moved by what he said. After all, Horus has never been able to refuse such activities. For Yu Gong, he He has always paid close attention to the feelings between the Primarchs to help the Emperor mediate the conflicts between the brothers. Personally speaking, knowing the attitude of the Emperor's children towards other brothers is also an intelligence advantage that Horus attaches great importance to.

Sanguinius, who stood beside Horus and was willing to be his foil, was another expression: although the archangel of Baal seemed to be quite interested in Leman Russ's proposal, He leaned against the Shepherd God's ear and persuaded him to agree. However, in the eyes of those beautiful amber pupils, the keen Wolf King did not notice the archangel's focus on this issue.

Sanguinius was echoing, amusing everyone, especially Horus, but otherwise he didn't care what the topic was: if Horus or the other Primarchs, If someone expresses distaste for this topic, the Archangel will surely become a staunch opponent of the topic.

However, although the indifferent eyes of Sanguinius were revealed, compared to the other primarch who was walking slowly, the archangel's performance was still more restrained: Jonson just walked to the side of the brothers, With his hands behind his back, he stood in the edge area. Although he did not directly object, his attitude of withdrawing from the matter and his slightly furrowed brow showed that he was slightly dissatisfied with Leman Russ's proposal.

However, considering that Morgan, who came from the other direction, had already actively integrated into the circle, Zhuangson had no intention of leaving: the Spider Queen had come straight to Conrad's side. She hugged the midnight ghost from another direction. There was a smile on the corners of her eyes and mouth, but there was already a fierce light in the depths of her pupils when she looked at Conrad.

【What are you doing? 】

Morgan lowered his voice towards Conrad, but even so, these angry words could still be caught by Leman Russ's ears, but the Wolf King turned his head sideways and started talking to Horus. They excitedly discussed the next topic, deliberately ignoring the dilemma faced by the Midnight Ghost.

After all, although Leman Russ doesn't mind helping his little Nostramo brother with whom he has a close relationship to deal with some troubles, he is not big enough to get involved in this kind of...


Mother and son conflict.

So, when the Wolf King deliberately turned his attention away, Midnight Ghost was able to narrow his narrow pupils and smile at his nominal sister, his actual adoptive mother.

"Don't you want to hear it, Morgan?"


Morgan hesitated, and she narrowed her eyes as well.

[Whether I want to hear it or not, it’s none of your business: tell me why you did it? 】

From the low throat of the Nostramo, a night owl-like laughter came out.

"Don't pretend, sister, this kind of Primarch's attitude towards other Primarchs is an extremely valuable asset even in the galaxy. After all, each of our brothers has a huge number of people behind him. Legions and unimaginable benefits: it would do you good to lend an ear, you see, even Horus understood this."

Conrad didn't forget to blink.

"Before this, I have been by your side. I can see the future, which means you can also see the future, so you don't need to worry about this: but after this, you'd better do it in advance. Prepare, for example, to listen to this valuable information here.”


Morgan opened her mouth, and she suddenly found herself speechless.

Because from an emotional point of view, she certainly cannot refuse Conrad's help. Even from a cold interest point of view, Conrad's opinion is undoubtedly the best solution in terms of interests for Morgan.


So, after a long absence, Morgan began to look at the pair of narrow pupils from Nostramo very seriously: The Spider Queen had not seen the bloodthirsty and madness in these pupils for a long time. Instead, , are some gentler elements, but equally unwilling to settle for mediocrity. It is these elements that constitute the current Midnight Ghost.

Morgan hasn't carefully observed these pupils for a long time, because as time goes by, her relationship with Conrad becomes more and more intimate and familiar, and this intimacy also brings about the neglect of details: with Ava The Lord of Long knew many things about Conrad a long time ago, and she took the things she remembered as natural and eternal, thus forgetting that since the Midnight Ghost has experienced education and upbringing, then, he Just like any ordinary child, he will continue to grow up and change quietly.

It would make her unrecognizable.

Just like now.


Morgan's nose was filled with the cold air of the Square of Heroes, and her mind was troubled by a simple question: She had heard this question a long time ago, when she visited Markkula Ge, when talking with Guilliman's adoptive mother, Ms. Euton, I heard a heartfelt emotion from that respectable mortal.

At first, she didn't care.

But thinking about it now...


"Unknowingly, he seemed to have grown up and did not need my care or advice. He was able to take care of his own affairs, have his own ideas, and even think about me. .”

"Learn to dress himself, eat by himself, take care of himself. He no longer needs me to urge him to learn knowledge, and I no longer need me to warn him to pay attention to dangers. He knows everything and already knows everything."

"Of course this is a good thing..."

"But, it came so quickly, so urgently, that I, as a mother, couldn't react at all. When I still regarded Him as the child who needed my guidance, preaching, and even some tough lessons. By that time, he was already taller than me, and could even think of things I couldn't think of and do things I couldn't do."

"I no longer had to worry about him, and I even began to suffer from his feedback. Other mothers told me that I was getting ahead of myself and that this was the result of my hard work raising him: Of course I knew what they said was true, but Somehow, although I am very happy, there is a different kind of emptiness in my heart.”

"I still have the identity of his mother, but some of the most sacred parts of this identity seem to have left me. I still have the greatest name, but I am no longer the strongest one... …”



"He's grown up."


Unknowingly, I grew up.



【All right. 】

【This time, I will listen to you first. 】

After giving this answer rather hastily, Morgan turned her head and no longer looked at her midnight ghost: The Lord of Avalon can only say this answer now, and can only do this. Avoiding it for no reason, a kind of inner loss, made Morgan refuse to continue to face this problem.

In this regard, the Nostramo man had no further reaction. He obediently turned his eyes in the same direction as Morgan: Maybe the Midnight Ghost did not realize the consequences of his unintentional words.

In their field of vision, Leman Russ had already settled the other brothers. The focus of the current discussion between the Fenrisians and the Wolf Shepherd has become a question that even Zhuangson is extremely concerned about: where to start? Start talking.

This was not originally an issue worth discussing, but coincidentally, when Leman Russ proposed to start the discussion in the order of the legions, almost at the same time, Horus proposed to start the discussion in the order of return.

Up to this point, it was just an awkward moment, until Zhuang Sen, who seemed to be out of his mind, suddenly turned his head and spoke out to support Leman Russ's point of view. Then, this innocuous little problem was covered up. cast a heavy shadow.

The wild face of Leman Russ was squeezed into a painful ball of paper, as uncomfortable as stepping on a pile of mud, which made Sanguinius standing aside laugh secretly, and the smiling Shepherd Wolf The god also tried his best to keep his face as kind as possible, and looked at the lion king. Invisible firelight was already flickering in the air.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Avalon and the Archangel exchanged glances, and then they stepped forward in unison, pulling away the troublemakers from each family, and words of persuasion came one after another, from Morgan and Senge. One after another came out of Leth's mouth.

"Okay, don't delay here for such a trivial matter."

[What is the difference between the order of legion and the order of return? 】

“In terms of legions, the first legion is Jonson’s Dark Angels, the second legion is Morgan’s Dawnbreakers, and the third legion is Fulgrim’s Emperor’s Children. Let’s start with our Chemos Phoenix. .”

[In order of return, the first one to come back is Wolf Shepherd, the second to come back is Leman Russ, and the third to come back is Gorgon: that is, starting from Ferus, and ending with Is there any more difference in the relationship between the two of them, whether we talk about Fulgrim first or Ferus first? 】

"Instead of worrying about it here, why don't we just choose a closer one."

[The Archangel is right: So is you. Riemann: Shouldn't we think about this kind of thing in advance? 】

Morgan raised his eyebrows and threw a harmless criticism on the shoulder of the Wolf King. The Fenrisians grinned unconcernedly, scratched the back of their heads, and lowered their heads in embarrassment. The depression in the air was blown away with the laughter of everyone.

In the midst of laughter, the six Primarchs walked towards the statue closest to them: this statue belonged to the Phoenix of Chemos, the most gorgeous pursuer of perfection among the sons of the Emperor, who stood beside the statue of Ferus, with his head held high. , like an eagle looking down at the sky.

"Fulgrim, our brother who commands the Emperor's Children Legion, is the best swordsman and artist among the original bodies. He is also one of the brothers who went to Nostramo. You should have an impression of him, Kang Ladd.”

As always, Horus stood in front of everyone. He turned his head, put one hand behind his back, and spread the other hand, pointing at the statue in front of him.

The Wolf Shepherd smiled.

"If I had to use one word to describe Fulgrim, it would be: gentle."


The question came from Leman Russ. The Wolf Shepherd glanced at his brother and answered the question equally.

"I don't know if you have noticed before, brothers: whenever we have talks between blood relatives, Fulgrim is always the one responsible for mediating conflicts. He doesn't want to see conflicts between brothers. conflict."

"Do you remember, Jonson: During your argument with Dorne, which led to the conversation between the champion swordsmen you each sent, Fulgrim was trying to mediate the conflict between you, but he still failed. .”

"Of course I remember."

Zhuang Sen nodded.

"I sent forth the champion of the Firewing, and my champion secured that victory for me: and as for Fulgrim, I remember his intercession, too, only his intercession was as his in the face of Dorne's firmness. Just as weak as a swordsman.”


The Shepherd God narrowed his eyes.

"Weak is not a word suitable to describe one of the finest swordsmen among the Primarchs."


Zhuang Sen nodded seriously, and then thought about it seriously.

"In other words: hesitant, or conservative."




The Lion King spouted out these comments that were definitely not positive. He spoke so fast that even Morgan standing aside could not stop him, and he discovered that the brothers around him seemed to have no regard for him. After Fulgrim did not agree with his evaluation, the Lord of Caliban was very considerate and did not forget to give his reasons and supplements in detail.

"I'm not being disparaging."

Zhuang Sen emphasized.

"Fulgrim's swordsmanship and military skills have merit, but his shortcomings are also relatively obvious: he always wants to save more things and pursues his perfection, which is the method with the least casualties. To win, this prevents him from understanding that sacrifice is sometimes necessary and unavoidable.”

"He is not used to losing anything, whether it is his own heirs or the blood left in battle. I suspect this may have something to do with the harsh environment of his home planet: it makes him a soft, or stingy, person. "


As the Caliban man spouted out the words in his heart like a barrage, not to mention Morgan who had already put two fingers together and rubbed his temples, Horus and Leman Russ alone opened their mouths. They opened their mouths and didn't know what to say for a moment: they admitted that Zhuang Sen's words were indeed to the point, but it seemed inappropriate to agree with these comments in public.

Weak, hesitant, stingy, stingy...

Johnson's evaluation may not be incorrect, but it's just a bit excessive...



In the end, when the two Emperor Wolves looked at each other, the Archangel standing aside took a step forward, took Zhuang Sen's words lightly, and resolved the crisis.

"My thoughts may be a little different from yours, Zhuang Sen."

With that said, the Archangel smiled at Caliban. Even Jonson couldn't refuse the smile forcefully. So, the Lion King, who was in a good mood, just nodded, indicating that he could tolerate the objections from his brothers. .

Sanguinius also spread his hands. He patted the statue behind him.

"I think our Phoenix is ​​a thoughtful character: among the Primarchs, who can create so many miracles like him, such as conquering a world with only eight people? Among brothers, There may not be only one person who can do it, but he is the only one who can ignite such a fire of courage and build such a castle of fantasy in his heart.”

"I agree."

The Fenrisian on the other side couldn't wait to take up the topic. He was afraid that Zhuang Sen would say something from the bottom of his heart again.

"Fulgrim is an absolutely smart man. I think he is one of the smartest among the brothers: Do you know that when I proposed to the Emperor that Fulgrim's expedition fleet number be set to No. When we were on the 28th Expedition Fleet, he understood my inner meaning in an instant. Father, I thought he would have to think about it for a while."


This number made the Shepherd God raise his eyebrows, but he understood what it meant in the next moment, and almost all the original bodies present understood it at this moment, and showed a knowing smile at the same time.


[What a fitting number, isn’t it? 】

"Who says otherwise: a man like Fulgrim must know these numbers by heart."

#easy laugh#


# Someone who is silent in the laughter#


"what are you guys saying?"

Among the tacit laughter of many of the emperor's heirs, only one person's frown, silence, and subsequent doubts seemed so harsh, abrupt, and pitiful.

Zhuang Sen was seen standing there, with one hand on the hilt of the sword and one hand hanging on his waist. He frowned and looked at the brothers who were laughing next to him: even the brothers standing on both sides of him Conrad and Morgan were both smiling aloud, but he was the only one who couldn't understand the meaning of these words.

So, subconsciously, Zhuang Sen turned his gaze to Morgan, and Morgan raised his eyebrows and looked back at him in surprise.

[Don’t you know, Jonson? 】

"……what do you know?"

[Just like Leman Russ said. He proposed that Fulgrim's fleet be the Empire's 28th Expeditionary Fleet, which was a very elegant gesture. 】

"...Elegance? Riemann?"

Jonson opened his mouth and spat out these two words with some difficulty, as if he was personally acknowledging that Guilliman was a loyal minister of the empire.

"Why is he... Riemann... so elegant?"


Morgan shook her head: she was not surprised.

[Twenty-eight, Zhuang Sen, this is a perfect number, a number that is most suitable for a perfect person like Phoenix. 】

"...Perfect number?"

Zhuang Sen took a deep breath, frowned and pondered for three seconds, and then asked this rhetorical question in a weak voice.

"what is that?"


Even though the Lion King of Caliban had tried his best to lower his voice, Conrad standing on the other side could still hear it: So, the Midnight Ghost patted Jonson on the shoulder and answered in a teasing tone.

"The so-called perfect number is a mathematical concept, also known as a perfect number, or a perfect number. It refers to certain specific natural numbers. The sum of their divisors other than themselves is exactly equal to themselves: for example It is said that the number six is ​​divisible by one, two, and three, and the sum of these three numbers is exactly the same as six, so six is ​​a perfect number, and the same is true for twenty-eight."

[Conrad is right. 】

The corners of Morgan's mouth rose, and the pride in her eyebrows could no longer be suppressed. She then patted Zhuang Sen's other shoulder.

[Read more books, Zhuang Sen. 】

[You see, even Conrad knows this truth. 】



Johnson was silent.

For a moment, Caliban's lips were trembling slightly. He seemed to want to say something, but couldn't. The Warmaster candidate glanced at Morgan, then turned to look at Conrad. , there was a fleeting helplessness in his pupils, and he just felt like he was in a weird whirlpool, unable to escape.

This is really a humiliation: even that barbarian Riemann knows...


Zhuang Sen took a deep breath and found that he couldn't even say a word.

He didn't know what to say either.

But the slight anger that he was holding back in his heart could not be noticed by the other Primarchs, or in other words, it was ignored by their deliberate kindness: as the Wolf Shepherd God waved there, everyone's eyes were on He also briefly left the statue of Fulgrim and looked at Ferus next to him. Jonson, who was falling behind him, patted him on the shoulder and whispered a few words in his ear. , also restrained the anger on his expression, and followed the team in silence.

Midnight Ghost was waiting for his two blood relatives not far away. He came to Zhuang Sen's side with a playful smile, elbowed his serious brother, and said two witty words: Although the Lion King His face was still tensed, but after glancing at this brother and then at Morgan, the anger in his pupils disappeared unconsciously, accompanied by a frustrated sigh.

Caliban hit back at the Midnight Ghost angrily, but there was a smile on his face again. Next to the two Primarchs attacking each other, the smiling Lord of Avalon just watched silently. They're messing around.

However, such a harmonious atmosphere only lasted a few seconds: when the six Primarchs stood in front of the statue of Ferus, they all fell into an awkward silence.

At this time, Horus, standing in front of everyone, was naturally even more embarrassed.

He took two quick breaths, seemingly to cheer himself up, then turned around, facing his brothers, and spread his hands.

"Well, Ferrus, he is actually a veteran of the Empire and the Great Crusade: I must tell the truth, although the return of our Gorgon brother is second only to me and Leman Russ, I actually do not Don’t know him very well.”

"Ferrus is undoubtedly excellent because he was solely responsible for one direction in the Great Crusade, but because of this, except for Fulgrim, the other brothers don't seem to know much about him."

After saying this, Horus did not forget to cast his gaze on the other two brothers, and Sanguinius and Leman Russ each nodded, agreeing with the Wolf Shepherd's words.

But after nodding, the archangel of Baal seemed to add a sentence unintentionally.

"It's not just Fulgrim: have you forgotten, Horus?"


The Shepherd God was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized.

"You're right, Sanguinius, I really forgot about that."

The Wolf Shepherd smiled slyly.

"Actually, in addition to our Chemos Phoenix, there is another brother who is also extremely enthusiastic about Ferus, so enthusiastic that it is somewhat inconsistent with the impression he gave us."

After saying this, everyone from Sanguinius to Leman Russ, and even Jonson, let out a suppressed, intermittent laughter in their chests: everyone knew who Horus was referring to.

That character always appeared in a negative light in the brothers' conversations: Even when the Wolf Shepherd mentioned him teasingly, no one felt that this was anything wrong.

"You are right, Horus."

The archangel then added.

"As you said, last time, when I saw the relationship between Guilliman and Ferrus, I was even a little shocked. It was not in line with my impression of Guilliman."

Sanguinius spoke these short words quickly, as if taking a sip of wine, then shut up and quietly retreated to the other side, waiting with interest for the continuation of the topic he had raised. Leave to ferment.

At this moment, the archangel of Baal noticed the gaze coming from beside Zhuang Sen, so the archangel smiled and nodded towards the blue eyes, and received a gift in return.

And between them, a soft hum from Caliban had quietly opened the curtain of the drama.

"Ferrus is indeed an excellent military strategist: even if we look at the entire galaxy, his knowledge of war is one of the best. I think Guilliman may have taken a fancy to this. After all, our Ultra Brother Ma, his art of war is [learning]."

When he uttered the last two words, Jonson's tone was obviously distorted, which made several other primarchs laugh.

"Speaking of learning, I remember that Guilliman studied Perturabo's Tyrant Siege and then launched his own Radiant Spine Terminator: Fortunately, he did not hand over these learning results to his teacher Perturabo. Mark him, otherwise Perturabo will definitely give him a practical failure."

Horus touched his chin.

"But speaking of Perturabo: His Tyrant Siege is indeed an excellent product. I once borrowed several squads from him to besiege those fortress groups that I could not conquer for a long time. It is extremely effective. group."

"Petolab's talent is undoubted. His ability is just like his hard-working spirit. He is a treasure of the empire. Very few people can do what he does."

Surprisingly, this effusive praise came from Jonson. When he mentioned the Olympian tyrant, the attitude of the Calibans was obviously more friendly than most people imagined.

In fact, in the mouths of most of the Primarchs, they always praised Perturabo more than they doubted it.

"Of course: no one doubts Perturabo's abilities."

"Except himself."

The Fenrisian slowly picked up Horus's words, letting a new low laugh echo among the primarchs.

"Of course he is excellent. Otherwise, how could Guilliman learn from him? After all, although our Ultramar brother has various unsatisfactory qualities, we have to admit that he has always had a sharp vision."

"I'm just curious, what does Guilliman want the Tyrant Terminator to do?"

Unknowingly, the topic seemed to shift.

"The answer is obvious, because the human empire has it, so his new empire must also have it."

"New Empire?"

Sanguinius raised his brows exaggeratedly, as if he was completely unaware of this matter, while Jonson just snorted and waved one of his hands, as if he was clutching the Ultra Same as Ma's flyer.

"Why, haven't you seen the immigration leaflet from Five Hundred Worlds? On it, it says in black and white, Ultramar, the New Empire."


A strange silence echoed in the wind in the Square of Heroes, and it ended with the archangel's sigh.

"Well, I never thought our brothers would be so...sincere about this?"


"But then again, Guilliman seems to have always been someone who has always been so open and honest about his... uh... personal ambitions."

The archangel blinked.

"Tell me, how should we describe Guilliman's personal ambitions: Isn't the word we usually use a bit too unreasonable and not suitable to be spoken on such a sacred occasion."


For a moment, the Primarchs were lost in thought, and different answers rang in the air at the same time the next second.

"With the world in mind?"

"Top Gun?"

"The sea is open to all rivers?"

[Don’t forget your original intention? 】





[Change the word, Jonson, we need a more elegant word now. 】

Morgan lowered his voice.


The Lion King made a serious face, and he was very serious and silent for a few seconds.



[Forget it, pretend I didn’t say it. 】

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