Chapter 1168

In this way, Gavrilla couldn’t help it, because Christian’s people were very uncooperative when hunting the giant python, so his hands were also slightly injured.

Although it is not fatal, it is impossible for his people to be injured at all without these people.

What’s more, this is in Kunlun Mountain. Medicines and some resources are very scarce. If someone is injured, those medicines must be saved.

After all, he still didn’t want to accept this group of people, but Christian was still able to get along with.

After all, there are many people in Kunlun Mountain. Although they are indeed inferior to themselves and their own team in gathering war, they are good players in other aspects.

In terms of courage, these people will certainly not lose, and they even have the momentum to get more and more courageous.

When hunting giant pythons, his people were mainly defensive, while Christian’s people became particularly aggressive because of his companion Death.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is not that they are weak, but their performance in Kunlun Mountain has restricted them.

If they were fighting on the street, these people in the KGB might not be able to beat them.

“It’s okay, I’ll go back and do ideological work for them.”

“People like them don’t believe in God, they just believe in our high-levels. Even if they are strength, they can’t be convinced.”

Christian sighed, these people in their Mafia are not actually respected by their strength.

In fact, they started to change a long time ago, and the gang was led by smart people.

So in fact, whoever is the smartest can be respected by everyone, because only in this way can fewer people die and fewer injuries.

“Christian, you know what I want to say.” Gavrilla also sighed, “In Kunlun Mountain, safety comes first.”

“These people of yours were injured because they didn’t cooperate with me, and they also caused two companions to die.”

It is precisely because he trusts Christian so much that he will say so clearly.

And he also hoped that the other party could tell his men well that it is no better inside Kunlun Mountain than outside. If you want to survive, you must listen to him.

Besides, there is a magic mirror in his hand.

“Yes, yes, I know this too.”

Christian is also deeply helpless, these people are just too stubborn.

Now that Gavrila is so powerful, not only can he command the team, but he also has a magical weapon in his hand, and he can walk sideways in Kunlun Mountain.

Although the mirror didn’t come in handy when hunting the giant python at the time, he could feel that Gavrila did benefit a lot from this mirror.

It’s a pity that the rag in his hand is now completely gone. I really hope to find something as powerful as the mirror in the Gavri handle in Kunlun Mountain.

But after walking for so long, they did find some good things.

All this is due to the mirror that Gavrila collected, which can help them find something very hidden.

What’s even stranger is that when dealing with the body of the giant python, the mirror can actually reveal a bead inside the body of the giant python.

They don’t know what this bead is, but they know very well that this bead is definitely a treasure.

“By the way, do you want to understand what the bead is?”

“That corpse is really difficult to disassemble. I really don’t know why the animals here have become so powerful? Especially its scales, it’s invulnerable.”

Christian asked Gavrila, the bead had now been put away by them.

Because there seemed to be more animals around here, it seemed that they were coming towards the bead.

Putting that bead next to the mirror can weaken its breath a bit.

“I probably want to understand. There is a very powerful force in this bead, and it is not something we can control.”

“So it is very likely the crystallization of that giant python, but I don’t know how it will help us.”

Gavrila was thinking, what should they do if they want to gain the power in this bead?

Can’t just swallow this bead, because that thing is too big.

A purple bead, already the size of a tennis ball, and very hard, it is impossible to break it apart.

If you just swallowed it in one bite, you might have choked to death before it reached your stomach.

“Or let’s try it?”

Christian was actually very interested in this bead, because he wanted Gavrila to give it to him for safekeeping.

Although I don’t know how powerful this bead is, it is definitely better than they are now.

Besides, when they hunted giant pythons before, the Owners also made a lot of effort.

If it weren’t for the breath of this bead that would attract other animals, he would definitely want the bead back.

“Really? What kind of try do you want to make?” Gavrilla asked puzzledly.

They didn’t actually figure out what this thing is, so what kind of testing should be carried out?

And if you separate it from the mirror in his hand, maybe it will immediately attract the surrounding Demonic Beasts.

Although those animals do not seem as terrible as giant pythons, they are also a force that cannot be ignored.

He wanted to figure out the specific function of this bead, but the current situation did not allow him to do so.

Of course, if Christian has any good ideas, he can try it too.

“I think, otherwise we think of a way to get it open?”

“You think, such a big bead, our human mouths definitely can’t swallow it.”

“If you want to get the power in it, you might still have to open it up.”


Gavrila rolled his eyes. Does this guy have any brains?

Who knows whether this thing can be opened, if it is destroyed, the power inside disappears, or something they can’t predict happens, then what should be done?

If this method is not a last resort, he would never try it.

“If you open it, forget it. We don’t know how to save this thing.”

Gavrila said again: “Maybe if you did it when you opened it, you would destroy him.”

“The power inside spreads out, and no one will be able to reap the benefits at that time.”

Of course his words are not alarmist, after all, everyone wants this stuff, even he himself.

It’s just that it’s impossible to distribute evenly, so I can only stay with him first to see if there is any chance to divide it later.

“You are right, I was too anxious, so what should we do now?”

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