Chapter 1013

Gavrila’s words are unreasonable. They actually bought me this item for life, so even if this item was essentially made by Yanlong Nation, they would have to pay for it if they wanted to take it back.

Besides, the treasures that Yanlong Nation has been out of these years are not too few. How could they snatch them back from others?

It is true that most of the treasures are snatched from their countries by other countries, but after a series of item transactions, it is not clear who this item belongs to.

I saw Gavrila slowly opening the box, which actually had several layers of protection inside.

Everyone is fainted with anger, do you need so much protection?

I’m afraid your country is not so strict in protecting scientists or the latest technology, right?

But in fact, this also shows from the side that this thing is very precious, even surpassing most of the treasures in the brown bear country.

After the box was opened, Gavrila opened a few more locks, and finally everyone saw the baby in the box.

This is a mirror, to be precise, it is an ancient bronze mirror of the Yanlong Kingdom.

The heaviness of history and the vicissitudes of years can be seen in this mirror.

Everyone estimates that the history of this mirror may have exceeded a thousand or ten thousand years.

But after so many years, the gloss on this mirror is still as new, and there is no patina at all.

What kind of technology can make a mirror so beautiful and ingenious?

And there is still no change over the years, and even a sense of history has been added.

The Yanlong Kingdom has always been at the top of the world in ancient times, and their manufacturing craftsmanship and technology are also the envy of other countries.

What kind of technology is used in this mirror, these people can’t think of it, but what kind of function does it have?

If he were just an ordinary mirror, it would not have existed for so long, and had not changed at all, let alone be so protected by the people of the brown bear country.

But this belongs to the secret of the brown bear country, and it is not easy for everyone to ask.

People are already so tightly protected, you have to ask what is the effect, isn’t this looking for fault?

But they wanted to take a look, what does Gavrilla want to do with this mirror?

If they didn’t guess wrong, this mirror must also have the same energy as this enchantment.

Especially Christian, his attention to Gavrilla at this time is even greater than this mirror.

Because from just now, Gavrila’s power has exceeded his cognition.

Obviously, this guy definitely received some body modification plan or injected some medicine to get such a powerful force.

The big black box he carried on his back just now weighed at least more than 400 kilograms.

You must know that he has been carrying this black box since he appeared, and has never put it down, and it has been more than three hours from the foot of Kunlun Mountain to here, and he has not rested much.

A Practitioner of Yanlong Nation, even the most iron-blooded warrior, could not do this.

But Gavrilla did it. Christian remembered that three years ago, this guy was just an ordinary person. He didn’t expect him to become so powerful in just a few years.

Not only him, it also shows that the brown bear country has made great progress in science and technology.

At this time, Gavrila was holding the mirror in one hand, and kept touching his own pocket with the other.

It seems that there is something in his pocket, he is not willing to show it, so other people can only watch it quietly.

Christian glanced at Gavrila, then motioned to Own brother with his eyes.

He always felt that this time Gavrila and their methods should be the same, except for things that are different.

He told Owner to keep an eye on what was in his hand, and also to pay attention to how Gavrila did it.

If Gavrila succeeds, then they can follow his example.

In fact, they had thought about the way to enter Kunlun Mountain before, but they hadn’t actually verified it, so they didn’t know if it would work.

And their pasta country is too far away from Yanlong country, if they want to come over for testing, it would be too much trouble.

Moreover, the Brown Bear Country is so close to the Yanlong Country, and there is a lot of cooperation in various aspects. If they want to come and test it, it is probably very simple.

At this time Gavrilla was ready to do it, but he obviously didn’t know if he could succeed in doing so.

Although he had undergone physical transformation, he felt that he couldn’t resist no matter how strong the physical transformation was, in the face of such an enchantment.

This is an acceleration of time.

There is no power in this world, no country can accelerate time.

And he estimated that there would be no way even if it were another two to three hundred years.

Now that mankind’s technological progress has reached the bottleneck, it is so difficult to make breakthroughs.

Gavrila held the mirror in his right hand and pointed it at the barrier in front of him, then quickly took out an object from his pocket with his left hand, held it tightly, and placed it next to the mirror.

This set of his movements is extremely fast, and the people around him can’t see exactly what he did.

Soon, that mirror suddenly shined.

An extremely dazzling light beam shot out from the mirror surface and hit the barrier directly.

This beam seemed to have the destructive power of destruction, shocking the people around.

The people around were dumbfounded, they didn’t expect this mirror to be so powerful.

They dare not imagine what the consequences would happen if the beam of this mirror hits a person’s body?

But I think its effect should be similar to that of laser weapons, both of which are extremely destructive.

For example, if you are a person, even if it is steel armor, it will not be able to resist for a few minutes under the action of this kind of light.

But even with such a strong light, there was still no reaction to the barrier.

Gavrila was a little stunned, but then he also reacted. It must be that the energy of the light is not enough.

He winked at Owner, who immediately put on a black backpack on his back.

Inside this backpack is the energy used by Gavrila just now. If Dongfang Yao would recognize it immediately, this energy is actually Spirit Stones.

And this mirror is actually a very powerful Magical Item. Magical Item naturally needs Spirit Power to push it, so it must use Spirit Stones to be able to emit its power.

You must know that in this world, except for him, Mrs. Xia, and Liu Bei, almost no one can use Spirit Power anymore.

Gavrila, as a brown bear countryman, is naturally even more impossible.

Unless Dongfang Yao is willing to teach him how to cultivate immortals, this mirror is actually very small in his hands.

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