What Should I Do If I was Forced to Marry the Elf Queen

What Should I Do If I am Forced to Marry by the Elf Empress Chapter 160

It has also become a gap that blocks the road and lies in front of me!

Looking at the gully more than ten meters deep, listening to the griffon wings flapping behind him.

I gritted my teeth, stepped forward, and leaped toward the other end four or five meters away!

"Small picture—"

At this moment, Elmesha's silent cry came from the sky.

Then the griffin from high in the sky hurried towards the ground.

Accompanied by the sharp neigh of the griffin, I clearly felt a pair of sharp claws pierced my clothes from behind!

That is the claws of a griffon!

It grabbed me with sharp eagle claws, and then adjusted its direction step by step, flapping its wings and flying into the sky.

When the Griffin gradually rises into the sky.

The beast violently opened its paws, threw it into the sky, and then rushed forward!

As a result, I fell on its wide back without any risk.

To be more precise.... being unbiased, being held in her arms by Elmesha.

"I said... You can't escape the small picture." Elmesa stroked my cheek with a trace of morbid obsession, "You are mine... will always be mine... ...."

With that, El Mesa leaned down.He kissed me blindly...

But somehow...

Elmesha suddenly rushed towards me straight!

Just like a young girl with no kissing experience at all!

Then, it slammed into the tip of my nose and slanted over again.

This made me completely not feel the charm of the past...Instead, I was hurt by her head...

Otherwise, I don't know if it is my illusion.

I feel that Elmesha's breasts seem to be much smaller than before...like they disappeared out of thin air.There is no such thing as the feeling of sticking to the chest in the past...

The strange feeling swept through my heart.

Just when I am in confusion...

Zi Zi Zi Zi La La La La-

In the sky not far away, blood-red lightning flashed suddenly!

Strike at me like the devil's claws!

Just when the terrible thunder and lightning were about to hit the Griffin.

I woke up.

To be precise, I woke up from a dream!


The sound of cracking windows rang in my ears, along with the sound of cracking wooden window frames and walls!

Several red lightning flashed at the same time!

Zizi Lala-

Then came the woman's exclamation, screaming, crying... and the sound of getting closer and closer!

what happened?Isn't that a dream?

What happened?

Thinking of this, I almost reflexively sat up from the bed.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt my chest sink, as if being pressed by something.

"You dead... suddenly jumped up and scared me to death!"

Constance supported my chest and sat up.She rubbed the tip of her nose, looked at me bitterly and complained.

what's the situation?Why is this Nizi in my bed?

"What are you doing in my bed?"

I asked subconsciously.

"Go...Go and die!"

I don't know why, after hearing this question from me, the girl's expression suddenly became evasive. She turned her head to the side, rubbed her lips, and said in a panic:

"I...what I do is none of your business!"

Constance's weird reaction left me confused.

What's wrong with this girl?

But I haven't waited for me to think about it.

Just listen to the "bang--" sound.

The door of the room was kicked open in an extremely rough manner.

Then a group of people wearing black cloaks and pointed hats that covered their faces filed in from the door and surrounded us.

The heavy cowhide boots slammed the wooden floor straight, causing the old floor to make a fragile creak. It directly taught people whether the floor of this room could bear the weight of so many people.

I saw that the tops of the pointed hats of the people in black, without exception, were painted with a striking capital "F" letter without red paint.

And the plackets on their chests were painted with blood-red crosses like the Crusaders of the old age.On the periphery of the cross, the words "Death to the death against the false Holy See" are written in swashes, which is also one of the common propaganda slogans in the northern church.

The only difference is...On the top of the red cross, there is a symbol like a goat horn.It looks weird and very heretical.

Because from the general religious context of the eternal holy religion... the goat horn is a symbol of the devil, a symbol of absolute evil, and it can never be combined with the cross that symbolizes the heavenly father and brother.

So this heresy symbol made me a little uneasy.

Think of the "electric light" that the innkeeper said before.

These uninvited uninvited guests may have something to do with the mysterious powers that killed members of the Magic Association.

The visitor is not good...

Thinking of this, I became wary.My hand quietly touched the red wheel of destiny hidden under my pillow, ready to provoke trouble.

"He.... Who are they?"

And Constance was also obviously frightened by these sudden intruders, she asked a little scared, and her body was involuntarily attached to my body.

"Don't be afraid...I'll be fine..."

I calmed her emotions quietly, patted her on the shoulder, and watched the surroundings calmly.

The people in black also watched us silently, staring at the two of us through the round hole in the pointed hat.

After a long time, the headed man in black spoke:

"Is it her?"

"The professor should be talking about this girl."

The man in black echoed.

"Do it, take it all away!"

The leader nodded.

In the next moment, all the people in black simultaneously took out a black iron rod with horns studded at the front from the cloak Li!

"Father Lord! Tianzhu Demon!"

At the next moment, blood-red lightning flashed on the dozens of curved horns at the same time!

64. Fierce battle late at night!

"Get down!"

At the moment when the electric light flickered, I yelled and rolled to the side with the girl in my arms, protecting her under my body.

Bab Bab Lara----

Dozens of sharp lightning like dead branches crackled in the air, coming straight toward me from all directions!

But, at the moment that terrifying thunder and lightning hit me!

A layer of soft red light suddenly emerged, dispelling the power of the electric shock in an instant!In an instant, the terrifying current disappeared without a trace!

"What?! How is this possible!"

Seeing the electric light emitted from the shofar stick disappeared, there was an uproar among the black-clothed people, and the headed person took a step back in shock.

And there was an unexpected smile on my face.

Sure enough, as I expected, the electric light in this horn stick was driven by magic.

Since it is magic, there is nothing to be afraid of...

The magic circle in this shofar rod is indeed a bit weird, and it seems to be specially designed to deal with magicians.Some delicate places.

But for me... this level of magic power can be completely resisted by only a slight increase in the defensive level of materialistic power. It is not a fear at all!

Because scientific materialism specializes in killing evil spirits!

"You... are you okay!"

At this moment, Constantine's trembling tone came from under me.

I saw the girl looking at me with a little horror, with a worried look in her eyes.

Because in her opinion, I had resisted more than a dozen electric shocks at this time.

Unexpectedly, this little Nizi also has a caring side!

Thinking of this, I stroked the little girl's cheek and said relaxedly;

"Don't worry, I'll be fine..."

After speaking, I took out the Red Wheel of Destiny from the pillow and got up from the bed.

"You...how can you be okay?"

Seeing me unscathed, the leader in black was obviously very shocked.

"You feudal superstitions' tricks... can't hurt the materialists!"

I said with a sneer, and took out the Sword of Cheka from the storage space of the Red Wheel.

"Okay, now it's my turn!"

"Very arrogant! You heresy... Give me death!"

The leader of the black clothed man said with a trembling voice, he yelled for his courage, raised the claw stick in his hand, and shot a blue thunder at me again!

Seeing the thunder and lightning that hit my door like a poisonous snake, I sneered and lightly waved the sword upward!


With the blessing of materialistic power, the thunder, which was the thickness of a baby's arm, was instantly split in half, and then disappeared into the air at an extremely fast speed.

"I said... it's useless to me!"

After finishing speaking, I took a quick step forward, decisively took out the sword, and stabbed the man in black in the chest!


The sharp elven sword pierced through the chest of the man in black instantly.

I saw that the eyes under the black pointed hat were wide and filled with incredulous expressions.

But facts are facts, they are irrefutable.

I drew out my long sword, and the man in black's chest shot terrifying blood instantly, and the corpse crashed to the ground, and fell to the ground'bang'.

"Captain.... Captain is dead!"

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