Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 488 Horus: It feels like something is gradually being lost

Chapter 488 Horus: It feels like something is gradually being lost...


Accompanied by a low chant, the word jumped out of Perturabo's mouth, echoing in the silent courtyard and echoing in his narrow, intelligent and cruel light cyan pupils.

He smiled, the curve of the corners of his mouth almost imperceptible.

"I never thought you would be interested in something like this, Morgan."

"Do you also aspire to be admired by thousands of people?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Perturabo's question, but it was not a sign of malice: on the contrary, he seemed to be really looking forward to Morgan's answer, and looking forward to knowing Morgan's attitude towards the throne of Warmaster. .

[No, of course not. 】

The Lord of Avalon shook her head, denying the Lord of Steel's conjecture. She scooped up a spoonful of steaming cheese risotto, chewed it in her mouth, and answered Perturabo's question: Morgan knows, This casual attitude will win the Iron Lord's trust.

Perturabo did not like a well-thought-out answer, which seemed to him to be slowness, hesitation, and a manifestation of ulterior motives: Morgan knew this during his conversation with Dantioch.

So, her words are concise and clear.

[You know, brother, I don’t like any high-profile position: I am a ruler who pursues mysticism and Machiavellianism, and a throne that is too glamorous will prevent me from using certain... necessary means. 】

When her lips and teeth softly uttered the last dangerous word, Morgan smiled at her iron-blooded brother: The Lord of Avalon did not intend to set up a weak person for Perturabo like he did in front of Robert. Suppose, after all, her Olympian blood relative is an out-and-out genius. Even if his mind is not at all on dirty political tricks, the Lord of Steel only needs to glance at Morgan's many methods on the Far Eastern frontier. You can clearly see the doorway inside.

"You like standing in the shadows?"


Morgan smiled but did not answer, and Perturabo did not ask further questions.

As expected, the Primarch of the Iron Warriors Legion didn't pay any attention to the [necessary means] mentioned by Morgan. He just narrowed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and then skipped the topic: Like Guilliman, so did Perturabo A logical genius with multi-linear thinking ability, the topics when communicating with him are often jumpy.

Unlike Guilliman, Perturabo doesn't care at all about the negative impact such jumping topics will have on the communicators in front of him: he will only firmly despise the weakness of those who don't adapt.

"So, one of our brothers came to invite you to be a lobbyist."

This is an affirmation.

Then, before Morgan could say anything, the Lord of Steel seemed to become more interested. He walked around the room in a small area, arranging the names of his brothers in a low voice, as if he wanted to figure out who this ambitious man was.

"Most of the Primarchs would be interested in the position of Warmaster."

Perturabo scoffed.

"But there are only a few people who can really put it into practice."

"Ferrus is too arrogant, while Horus is too humble: the former will not take the initiative to let others help him act as a lobbyist, while the latter prefers to do it himself. As for the other brothers, they are not so impatient... "

As his voice became lower and lower, Perturabo's smile became more and more obvious. He seemed to have an answer in his heart: There are only a few of the original bodies who can be worthy of the word "ambition". After a simple elimination process, it seems that there is only a certain rumored habitual criminal...

"That is to say..."

【No. 】

Before the Lord of Steel could speak, the smiling Morgan took the initiative to shake his head in denial.

[Not Robert. 】

With a smile on her face, Morgan looked at Perturabo curling her lips in frustration, feeling sad for one of her brothers in her heart: I don't know why, but when she heard the comments about her Macragge brother from other brothers, An interesting picture will appear in Morgan's mind.

She would see one busy. The sweaty blue hamster was ruthlessly knocked to the ground by the weight of work and rumors. There, his eyes turned white and ghosts came out of his mouth. From time to time, there would be a few sharp arrows symbolizing misunderstandings, whips and whips. It was inserted like a corpse into the corpse named [Robert Guilliman's Reputation].

Well, another one just came.

It's so pitiful.

It was so pitiful that Morgan had to defend him.

"It's not Guilliman..."

The Lord of Steel frowned in displeasure. The failure of the logical chain he was proud of made him fall into daily embarrassment. He didn't even notice the too intimate words "Robert" in Morgan's mouth. .

A few microseconds later, Perturabo's somewhat uncertain voice came slowly.

"So...it's Jonson?"

Morgan still didn't answer, she just closed her eyes and quietly tasted the delicious food between her lips and teeth: this silent attitude made Perturabo laugh, and he was a little surprised.

"Zhuang Sen..."

"I didn't expect that that guy would actually do this. I thought he would stay quietly in the dark, hoping that everyone would admire his great achievements and then spontaneously vote for him."

[From your description, our brother looks like a bit of a stupid idiot. 】

Morgan's words caused Perturabo's chuckle to stop abruptly, but when the Lord of Steel looked at her with some worry, the Spider Queen responded with a bigger smile.

[But at most twenty years ago. 】

[That’s indeed what he thought. 】

"Not now?"

[Of course not: pimples finally started to appear on his baby face. 】

[Zhuang Sen has grown up~]


The next moment, pure and hearty laughter shook the crystal chandelier on the dome. The two Primarchs laughed unbridled. All the previous caution and haze, temptation and thinking were swept away in this way.


After laughing, the Lord of Steel, who was in a good mood, had returned to Morgan's dining table. He put his fingers together into a fist and placed it near the plate of perfectly baked Margherita pizza.

"So, you want me to vote for Jonson in the election of Warmaster?"

[What was your original plan? 】

Morgan still did not respond directly, and Perturabo just thought for a moment, and the flamboyant smile returned to his face again, making everything around him silent. The fully armed Lord of Steel stood in the silence. , the light of the distant stars used the refraction of the twenty-two giant floor-to-ceiling windows to shine on his light gray armor.

Perturabo's words were like nails, sharp and irresistible.

"Remember what I said to you before, Morgan: Most of the Primarchs long for the glory that attracts much attention, and they all long to be able to continue to complete the Great Crusade for him after the Emperor returns to Terra. The Imperial Warmaster who dedicated the entire galaxy to him.”

"This is not only a competition for glory and status, but also a competition for ability: because the person who can take over the emperor's banner and rebuke Fang Qiu on the galaxy must be the most outstanding being in the entire human empire, and must be The creation of which the Emperor is most proud."

"It must be: the most outstanding figure in the entire human empire."

"And in that case..."

After the impassioned speech, Perturabo simply stood up straight. Wrapped in the flawless Terminator armor, he was as shocking as an ancient Greek hero statue.

When Perturabo's fist struck his breastplate, the concussive sound was enough to spread several kilometers away, and what was louder than the sound were the proud words of the Lord of Steel.

"So, naturally I would support the best man in the galaxy becoming Warmaster."

"That is……"



"Do you have any questions, Morgan?"

The Lord of Steel smiled, and he leaned forward. Both his tone and posture were quite aggressive: Perturabo was not an idiot who only knew how to accept teasing and manipulation. The most gorgeous confrontation in the field.

And under his gaze, in his playful eyes, Morgan's movements were not panicked at all. On the contrary, she slowed down her body slightly, so that every move she made could be clearly engraved on the steel. Inside the pupil of the Lord.

The Lord of Avalon first chewed the rice puree in his mouth slowly and swallowed it until he calmed down. Then he put down the spoon, took out a tissue and wiped his lips, and then picked up the scarlet wine next to it. of the crystal cup and took a sip of it as if tasting it.

For some reason, Perturabo, who was watching from the sidelines, always felt that there was an indescribable sadness in this series of flowing movements.

Then, Morgan raised her cup, and after a visible sigh, she smiled at her brother: there was a bitterness on the corners of her lips that she tried to conceal, but this concealment did not escape Perturabo's senses.

[Totally agree, brother. 】

"But you sigh."

This sentence obviously did not satisfy Perturabo. He maintained this rather intimidating posture and waited for the answer from his blood relatives with a little uneasiness.

[It’s just a little regretful. 】


[Yeah, sorry. 】

Morgan opened his pupils and looked directly into Perturabo's eyes without fear: in front of the Spider Queen's flawless smile, it was the Lord of Steel's eyes that began to unknowingly relax his vigilance and turn to Think about Morgan's words with more logic.

"What...are you sorry for?"


Faced with Perturabo's doubts, Morgan just looked at him quietly, allowing her pupils and Perturabo's pupils to be reflected in their respective souls: in this gaze, the Lord of Steel could see clearly, He saw a trace of sadness in Morgan's eyes, a trace of regret for him, Perturabo.



For a moment, this almost made Perturabo furious, but just before wrinkles appeared on his face, Morgan's sad voice came from the distant sky and echoed in the depths of his soul for a long time.

[I just feel sad: the Olympian who was once on the Dawn Star, indignant at the injustice he encountered for his artistic dream, the great savior who ran for the lives of countless mortal families, the one who could single-handedly make everything work. The world's greatest genius will one day have to shoulder a burden that he has never liked. 】

[Become the person he hates the most. 】


At that moment, the face of the Lord of Steel visibly stopped for a moment, and the volcano that was about to erupt suddenly stopped. Shock was etched into his eyes, while shock and confusion appeared at the corners of his mouth: from Memories of the distant past flooded his mind, but he had almost forgotten every bit of them.

When he calmed down a little, the Lord of Steel's body that had been leaning forward had unknowingly stood up straight again. Instead, Morgan, who had been leaning on the chair, had leaned forward to him without knowing it, and quietly Silently, he became the first to speak out.

[Do you remember, brother? 】

Morgan looked at him.

[On the Dawn Star, everything you once described to me: the new world without war, oppression and slavery, the world that exists only for progress, thought and art, the one that allowed us to step into the bloody galaxy, Like the goal we strive for? 】


[For this reason, you left your beloved marble palaces and design institutes, and countless places where you could shine. You gave up your achievements in many fields such as philosophy, architecture, logic, and art, and devoted yourself to your career. Among the most annoying killings: just so that the day of your dreams can come as soon as possible. 】

【but now……】

Morgan sighed.

And Perturabo was silent.

The Lord of Avalon placed a hand on Perturabo's breastplate, but the Lord of Steel still could not say a single word. He listened to Morgan's lament almost passively.

[Now, the empire has failed you. Perturabo, who once hated war the most and longed for the arrival of a prosperous age of peace and prosperity, has to take the initiative to take on the war in the entire galaxy: you gave up your world and yourself. With talents in hundreds of fields, you have to devote all your wisdom and passion to the war and killing that you despise most. 】

Morgan lowered her head slightly, as if she couldn't bear to talk any more, but took a deep breath to calm her mind: but even under her cover, Perturabo still clearly heard the hidden sobs.

It was a sob for him.

[I simply can’t imagine what kind of suffering you went through in your heart before making this decision to compete for this position with our group of brothers who are dazzled by the so-called honor and family affection: they will not Those who understand your sacrifice will not understand how much of Perturabo's greatness will be given up by Perturabo, who became the Warmaster and was obsessed with killing? 】

[What a great world it is, and it is about to be ruthlessly abandoned. 】


It was only then that the almost rigid Lord of Steel finally reacted: He licked his dry lips, and his resolute face was tangled together at the moment, as if it had been chopped by a sharp ax and split into two halves. , half of it was moved by the words of his blood relatives, and the other half was the embarrassment of wanting to cover up some of the guilty feelings in his heart.

Perturabo opened his throat. The logical thinking that could perfectly coordinate an entire war seemed to be broken at this moment. He couldn't even squeeze out half a complete sentence: Before he could speak, Morgan's next move Already one sentence after another.

Although the Spider Queen tried her best to suppress the cry in her voice, the Lord of Steel was still able to find traces in that tremor, and to find the sadness that arose for him in the hearts of his blood relatives.

[After all, we all know it, Perturabo. 】

Morgan lowered her head, her hair covering most of her face, but the tears that were sucked back still existed for a moment at the edge of the Lord of Steel's vision.

[The so-called Warmaster is not as great as they are rumored to be: the entire galaxy has long since knelt under the boots of the Empire, and only the most wild corners still resist the orders from Holy Terra. When the Emperor returns to his gold When he was in the palace, the so-called Great Crusade was nothing more than an uninteresting cleansing of corners in groups of twos and threes. Any battle the Emperor commanded in the first hundred years of the Great Crusade was worse than the All the burdens on handsome people are more glorious. 】

[As for commanding the various primarchs and coordinating the various legions: who else is qualified to do this except the Emperor? And now that the Great Crusade is in progress, there is no need for dedicated personnel to control the war machine that is already in operation: each legion has long known what they should do. What's the matter, the Warmaster is just a position used to appease those honor hounds, an olive branch that the Emperor has to extend in order to return to Terra. 】

[But there is no way, our brothers just need this: as you said, most of the Primarchs are longing for the glory of becoming the Imperial Warmaster. They don't even think about whether they are qualified for this position, and they don't know how to do it. Thinking about it, if we really want to select the best person, this position should have been placed on the bridge of the Iron Blood. 】


At this moment, the Lord of Steel's rationality finally returned, but he remained silent: Perturabo's face was falling into a different kind of gentleness, and his heart was also moved by Morgan's words. He fell into deep thought, thinking about what he had never noticed before, the true meaning of the position of Warmaster.

But on the surface, in front of his closest blood relatives, Olympia's pride did not allow Perturabo to personally refute the self that was still so proud a minute ago.

Until Morgan's next words, what did the Lord of Steel notice?

[I feel sad for you, brother, this will not be an easy thing, because the moment the title of Warmaster was mentioned, some people already regarded it as something in their pocket: our Brother Wolf Shepherd , has long regarded himself as the imperial war commander that he deserves. 】

[Power, prestige, achievements, and the gaze of the Emperor and the favor of the entire Empire, as well as a large number of brothers who obey his words: Jaghatai Khan, Mortarion, Sanguinius, oh, and that one Rogal Dorn, they are all destined to be supporters of Warmaster Horus. 】


Perturabo's eyes narrowed, and he grunted heavily.

"I don't think Horus is the most suitable candidate for the position of Warmaster."

Finally, the Lord of Steel spoke.

"You understand what I mean, Morgan: I don't feel comfortable handing this position over to someone like Wolf Shepherd. He has too much power and lacks the means to effectively supervise."

The Lord of Steel said this categorically, and then, facing Morgan's raised pupils, Perturabo numbed himself in his heart while swearing by the words in his mouth.

"That's why I joined the campaign for the Warmaster: It is precisely because there is no one in the entire empire who is truly trustworthy that I gave up my original promise to the world and had to bear the sins of war and killing. .”


"Right, that is it."

[Yes, everyone is untrustworthy. 】

Morgan just sighed, her words sounding very far away.



At this moment, it seemed like the entire room fell into silence, and the Lord of Steel watched as Morgan's emotions completely sank, giving him time to wrap up every word they'd exchanged from the beginning.

At the beginning, Morgan told him...


A flash of inspiration flashed through Perturabo's mind.

He remembered something Morgan had said inadvertently before.


The Lord of Steel narrowed his eyes.

"Not everyone is at risk of escaping from the empire's control."

【……you mean……】

Looking at Morgan's cyan-blue eyes that were filled with confusion again, the Lord of Steel just patted her shoulder comfortingly, and then, there was a hint of fun in his voice.

"rest assured……"

"It's not Horus anyway."



"You still remember: the option you mentioned to me before, right?"

"Tell me: your reasons."

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