Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 441 Restaurant on the Battleship

"So, what is Mr. Conrad's final fate, Mother?"

[Thanks to Enric Barbatos. The urgent document in his hand that needed to be reported immediately saved Conrad's life. I can't really have an in-depth discussion with their genetic father in front of the Eighth Legion. Bone marrow communication: At least not yet. 】


"What document would be urgent enough to interrupt a conversation between two Primarchs?"

[I don’t know, because I didn’t listen: I asked Conrad to go out and slowly talk to his sons about their legion’s affairs: Remember, my Aniya, some things are the Night Lords’ own business. , has nothing to do with us. 】

"But, it's Conrad after all."

【……so what? 】

"So... um..."

Virgo paused: she saw her hands crossed behind her back, her curled fingertips constantly grinding against each other, wiping away the sticky sweat beads. After a long time like this, the maid of the original body organized own words.

"Your Excellency Conrad, after all, he has been on your ship for so many years, and among all your brothers, his intimacy with you is also ranked in the top three, and can even be said to be the closest one: After all, relatively speaking, Mr. Zhuang Sen still doesn’t understand you very well.”


Morgan raised a brow, of course she knew what her daughter wanted to say.

[So, what you mean is: I shouldn’t let go too much about Conrad, but should continue to pay attention to him and his legion as before? 】

"It took a lot of effort for you to make that bastard your closest brother."

【indeed so. 】

Morgan nodded.

【Therefore. 】

[So, my reliable Anya: Do you think Conrad will not be able to sense which of my actions are truly caring about him, and which of my actions are in the name of relationship, and I want to interfere in the internal affairs of the Eighth Army? ? 】


[Perhaps only Horus, the wolf god, would do such a thing, arbitrarily interfering with other legions under the banner of caring: But I think even Horus, theoretically speaking, would not engage in such stupid behavior. , how could there be a primarch who was unaware of this behavior of adding sand to his own legion? 】

[If Horus really dared to cross other primarchs and interfere in the command or even internal affairs of other legions, not to mention that this behavior would only bring him the resentment of a brother, but the behavior itself: just like He is an unsociable writer. In a long group creation, he relied on his own ideas to give an already contradictory character a bad plot with a very image-breaking feeling. 】

[What’s more: even if we make the ugly reality a little clearer. 】

The Primarch scoffed.

[The Far Eastern Frontier is the imperial region closest to Nostramo, and I am Conrad’s closest brother. What’s more, neither the Eighth Legion nor the Midnight Ghost are known for their excellent internal affairs capabilities: that is Said that if they want to expand themselves, getting closer to me is the most feasible choice. 】

[If that’s the case, then why should I go to extra trouble and take the initiative? 】

"……what do you mean?"

"From now on, don't we need to pay too much attention to the Eighth Legion or Conrad?"

【Yes, that's it. 】

The primarch nodded.

[Just like I completed the second half of the Nostramo satellite project smoothly, without even the slightest twists and turns to write about: the story about the Eternal Night Star is over, what does Conrad want to do with it? His hometown is his own business, and I don’t think there will be more problems in that world. 】

[Cross Nostramo, even cross the midnight ghost that will wander on the Dawn Goddess, because this chapter of the story has passed: we have to look forward, and there may be new brothers ahead, And the new problems they bring are waiting for us. 】

[As for Conrad...]

[Believe in my educational achievements. If something goes wrong, that kid will naturally tell me. 】

"Then we still have to record all Conrad's words and deeds as before: after all, although Lord Conrad already has his own Night Lords Army, judging from his character and his relationship with you, he must Will visit the Dawn Goddess often."


The primarch thought for a moment.

[Of course, but be more passive. 】

"What's the meaning?"

[If Conrad said something to you seriously, then you must record it and never delete it. If he said it in a joking tone, then when you clear the memory, take care of it. Those memories are no problem either. 】

"What if there are some things he won't tell me?"

[How can you possibly know something that I won’t tell you? 】


"Okay, mother, I understand."

Virgo thought for a moment, then lowered her head obediently. The eldest daughter's gentleness and transparency still satisfied the Primarch, and she stroked the top of Virgo's head as a temporary reward.

[Now, now that our problem has been solved, why don’t you bring me my afternoon tea, Aniya, I’m a little hungry, it’s time to add calories. 】

"Understood, mother."

[By the way: Considering that I am a little tired after work, when preparing afternoon tea, remember to prepare it lightly and don’t put so much sugar and oil. 】

"I understand, mother."


"But then again, mother."

"It's been a long time since you made a strange request like this: In my impression, your request for afternoon tea has always been a normal amount of sugar and a little more protein, not less sugar and less oil like now."

"Did the Nostramo thing really make you so tired?"

"What's wrong with your condition?"

[Not a status. 】

The Primarch lay spread out on his throne.

【I just have no appetite. 】


"To make matters worse, I think we need to summon all the pharmacists of the Dawnbreaker Legion to have a serious discussion meeting about this: In the past few years, I have seen you angry, losing control and tired, or in battle You’re too tired to lift even a finger, but I’ve never seen you lose your appetite.”

While Virgo rambled on about the little worries in her heart, she held a metal kettle similar to hers filled with hot milk with both hands, and poured the delicious drink into the exquisite teacup on the table: It is so exquisite for the Primarch that if this teacup is turned upside down, it can be used as a helmet by the Dawnbreakers.

Then, the maid of the original body took out a sugar bowl from her dining table, took out a spoon, poured it carefully a few times in the same large sugar bowl, and shook the white sugar cubes inside. Evenly, it was finally poured into the hot milk in the tea cup, until the last white sugar also jingled in the sugar bowl, slowly falling down and causing water splashes.

"Is that all, Mother?"

Virgo frowned.

[Yeah, I don’t really want to drink anything too sweet today. 】

The original body nodded, she slumped down on her throne, raised her head to look at the ceiling dotted with star lanterns, chewing on the sudden feeling of weakness in her heart.

[What’s for today’s tea? 】

Virgo bowed and answered fluently.

"According to your request, there are a total of three hundred egg tarts, including one hundred original ones, one hundred blueberry or cranberry fillings, and one hundred cream tarts. The outer meringue has been processed according to your special requirements. It gets to the point where it’s soft and fluffy, while the filling is still warm.”

【...Only three hundred? 】

The Primarch raised a brow.

[With this amount, which gap in my teeth do you want to stuff, Aniya? 】

"Please forgive me, mother, but you have a meeting in fifteen minutes, and we need at least five to six minutes to prepare for the meeting: the remaining time is just enough for you to finish your afternoon tea. "

[Hmm...okay. 】

The original body snorted softly and made a reservation for today's supper in his mind. However, when the Lord of Avalon put the first egg tart into his mouth, the taste of delicious food still washed away the depression in Morgan's heart.

[Hmm, it tastes pretty good: I didn’t expect you to actually do this. How did you do it? 】

"We consulted the garrison sages of the forging world Riza, and they specially developed corresponding eating machines: the sages of the forging world Riza said that small daily life problems like this cannot be solved in their forging world. It is also very common, and it turns out that plasma is the best solution to solve all these problems."

[So the egg tarts I eat are all taken out of the plasma furnace? 】

"The incident happened suddenly, so the sages generously donated their kitchens and kitchen utensils, and temporarily removed a plasma engine from one of their small transport ships as an energy system to run the kitchen utensils."

[Sounds really good, maybe we can promote this kitchen system. 】

"In fact, Mother: The garrison sages of Forge World Reza already have their own exclusive canteen on the Dawn Goddess. They have also been trying to invite some Dawnbreakers who are close to them to go to their Eat in the canteen, or conduct investment promotion activities at the remaining stalls in the canteen, but the current effect is not good.”

"The sages felt that maybe the audience for the [Gasoline and Wire Soup] they launched as the canteen's signature product was not as wide as they thought. Some sages decided to try launching a new product [Gear Sandwich] to see the market. effect on.”


[Is there still a market for this thing? 】

"Of course."

Virgo nodded: Compared to the Primarch, who has a lot of busy things and tends to be lazy and mysterious, Morgan's eldest daughter seems to have a deeper understanding of certain areas of daily life on this battleship. .

"Before this, according to your instructions, there were many canteens on the Dawn Goddess that did not belong to each other, or there was free space left to build canteen areas, but the number of Dawnbreakers stationed on this battleship, And the number of mortal assistants is far less than initially expected, so after discussion, the Daybreaker's provisional council decided to freely donate these areas to those legion forces who are willing to run a canteen."

"Whether it's a Dawnbreaker warrior, a mortal assistant, or other personnel."


[You mean: During this period of time that I didn’t notice, many food suppliers with local characteristics have actually developed on my Dawn Goddess? 】

"Yes, the [Green Hell Restaurant] built by the Catachan Jungle Fighters is the most popular one. Although the casualty rate in this restaurant is very high, its ever-exploding popularity forced the Council to temporarily Next to this restaurant, a highest-standard medical treatment station was built, which receives at least three digits of diners who are injured in the restaurant every day."

[The restaurant didn’t close down? 】

"In the past three quarters, the performance has increased by at least seventy-five percent. I even heard that many Daybreakers, even the Old Guards and the Knights of Le Fay, will specifically order takeout from this restaurant. .”

"However, although the restaurant has always been very popular, it rarely opens. According to the chefs, all the raw materials are transported from their home planet: although the transportation itself is not a problem, the cost of these raw materials It is...certainly difficult to obtain."

"Therefore, [Green Hell Restaurant] is actually a very high-end restaurant. Even diners like the Old Guard or the Chevalier Le Fay need to make reservations in advance: sometimes even for several months."


"In addition, a restaurant with a mysticism style and no name was built with funds raised by His Excellency Ahriman. It is also an evergreen tree on the ship. It is said that in the hands of His Excellency Ahriman, there are a number of even An ancient menu that dates back to the dark days of technology.”

"There are also rumors that the ambassadors left behind by the First Legion, according to what Lord Luther said back then, your favorite food menu when you were in the Dark Angel Legion was their signature, and their small restaurant was also running well: However, We’re not sure if the restaurant even exists, it’s more of an urban rumor.”

"In recent times, the fastest-rising one is a restaurant that sells Ultramar-style food. It was established by the Ultramar mortals who followed the Ultramarines diplomatic team to the Dawn Goddess. : Some mortals stay here because of work, and they use the restaurant as a way to remember their hometown."


【Ania. 】

"I am here."

[Later today, make an appointment for a takeout for myself: just make an appointment for the most popular takeout from those restaurants. The takeout address is in Rana's office. Open the door and the office is on the right. 】


[By the way, cash on delivery. 】

"Shall I pay?"

The primarch smiled.

[The address is Rana’s office. What do you pay? When the time comes, just pick up the time and go get my meal. Don't let that guy Lana throw away my midnight snack. 】



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