Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 446 A daily job

His smile was intriguing.

But soon.

He couldn't laugh anymore.


In this world, there are not many reasons that can make Fel-Zarost, the chief think tank of the Night Lords Legion, unable to laugh. But just now, he unfortunately, or it can be said to be very unfortunate, discovered again. one.

However, the Master of the Think Tank is not in the mood to record this new discovery in his short and vicissitudes of journey, because he is currently entrenched on his ship [Pale Veil], facing his squad leaders, soldiers, And those mortal captains and crew...

Swear in the street.

The scolding was very intense.

Fortunately, it's not unpleasant.



"Give me the overdrive engine! Let me run this damn ship!!"

"I fucking said it! Speed ​​it up! Never mind that shit about the stability of the subspace engine. We're going to be at the very back of the battle line. I can't even see the asses of those damn oil guys from the bridge. !”

"Fuck! I've never seen these gear-playing people so desperate before!"

"Never mind the lower decks and the engine room! If there is no explosion, you don't have to tell me! What you bastards have to do now is to accelerate me at all costs, accelerate at all costs: I can't even see the original body on the radar The ship is the Nightfall! Lord Conrad is at the front of the battle line now, he needs us!"

"Damn it, why is this group of oil guys' ships responsible for the Bird Divination Ceremony? What on earth did that old lady from the Dawnbreaker Legion say to these bastards? They all seem crazy."

"So, my request is to let this ship run at full speed and hit it into the center of the battlefield! Do you understand? If you understand, go back to your captain's seat. If you can't do it, I will Your skin is peeled off!"


With an angry tail note, Zarost wiped the foam from his mouth, spat on the floor with lingering anger, and then threw the pale mortal captain aside, leaving him alone. Go back to your seat and let this damn cruiser run at its theoretical fastest speed: even if it explodes directly and kills more than 100,000 mortal sailors on the ship, it will not be hesitated.

"The day the Emperor cursed..."

The chief think tank, who was also the commander of the leading main company in the Eighth Legion, sat down on his seat, still whispering his curse with a Terran accent. The blue veins popping up on his forehead were inconsistent with the expression in his pale pupils. The normal scarlet bloodshotness clearly indicates that the son of Conrad is walking on the edge of rage.

In fact, for Zarost or any soldier of the Eighth Legion, this kind of rage is very abnormal: although Konrad's descendants were born knowing how to use the power of blood and fear, they He would never show the cruelty in his heart on his face in such a straightforward way.

They prefer to express their authority with intriguing threatening words, or bloody artworks in the shadows: and as the chief think tank of the legion, Zarost is the master of this reserved demeanor.

But today, he had to break through the defense almost simultaneously with at least 20,000 battle brothers from the same legion.

There is no other reason...

It's not because of that white-haired girl from Avalon.


Zarost licked his teeth. He fell into a brief state of uneasiness because of the blasphemous name in his mind. This Terran veteran of the Night Lords believed that he was definitely not a wolf-hearted bastard. As the descendant of Conrad, He knew that all the Night Lords actually owed Morgan a huge favor, and as a think tank, the genetic mother of the Dawnbreakers was the mentor of Zarost and even all the think tanks in the Eighth Legion. .


Leave aside the facts.

The current situation indeed caused the Night Lords present to fall into incompetent rage.


Zarost's increasingly gloomy eyes swept over the auspicious device in front of him. This device was still faithfully showing its owner the scene for most of the week: it was an empty and lonely space, and it was filled with countless burning beacons. , it was like a turbulent flow that swept through thousands of warships and millions of troops.

That was the place where Ulan Huda died.

It is the place where the Night Lords will fight side by side for the first time after reuniting with their genetic father. It is also a galactic sanctuary worthy of being remembered by the entire army.

Originally, the situation would be like this.

Taking another look at the bird fortune teller, Think Tank touched his forehead and sighed.

But now, the development of things is slightly different from what the Midnight Lords originally imagined.


The Bellion System is an unremarkable corner of the Thalamus Sector. Apart from the capital of the sector, which is relatively close to the sector, and the densely populated Salamas System, this huge galaxy with only three planets has no other features. What’s special is that even resources are so scarce.

Originally, the Night Lords Army did not intend to stop Ulan Huda here. After discussion, the Sons of Konrad decided to ambush the Predator Furnace in the Quit system behind the Berrien system, which is far away from Sara. The Mars galaxy is closer, which not only allows Ulan Huda to penetrate deep alone, but also makes it easier to obtain supplies from the rear.

Around these two points, the plan to strangle the Predator Furnace was actually designed quickly, but the finalization of the combat plan did not erase the dark clouds over the Eighth Legion: both the high-ranking legion governors , or the company captains of each main company, all whispering in the shadows they inhabit, discussing the original body's intention to launch this strangulation operation.

The Night Lords had no idea that their genetic father would fight for the Thalamas sector, which had little to do with the Eighth Legion: its inhabitants swore allegiance to the Queen of Avalon, and their manpower and resources are given priority to the army on the Far Eastern border. Although the close relationship between Conrad and Morgan has never been a secret within the empire, since the Spider Queen's army is also in the Salamas sector, why Why shouldn't she solve this problem herself?

There is another point: Although it feels like destroying one's own prestige, any midnight ghost who still has some sense has to admit it. Facing a heretical forging world like Ulan Huda, the Eighth Legion actually couldn't come up with many effective methods. The fear tactics they were good at were nothing short of a joke in front of this group of lunatics who came out of the ghoul stars. There is no difference, but as for the frontal attack...

It is a pity that due to its previous bad reputation within the Empire, the Eighth Legion could not even find a forging world willing to cooperate with them for a long time. Not to mention the assistance of the Titan Legion or the Knight Family, they did not even have armored companies or heavy artillery. He is pitiful and has never had a preference for large-scale capture and killing on the frontal battlefield. How can such a combat style be used against a heretical forging world that is already fully armed?

Victory is certainly not a problem: but the price may be extremely high.

It is impossible for the original body to not understand this.

So, why did he do this?

Under such suspicion, various rumors began to spread in the corridors of the Legion. After all, although the first contact between the Midnight Ghost and his descendants could be described as gentle and reassuring, However, the time that the original body and the Astartes have been together is still not long. They have not been able to establish a strong enough channel of mutual trust, and they lack absolute trust in each other.

not to mention……

Most of the returning original bodies will use various means to cleanse some of the veterans within their own legions: this secret, which is not a secret, is naturally also mastered by the Terran veterans of the Night Lords legion.

They did not think that Conrad would be the exception: because these Terrans themselves knew clearly that the methods and ideas of some of their colleagues were indeed bloody to the point of being unbearable, and they deserved to die.

So, could this be the reason?

A strangulation battle that was carried out despite knowing that nothing could be done, a silent purge?

Faced with such worries, the original body did not give any positive answer, and he rarely spoke in the legion council. He just allowed the legion consuls and company commanders to finalize the final plan, then stood up and passed these powerful people. The officers issued the only order he issued in this battle to the entire legion.

It's not even an order.

The Primarch only counted a few companies, seemingly at random, since these companies had almost nothing in common with each other other than their fighting prowess.

Conrad deployed them on his flagship [Nightfall], and then told all his heirs that he would be the first to set foot on the surface of Ulan Huda, and the last to leave the battlefield: either take away all honor, or die on the battlefield.

Apart from this, Midnight Ghost did not say a word. He left some of his descendants who performed most satisfactorily during the Nostramo purge on the home planet to maintain order there, and then took them with him. The entire legion came to the battlefield in the Salamas sector and ignored the whispers among the warships.

As the captain of a main company in the legion, Zalost is naturally familiar with these legion secrets, but he does not care about it: he does not care whether the original body will initiate a purge, nor does he care about the original body. The reason for choosing this opponent was that he despised the concerns of his battle brothers and was prepared to calmly accept any order from the Primarch.

If, in Conrad's eyes, he was an unstable factor that had to be eliminated for the future of the legion, then he accepted this order: Zarost went to the battlefield with such a noble idea in mind.

However, just as they were ambushing on the originally scheduled battlefield, preparing to meet the invading Ulan Huda, the Lord of Avalon, who was just wandering around the edge of the battlefield, suddenly brought an unexpected force. of reinforcements.

Specifically, it is an army from the seven forging worlds of Reza, Tigres, Belus, Karaghat, Corinth, Loxar and Gorgrad, consisting of at least 2,500 ships. A combined fleet composed of ships!

Zarost swore that he could swear by the names of all the Night Lords: The Eighth Legion had never seen such a large fleet from the Cult of Mechanicus in their lives, let alone that this fleet was here to support their friendly forces. .

At that moment, all doubts about the Primarch disappeared: everyone believed that with such huge support, they would easily crush Ulan Huda, and all this was obviously within the plan of the great Konrad !

Zarost also thought so, but soon, the actions of the Mechanicus coalition forces exceeded the expectations of the Night Lords.

These...well...they can hardly be called a coalition, because they are as wary of each other as their opponents, but one thing is what these great sages of the forging world insist on: that is, they don't want to at all. In the Quet Galaxy, waiting for the Predator Furnace to take the bait, these Omnissiah believers were afraid that the heretic would escape!

In the name of the God of Machinery, how could they allow this despicable heresy to slip away in front of them: not even the slightest possibility was allowed to appear!

The Great Sages had no time to visit the ships of the Night Lords. Their mechanical voices blasted in front of the Captains of the Night Lords through the long-distance communication system, followed by these from various forging worlds. The leaders exchanged friendly greetings with each other, and the rapid advance of their respective fleets: before Konrad's heirs could react, the fleets of the seven forging worlds all rushed through the defense line of the Quet system, Heading towards the Berrien system where Ulan Huda last appeared.


At that moment, the entire Eighth Army's communication network was dead silent.

After all, Konrad's descendants had never seen these forging worlds, and they were so enthusiastic about offering their loyalty to the empire. They could not help but fall into a moment of confusion and anger at having their battle plan completely torn apart.

In their anger, the first one to act was the original body's flagship [Nightfall]. Conrad just used his laughter to ask each of his descendants.

"Are we going to miss this war?"

Before he finished speaking, the [Night Veil] disappeared from the Mandeville Point in the Quit Galaxy. In a moment, the entire Night Lords fleet roared wildly, following in the footsteps of their genetic father, and rushed towards Berrien Galaxy.


Then everything became what it is now.


Zarost held his forehead.

When the warships of the Night Lords Legion rushed into the Balien System, the war had already broken out for some time. The Predator Forge was besieged by countless ships from the Forge World in this empty space. Tens of millions of drones have become the first victims of this angry war. Ships are rolling endlessly, and light spears are crisscrossing. Weapons that the Astartes may or may not recognize have been thrown into the battlefield without hesitation.

But even so, Conrad's descendants still discovered with keen eyes that right in front of the most anxious battle line, there was the figure of [Nightfall]. The flagship of the Primarch was standing side by side with the most powerful battleships of the Mechanicus. It is approaching Ulan Huda's near-earth defense orbit.

The Primarch kept his promise, he was indeed at the forefront.

At this moment, most of his descendants are still stranded at the outermost edge of the galaxy.

At this moment, all doubts and discussions were forgotten. The battleships of the Eighth Legion were all running their engines and increasing their horsepower, hoping to fight side by side with their Primarch: But then, a Something extremely desperate was before their eyes.

A total of 2,500 warships have already surrounded Ulan Huda. The Night Veil, which was the first to rush into the battlefield, can still compete with the ships of the Mechanicus for the battlefield through the powerful performance of the Queen of Glory class. initiative, but Conrad's heirs could only stand on their respective cruisers, looking at the edge of the battlefield that did not reveal even a crack, jumping with anxiety.

At this moment, all the purges, trust, and conflicts between the Primarch and the Terran veterans were all forgotten, and the Night Lords discovered in despair. What they have to face is a reality that is more comical, more ironic, and even makes them feel powerless.

This was their Primarch's first battle.

Their Primarch is fighting right in front of the most dangerous place.

And these people...

You can't even squeeze into the fucking battlefield!


In a trance.

It seems like everything is crazy!

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