Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 474 The long-lost conversation between father and daughter

+Surprise? +

+Is this what you told him? +

[Yes, I covered my aching conscience with my hand and watched it happily put the fatal bell into its collection room: to be honest, I actually felt the pain in my soul for the first time in a long time. sad. 】

The Lord of Humanity in the Galaxy summoned his daughter in the top room of the void giant, the Emperor's Dream.

It can be said that this is the most noble position on the entire Emperor's flagship, and it is naturally the safest position: the walls and windows around it are indestructible, and can even withstand the all-out gunfire of other Glory Queen-class battleships. Covered, and the only passage leading to this fortress is through a defensive array hiding countless dark age technologies, and a gorgeous corridor with at least 800 forbidden troops on guard at any time. If there is a slight disturbance, there will be three times as many The golden guards stood in front of their lord in less than ten breaths.

This most noble room does not have a specific name. The Lord of Mankind has never named it. However, on the Emperor's Dream, it is simply called "Head", "Top", or "No. 1". Room]: Whether it is the luxury of its inner decoration or its functional importance, it is fully worthy of these unique titles.

The Lord of the Human Empire would summon his most important subordinates, partners or guests in this room. In this absolutely soundproof and luxurious secret room, they would discuss issues that could affect thousands of worlds: and since the Great Crusade Counting from the first day, only ten visitors could enter this room.

The Palmist, the Wolf Shepherd and Waldo, as the most important giants of the human empire, have all been here before, while the remaining visitors completely hid their identities, even the imperial guards stationed outside the door at that time. They, because they had sworn to forget their existence: these Imperial Guards were also not qualified to step into the room, or even take a peek inside.

They are just [Guardians] after all.

Because of this, in the memories of many Imperial Guards, Morgan, who was summoned by the Emperor, came to [Room 1], and pushed the door in without hesitation, was second only to the three giants. The fourth visitor: It’s just that compared to the previous three visitors, this Lord of Avalon is extra rude.

You know, whether it is Malcador, the Master of the Seal, or Waldo, the leader of the Forbidden Army, when they push open the door of this room, they have to stand there for a moment, take a deep breath, and adjust their state when meeting the emperor: more Needless to say, the Wolf Shepherd who had just stepped onto the red carpet in front of the door was so nervous that he couldn't keep a smile on his face.

Compared to these seniors, Morgan could hardly have kicked the door open if he was picked lightly.

However, the Lord of Mankind had no objection to this. Even after Morgan entered the room, he immediately summoned his daughter in front of him without any scruples, and revealed what he was doing: before the Emperor In the void projection in front of him was the figure of the busy Necron Overlord.

Thus, there was the next conversation between the Lord of Mankind and his daughter.

+Sad? Why sad? +

The Emperor glanced at Morgan.

+Sad about having to help me cheat on your partner? +


The Primarch shook his head seriously.

[I’m sad because I didn’t realize that this guy was so easy to deceive before: I feel sad when I think about how I have honestly been a business partner with him for almost 20 years and the huge loss of profits. . 】


The Emperor hesitated.

+But you haven’t suffered a loss either. +

[If I make little money, I am losing money. What’s more, I didn’t make any money at all: a big loss, a huge loss. 】

The Primarch did not hesitate.


A certain human lord frowned.

+ I really don’t know who you learned this greedy face from, Morgan. +


At that moment, the face of the Spider Queen became very interesting. It was brewed by pouring elements such as surprise, contempt, and horror into the same large bowl, and then shaking it thoroughly with a mixer. A complex totem: no language can describe the expression of the original body at this time.

It was even more impossible to describe her mood and the turbulent waves in her heart.

However, the Lord of Mankind did not pay attention to these small problems. He only saw his eyes moved away from the projection illusion in front of him, passed through the huge floor-to-ceiling window, and looked at his flagship itself: There is no doubt that [Emperor The Fantasy is definitely beyond the limits of human imagination. Rather than saying it is a battleship, it is better to say it is a void city full of statues and war temples.

When those row upon row of gorgeous buildings reflected the brilliance of the stars, passing through the floor-to-ceiling windows and shining on the Lord of Mankind, they contrasted with the light of the Emperor himself. Under this sacred interweaving, any words from the Lord of Mankind It all sounds so great.

Even though it was an ordinary lesson that Morgan was already familiar with.

+Listen to me, Morgan: Being too greedy is not a good thing. +

+ When you negotiate with individuals beyond your control: whether they are aliens, human forces that deserve to be taken seriously, or even subspace, whether you are conducting transactions with them, temporary cooperation, or even just simple When negotiating, you must ensure that you can do three things at any time. +

The Emperor's words were even.

+ First, ensure that Q’s thoughts are independent at all times: you must always view your interactions with them from a third party’s perspective. Those individuals who have survived for tens of thousands of years or even older, their artistic attainments in lies are Unimaginable to us. +

+ Second, never put yourself in a dangerous situation: either your strength must be better than those of the parties you are negotiating with, or you have the absolute certainty or trump card to escape from the opponent's sudden attack, otherwise, absolutely Don't act without authorization, and definitely notify me as soon as possible and tell me what happened to you. +


The primarch started to say something, but her genetic father interrupted her with a wave of his hand.

+Yes, I know, sometimes we have to take a big gamble, and I often do it: but just because I do it, it doesn’t mean I think this behavior is correct. Decisive action and desperate action are two different things. You have to distinguish clearly. A subtle yet fatal difference between them. +

+Then, there is a third point. +

Having said this, the Emperor paused for a moment. He never looked back from the beginning to the end, looking directly into his daughter's eyes: Although, Morgan was just a necessary calmness to listen to what the Lord of Mankind said might be useless. Or words that might be of great use to her.

+This is the most important point. +

The Emperor seemed to sigh.

+ Before you trade with these objects that you cannot fully grasp, you must design an expectation in your mind first, and use the most detailed method to arrange what you want to get in the transaction: remember. This expectation can be used as an upper limit, but it should never be your lower limit in trading. +

+ Especially when negotiating with those subspace elements, you must be prepared to get much less than expected: even if you lose everything, it is very normal in contact with subspace. +

+ Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, don’t be greedy. Don’t think that what you gain from this transaction can exceed your original expectations. And don’t believe in any of your flashes of inspiration and what you discover. Any shortcomings from the subspace: Those guys can see what you desire most, but they often put these things at the bottom to attract you to step over the thunder pool in your heart. +

+ Don’t be complacent, don’t be impulsive, and don’t be greedy: give up when you’re good. Although your opinions, abilities, and ideas on many issues reassure me, after all, you are not me, and you have no power to compete with me. , you can't do the things I can do. +

+Don’t compare yourself to me, and don’t think of yourself as too strong or too smart. +


+Can you understand what I'm saying?

At the end of the story, the Lord of Mankind fell into a long-lost silence: he seemed to be worried about whether his words just now had a corresponding effect. After all, his daughter was indeed very powerful and had too many reasons to be dismissive on this issue.

However, what made the emperor feel a little relieved was that he did not wait too long before he heard Morgan standing behind him bow slightly, and the seriousness in his words made him appreciate it.

【I see. Father. 】

The Primarch did not pause. When she stood upright, she naturally expressed the doubt in her heart: this doubt appeared with the Emperor's warning, and now it was almost an affirmation.

[So, it was some of my actions on Nuceria that made you uneasy? 】

The primarch asked quietly, and faced with this question, the Emperor slowly turned around: his sacred eyes just looked at his heir quietly, and after a short while he spoke: His voice There seems to be some kind of smile in it.

+You are always so smart: or in other words, you can tell everything at once. +

【Because of my inaction. 】

The primarch just smiled.

[From the beginning, I have only done a few things, and most of them are trivial things that are not worth mentioning: among those big things that are worth your eyes, if you pick a little, I can get Answer. 】


+Has this hypocritical behavior always been your habit? +

[In most cases, yes. 】

The original body nodded: Morgan's smile was so iconic that the Lord of Mankind could not find any fault, but it made the Lord of Mankind feel inexplicably disgusted. However, the Emperor did not say anything after all. He just continued. He turned around again and again, as if he was not very used to having a heart-to-heart talk with his daughter face to face.

His voice was long and very abrupt. He coldly shifted the topic to the dead world: After another period of silence, the Lord of Mankind seemed not to intend to have any more fatherly talk in front of Morgan. The kind girl smiled fakely.

He sighed.

+Tell me, Morgan: How does it feel to face off against the gods of the Warp and win at the hands of those gods? +

【Do you want to hear the truth? 】

+...Of course. +

【fear. 】

The original body did not hesitate at all: on the contrary, the Emperor was very slow when faced with this answer. He was silent for a second, and then asked in disbelief.

+ Fear? +

【Yes. 】

+ This victory, this victory that achieved its purpose: scares you? +

[It is victory that scares me. 】

The original body blinked. When her genetic father turned around and made eye contact with her, Morgan just looked silently at the Emperor's pupils: she saw herself in the Emperor's pupils. The reflection in his pupils was such sincerity that the Lord of Humanity had to nod.

Morgan didn't lie, her words were the truth in her heart.

[I felt fear, father: because it was on Nuceria, because it was in the game with the God of Blood, because it was in the shadow of this victory: I truly became aware of it. , what kind of gap exists between me and those subspace gods. 】

+ Gap? +

【Yes. 】

Morgan nodded.

[Because I know better than anyone how my victory came about: I clearly remember the months of hard thinking and thousands of abandoned plans before arriving in Nuceria: Each of them represents the possibility of doom for a Morgan who doesn't know what fear is. 】

[I also clearly remember how, before arriving in Nuceria, I tried to recruit all the power I could at all costs, whether it was your help, Conrad's assist, and In-depth cooperation with the aliens, as well as the secret help of the subspace gods, and even Angron himself fighting for a breath at the last minute: If any of these steps are missing, I will not be able to survive in Nukairi. Yashang won. 】

[Moreover, none of these powers belong to me. I just spent different costs to bring them together. I can't replace any part of them: as long as I am missing any link, I can only help the God of Blood. swallow the bitter fruit of failure in front of you. 】

[But these are not the things that scare me the most? 】

The primarch smiled, her smile a bitter one she had not seen for a long time.

[What scares me most is: Even after I have used all means and been favored by fate, all I can do is to block the power of the Blood God, and I can only use those things that I cannot control. , the power of other gods to fight against the Blood God. If the subspace gods themselves were not trapped in the vortex of killing each other, there would be no possibility of my plan. 】

[The serious blow of the Blood God is enough to crush my sandcastle: I did feel this suffocation in those few seconds waiting for your arrival. 】

[In other words, my entire plan is based on prayer and luck: praying for all kinds of power that I can’t get, praying for the contradictions of the gods themselves, praying for the blood god not to put all his efforts in this world. Showing all my cards, a victory like this can bring me nothing but fear. 】

[Can it still be pride? 】

[Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, I defeated the Blood God, but only I know that I just turned the entire Nuceria into a pot of boiling soup, and the Blood God is not willing to risk scalding himself to drink it. Just go down: if he is willing to pay some price, he can even swallow me in his belly. 】

[All this is so clear. The more I recall and the more I deduce, the more frightened it becomes to me: just like those physics scholars are better able to understand the power of those physics masters than those physics enthusiasts. , when I stand on the top of the mountain, when I face the gods directly, I can understand the power of the gods. 】


[That's it, father, if you want to know what kind of change the victory on Nuceria has had on me, if you are worried that I will become proud because of this victory, this is my answer. : It does nothing more than make me feel more weak. 】


In front of Morgan's talk, the Emperor just stood there, with his back to his daughter, falling into a long silence. No one knew what he was thinking: after a while, his questions slowly came to him.

+ Then... +

+ If it happens again, if the time is transferred to before Nuceria, if the Blood God knows what you are going to do, and you are allowed to set foot on the land of Nuceria again, let you give your brother Angron to Drag it back into the void. +

+Would you do it again?


[Sounds like a dead end, Dad. 】

Morgan was just silent for a moment, then laughed again.


【why not? 】

【Of course I will go. 】

The Emperor narrowed his eyes: he seemed to smile quickly.

+Aren’t you afraid: the winning rate this time is even lower.

[Yeah, I know: of course I'm terrified of it. only……】

[I don’t hate it. 】

Morgan smiled, and there was a hint of weirdness in her smile.

【after all……】

【fear. 】

[Shudder. 】

【Cold sweat breaks out. 】

[Clenches his teeth. 】

[Shaking my legs in front of the timidity in my heart and the madness in front of me, I resisted the urge to turn around and run away, and tried my best to use all the wisdom and rationality in my mind to squeeze out those crazy ideas that I usually didn't dare to think about. 】

[These are all part of the fear. 】

【And I want to...】



The Primarch was silent for a moment, as if trying to convince himself of this trivial madness.

[Actually, I quite like this feeling. 】


+Then I think maybe the God of Blood will also like you quite a bit. +

[...Is this a joke? 】


[...This is a joke, right? 】


+ I hope so. +

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