Chapter 912

“Go to Europa and find the bar named Moonlight. Show them the magic wand and token. They naturally know that I sent you.”

“You only need to remember one sentence, that is to tell the Arnold family, never step into the land of Yanlong Country.”

After Persie finished speaking, she used her own power again to send Liu Xinghan out.

She has a lot of strength at this moment, after all, she can’t use this power proficiently.

Before Liu Xinghan had time to react, he flew out of the window and landed far, far away.

Even he himself could not have imagined that he would fly a distance of thousands of meters, but fortunately, there was a mysterious power protection on his body when he fell, otherwise he would really be smashed into flesh.

At this time, Dongfang Yao took Wang Ye and Zhou He to the second floor quickly, but now only Percy was seen, and Liu Xinghan had already escaped.

Seeing Dongfang Yao coming up, Percy was not surprised.

Because she knew from just now that Dongfang Yao had come here in person, and set up this protective cover.

But at this time, Persie had no energy to speak at all, she smiled at the man, and then collapsed to the ground.

Wang Ye looked around in the room, but still did not find Liu Xinghan.

He asked Dongfang Yao, “Where is Liu Xinghan?”

Didn’t you say that they were still up there?

Zhou He seemed to know something in his heart, with a clear look on his face.

He said: “If you guessed correctly, Liu Xinghan has already escaped.”

Wang Ye was obviously stunned. After stunned for two or three seconds, he looked at Dongfang Yao again.

“Really run away?”

Dongfang Yao said helplessly, “Wang Ye, Wang Ye, it seems that your IQ still needs to be improved.”

“Such an obvious situation, Zhou He can see you but you can’t. I really don’t know how you became the leader of your group.”

Wang Ye scratched his head and said, “I didn’t think that Liu Xinghan could run because I knew you were there. But what did you let him run?”

He thought that Dongfang Yao would help arrest all three of them this time. Turner had been caught downstairs, and Persie was upstairs. How could he let a person who had an enemy with Fang Shao escape now?

And this Liu Xinghan also colluded with foreign forces, and he was also the Sacred Holy See. To put it bluntly, he was a wanted criminal in the Dragon Group.

He really didn’t understand why he wanted to let it go. Even if this person let Turner go, he could accept it, but this person definitely couldn’t.

Because Turner can’t actually achieve any climate at all, even if the tiger returns to the mountain, it can’t cause harm to the dragon group at all.

But Dongfang Yao said: “I must have my reason for letting him go, and letting Liu Xinghan leave will greatly help the Dragon Group.”

“When I was downstairs just now, I heard Percy say that after Liu Xinghan arrives on Europa, he tells the Arnold family not to come to Yanlong Nation again. If he succeeds in bringing the news, the dragon group will be one less powerful. Opponent.”

Wang Ye gave a long oh, and then said with a faint smile: “It turns out that it is like this. You said it earlier, I won’t ask if you said it earlier.”

If he had known that Dongfang Yao had such deep considerations, he would definitely not ask more.

And this Arnold family is indeed very powerful, if they attack the Yanlong Kingdom with their troops, it will have a great impact on the dragon group.

Although according to the current international situation, these foreign families or forces will not blatantly take action against Yanlong Nation.

But in fact, if they play insidious tricks, Dragon Group will be even more uncomfortable.

Bright guns are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are hard to guard.

If the dragon group enters Kunlun Mountain, these families or forces all come in, then they will have no time to deal with it.

Zhou He on the side was speechless to Wang Ye’s performance, this guy really caught what to say.

Fortunately, there is no one else here. If his subordinates were there, then he would be embarrassed.

But now how to deal with Percy has become the problem.

If you kill it directly, it seems a bit too wasteful, after all, there are still many questions that have not been asked.

But if it is taken back, it is still a question whether it can be saved.

Wang Ye simply didn’t bother to think about these things, so he simply handed them to Dongfang Yao to handle them. As the saying goes, helping people to the end, then just solve everything.

He coughed slightly and asked, “That Dongfang Yao, what should we do now?”

“Although this woman is of great use to us, but now it seems that it will be more useful to you, otherwise it is up to you to take care of it.”

If they wanted Persie and Turner to confess, it might not be easy.

The mouths of these two men were so hard that they hadn’t asked anything since the last time they caught Turner.

But this time there is also good news, and that is to chase the magic wand and magic scroll back, otherwise if they are allowed to flow back to Europa, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

Dongfang Yao pondered for a moment, and after thinking about what he should do, he said, “Since Team Leader Wang said so, I will arrange this matter.”

“Now if you bring Turner back, this woman will be handled by me. You can rest assured that I won’t let her go.”

He just wanted to figure out what the power of Persie had was.

You may not really see it by yourself, so you need to ask this woman to tell her, what exactly does she know?

Because Dongfang Yao didn’t understand those things about the Sacred Holy See at all, even if he started investigating now, he couldn’t find out anything at all, because those things were strictly protected.

Moreover, Peppa took so many magicians into the Dragon Group’s Yunding Mountain base and killed so many Dragon Group soldiers.

Even if Dongfang Yao was not from Yanlong, he was angry at this behavior.

It stands to reason that he and these Yanlong people still have a certain blood relationship, so this is also the reason why Wang Ye asked him for help and he would agree.

Both Wang Ye and Zhou He felt that Dongfang Yao’s handling method was quite reliable.

After all, it was really useless for this woman to fall into their hands. Apart from avenging her compatriots, all that was left was to imprison her.

So Wang Ye said: “This woman can indeed be handed over to you for a period of time, but then you must hand her over to us.”

If this woman hadn’t been caught by the Dragon Team, it would still be difficult for people to accept.

This time the Dragon Group has killed so many people, someone must be responsible.

Because Turner had been arrested before, he was not considered the mastermind. This training was top-notch whether it was magic or intelligence.

Only after catching her, can we vent the anger of the dragon fighters.

Dongfang Yao nodded slightly and agreed with this matter.

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