Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 478 The emperor’s gift can also be a living thing

"Honestly, I never thought I'd turn a knife on a Primarch."

[It doesn’t matter, I just have a few experiences: everyone is similar. 】

"That's it, then I'll... hmm?!"

For Arkan Rand, working with the famous Lord of Avalon made him feel mixed emotions: after all, this [Primarch No. 2] was on Mars and among the so-called orthodox factions of the Mechanicum. The public opinion has always been in a very delicate position.

To put it simply, all Martians have reason to hate the Lord of Avalon: they hate why she is not their partner.

At this point, even Rand is not exempt from vulgarity: However, he has never been a person who would be hampered by these irrelevant emotions. Since the God of All Machines decided to let him come here, then he naturally Will go all out to complete all tasks.

With this idea in mind, the genius of Mars began to be fully armed. The transparent mask and protective clothing were put on neatly and neatly, and the auditory sensors and electronic lenses allowed him to capture the tiny details in the room: those who were not far away from him Five meters away, the God of All Machines was communicating with his creation, but even an unpopular guy like Rand could hear the difficulty in this conversation.

Contrary to what he imagined, although Primarch No. 2 is a creation of the God of All Machines, she seems to have very little respect for the God of All Machines: in communication with her genetic father, this member of the Dawnbreaker Legion The Lord's words can be said to be full of aggression. Her various inquiries and suggestions hit Wan Jishen's armor like sharp thorns, and Wan Jishen can often only manage to answer one-tenth of them.

Fortunately, perhaps because of the presence of Rand, an outsider, the Primarch's words were not too arrogant in the end. When the God of Machines unleashed his majesty for the second time and displayed extraordinary magnanimity, the naughty For example, the Lord of Avalon was suppressed by him with just a single move, and had to cease his activities.

All this happened too fast. The various exchanges between the Emperor and the original body were only a moment in Rand's perception. The genius of Mars even stayed in the calm posture of the God of Machines and his perfect voice: When the eyes of the Emperor and the Primarch turned around, Rand discovered that the pair of gloves he should be wearing were still lying quietly on the surgical tray.

+Are you ready? Akan. +

The Lord of Mankind kindly ignored Rand's embarrassed gesture. He was a little absent-minded, and his mind seemed to still be stuck on the failed conversation just now, but when he put his arm on Rand's shoulder, it just came from Wan Jishen's glance was enough to make the Martian genius subconsciously straighten his spine.

"Any time, my lord: I swear I will devote all my life's knowledge to it."

+ I believe this, Akan, and I have never doubted your determination. +

The Emperor smiled, a smile that could conquer any life in the galaxy, and his voice was so soft that it made Rand tremble: He swore that he could feel that the Omnissiah's regard for him was real, and he was indeed doing it for him. The living god does his little bit.

Even the Machine God thought so: the Emperor continued his story, Rand before him like a child listening to instructions.

+ I chose you among countless elites on Mars. There are many reasons for me to do so, but the core one is your unchanging rationality and dedication: I believe that your nobility can help me, Ah. Hom. +

Once again, the God of All Machines patted his believer on the shoulder. His gaze passed over Rand, who was so excited that he could not speak. He saw the heart-locking beetle placed in the corner of the operating table. When the emperor picked it up, When it did, his eyes turned to the spot where he and Morgan had come.

+ Well, listen up, Akan: I'm going to be away from here for a while, not too long, probably a few hours, and I need you to stay in this laboratory. I need you to be my daughter's assistant, with Together she studies the Butcher's Nails in Twelve's mind. +

+ I hope you can thoroughly measure the Butcher's Nail and its components, every detail in No. 12's mind, to prepare for the subsequent surgery: this will be an extremely long and difficult process, Akan, But I believe in your ability and persistence. +

+My daughter Morgan, she has the most careful attitude and the most dexterous hands of all the Primarchs. She is my right-hand man and one of the children I am most proud of: and you need to stand next to her , providing her with any technical professional support. +

"I understand, my lord."

Out of persistence in rationality, Rand did not make an abrupt commitment. He listened carefully to Wan Jishen's words and carefully figured out every detail. After confirming that he was really qualified, the genius of Mars Then he nodded solemnly and took over the task given by the God of All Machines with his own oath.

This rigorous gesture satisfied the emperor. He raised the hand that was on Rand's shoulder, and then gently placed it on Rand's forehead: In an instant, all the causes, consequences and details of the operation were revealed. , all flowed into the minds of Omnissiah believers with a firm but not rough attitude.

+ Close your eyes and accept them. You need to meditate for two to three minutes. +

There is no doubt about the words of the God of All Machines. Rand closed his eyes in silence. Just as he frowned and tried to process the huge flow of information in his mind, the Emperor took out more locks from the secret compartment. Heart Beetle: He took most of them and left a few behind.

Then he turned and walked towards Morgan, who was standing on the other side of the operating table: the Primarch was preparing the instruments for the operation, and she smiled ironically at the Emperor's arrival.

The Lord of Mankind is not surprised by this.

+As for you...+

The emperor's voice was somewhat helpless.

+I think you still haven’t given up on your proposal: you still have a whimsical desire to completely solve the dilemma of No. 12, and you long to become the hero who saves your brother, huh? +

[In the face of pain, there are no heroes. 】

Morgan slowly placed the last scalpel neatly and showed an emotionless face to the Emperor. Her eyes were only focused on Rand who had his eyes closed in the distance: Frankly speaking, the Emperor was in front of Rand. The kingly demeanor displayed did give the Lord of Avalon a slight shock.

Facts have proved that her genetic father is not unable to act as a pleasant conversation partner, but in front of the Lord of Avalon who knows too many of his secrets, the Emperor is too lazy to make such a useless disguise: this kind of Sincerity was the reward he gave Morgan.

Unlike all living beings who are blinded by the glorious image of the Emperor, and those blood brothers who are immersed in family games, what Morgan can get from the Emperor is the cruelest truth and the most real malice in the universe: From the perspective of the Lord of Mankind, these truths and malice may be more precious than any false affability.

Morgan was noncommittal.

She just watched quietly as her Gene-Father held the Heartlock Beetles in his hands. She heard the conversation between the Emperor and Rand, and knew what the Emperor would do in these few hours: this was their This has been discussed before.

[So, you still don’t trust these products from Trazin, right? 】

+It is an alien after all. +

That was all the Emperor said, and Morgan nodded.

[Yes: it is an alien after all, an alien that cannot be trusted. 】

The Primarch looked at the Heart-locking Beetle, and then remembered her deal with the Endless One.

In that transaction, Morgan exchanged a total of three items, one of which was the black stone device used to resist the Blood God on Nuceria, and the second was these lock beetles: these little things are Necron A concentrated expression of superb technology, but to Trazin, they are not precious gadgets.

For the Necrons, the Heartlock Beetle is just a high-level consumable. The ordinary Necron army may not have the right to use them, but the King, the Overlord, and even the senior commanders can consume them in batches at will. Heart-locking beetle: This is also the fundamental reason why Trazin was able to take it out happily, because this is not considered [selling secrets].

But even so, the technological content of the Heart Lock Beetle cannot be underestimated: its essence is very similar to the Butcher's Nail. The Necrons will put this small thing into the brain organs of those mission targets, and at the right time Activate to forcibly control the actions of the mission target to achieve the Necron's own tactical goals.

But this high-end consumable product, similar to a puppet string, has two incredible characteristics: First, it can sneak into the mind of the mission target without surgery, which shows that it is most likely to use superb phase techniques. Tunneling technology is used to carry out lurking.

Secondly, the effective range of these heart-locking beetles is astonishingly large: their owners can contact these lurkers through [dimensional beams]. The signals of this dimensional beam can travel through the stars, in several galaxies, several star districts, and even more. Precise transportation over a long range.

It is these two technologies that make the Heart Lock Beetle favored by Morgan, because in her plan, she needs to tamper with the command structure of the Butcher's Nail, so that the Butcher's Nail itself can spread to other places instead of tendrils. [Release Pain] command: In other words, there must be another object to take over these commands.

Therefore, the Heart-locking Beetle has become a very good reference: according to his technology, Morgan or her genetic father can make a batch of [Heart-locking Nails] that can accept orders and let them complete the production of Butcher's Nails. Painful command, thus forming a logical closed loop.

This plan got the nod from the Lord of Humanity, but there was one thing that he and Morgan needed to consider additionally, that is, they could not directly put the Heart-locking Beetle into the plan: after all, it was a creation of the alien, and the final control power also lies in the tower. In the hands of Racine and Necron, it failed to withstand the test of reliability.

Although Trazyn was willing to swear to give up control of these heartlock beetles, neither the Emperor nor Morgan would pin Angron's fate on Trazyn's oath: on this issue, the only Be independent.

Therefore, what the Emperor has to do is to use these Heart-locked Beetles as a template to launch the technologies they need: maybe he can break the Necron's technology monopoly, or maybe he can find the technology from those collections of the Dark Age of Technology. Similar technology that is sufficient to replace.

And this is what the Lord of Humanity is going to do now.

+ I will be back in a few hours, which will be enough time for me to review all the technology collections on the Emperor's Dream: then we will determine whether we need to develop these technologies from scratch, or whether we can develop them from the past. Get the right amount of help from the legacy. +

The Lord of Humanity tiredly took off his blood-stained gloves and threw them aside.

+ During this period, you must maintain good cooperation with Rand. He is the most outstanding person on Mars, perhaps none of them, and is worthy of your study: you can try to establish communication or friendship with him. If you If we can cooperate with each other tacitly, I will order him to be deployed to your Avalon. You will need the power from him. +

【Let me give it a try. 】

The original body nodded, her attitude was still very indifferent, and the Emperor just turned a blind eye and planned to leave: but just before leaving, the Lord of Humanity turned around and said what was in his heart talk.

+Listen to me, Morgan. +

The Emperor paused until he was sure his daughter was actually listening.

+ You don’t have to worry about No. 12’s life in the real universe. Even if he reaches a dead end in the real universe, I can still find a way to keep him alive: for Primarchs like you, death has never been a problem. Insurmountable mountains. +

[I know what you mean, father. 】

Morgan sneered.

[The Cursed Legion, the Heroic Soul Warrior, fights endless battles for you in the void: His soul can indeed be preserved, but does a being like that, trapped in subspace and fighting endless battles, really be considered alive? ? 】

[It is true that I have arranged such a fate for my descendants, but I will never consider making them cursed warriors while they are alive: only those who can smile and have blood that can flow are alive. symbol instead of burning bones. 】


The Emperor did not respond to these words. He just walked into the darkness silently. When his figure disappeared from the end of the Primarch's vision, his voice still echoed in Morgan's mind.

+You're wrong, Morgan. +

The sound was heavy.

+ Whether a person is alive or not does not depend on himself, but on others: some are strong, but they are just zombies who can still breathe, while others, even if they have been dead for thousands of years, still have Countless planets will sing his name. +

+ I can tolerate those mortals who choose a mediocre existence, because their abilities determine that they can only do this. As my descendants, you are different. I will not let your brothers live a mediocre life like this. +

+He is the Primarch. +

+ He should have a great and important life. +

+ Even if this means pain, even if it will be short-lived, this is his fate as the Primarch, and this is the only reason for him to come to this galaxy. +

+ You can understand it as destiny: although I don’t like this word either. +

+But, this is the reality. +

+ It is better to let No. 12 die in a brief moment of glory than to live an ignoble existence. +



【Fuck the fate...】

Morgan perfectly drew a white mark on the top of Angron's skull, encircling a large enough area on the left side of the Butcher's Nail. This gap will be used to place the modification machinery: while Lan, standing aside, De, on the other hand, faithfully recorded these things, but his auditory sensors were also telling him that the Primarch, who was concentrating on his work, was angrily brewing curse words in his mind.

This strange and dangerous scene made Rand's eyebrows jump. He lowered his head and concentrated on completing his work, pretending not to notice the anger of the Lord of Avalon: but his disguise could not last long, because Just a few minutes later, the first phase of the clinical testing was completed.

When Rand focused on recording all the data on the drawings and monitors, the Primarch, who was still a little dissatisfied, was free to take her eyes away from Angron. Naturally, Morgan turned her pupils Aimed at Rand who was immersed in work.

[My genetic father asked me to be on good terms with you, Rand. 】

Morgan spoke directly, and her cold voice echoed in the laboratory. Then, the original body noticed that Rand's back trembled for a moment because of her words, which made her mood slightly better. She traced her fingers across Angron's forehead, watching her brother's face twitch from time to time due to the torture of the Butcher's Nail.

[Arkan-Rand. 】

Morgan raised his lips.

[I have heard of you, and your reputation spread with the Land Raiders and the Land Crawlers: in this regard I should express my gratitude to you Rand, both Raiders and Crawlers, It has played a great role in the construction of the Far East border. 】

"It's your job, my lord."

The genius of Mars just lowered his head and concentrated on the numbers in front of him: both he and Morgan could easily multi-task, just like the original body was able to perfectly complete the first phase of clinical experiments in anger, Lan De was also able to accurately record all the data during the conversation with Morgan.

The word genius was born for them.

[Yes, it’s a matter of duty. 】

Morgan continued to talk.

[You are right. Most people in this empire are only doing their part. This is true for the Astartes, and the same is true for the Mechanicus. But almost everyone is not as good as you in doing their part. : The combined contribution of the best one hundred sages on Mars is far less than your contribution to the empire. 】

"Sir, this..."

[Don’t deny this, Rand, this is what my genetic father told me. He boasted that you were a genius on Mars. Your genius made you an important asset to the Mechanicus and the most important asset to the Human Empire. One of wealth. 】

"Talent isn't everything, my lord."

Rand couldn't remember how long it had been since he had been as humble as he was now.

"I admit my talent, but my hard work is more important than my talent, and there are many outstanding people on Mars. Many of them have experience and abilities that I cannot surpass with my talent: for example My superior, Kane, and the current Martian Forge General Kaibo-Hal, their abilities, knowledge, and methods are all superior to mine, and I am just one of their many right-hand men."

【I know. 】

Morgan nodded.

[I have heard of these two names, but I also know that most of your colleagues, especially the foundry general you mentioned, have a far from good impression of me: How can I still count on them? Are you looking good? 】


Rand was silent for a moment, and finally decided not to lie.

"This is a bit...difficult, my lord."

"Your reputation on Mars is generally quite complicated."

【A complete mess? 】

"That's not really true. Apart from me, there are actually many relatively rational people who have pertinent comments about you: For example, the mistress of Lava City, Ms. Corell-Zese, she once praised you in public. The strengths of the [Far East Industrial Complex] you established, and I think Mars should also learn from them."

"But Ms. Corell's opponents have more powerful energy than her: as you said before, the person with the greatest ill will toward you on Mars is none other than the Founding General Kelbo-Hal. He has his most capable assistant, the casting director of the most powerful forging temple [Mendez III] on Mars, Mr. Lucas-Caron. They will use all vicious words to curse the relationship between you and the forging world Reza. , the alliance established.”


Morgan blinked. She extracted information from Rand's words, and looked at her genetic father's "most gifted Martian" with interest, Rand's unbiased emphasis, and the The rhythm that was never chaotic when he spoke successfully aroused the interest of the Lord of Avalon.

[So where do you belong, Rand? 】

"I am in the majority, Your Excellency."

Arkan-Rand just smiled.

[Majority? 】


Rand nodded.

"Considering the majority, we do not hate the Primarch named Morgan."

"We just hate it: there is no Lord of Avalon to cooperate with us."

"Be specific."

"It's cooperation with me."


[On Mars, which part of you would think so? 】

Morgan asked, and Rand responded with another smile.

"Everyone, my lord."

"Everyone thinks so."


"Every Martian hates you."

"Hate you: why not his partner?"

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