Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 452 Guilliman: You know, I don’t have any ambitions.

Chapter 452 Guilliman: You know, I don’t have any ambitions...

"Far East...Customs Union?"

"...It's indeed a good idea, Morgan."

A smile appeared on the face of the Lord of Five Hundred Worlds, but it was not true joy, but a tired and perfunctory way to cover up the sigh in his heart.

"But, have you ever thought about a question, my trustworthy blood relative."

Caressing the inexplicably thick document in his hand, Guilliman walked in the simple but solemn corridors of Hera Fortress, slightly half a body ahead of his two guests: behind them, even the closest The security personnel were also ten meters away.

In this relatively private situation, the three Primarchs could naturally discuss some things that needed to be kept secret for the time being: so secret that even their most trusted heirs could not hear, so secret that Guilliman needed to add superfluous details before the conversation began. He solemnly swore to his two blood relatives that there were no eavesdropping devices or similar instruments in the corridor where they were.

And considering that Konrad, one of the distinguished guests, is now just falling behind his two blood relatives, holding a stack of Ultramar Sector that Guilliman thinks is useless for this conversation. I read the leaflet with great interest, and even laughed a few times from time to time: Therefore, the only ones who were really discussing things were Guilliman and his Avalon sisters.

Well, at least, this is no different from his initial conception, and Konrad may just feel that he is inexperienced, so he is unwilling to participate in this discussion: the Lord of the Ultramarines can only be in his heart, So comforting myself.

Although he really couldn't understand it, it was obviously just an ordinary welcome speech. It simply praised the development of the industrial world Cowes and the friendship and welcome of several legions that happened above. At most, it was just a test. It’s just the sun: Why did Conrad laugh so hard that he convulsed?


Forget it, never mind it.

Guilliman never minds treating his blood brothers with the greatest kindness, as long as they can give even the weakest positive expression to the Macraggeans: and Conrad's gift and Conrad's [expression], It was enough for Guilliman to temporarily place him among the brothers who could be welcomed and relatively tolerated.

As long as Conrad doesn't paint the statue of Lady Euton outside the window dark green, he can do whatever he wants.

That's what Guilliman thought.

And being so tolerant to Conrad, who had just shown some human-like gestures, then the attitude of the Lord of Macragge towards Morgan can be seen: after all, on the scale in Guilliman's heart, Morgan The weight is ten times or even nine times that of Conrad.

Because of this, although the Lord of the Ultramarines instinctively felt that this memorandum on the [Far East Customs Union] was not a proposal that would do more good than harm, he still believed it from the bottom of his heart, or in other words, in the first place Time defaults to: This is just a small mistake in Morgan's work.

Who can make no mistakes?

Presumably, his Avalon blood relatives were just too impatient for the prosperity of the Far Eastern Frontier and Ultramar regions, so they proposed this relatively wrong plan with blind optimism: This is not doubtful. What Guilliman has to do now is to help Morgan realize this mistake, and then correct or erase it together.

In less than a moment, this decision took root in the heart of the original body.

Then Guilliman laughed.

He first glanced at Conrad, who was still uninterested, and then slowly closed the memo in his hand. He gently brushed his fingers over the gilded Gothic words printed with [Customs Union], and then Turning his attention to Morgan: the Lord of Avalon, who was walking side by side with Guilliman, had already cast his own eyes and confusion because of the original question.

【question? 】

The Spider Queen touched her lips and uttered two simple syllables.


Guilliman nodded, pointed to the few words on the cover, and continued speaking to his blood relatives.

"I took a quick look at it, Morgan. In terms of content and feasibility, this is a very good meal plan: but the problem is that the proposal of this plan itself is a mistake, a big mistake."

The Primarch took a deep breath.

"I have never doubted your political attainments, my dear blood relative, so I think you should know one thing very well: when two, or more relatively independent political entities declare to the outside world that they are seeking to establish a When a customs union or other similar institutions are included, then any mature politician will know what will happen next?"

The Macraggeans tried to keep their smiles kind.

"If you have really forgotten, Morgan, then I can remind you a little: in Macragge's library, there are some treasures depicting the history of ancient Terra. I have seen about the Customs Union on it. A few words."

"The oldest customs union described in that book was negotiated and established by dozens of relatively independent political entities in a region called [Germany] on Ancient Terra: and According to historical records, less than half a century later, these political entities were able to unite and form an independent country called [Germany].”

Having said this, the Lord of Macragge coughed in embarrassment.

"Of course, I'm not alluding to anything here. There are many customs unions recorded in Terra's history books, including that Germany later worked with other countries to build an organization similar to the customs union, but they In the end, a unified independent country was formed, and a loose political entity that transcended the country was formed."

"Well...I just wanted to say..."

Just when Guilliman found that he seemed to be getting darker and darker, and was struggling with how to speak, Morgan had already raised his palms upright, shook them, and politely interrupted his brother's words.

[You want to say that when the Five Hundred Worlds and the Far Eastern Frontier, two powerful political sectors within the empire, openly declare their intention to build a customs union, it is easy for people to think that they want to unite to establish a country or seek to Preparation for independence? 】


After a few pauses, Guilliman nodded apologetically.

"Actually, I believe your original intention was not like this, but in other people's minds, things will inevitably develop like this: Don't think I am alarmist, Morgan, if I issue a similar memorandum in the name of Five Hundred Worlds. Or just showing some inclination towards this in public would be enough to have a devastating impact on my reputation."

"Perhaps many people, including our blood brothers, will think that I am no longer the steadfast Lord who is content with this. They will think that the seeds of ambition have multiplied in my peaceful heart."

"Maybe one day in the future, they will call me a careerist."

"And you, too, Morgan."


For a moment, Morgan's expression changed slightly due to Guilliman's self-evaluation. However, the Lord of Avalon concealed this change very well, and even managed to find the energy to use a hidden look in his eyes. He scratched the midnight ghost who was eavesdropping on their conversation and smiling brightly: Fortunately, Conrad also knew how to put up the leaflet and cover his face to slightly conceal it.

The Macragge, who was not aware of this at all, smiled and thrust the memo back into Morgan's hand.

"So, let's just forget about it, I'm sure it was just an oversight, wasn't it?"


It's certainly not an oversight.


The shadow of the cold lake was reflected in Morgan's blue eyes. She responded to her brother with a ruthless symphony like gears in her heart, but on the surface, she blinked, her pupils narrowed slightly, and her gaze deliberately turned away. Towards another direction: This slightly ashamed look successfully deceived the Lord of Macragge and earned Guilliman's innocent laughter.

When Morgan took the memo, pulled out a few pages from it, and stuffed it back into Guilliman's hand, the Lord of the Ultramarines couldn't help but look slightly confused.

"This is?"

[As you said, my Ultramar brothers: It is true that we cannot sign a tariff agreement, at least not yet, but this does not mean that everything in this memorandum is useless, Especially these few pages I gave you, they are the important content I want to discuss this time. 】

Morgan shook the memo in her hand and spoke in a relaxed tone. Then, without any surprise, she saw Guilliman's eyes scanning the pages of documents and then solemnly putting them away: None of this exceeds the Spider Queen's. Anticipate.

This was her original plan, whether it was the Macraggeans' stern rejection of the Customs Union, or the careful guarding of these proposals now: as she set off for Macragge, the Primarch was in her throne room. Inside, I have deduced it thousands of times.

Morgan's pupils flickered.

After all, as Guilliman just said: It would be too shocking if the Far Eastern Frontier and the Five Hundred Worlds publicly signed a customs union now.

You must know that the customs union is not a commercial institution: it means that all political entities participating in it may have a unified market themselves, and also have a long history of mutual exchanges, and have relatively clear understanding of each other. High recognition.

And most importantly, these political entities can form a central agency that transcends themselves and has the ability to set [tariffs], the fundamental element of finance, and thereby exercise state power in disguise: after all, the tariff itself is the highest administrative unit of the country. An advanced tax that can establish and specify tax rates.

When these elements are complete, the so-called customs union is only a step away from an independent country: the same market is the clear national border, the alliance itself is the prototype of the government, and for more important values ​​or centripetal force, The birth of the Customs Union is its best embodiment.

After all, a customs union is not a one-sided thing: internally, each member country will cancel tariffs and eliminate trade barriers to each other, but externally, non-members of the alliance will have to face unified tariffs and relative trade barriers.

In other words: If the residents of Five Hundred Worlds are willing to form a customs union with the Far Eastern Frontier, it means that among Guilliman's people, most of the elites must have regarded Avalon as "one of their own" In contrast, other areas of the human empire, especially Holy Terra, will become "outsiders" in the eyes of the Five Hundred Worlds.

This turbulent public opinion is both the cause and the effect of the Customs Union. Any slightly more mature politician understands this truth. This is why Guilliman is so frightened: in his opinion, the big shots on Terra, They will definitely be furious at the establishment of the Customs Union, because, in a sense, this is equivalent to the two easternmost regions of the human empire pursuing open independence.

It’s no wonder that the Lord of Macragge seemed frightened by this memorandum.

It's just that this Primarch of the Ultramarines Legion may have been thinking about one thing wrong all along: that is, in his eyes, those [big figures] on Holy Terra are actually in the political system of the entire human empire. They are existences worth mentioning. The so-called supreme lords and Terran bureaucrats, at least for now, cannot decide anything important.

The actual power of the Imperium of Man lies in the hands of the Emperor, the Sigil Bearers, and the various Primarchs: this situation will not change in the slightest until the Lord of Mankind returns to Terra.

The Emperor is the core and only core of the Human Empire, and Malcador is just the Imperial Seal who was pushed to the front by the Emperor because he did not want other trivial matters to affect his energy in the Great Crusade. As for those The high lords and Terran bureaucrats, those "big men" of Terra in Guilliman's eyes, are tools used by the Sigil Master to straighten out the imperial political arena: the Emperor may not even remember the names of these guys, their rise to prominence, or their prosperity. Extreme decline is just the result of the palmer's thought.

Morgan could even pat her chest and say that if she wanted to, she only needed to say a few words in front of Malcador to make any powerful supreme lord completely disappear from the political arena of the empire: forever. Do not underestimate the invisible power of the Primarchs and other Imperial military leaders.

In other words, if Guilliman or Morgan can get the permission of the Emperor, or even just the permission of the Seal Master, then they can definitely establish a Far Eastern Customs Union, and do it with great fanfare: the high lords are furious What can Yingtian do? How could they take down two Legion Masters without the support of the Emperor or Malcador?

It's a pity that Guilliman doesn't understand this truth yet. It's not his fault. Even Morgan only realized the role of mortals in today's empire system after experiencing the not-so-long journey to Terra. , what a fragile existence, and those big figures of Terra that Guilliman feared were even more of a joke. In turn, they had to use all means to get the Lord of Avalon to listen to their advice.

However, Morgan had no intention of telling Guilliman these things.

After all, her Macragge brothers are the most peculiar of the Primarchs: Guilliman may be the only Primarch who truly has awe of those mortal lords, and using this awe that should not exist, Morgan could seek more benefits for himself regarding Guilliman.

Therefore, just like those [big men of Terra] in Guilliman's mind, let them exist for a while longer.

At least, these big names should not disappear before Morgan actually builds the Far East Customs Union, but when they disappear in Guilliman's mind, it will be the bell that marks the true establishment of this customs union.

Thinking of this, Morgan laughed. She glanced at the papers placed in Guilliman's arms and felt a little proud: those were specially selected by Morgan, and she was sure that the Lord of Macragge could not refuse the proposal.

[Like this, Robert. 】

When Morgan spoke again, there was a different kind of seduction in her voice.

[It is true that we cannot sign the Customs Union blatantly, but this does not mean that I do not need it. Take a look at these documents in my hand, Robert. There is one thing you cannot deny: exchanges between the Far Eastern Frontier and the Five Hundred Worlds. Today, with increasing frequency, even for the sake of our people, we do need a more relaxed market environment and countless corresponding policies. 】

[The papers in your hand are just a representative of this. 】

[After all, whether it is a customs union or an economic community, a unified market that needs to be loosened is a necessary condition for their emergence, and the desire of our people for such a more fluid market is Big things we can’t ignore. 】

[About the well-being of the Far Eastern Frontier, it is also related to the development of Macragge. 】


The Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds was silent and just nodded: of course he knew that Morgan's words were very reasonable. He could also realize that the benefits of establishing a customs union to the Far Eastern Frontier and the Five Hundred Worlds were only political considerations. Liman hesitated.

"But, Morgan, even if we establish this customs union in secret, as long as all the proposals in these memorandums are put forward, people with a little experience will realize what this means: they will just think that we The two sides established an [unnamed customs union] and that was it.”

The Macragge's words were undoubtedly melancholy, but even Guilliman himself did not realize one thing: when Morgan linked the Customs Union with the well-being of the Five Hundred Worlds, the Macragge The attitude towards the Customs Union has gone from clear resistance at the beginning to [full of worries] now.

This change was clearly seen by the Queen of Avalon, which is why Morgan dared to discuss this kind of matter with Guilliman: Morgan knew very well that, generally speaking, Guilliman He is undoubtedly loyal to the great dream of the Human Empire. He can even be said to be the most loyal to the Empire in the entire Ultramar region. However, the deep-rooted Ultramarism will still affect this genetic origin at all times. body's heart.

As long as it is beneficial to Ultramar, he will not refuse bluntly, and will always leave room for hesitation or ambiguity: and this space itself is a convenient channel for Morgan to pry open Guilliman's heart.

She had already prepared her words.

[Why are you in such a hurry? 】

The Spider Queen's eyebrows curved.

[Look, Robert, this memorandum in my hand is as thick as armor. But what I am giving you now is only a few pages, because what is recorded on these pages is the problem we need to solve most at present, and it is also a problem that must be solved. It is the important purpose of my trip: and what is in my hands These are all problems that can be solved in the future. 】


The original body's pupils lit up.

"you mean……"

【Yes. 】

Morgan laughed.

[My dear Robert, I never thought that a customs union in the Far East could be established tomorrow. After all, although the Far Eastern Frontier and the Five Hundred Worlds have established a close relationship after more than 20 years of trade exchanges, the foundation of this relationship still remains. It is not thick enough, and it requires a long period of accumulation and mutual recognition of several generations. All of this may take decades. 】

[And we can definitely promote the establishment of these provisions in the memorandum in batches over the past few decades. We will sign a few documents this time and then sign a few more documents a few years later to observe what our country needs most and solve the problem. The most difficult problems let the impact of time dissipate in the long river of time. 】

"But when they all come out..."

[That will be at least fifty years later. 】

On the face of the Lord of Avalon, there was a smile that Guilliman could not refuse.

[Believe me, Robert, when that time comes, the big shots on Holy Terra will have no control over what we want to do: this involves many things, including the Emperor's plans for the later stages of the Great Crusade, and the Seal Bearer. Tax issues, and the gifts the Emperor has asked me to bring you, and so on. 】

[In short, there are so many things that we can’t finish talking about them in the corridor: let’s go to your office or the conference hall and talk about it. I don’t want Ms. Euton to wait too anxiously for us. 】

"Okay, come with me, sister."

The Primarch laughed. He no longer dwelled on these political matters, but took steps to personally lead the way for his two blood brothers: However, after Guilliman walked a little further, Morgan did not She immediately followed because Conrad brushed against her side.

"I'm curious about something."

While the Night Lord tucked the welcome speech under his arm, he did not forget to write down the title: The New Sun of Calth.

"Why did you persuade this guy Guilliman to establish a customs union with you?"




Morgan took a step forward, and the Midnight Ghost followed suit. After making sure that Guilliman could not hear their voices, the Spider Queen lowered her tone and smiled at her blood brother.

[If I said that I was preparing for an independent rebellion, would you believe it? 】


Conrad was silent.

His face was distorted at first, his brows were furrowed, and he was thinking secretly: Then, he remembered something, and a smile appeared on Midnight Ghost's face that made the goosebumps all over Morgan's body tremble.


"An organization prepared to create an emperor..."


"Sounds very promising."

"Can I join?"


【ha? ! 】

Morgan raised her eyebrows, and she found that unlike her half-joking, Conrad's attitude was actually serious a few times.


[What do you mean, Conrad. 】


Midnight Ghost grinned and smiled.

"literal meaning."


"Your Excellency the Queen Regent."

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