"Look, who are those guys?"

"Should be from the forces of the Forge World of Corinth: I recognize that sign."

"Then... what about the one opposite them?"

"With that bright orange robe, you can tell at a glance that he is the mechanical sage of Ryza in the forging world."

"...They should be friendly forces, right?"

"...Theoretically, these two forging worlds are here to help us fight the war."

"Then...why are they firing at each other?"


"Did you see what was in the middle of the two groups?"

"I saw it. It was a pile of corpses of the Dark Mechanicus. It looked like they were attacked from the front and back by the armies of the two forging worlds. Next to the corpses there was a lot of equipment that I had never seen before. It should not be technology owned by the empire. "

"Well...I guess that's why."


Flames falling like raindrops dotted the rugged metal surface of the [Predator Furnace]. Splashing fuel and weapons falling with the corpses can stir up large swaths of flames on this noisy battlefield anytime and anywhere. Red Lotus: When the fire was ignited, the land was filled with screams. Amidst the screams, the empire's army walked out of the thick smoke and black mist.

One after another, the warships inlaid with the double-headed eagle emblem used themselves as weapons, smashing the void shield on the surface of Ulan Huda, and there were countless airdrop pods and assault boats among them: Although A considerable number of them were turned into wreckage in the sky under the dense anti-aircraft firepower network, but a large number of warriors still fell to the surface together with their battleships, starting the second phase of this war.

Warriors loyal to the Lord of Mankind poured out from their ruined warships, and behind them were countless dead comrades: swept away in the chaos of collisions, surrounded in raging fires, surrounded by heretics. The world was swallowed up in the cracks that suddenly appeared...

In just the first minute of landing, the death toll exceeded five digits, but an army twenty times that number still rushed towards the core hub of the Predator Forge like a tide.

Among them were Konrad, who was leading the way as the Primarch, and some of his most loyal and reckless descendants: Enric, Zarost and a dozen companies of the Night Lords followed them. The father's footsteps and the dark armor on their bodies left traces of the Eighth Legion in the artillery fire that could light up the sky.

Except for a few lucky ones who can follow the original body on the "Night Veil", the vast majority of the Night Lords have to focus on finding their father's footsteps, wholeheartedly following the path that the Midnight Ghost once walked, harvesting Those who survived the Primarch's claws.

As for the Mechanicus' troops, Conrad's descendants chose to ignore them: they were not interested in cooperating with the Mechanicus who also landed on the surface, and they knew very well that they could not command this group of [friendly forces] at all.

After all, before being reunited with their genetic father, the Eighth Legion could be said to have been the most miserable of all the Legiones Astartes: their reputation for brutality and blood worship made every cast member The world is not willing to cooperate deeply with this legion and form a stable alliance, so naturally there is no "origin" to talk about.

Originally, this bad situation was not an embarrassing fact. After all, the Eighth Army also had brothers and sisters such as the Second Army or the Ninth Army. They could comfort themselves a little: but as these old brothers encountered each other one after another, The best Primarch turned over happily. For a while, only Conrad's heir was still awkwardly staying in the original depression, alone, and even the replenishment of heavy equipment seemed quite difficult.

Against such a background, the veterans of the Eighth Legion naturally have no idea about [joint operations], and the Omnissiah believers from various forging worlds are also happy to see the general passage of the Night Lords.

These big bosses of the Mechanicum have no intention of cooperating with each other, let alone these notorious legions of executioners: However, among the Omnissian believers with the highest status and the best information, Many people are already quietly adjusting their attitudes.

As for the reason, of course it must be attributed to a certain Lord of Avalon: before the troops of the Mechanicus marched to the battlefield, Morgan explained to them the wealth on Ulan Huda at a meeting hosted by these big guys. And the idea of ​​sharing the spoils "whoever gets it belongs to whom, the Dawnbreaker Legion just needs a backup".

However, in private, Morgan still contacted those forging worlds that were the first to cooperate with her and had the most respectful attitude, and revealed to them the huge wealth owned by her brother Conrad: Nostramo, the home planet of Midnight Ghosts. The entire surface of the earth, even down to a few kilometers underground, is made of the purest gold.

No one knows why, and no one cares: the wealth is there, and real wealth is the most important thing.

As for the value of the material [Adamantine]: Let’s put it this way, the most noble building in the entire human empire, the main entrance of the Imperial Palace on Holy Terra, is the [Eternal Gate] used to commemorate the greatest heroes. , the most radiant place in the entire galaxy, is made of fine gold.

Therefore, when the Spider Queen personally affirmed the existence of the entire adamantium world in front of everyone, the various furnace masters or great sages knew that it was time to change their overall attitude towards the Eighth Legion: Here Previously, because the reputation of the Sons of Konrad was too bad and the value contained in them was too rare, the big guys in the Forge World were naturally too lazy to pay attention to this army.

But from now on, even if the Eighth Legion, led by Conrad, will become the most insane and terrifying lunatic in the universe, the great sages will also think carefully about ways to cooperate with this group of lunatics: In the face of real resource wealth like fine gold, what does the so-called reputation mean?

In this way, under the guidance of pragmatism philosophy, the various forging worlds that jointly established the [Far East Industrial Complex] with Morgan unanimously acquiesced to the Primarch's proposal: Morgan's Nostramo blood relatives will be named after their home planet. The fine gold resources on the planet, as well as the endless wealth cultivated in the edge of the ghoul stars in the future, can be used as bargaining chips to join the rising Far East Industrial Complex and become the most important resource supplier in the Far East frontier.

This is the gift prepared by the Lord of Avalon in order to celebrate his reunion with the Legion to his blood relatives: the Night Lords Legion once asked for directions everywhere, but could never find a forging world willing to cooperate with them, and A situation like this will never happen again from now on. Conrad's descendants, like Morgan's sons, will enjoy the huge production capacity from at least seven forging worlds in the entire Far Eastern Industrial Complex.

Although the priority of the Night Lords in acquiring equipment is definitely not as high as that of Morgan's own son, Dawnbreaker, according to the precise calculations of the various forging world bosses: it is only to invest the resources controlled by the Night Lords Legion into the Industrial Federation. The value-added profits generated in the body's melting pot are enough to make the Eighth Legion the wealthier one among many legions.

In other words: It's definitely not comparable to the Iron Hands, but it's not a big problem when compared to the Iron Warriors.

As for this wealth of equipment, it seems that it was obtained at the cost of [the Eighth Army was incorporated into the Far Eastern Frontier system and thus lost some of its autonomy]: Since Conrad himself doesn't care about this issue, The Forge Worlds are too lazy to worry about the Eighth Legion.

If you have this time, you might as well think about how to snatch the resource quota in the rich mining area of ​​the Ghoul Stars: Considering the Eighth Legion's absolutely strong position in this area, then it is better to fight with this Midnight Ghost in advance, or maybe he It seems like a very good way to build a good relationship with the heirs?

Ideas like this naturally appeared in the thinking logic of the great sages of the Mechanicum, causing them to carefully look at those Night Lords who were excellent enough to keep up with the original body. Among them, we select those who are worthy of investment and will become the future stars of the legion.

Of course, the Night Lords were basically unaware of the little thoughts of these big figures of the Mechanicus: the Eighth Legion was not good at frontal combat or large-scale armored confrontations, and their only organizational strength After the moment of landing, it disappeared, leaving the various company commanders under Conrad to lead their teams and groping forward on the bloody battlefield with difficulty.

Led by elite company commanders such as Enric or Zarost, the Night Lords who landed on the surface were divided into several battle groups of hundreds or thousands of people. This was their accustomed combat style: However, these Terran veterans It soon became embarrassing to discover how stupid their subconscious battle cluster structure was when facing an opponent like Ulan Huda who had no blood, no tears, and no idea of ​​fear.

Not to mention, right next to the Night Lords, the few Omnissian believers from various forging worlds have already abandoned them when faced with the heretics who have abandoned the faith of the Mechanicum. With his cautious mentality and conservative ideas, he also put all the weapons that could only be suppressed in the shadows into the battlefield.

Of course, because the battle has progressed to ground combat, those real [big guys] cannot be used, but those small and exquisite [light weapons] can still scare the Midnight Lords who usually pass by into cold sweat.

The great sage from the forging world Gurglad was the first to lose patience and began to use his [Pure Land Device]: this unknown device that first partially freezes time and then annihilates all space, on the surface of Ulan Huda A [Pure Land] the size of the hive was cleared, allowing the knight families loyal to Gurgrad to land on the ground.

These knight mechas, which have no names but only numbers, are the most reliable warriors: although no trace of life has ever been detected in their huge mechas.

Immediately afterwards, the great biological sages from the forging world Belus Prime invited out their [Hippocrates]. This equipment was captured after eating three units and was produced in Ukraine. After Lan Huda's physical drone, he received the sacrifices of tens of thousands of servitors, thus possessing enough energy to release his creations to the entire steel sky of Ulan Huda.

And the tens of millions of physical drones fighting in the sky turned into smelly foam within fifteen minutes after the virus evaporated. Only their metal mounts lost their controllers and could no longer be controlled. Falling in the sky was like a meteor shower that was too hasty.

Compared with his colleagues, Tigres, the forge world closest to Avalon, seems much more low-key. Their Archmagos just sent out hundreds of specially modified Fire Falcon gunships: no one knows What kind of special modifications have these aerial gods with powerful firepower undergone? However, when the sages of Tigrus called these weapons, they used the code name [Titan Killer].

At the same time, other forge worlds are also using their own methods to make this war more lively: the forge sages from Loxar No. 9 extracted the energy of nearby stars and used unknown means to fight An electromagnetic storm swept across the entire planet, paralyzing the command system of Ulan Huda, and the vanguard force of the forge world Corinth was a force that spanned the entire horizon, not only able to advance and shoot at the same time, but also The [Elite Skitarii] who can even breathe in unison, the priests of Corinth insist that this is the result of decades of hard training.

But even so, the Predator Furnace still did not fall into a complete disadvantage, and was still able to carry out fierce resistance: the super giant light spear turret originally used to cut the world adjusted its angle, and groups of skitarii were fiercely attacking. Disappeared in the artillery fire; the maze rising from the ground was highlighted in the several kilometers thick ground armor. After the elite team led by the mechanical sage personally entered the maze, all traces were quietly lost; the first The first batch of imperial knights who entered this hell were all killed within the first half hour of the battle, and many of them quickly got up again and became Ulan Huda's new minions.

Chaos, stalemate, criss-crossing: this is the battlefield that the Night Lords face. They move forward in a collision of destruction like Ragnarok, facing off against terrifying opponents from the darkness beyond the realm.

As for their friendly forces...

It seems to be more terrifying than the opponent.

"How, have you found any trace of the Primarch?"

Enric Barbatos leaned behind the wall that was half corroded by the acid, breathing heavily. Three hideous heads of the Dark Mechanicum hung on his waist, which he had seen before. The most meaningful opponent defeated in one hour.

"hold on……"

Beside Enric, Fel-Zarost closed his eyes tightly, letting his own will be in danger in this purgatory filled with endless wailing: the two of them led their respective companies in a difficult battle. They met each other in the critical battle, and naturally formed a larger battle group. Now, they may be the team that assaults the most forward and is closest to the original body.

But despite this, there will always be scenes of the Mechanicus and the Dark Mechanicus fighting each other in front of them: no one knows where the battle line is pushed, because everyone is fighting on their own, and countless Mechanicus are brandishing forbidden weapons in their hands. , citing communication interference as an excuse, they naturally hung up any communication trying to send them to other areas to support operations. Their location, record, and even life and death were all a mess.

Chaos seems to be the only theme at this moment.

The only thing that can be determined is that more and more land has been planted with the double-headed eagle flag, and Ulanhuda's resistance has become increasingly desperate.


"I found him!"

Just a second before Enric was about to lose all his patience, Zarost's joyful voice made the air fresher: I saw the finger of this elite think tank pointing to the towering foundry in the distance like a hive. Workshop: It is a crazy building visible to the naked eye, like a maze that drives people crazy. It is not even affected by the surrounding war. It is like a giant beast on the plain, which makes people feel depressed.

"The original body is right there, and there aren't many guards around him!"

Zarost's brows furrowed. He thought of the corpses of the battle brothers he had seen along the way. Both their number and shape were enough to prove the brutality of the battle: Obviously, those who came off the Night Veil and fought with There are not many of the battle-brothers who fought alongside the Primarch.

But at this moment, no one cared whether it was a cleansing or not, because the current situation of the original gene was more dangerous than any of his descendants.

And what's even worse is...

"There's more than just the Primarch in there."

The think tank's expression was gloomy.

"I noticed another smell: dry and crazy, creepy."

"The witch of Salamas?"

Enric's face was equally gloomy. He recalled the information he had read before setting off: the witch of Salamas was the ruler of Ulan Huda. She was an inestimable figure who came from the darkness of the ancient Mechanicus. The Sage, using heretical technology to trap himself between life and death, drives a group of corrupted freaks called the Erax Autobots.

In front of such a monster...

The Night Lord frowned.

"We have to move faster."

He raised his head and glanced at the foundry workshop that was set as his final destination: Although this dark building was so huge that it could be seen clearly with the naked eye, it was actually very far away from them, far beyond the horizon. outside.

"Are you sure there aren't many enemies along this path, Zarost?"

"Currently, I have not detected a lot of biological information: although this is strange, there are indeed not many enemies on the road ahead. Maybe it is their negligence?"

Before he finished speaking, a rough roar shot straight into the sky, arbitrarily interrupting the Night Lord's response. After Enric pricked up his ears and listened for a while, his face looked like the skin of his genetic father. Just as pale.

"I think I know why there are no rivals on this important road."


"You can see it clearly for me!"

Eric gritted his teeth, grabbed Zarost's hair, and then pointed to the darkness on the horizon: he saw a ferocious giant beast leading its tide, and the thunderous footsteps crushed everything in front of him.

"Titans! That's a fucking Titan! We're on the way to the fucking Titan Legion!"

"Do you still remember! In the intelligence! Ulan Huda's Titan Army! Void Ghost!"


At that moment, Zarost's face was even paler than Enric's.

"Coming for us?"

"...I don't know, Zarost, please detect how many there are."

"Wait a moment……"

Thinktank closed his eyes again. Only when the roar of the earth was enough to make everyone's bones feel pain did Zarost open his eyes with a melancholy expression.

"At least one hundred and fifty, maybe more: a standard top-level Titan army."

"That's good."

Enric breathed a sigh of relief instead.

"They are definitely not here for us: we are a team of three to four hundred people and there is no need for such a large formation."

"Then let's..."

"Retreat! Change the road!"

The Night Lord gritted his teeth: Although he wanted to rush in front of the Primarch in the next second, he would not be stupid enough to lead the hundreds of troops in his hands to attack an advancing Titan Legion head-on.

"With such a big battle, it's impossible for the group of oil guys behind us not to hear it. Let them deal with these Titans. We choose a path on the edge of the battlefield and reach the original body as soon as possible. The original body needs us now. "

"Listen to you."

In this way, the Night Lords gave up their hard-won position and retreated hastily amid the tremors of the earth: and just as Enric had predicted before, before they had gone far, they ran into a The extremely large skitarii were surrounded by a huge war weapon that Enric could not recognize and did not even dare to identify.

General cannon?

Maybe it's the name.

The heavily armed sage stood above the war weapons. Nodding kindly to Conrad's heirs, the Night Lord observed the army passing by him with a critical eye. Then, he couldn't help but sigh to the battle brothers behind him.

"Look at these oil guys: Although I don't like the smell of gears on them, I have to admit that these guys really dare to lead a group of brainless skitarii and messy war machines to fight against the enemy. A head-on conflict broke out between one of Fang’s Titan legions.”

"How fearless."

The Night Lord shook his head and sighed.

And where he couldn't see him, the great sage also withdrew his gaze and turned to see his most trusted deputy.

"Look at these Night Lords: Although I don't like their crudely modified bodies, I have to admit that they are actually facing an entire army of Ghost Titans, hundreds of gods using completely unknown technology. When the machine was deployed, it was actually able to evacuate this battlefield and give us all the loot."

"How selfless."

The great sage shook his head and sighed.


""We really met a good person. ""


"Seriously, Enric."

Just when the Night Lord's team was about to reach the side of the foundry, Zarost, who had been following Enric, suddenly patted his battle brother on the shoulder.

"I have an idea."

"...Say, Zarost."

"you say……"

The think tank raised his head and glanced at the steel sky that was completely blackened by gunpowder smoke.

"You said: Are there any problems with the fighting styles we insisted on before?"


Enric turned back and took a look.

"Why do you think so?"

"Why wouldn't I think so?"

Zarost sighed.

"Look at what we have been doing along the way: whether it is in the void or on the ground battlefield, we have no way to intervene at all. We can only watch the tit-for-tat confrontation between the Mechanicus and the Dark Mechanicus. Our original body is now There is a threat just ahead, but we don't even have the strength to assemble an army of sufficient size to help him."

"Before this, we had been insisting on small team combat and terrorist tactics, but these two tactics were ineffective in this battle: and apart from these two tactics, we actually didn't have anything we could use. Who knew that we Will we encounter such an enemy again in the future?"

"……you mean……"

"Maybe, Enric: I mean maybe we need some changes."

"Becoming like those Mechanicus?"

"No need: but we can't even fight a frontal battle, right?"


"Do you all think so?"

After crossing Zarost, Enric looked further back: the discussion between the two of them was not quiet, and the elite veterans of the Eighth Legion who came all the way from Holy Terra behind them could naturally hear it clearly.

In response to Enric, there was a long silence, but the tacit understanding between them made Enric clear that this was the acquiescence.


Conrad's heir licked his lips. He remembered the despair and helplessness he felt a few hours ago when his ship was blocked by the Adeptus Mechanicus' fleet on the outer edge of the battlefield. He also remembered that he led the team and bypassed those ships. , the cautiousness on the main battlefield where the apocalypse was rampant, and the genetic father who had been rushing to the front, but they could not give him any help.

Since the establishment of the Eighth Army, when has it ever felt so aggrieved?


The Night Lord's thinking ended with a long sigh.

"Let's wait for a while: after this battle is over, we will give our advice to the Primarch together."

"...Enric, do you think the other battle brothers will support us?"


"I will, Zarost."

"No one would want to have a war as frustrating as this again."

"There's no doubt we need change."

"Whether or not that is what the Primarch was trying to tell us."

"We all need change."


"But before that, we still have to finish the work at hand."

"Look forward, brother: at least we will be the first to reach the Primarch."



"We don't seem to be the first..."

"Shut up!"

Breaking through countless sieges, going through many hardships, and then seeing the Gene Father standing on a high platform at the forefront of the war: There is no doubt that this is something that is enough to make every Astartes feel extremely excited. .

But beside the father of genes, there stood a forerunner, which inevitably made the two company commanders feel a little hazy, but what made them more concerned was the identity of this forerunner: when he left the original body and walked towards When they met the two company commanders, Enric and Zarost recognized who they were at a glance.

"Sevita?" ! ""

Enric's voice was a little distorted. Of course he knew this new star of the legion. After all, it was he and Zarost who personally dug out the good young man Sevatar in the ruins of Nostramo and brought him to The selection scene of legion recruits: Although they did not pay attention to the news of Sevita after that, both of them believed that this little guy could definitely become the future hope of the Eighth Legion.

Just like the Sigismund they had missed.


Did this hope come a little too early?

"Why are you here, Sevatar: where is your company?"

Zarost glanced at the Primarch who was standing quietly on the tower, not knowing what he was waiting for, and then glanced at Sevatar who came to them: the armor of this new star of the Legion was full of bloodstains and scars. But none of them seemed to be his own. Obviously, Sevita also fought all the way to get here, and he came even faster than the two elite company commanders, Enric and Zarost.

"It's gone."

Sevatar's expression remained normal, as if he was talking about a group of passing strangers who had nothing to do with him, telling the fate of the company.

"As soon as we landed, we were attacked by the enemy's elite troops. The company commander died in the battle, and each squad leader was also killed or maimed. The entire company was directly dispersed by the enemy in a direct confrontation: I couldn't even find anyone who could follow me. People who are traveling together.”


Enric raised his brows, and he suddenly realized an extremely terrifying possibility.

"Then, how did you get here?"

"It's about feeling: I feel like I should go this way, and here I am."

Savita spread her hands.


"I'm asking you, kid: How did you fight your way here?"

Enric stared closely at the recruit in front of him, who had neither missing arms nor broken legs. Then he remembered the dozen Terra veterans he had lost on his way here, and he suddenly felt a toothache.

"...Just kill him like that."

Sevita seemed a little confused by the senior's question. He tilted his head and thought for a long time but still couldn't explain. How did he get here?

"Take my weapon and walk in this direction as I feel. I'll kill whoever I see. If I can't beat him, I'll just go around. When I was almost tired, I saw the Midnight Ghost and the people beside him. Personal guard."



The two company commanders looked at each other and looked at the scars on each other's bodies.

What kind of monster did they pick up on Nostramo?

"Then the original body asked you to stand by his side?"

"Midnight Ghost chatted with me for a while, and he asked me to tell you, take a rest first: he plans to wait until more follow-up troops arrive before launching a beheading operation against the Salamas witch. Before, Midnight Ghost and that The guy had a brief confrontation, and although he let her run away, the witch didn't dare to come out again for a while."

"The midnight ghost has blocked her."

"All right……"

Although they were a little dissatisfied with Sevita calling him [Midnight Ghost], the two company commanders didn't say anything. Enric nodded and gave his team the order to repair, but then he turned around , moved closer to Savita and lowered his voice.

"Tell me, Sevatar: what did the Primarch tell you?"


Savita was silent and glanced at his senior: I don't know why, but those calm pupils made Enric feel a kind of fear, a kind of fear caused by the absolute gap in strength.

Sevatar opened her mouth.





"Yes, secret."

"Answer them thus, Sevatar."

Midnight Ghost crossed his legs and pretended to lean on the edge of the high platform. His armor still had blood stains and dust left from the last battle. It was the trophy of the witch of Salamas: this Ulan Huda. The Supreme Ruler cannot be called life at all. She is a soul stranded in the mortal world using the dark technology of the crazy Mechanicus, trapping herself in a giant biomechanical horror center with claws and baroque armor.

Despite the presence of midnight ghosts, there were still more than fifty Night Lords in the last battle. In order to destroy the witch of Salamas and the guards around her, she paid the price with her life.

But their sacrifice was worth it: the supreme ruler of Ulan Huda was trapped in the workshop by the Primarch's troops, and lost the macro-management of the entire Predator Forge, causing Ulan Huda to be destroyed throughout the entire line. A general collapse on the front.

Countless imperial armies are rushing here, and once the troops in hand are sufficient again, the Primarch can elegantly kill the Witch of Salamas, who is in panic all day long, and those automatic combat robots.

However, the first reinforcement that the original body waited for was Sevatar: no matter how powerful this new star of the Legion was, he would never be able to serve as a decisive reinforcement alone, but Conrad was happy to serve in more While waiting, have a good chat with this heir of yours.

"Midnight Ghost, are you saying that these intentions can never be exposed?"

Savita stood behind Conrad and lowered her voice.

"Just like what you just said to me: you have actually communicated privately with the highest-ranking great sages of the forging world before the war started. Although the war situation on the ground is a mess, you But we can always understand the overall war situation in Ulan Huda through those Mechanicum ships staying in low-Earth orbit."

"No matter how chaotic it gets: the battle is always in your hands."

"This is basic literacy, Sevatar."

The Midnight King of Nostramo cleans his paws gracefully.

"I hand over the battlefield to the Mechanicus because they are the best choice when fighting against Ulan Huda; I let you play freely because I want my descendants to realize that the tactics adhered to by the legion will have no impact on the wider battlefield. How vulnerable it is; I led a small number of troops to the front line because my mission is to use my powerful combat power to trap the Salamas witch, thereby preventing it from commanding Ulan Huda's power to carry out effective operations. order’s resistance.”

"Everyone has their own mission: the Cult of Mechanicus' mission is to annihilate the enemy, the Night Lord's mission is to lack reflection, and my mission is to behead the leader of the enemy army. After understanding this, controlling the overall situation is a natural thing."

"If you want to win a war, or go further and perform some small actions while winning the war: then grasping the overall situation is one thing you must do well. In many cases, as long as you learn to mobilize enough With sufficient resources and sufficient manpower, it is actually not difficult to control the battle situation."

"You have to learn this, Sevatar, you will need it in the future."


Savita was silent for a moment.

"Does your little move mean to get rid of those candidates you are not satisfied with?"

"Not at all."

The original body shook his head, and his fingers traced the bodies of the Night Lords who were on guard in the distance one by one: these were the personal guards who had followed the original body in the war since the Night Veil, and they were also the survivors of this tragic fight. , after experiencing a wild ride with Conrad, their number has dropped from four digits to three digits.

"Listen, Sevatar."

"The people in the legion who satisfy me the most have already stayed in Nostramo. They will have to wait for a while before they can return to the army. And some of those who cannot satisfy me have indeed been incorporated into my army here. The Guards in this battle, but not all: there are also some who are fighting on other fronts, and there are also some people in my Guards who satisfy me."

"…Why do you do this?"

"This is not the result of selection..."

The primarch smiled.

"I draw lots to decide who will become my bodyguard, but because there are many people who I am not satisfied with, I will always pick some correct targets: What's more, I didn't plan to finish it from the beginning. A battle was accomplished.”

The Primarch's words made Sevatar think for a moment, but he still did not understand the mystery.

"you mean……"

"Sevita: How do you think this war went?"


"Yeah, I'm very frustrated."

Conrad nodded.

"So, after the Battle of Ulan Huda, I told them that I would lead them non-stop to join the next war, a war without any involvement from the Mechanicus: What choice do you think they will make?"


"You know, there are countless sister sprites who followed the Predator Forge and came to the Salamas sector: whether they are mutated Toruk barbarians, psychic wizards, or humans and aliens The mixed-blood coalition forces are all those we need to clear out one by one. Ulan Huda will not be the first time I fight side by side with the Eighth Army, but the entire Salamas expedition."

"And in every hard battle in this Salamas expedition, I will randomly adjust my personal guards: sacrifice a few people in this battle, sacrifice a few more in that battle, and wait until the whole battle After the expedition is over, when people focus their attention on the Eighth Legion again, they will find that those stubborn ones have disappeared."


"How can you be sure that the result of the draw will definitely include those who do not satisfy you?"


Conrad grinned.

"I've already seen it."


Sevatar was silent for a while.

"Then, what are you going to do?"


The primarch leaned back.

"After the Salamas expedition is over, I will leave the Far Eastern border area with Morgan for an unpleasant but very important visit: after the visit, I will have enough confidence and confidence to reshape the inner workings of the entire Midnight Lords Army."

"It's going to be a long time, Sevatar: maybe ten years of my time."


"Who are you going to visit?"

"Ah, an old acquaintance of mine."

Conrad's eyebrows rose, his smile becoming sharp and sinister.

"A man who lives a prosperous life, is conceited, naive, claims to be the king of the territory, is duplicitous, greedy, and ambitious. He also likes to point fingers, show off himself, and lead by example. However, he is touchingly weak, and always works hard. He is the guy who is always late when distributing benefits, but always gets the biggest prize."


"Is that...a bastard?"


"He's an admirable bastard."


"He's unfaithful."

"He's greedy."

"His methods are disgusting..."


"But His will."

"But his faith."

"Damn it."

"Makes me feel ashamed."

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