Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 436 Time of Judgment (Part 1)


Judgment from Midnight.

A judgment for a world.

Under the scorching sun that shines in the sky, in the glorious light, the judges who walked out from midnight lost all their caution: the greatest judgment should be in the place that attracts the most attention, in the most upright and just way. The gesture, the verdict cast.

The Judges have never been a group of blood-stained blades that should be hidden in the midnight: of course, because of their responsibilities, they must stay in the shadows for their long lives and become the swords of justice that pierce evil, but this does not This means that these heroes can only linger on the edge of the normal world, and can only live in the shadows with criminals.

Only criminals need to live in the shadows, because they need to use darkness to cover up their sins, and judges must not only learn to walk and fight in the shadows, but also learn how to stand proudly in the sunshine and greet the surrounding world. Here comes the look: This is an even greater challenge.

After all, only by standing in the sunshine and in the eyes of everyone can one prove which blood on the body is the ironclad evidence of corruption, and which blood is the price that has to be paid when punishing evil.

In the same way, only by standing under the sun and among everyone can the judges remember: they are not criminals, they are members of society, elites, and they are not maggots who can only live in the shadows. They are fighters who take the initiative to bear a huge burden.

This kind of pride, which comes from a sense of responsibility and self-awareness, is a creation that can only thrive in the sun, and in the endless darkness and killing, it is the last barrier that can protect the noble mentality of the judge.

Even the lord in the middle of the night is a citizen under the sun, and even a butcher with blood on his hands is an imperial soldier who should be treated equally.

But it is a pity that in the long period of time before this, this simple and easy-to-understand truth seemed to have been ignored by the empire's powerful people. The War Council, which sat high on Holy Terra, was using this weapon that should be used with caution. The Judgment Knife, which was kept carefully, was waved casually, blindly looking at the various [traitors].

The big shots on Holy Terra turned a blind eye to the various bloody purgatory created by the Eighth Legion. Instead, they proudly enjoyed the effectiveness of fear tactics: in every world that dared to resist, they experienced massacre, despair, and fear. During the reincarnation of surrender, no one had ever noticed that the judges who had created all this already had cracks in their hearts.

Even the Lord of Mankind has never noticed this crack. In other words, the Emperor's level of attention to most of the legions is so low: his only attention seems to be focused there. There are a few legions that can please him, such as the Luna Wolves, the Emperor's Children and the Imperial Fists, but more Astartes legions with original sin are trapped in their own shortcomings and are in embarrassment. 's edge zone.

Therefore, for these legions on the fringes, the Gene Father they have never met has become their only way to salvation: they can only hope that the guidance and changes from the Gene Primarch can help them get out of the fog.

Among them, some of the more fortunate legions did meet the original body they dreamed of and embarked on a new path. Their names even caused jealousy among the brothers of other legions, and such as [Big Words like "angel" or "mother" are even given some weird meanings.

As for those unfortunate legions, their reunion with the Primarch was just the beginning of another nightmare. It even made the originally reserved guilt completely embark on a wild run on the road of corruption. The slaughter, contempt or contamination of those who disobey will be the last straw.

Originally, the Eighth Legion would be a model of the latter, but the already shaky Legion had completely turned into incurable madness after incorporating many [characteristics] of the sinful world of Nostramo.

But the subtle thing about fate is this: you never know what will be in the room in front of you until you actually open the next door.

As for Conrad's genetic descendants: after they reunited with their genetic father, they tremblingly opened the room specially prepared for them by the Midnight Ghost.


I encountered a path I had never imagined before.

A fair and just trial.

This seems to be a matter of course: the trial should be fair and open to all, but after connecting the word "just and fair" with the Eighth Legion itself...

It really has a strange flavor.

But no matter what, when they saw the well-deserved blood flowing freely under the ruthless sunshine, many of Conrad's descendants had a novel feeling: it was like a river that had been blocked for a long time was being reopened. This feeling made them feel relaxed and happy, just like they had been poured into fresh living water.

At the very least, they don't hate this feeling. They don't hate judging the sinners in front of them under the somewhat poisonous sunlight. They don't hate looking at their own shadows in the light as soldiers or judges.

They were still a little uncomfortable, but other than that, everything was fine.

For the warriors of the entire Eighth Legion, this would not be a bad direction, nor a bad start: their primarch had brought about changes in them, and they could feel that in their genes The Father has the responsibility and mission in his heart and has carefully thought out a way for them.

Almost every Terran veteran can notice this. After all, they are human beings who have experienced almost a hundred years of ups and downs in the Great Crusade. When these figures who hold the right to speak within the Legion feel the original body's influence, By the time of his kindness, the entire Eighth Legion had already gathered around Midnight Ghost, possessing the initial centripetal force.

As a result, these warriors who were given the title of [Midnight Lords] began their first combat operation after reuniting with the Gene Father: it may be inaccurate to say that it is a combat operation, but in the eyes of the Eighth Legion , judging the evils in the world is also a war that deserves to be taken seriously.

Those legions who only regard conquering land and destroying countries as war, I am afraid they have never thought that if the lands they conquered for the empire will only be desolate patches of lawless people, then what they call What is the meaning of victory and glory?

For a long time before this, the Eighth Legion held this view and despised the battle brothers of other legions, and today, they will also use their actions to illustrate this point to their original body.

The 10,000 most elite Terran veterans in the legion were the first batch of warriors to land on Nostramo. Their airdrop pods landed near the square in the center of the hive city, where the so-called [old soldiers] gathered. The most elite force in the hands of the Noble Alliance]: Every soldier under the banner of these Nostramo nobles is an unrecognizable thug with a lot of blood in their hands, and they have even been transformed, and their commanders are even more keen to use The same kind of people died to show their [impressive martial arts].

For the judges, this is a wonderful starting point: there is no need to go through any procedures, and there is no need to worry about any unjust, false or wrongful convictions. Every explosion of a bomb means the success of a trial.

The army of the old nobles gathered near the square was about ten to twelve times the number of the Midnight Lords' vanguard. When such a huge army was deployed in the hive, it was overwhelming. Such a numerical advantage Of course it brought them huge benefits: it took Conrad's descendants a full thirteen minutes to completely collapse this army from beginning to end.

The subsequent trial took about an hour. The most massive project was to find the criminals hidden in the maze structures of the hives. However, the specific process of such a large project was unclear. It is so boring that there is no need to go into details. The dignitaries on Nostramo have never been known for their powerful military power, not to mention the formation of tens of thousands of Astartes, which is enough to annihilate most of the galaxy. For most independent countries, it can even be called a wasteful act to deal with these local snakes.

Obviously, the midnight ghost sitting on the high tower, quietly witnessing all this, also realized this: Conrad spent a lot of time listening to the monstrous screams, replacing the usual midnight sounds in Quintis City. Noisy, while restraining his instinct to join in and drink blood, he issued the latest remote instructions to the respected company commanders.

As a result, more Night Lords were dropped, and the vanguard troops originally in the square were divided into several forces. The siege of the noble spiers and arsenal in the center of the nest became the next highlight, and there were still a few The Night Lords received the corresponding list and went to cleanse the intricate so-called gangs and families in the lower city of the hive city.

"We targeted them because they were the easiest option."

Midnight Ghost raised his head and carefully smelled the fresh blood in the night wind. This long-lost smell made him smile, and then explained to Savita beside him in a soft tone.

"Even if the entire Nostramo unites, it will be powerless in the face of the power I control, not to mention that there is no unity at all among these powerful people: so the real core of this trial is not How to defeat the power of the nobles lies in how to more efficiently distinguish between the guilty and innocent people at this time."


"With all due respect, Midnight Ghost."

When they sat at the same height together, Sevita could only reach Conrad's forearm, but the Nostramo boy was still able to raise his head and speak extremely calmly, without any initial suspicion. The excitement and trembling of seeing an idol: This powerful ability of psychological control is why the Crow Prince is able to thrive in the lower city of the Hive.

Even when faced with the midnight ghost he admired the most, Sevatar could explain his views and questions thoughtfully and would not be easily swayed.

"On Nostramo, it is difficult to find a completely innocent person: I know that among the scavengers and civilians wandering in the lower city and sewers, there are indeed some who can be called innocent, but that It's because they are too weak to even commit crimes, and as for those gang members and upper-class nobles, they are of course guilty, and death is too cheap for them."

"But besides that, there is another kind of people living in the hive of Nostramo."

Having said this, Savita paused.

"They have indeed done bad things. They cannot be said to be innocent, but they are not as heinous as gangsters or nobles: their bad deeds are often coerced or forced by life. You have to convict them. Or innocent?"

"Of course he's guilty."

Conrad turned his head, his long black hair was blown by the night wind, and his pair of narrow pupils were carefully staring at the blazing fire not far away, which was led by the most experienced Terran warrior in the Night Lords Legion. The special forces he led were besieging the spires of the nobles: in just half an hour, more than 90% of the ancient families in Quintis City had completely disappeared in the fire.

Until this time, these powerful people still cannot learn the secret of unity. They can only gather their own slaves and sit on their own family territory to resist to the death: and in those more notorious families, there have even been outbreaks. Due to serious internal conflicts, the young disciples threw the elders out to attract the attention of the Night Lord so that they could successfully escape. The elders also seized the opportunity to do the same thing to the younger generations.

This kind of internal strife before battle often only accelerates the demise of these families, but even so, Midnight Ghost still decided that he would go there personally later to make sure that all the ancient evils in Quintis City would be uprooted: Conrad didn't mind being extra careful in this kind of thing.

Before that, he could still answer the confusion in Savita's heart.

"Sins can be divided into many types. My little guy, there are subjective and objective ones, as well as active and passive ones. Those criminals who have no choice but to do so can indeed get some forgiveness, but no matter what, when we conduct the trial, We all have to pay attention to the most fundamental principle.”

Midnight Ghost's eyes were deep.

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price."

The Primarch spoke this rule word for word, and his words caused Sevatar to think deeply and frown.

"So, will you kill them, Midnight Ghost?"


"Why do you think so?"

Conrad turned his head and looked at Sevita, who was staring straight at him, and Sevita responded with a confused look of course.

"In people's legends about you, your method of dealing with any criminals is to kill them, skin them, and hang them on those spires: I have never heard that you have a special treatment for criminals. Two ways to deal with it.”



Conrad's head rolled back.

He coughed loudly twice, and was speechless for a moment. An inexplicable embarrassment was highlighted in the invincible back of the Primarch.

In the next ten seconds, Conrad did not speak, as if he could not think of how to explain this change. Instead, the Nostramo boy sitting next to him was keenly aware of the Primarch's actions. aware of something.

he asked.

"Is it because of your experience in heaven, Midnight Ghost? Your experience in heaven made you decide not to kill all criminals, but to grant some forgiveness according to their crimes?"

"That's called appropriate punishment."

The midnight ghost seemed to be sighing.

"Not all sins deserve the harshest punishment, and the judges who only sentence death are no different than executioners and thugs: this is what I realize in the galaxy, and I will bring this change to all Noster Ramo.”

Having said this, the original gene even paused. He turned his head and looked at the Prince of Crows who met his eyes.

"Can you understand this?"


Savita was silent for a moment.

Then he shook his head honestly.

"I can not."

His voice was booming.

"Since I was very young, I have rarely understood the emotions or expressions of wishes in other people's mouths: I am not used to treating anyone with a judgmental attitude. When I kill other people, I just Just because I need to kill them."



The boy changed the topic and smiled towards his idol, the god in his heart.

"Midnight Ghost, if you really want to bring any change to Nostramo, then please give it to this hopeless land: I may not understand your hidden meaning. But I will definitely do it 100% There will be no mistakes in executing it.”

"I believe you are not wrong, Midnight Ghost."

"And as long as I can implement your ideas with the best attitude, then I won't be wrong."


Facing the boy's smile, Midnight Ghost also smiled.

"Don't you want to have your own ideas, Sevita?"


The boy seemed stunned for a moment, and he began to think because of Conrad's question.

Then his voice disappeared into the increasingly noisy night of Nostramo.

"Of course I do."

“But I am convinced that now I am unable to have a correct perspective when facing many problems, so what I need to do is to take on those things that I can take on, and for those things that I cannot take on, Don’t make arbitrary decisions, express your opinions, and do your best to implement them.”

"What if you have to do things that are beyond your capabilities?"


The boy laughed, his laughter was so hoarse.


"I have no choice but to risk my life."

I don’t have enough time, so I’ll write this much first, and I’ll solve the Nostramo thing in two pages.

There may be another update later in the night, but don’t wait, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to write it.

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