Chapter 1069

In this place, Watson and Saifu have used what they have learned throughout their lives, wanting to understand what the surrounding situation is.

At least it is necessary to figure out where to go and where not to go.

Otherwise, people will be lost at that time, and Watson feels a headache at the thought of losing these people.

You must know that although these people weren’t brought by him, all actions are basically under his command. There are only so few people left in about thirty people, which is really a bit speechless.

Because of the loss of these people, they are actually reminding him how failed his own decision-making is.

After all, in most cases, it is because you have made the wrong decision, or you didn’t think well.

Watson has never suffered such a big loss in the Sacred Holy See for so many years, but only a few days in Kunlun Mountain has made him feel that he has lost his entire life.

Fortunately, there are some unknown fruits in the places they have walked before.

Although the number is small, they are quite large and full of energy. Even a small bite can make people feel full.

Watson also felt that after taking a bite, he felt refreshed and his physical strength was completely restored.

He even felt a few years younger, but it was just a feeling.

But it did make him feel that his brain has become brighter, and he is more unique in thinking about problems.

“Syfer, what do you think this mysterious creature is? It’s too big.”

At this time, Hua Sen asked, after all, he is a foreigner, and he has never heard of The Four Divine Beasts of Yanlong Kingdom, let alone a foreigner, even ordinary people in Yanlong Kingdom have never heard of it.

Only organizations with so many inheritances like the Red Flower Society can know some outlines. Of course, there may also be certain records in some families.

It’s just that these families are now hidden from the world.

“From the shape of this creature, it looks like a snake.” Saifu frowned.

“But how can a normal snake grow to this size?”

Watson felt that it was a little unlikely. They hadn’t seen snakes in Kunlun Mountain. Although they were much larger than those outside, the thickest ones were actually like buckets.

In Kunlun Mountain, there will still be anacondas, that is, giant pythons, but this kind of creature should appear in tropical forests.

They haven’t understood the general climate of Kunlun Mountain, because they only came to the east, and they didn’t understand other places at all.

In addition, the sun and moon here make them feel a little strange, so they don’t know for a while whether there will be various climatic conditions the same as outside.

After staying here for such a long time, Watson has always paid attention to the sun in the sky, and he found that the sun suddenly appeared in the sky every morning.

And the position has not changed at all, so it is very likely that the sun is a man-made one.

Originally, he thought that Kunlun Mountain was really a small world, which was the same as the Blue Star. There were all kinds of sun, moon, and satellites.

But after a closer look, I found that this place is too fake, and I can’t say that it is fake. Maybe people didn’t think so much at all.

After all, the life here is Demonic Beasts, and the average Demonic Beasts never care about the sun rising and setting west.

Perhaps only humans will think about what the world is like.

“If there is a chance, I must go and see how the sun is made.”

“Do you think the corpse of this creature is the founding god of this world?” Watson had just talked about the sun, and now suddenly he thought of something.

This question he asked Saifu a little confused, Chuangshi Shen?

It’s really possible!

You must know that the creature in front of you, its body is so big that you can’t see it at a glance, and what they see now is only the tip of the iceberg.

Its scales seem to be the size of a car, let alone its full picture.

It is because this corpse is too long, so Saifu said before that it might be the corpse of a snake.

“Creation God? Maybe there is such a possibility.”

Saifu is also not sure whether this conjecture is correct, so he can only assume that it is true.

Of course, he also knew that the creature in front of him must be similar to a god to the existing creatures on Kunlun Mountain.

After all, the Demonic Beasts they met just now didn’t dare to do anything in this place, let alone approach the corpse.

It should be a very powerful lineage suppression, or species suppression, so that Demonic Beasts, even very powerful Demonic Beasts, are embarrassed.

In fact, in other words, they don’t deserve to stand in this place at all.

Of course, Watson and the others are not worthy, but Watson is now thinking of a way. He wants to get close to the corpse. If they can take something out of it, would they not be attacked by other Demonic Beasts in Kunlun Mountain? ?

This is a very reliable method, but it is very difficult to do it.

Because they can’t even get close to the corpse now, they can’t even go to the place where the previous pool of blood was.

Saifu originally wanted to test whether other animals could enter, but there were no other animals here.

And even if there are demonic Beasts that are huge, their strength is absolutely very strong, and these few of them are simply impossible to win.

Not to mention, I want it to test whether it can go in or not.

And now it is very important that if they stay here, they don’t know if there will be other potential dangers.

Is it possible that there are other guardians in this corpse, and if they are found here, they will come and get rid of them?

But at least there are no Demonic Beasts around. They can rest assured that they need to pay attention, just don’t run around, and also pay attention to whether there are other suspicious creatures.

If there are any guardians, they might be killed before they can react.

So now everyone should relax their vigilance and don’t let yourself be in a state of mental strain for a long time.

Having been here for so long, it is rare to have a chance to have a good rest, so let’s cherish this time.

“Let’s take a break first, and then we’ll see if there is any way to get close to the corpse after we have finished resting.”

At this time, Watson added to Saifu: “Actually I think there may be similar bodies in other directions.”

“I don’t know if you noticed it. When we were in other places, we seemed to be able to feel the Sacred breath in all directions of Kunlun Mountain, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was different. ”

This is just a speculation of Watson, he felt this kind of Sacred breath when he was on the side of the mad blood ferret before.

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