What Should I Do If I was Forced to Marry the Elf Queen

What To Do If You Are Forced To Marry The Elf Empress Chapter 151

The patriarch grabbed the jewel on the scepter, his wrinkled face kept twitching, as if he had made up his mind with difficulty:

"You first take people to the mayor and archbishop of Bremen, and then draw them from the local vault and holy treasury. But never tell them the real reason!"

"Withdraw from the local treasury? Without telling them the reason... Your Father... Then they probably won't pay."

Eric looked at the patriarch with a wince, and said hesitantly.

"Why don't those vampires pay? Especially the Bishop of Bremen...for the past few years he has issued indulgences in my name...I have kept one eye closed. If he refuses to release such a little blood... Hmph, then there is no need for him to be the archbishop of this area!"

Patriarch Li De's words are full of anger and resentment... It seems that he is already extremely dissatisfied with the behavior of these local churches.

Suddenly, there was a glimmer of coldness in the eyes of the patriarch.

"Assistant Eric..... I remember the oath of'Professor Young' to oppose the army... Recently it is also in this generation of activities?"

A weird smile appeared on the corner of Patriarch Li De's mouth, and his expression became gloomy.

"Ok...it seems to be..."

Hearing the terrible name from the patriarch's mouth, Eric couldn't help shivering, but he answered tremblingly.

"Very good." The patriarch nodded and looked at Eric blankly, "Assistant Bishop Eric, I order you to send someone to give me an oral message immediately, contact Professor Young, and order him to lead the rebel army and sneak into Bremen. The city cooperates with your actions."

"Holy Father... Do you want to mobilize the rebel army?"

Although he had basically guessed Li De's intentions in his heart, he shuddered at the thought of the devil's cruel and terrifying methods...Eric still shivered.

"If the mayor of Bremen and the bishop do not know each other...then let the rebels send them to the torture frame!"

The patriarch waved his hand and said indifferently:

"All those who dared to resist are guilty of them!"

Although it was just a simple sentence... but from the resentful tone of the patriarch.Eric had almost smelled the bloody smell that was about to linger in the city.

"Holy Father... Isn't it a little bit..."

"Eric...you are too soft-hearted. In order to defend the cause of Heavenly Father...we must water the earth with the blood of heretics and offer our loyalty to the kingdom of heaven."

The patriarch smiled and patted Eric on the shoulder, and said sensational words in a very plain tone:

"As for the moths of the local churches, and the merchants who control the operation of the city for profit...In the past two decades, we have been so indulgent to them to the point of blaspheming the Lord! Now is the time to let these The parasites paid the price!"

"All power belongs to the church! All glory belongs to the Father! To build the world into the kingdom of the Father... This is the bounden duty of our believers!"

Having said this, the patriarch put down his hand and said to Eric in a gentle tone:

"So, Eric, my child...you don't have to be confused, you just need to obey the will of your heavenly Father and implement justice..."

Seeing the encouragement of the patriarch, Eric was still hesitant, but in the end he bowed his head obediently:

"Holy Father, I understand..."

"Go, my child, do what you should do. Heavenly Father's kingdom is always open to the righteous."


After Eric left, the smile on Patriarch Li De's face disappeared almost instantly.

In its place, there was a look of resentment, hideous and distorted.

"Damn... Wild girl! A wild species like you should be thrown into the water to drown at birth!"

The patriarch almost cursed hysterically.

Although he has never revealed it to anyone, since the kidnapping incident, the patriarch's dissatisfaction with the little empress has almost reached the extreme.

Previously, in order to expand the influence of the church in the various states of Doinchi.The patriarch took the little emperor who had been enthroned for more than a year, and left the royal territory in the name of "patrolling the land" and patrolling around Doinchi.

Originally... The patriarch wanted to continue the orthodox bloodline of Constance, establish authority among the princes, and strengthen the legitimacy of the church...

But how can I think about it.This little emperor, who had been hanging around with civilian children outside the palace since he was a child, was really too stubborn, and he frequently got into trouble on the way.

Either I fell asleep when I met the local nobles... or memorized the wrong speech, or took off the crown and ran around in the banquet hall and hid under the table.

This kind of "uncultivated" behavior not only failed to "strengthen authority" as the patriarch expected, on the contrary, the image of this orthodox emperor was greatly reduced in the hearts of many royalists.

Seeing the helpless behavior of the little emperor, the patriarch wanted to stop the tour several times.But after all, the words "patrolling the whole territory" have been released for a long time. Even if he pinches his nose, the patriarch can only take the little emperor to the end, and can only try his best to persuade the little emperor's behavior and be equipped with Enough manpower to protect the safety of the emperor.For this, the Patriarch can be said to be exhausted.

I never thought that there was a big problem in the end!

When visiting Bremerhaven, the little emperor kept yelling, "I have missed the sea for a long time." Naturally, the patriarch would not allow her, so she ordered her to be confined in the room and ordered to be strictly guarded.

But... the hell is.The little emperor escaped under the supervision of many guards in any way!Went to fight in the port!

After that, somehow, he was found out by the pirate gang lurking in the port and caught him as a meat ticket!

When he saw the arrogant extortion letter, the patriarch almost had a dying heart!

After experiencing all these things...The Patriarch has completely given up his confidence in Constance.He decided to immediately look for a husband-in-law with a noble background and a pious faith for the little emperor, and he would marry her next year.Let her give birth to an heir as soon as possible... and then force her to pass on the throne to her offspring, and then train a qualified king from her childhood.

But before that, Patriarch Li De had to deal with these brave bandits first...he was determined to immediately mobilize the rebel army to annihilate these lawless pirates after redeeming the little emperor.

Of course... Since all the troops have been mobilized, it would be a waste to just wipe out the pirates...

The patriarch is determined to take this opportunity to quell the local forces in the northern part of the empire.

Whether it is rebooting under the banner of Heavenly Father, or those merchants who are profiteering, and magicians who blaspheme... they all have to pay the price!Turn to ashes under the flames of heaven!

Until there is only the only voice of the Father in the world... to be precise, the voice of Patriarch Li De, the spokesperson of the kingdom of heaven, will this sacred war draw an end.

52. Linden figure pitted again...

A few hours, on the Black Pearl.

The snow-white carrier pigeon crossed the cloudy sky and came to this lone boat floating on the North Sea.

It proficiently passed through the gaps between the busy sailors on the deck, and all kinds of debris that had been piled up indiscriminately, and then flew around the mast to the other side of the ship, spread its wings and swooped down and stopped in front of an open window.


Standing on the window edge, the white pigeon screamed tiredly, tilted its head and looked towards the cage in the room with its only expression.In the cage, the same kind of people who were uncomfortably held back by the narrow space fluttered their wings with excitement.

"Girls, be quiet."

Noting the movement of the pigeons, a big bearded man stood up from the shadows.

He yawned, walked to the open window, and grabbed the returning pigeon with one hand.


The strong man nodded, removed the small tube storing letters from the feet of the pigeon, and then touched the pigeon's back approvingly.

"Yes, good job, my little baby."

After speaking, he opened a cage and threw the pigeons in.Then he grabbed a handful of feed from the box next to him with his dirty hands and put it in the trough nonchalantly.

"Eat it... This is your reward..."

With the encouragement of the splashes in the trough, the pigeons flapped their wings immediately in the cage.

The bearded man walked out with the letterbox and knocked on the captain's door.

"Your Excellency, the captain... the carrier pigeon is back. It was delivered by someone on the shore."

The big man said respectfully.

"come in."

With the captain's permission, the brawny man pushed in.

Taking the letterbox from the strong man, the pirate leader took out a gold coin from the purse and threw it to him.

"Reward you, go down."

The brawny man immediately accepted the money with a smile, and walked out thankfully.

When the footsteps outside the door faded away, the captain opened the small letterbox and took out the paper roll.

"Um... as expected."

Reading the content on the letterhead, the pirate chief's smoky makeup face suddenly showed a knowing smile.

He put down the letter and said to himself:

"Then the god stick is really ready to play tricks...what a stingy old dog, he is only willing to pay one-fifth of the ransom in advance...huh..."

The pirate chief shook his head, clasped his hands behind his head, and put his boots on the desk.

"But it doesn't matter... Anyway, I am not going to return the emperor directly to him... After all, you get what you pay for... I have never promised to let people go. Extra words I haven't said a word...hahahaha..."

Thinking of this, the pirate chief laughed happily.

"Of course... If the noble little queen was rescued by a passing young knight while being kidnapped by gangsters...this is also normal...right? Hahaha.. .."

Thinking of this, an extremely nasty thought appeared in the captain's heart.

"Let's do it.... It can be regarded as a nasty expression of what happened 20 years ago!"

Thinking about this, the pirate leader got up and leaned on the desk, took the quill pen and dipped it in the ink bottle, then took out a blank piece of letter paper and quickly wrote on it:

[.....We request the exchange of prisoners on the border between the Union Province and the Empire. Please make sure to reserve enough money at that time, otherwise we will tear up the votes...]

"Hehehe... That's it... Dear Master Lindentu, I didn't deliberately frame you."

Putting down the pen and holding his "masterpiece", the pirate leader burst out laughing again.

"At that time... Are you an accomplice who is regarded as a pirate by those gods, or an enthusiastic knight... But it all depends on your own destiny!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha........"


(Linden diagram perspective)

After receiving the deposit from the pirate leader, I agreed to this seemingly "not too troublesome" errand.

The noble little loli was obviously dissatisfied with the decision of the pirate leader.

"So... don't you let me...this young lady becomes the captive of this rebel! No! I can't accept this kind of thing!"

Little Lori shook her head desperately, and the two red pony tails swayed back and forth beside her white cheeks, expressing her objection angrily.

"Miss, calm down... calm down... we can still discuss this matter..."

The captain tilted Erlang's legs very artificially, picked up the teacup from the table, and took a sip of the black tea ceremony in the cup:

"If you don't want Master Lindentu to escort you... Then I won't force you..."

Having said this, the pirate chief narrowed his eyes and said:

"Just, miss, are you really unwilling to let Master Lindentu escort you?"

"Of course not!"

Little Lori nodded vigorously.

"Oh, since you must insist, Miss....then I won't force it." The captain nodded and waved behind him, "Azis, come out!"

I saw that a muscular man with a haircut and beard, heavy makeup like a prostitute, and wearing only a pair of underwear, walked out step by step in a very enchanting way.

"Sir, do you call me?"

The enchanting brawny cast a wink at the captain very twitchingly, and said arrogantly.

"This this....."

Seeing the enchanting brawny in front of her, Little Lori turned her face pale in fright, and stepped back several steps.

"Yeah." The pirate chief nodded his head as usual, and pointed to the little Lolita. "In the next few days, please send this noble lady home."

Turning his gaze to Little Lolita, the enchanting brother Gui suddenly looked disgusted.

"Um... I hate women the most."

Then he patted the captain's shoulder coquettishly, and said:

"I hate it, I even sent someone to do this kind of nasty work..."

With this pretentious look, I suddenly got goose bumps.

Oh my god... this big brother is incredible.....

The muscles are so developed...with such an indescribable makeup...even if it is in a ladyboy.It is definitely an existence like a demon king!

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