Chapter 1057

The look in Liu Bei’s Guan Yu’s eyes made it clear that he must have found something good. It might be something pointed out on the map that Dongfang Yao gave them, and of course it might be something else.

After all, there are indeed a lot of good things in Kunlun Mountain. What Dongfang Yao pointed out to them were all relatively easy to obtain.

Although Liu Bei and the others came in for the trial, they must also pay attention to their lives. The treasures are important, but they must be enjoyed by life.

“Let’s go over and take a look later, and we will solve the matter here first.”

The two talked in the sign language taught by Dragon Group, so the strange bird didn’t know what they were doing.

At this time, the strange bird’s belly is almost groaning with hunger. In order to take care of its own children, it has not hunted for a long time.

But it also felt that it couldn’t believe in human beings, and it was a little difficult to make a decision for a while.

But it seems that if it doesn’t agree, these people will stay here, after all, they seem to have guessed the own situation.

In this case, there will be some trouble. It doesn’t have much time to spend with Liu Bei and others.

And instead, it felt that it would let these humans leave the valley to attract the attention of other Demonic Beasts, and when other Demonic Beasts attacked them, they would take advantage of the chaos.

He had suffered such a loss just now, and other Demonic Beasts must have suffered the same loss.

These humans do seem to be very weak, but in fact they are not that weak. Even if they encounter Demonic Beasts who are higher than themselves, they may be able to fight.

He also saw the Fatty movement just now, and everyone had a piece of jade pendant on their waist.

If it didn’t guess wrong, it might be some kind of miniature magical item. Otherwise, Fatty wouldn’t touch that piece of jade subconsciously.

After all, the situation at the time was very dangerous. If the strong man hadn’t pulled Fatty, his own paw would have pierced his chest.

A person’s subconscious movements can often reflect his most true thoughts. The Fatty named Bai Xiaopang looks like a cowardly person who is greedy for life and fear of death.

When encountering danger, his first reaction is to touch the jade pendant, which shows that the jade pendant is definitely something that can give him a sense of security.

At the same time, the strange bird also felt a very powerful aura on the jade pendant, and it was Spirit Power. Now it seems that this thing should be used by a few of them to save their lives.

He can’t threaten their lives, so they are useless.

In this way, I have the conditions to talk to them.

So the strange bird thought for a while and said: “It is not impossible for me to cooperate with you, but I also have the conditions.”

“What conditions do you say.” Liu Bei was very refreshed.

After all, as long as the bird can talk to them, that’s not bad, as long as there is talk, then you can continue to talk.

But who knows the strange bird said: “I need you to leave something with me as collateral, otherwise I will not worry about you.”

The look in Liu Bei’s eyes suddenly became strange when he heard these words. How did he feel that this strange bird seemed to be quite clever? Maybe the condition that he would say it would really make him a little unacceptable.

But now they really need this bird to shelter them, Guan Yu, Zhang Hui and Han Ran must Ascension a little power as soon as possible. Their current strength is still not enough.

Especially Bai Xiaopang and Fang Shao. Although Fang Shao’s best memory ability is his memory ability, it is not so good to survive in Kunlun Mountain by memory ability alone.

And any thing in it may kill them, they have to ascension their own strength, and then they can continue to go deeper.

When they were fighting with the strange bird just now, although Han Ran and Fang Shao wanted to come to help, they were more than willing and lacking.

This is only the periphery of Kunlun Mountain, after which they will go deeper into the center.

Now it happens to have such a good environment, and it is relatively safe, just so that they can also cultivate the method that Dongfang Yao taught them.

Although these Cultivation Techniques are not very powerful, because Dongfang Yao needs to consider the strength and comprehension of these people.

Even if it is to give them the orthodox Cultivation Technique, they may not be able to learn it well, it is better to teach in accordance with their aptitude to maximize each person’s strengths.

But although these Cultivation Techniques are not as good as the Cultivation Technique cultivated by Liu Bei, they are at least hundreds of times stronger than the normal Martial Dao.

And the upper limit is also very high. As long as the savvy is enough, Cultivation Technique can basically be used to exert 200% of its strength.

However, Liu Bei also knows that his two brothers are not that smart. Maybe they are still lacking in understanding, so he also needs to find a chance to read these Cultivation Techniques. If he can understand them, he can also point them. one time.

“What do you want?”

“It’s very simple, I want the jade pendant on your waist.” The strange bird’s tone was unquestionably cold.

It seems that there is only one condition it needs. If Liu Bei disagrees, then it’s not necessary to talk about it.

Because it only knows that this kind of thing is very important to Liu Bei and others, and it is not clear about other things at all.

At that time, if Liu Bei said to take an other unimportant thing as a mortgage, it would be completely at a loss.

When it said this sentence, Bai Xiaopang and their faces changed.

Because this is their most important thing in Kunlun Mountain, and it is a talisman that can really save their lives.

If you give these things to this weird bird, isn’t it just what it does?

So Bai Xiaopang couldn’t give this jade pendant to the strange bird in front of him anyway. He would rather go to other places to cultivate than give up this jade pendant.

To him, Brother Yao is the sky, as long as he smashes this jade pendant when he is in danger, Brother Yao will appear immediately.

This is a special sense of security!

With this jade pendant, even if he is eating and drinking in the middle of other Demonic Beasts territory, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Of course, he is not the only person in the entire team who disagrees. In fact, everyone basically disagrees with this request.

“You think too much, it’s impossible for us to give you this thing!” Han Ranyi said righteously.

“Go ahead and dream of your spring and autumn! You are also worthy of exchange for our jade pendant in this broken place?”

Fang Shao looked serious on the side. This strange bird is really stupid. Is it true that everything can be traded with own jade pendant?

However, Guan Yu and Zhang Hui did not speak. They both looked at Liu Bei.

Because own Dage did not immediately refuse, then he was considering this matter.

Is he willing to do this?

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