What Should I Do If I was Forced to Marry the Elf Queen

What Should I Do If the Elf Empress Forces the Marriage Chapter 312

At that time, the demons will make full use of their cunning and wisdom, insidious and cruel, to destroy one country after another, and to enslave one race after another!Until.... All hundreds of millions of creatures and endless wealth are under the control of the abyss!

What a glory it will be!

Every time I recall the glorious years under the dominance of the abyss, even the oldest treacherous, most shameless devil can't help feeling blood boiled!

Because this is the glory of the entire race!

Also...the reason why they value Veronica so much.

Because in this little girl, they saw the hope belonging to the abyss plane.

It's a pity... this dream didn't last long, it was completely shattered in the cry of another baby.

It was the year that Veronica just turned six.

Two holy fruits were born on the sacred tree on Hanshuang Mountain.

In fact... it is not a "fruit", but a "cocoon of divine power" condensed by the power of the gods in the world.The embryo conceived in it is a combination of the power of apocalypse and the soul of heroes!

Not long after, two amazingly talented baby girls were born from the fruits of the sacred tree.

They are Melia, the incomparable wisdom... and El Mesa, the incomparable strength.

At first... the demons were still laughing at the pedantic of the elves.

Laughing at them for actually setting the lower cultivation base of the god tree twins as the future queen.

Some people even clamored to kill the Frost Mountain under the leadership of the Abyss Lord, cut down the two trees of unknown origin, and threw them into the fireplace for firewood.....

But soon... they won't be able to laugh.

Because the five-year-old elf princess Melia... a few months after her first contact with magic, she invented a teleportation array that could reach the abyss.

After that... the devils of the abyss completely lost their initiative.

In the past, only demons could teleport to the main plane at any time to attack elves and humans.

But now... what they have to face is endless harassment and assaults by the elf scouts.

With the continuous improvement of Princess Melia's teleportation array, the elven team can appear in any place on the abyss plane at almost any time.

Of course...the only thing that can comfort them is that the elves' teleportation array cannot penetrate castles and palaces protected by enchantments.

For Melia's amazing performance, the devil was shocked and shocked, but not so worried.

After all, there has never been a shortage of geniuses and conspirators in the abyss.

So, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Those bastards with pointed ears are just genetic mutations, and occasionally give birth to a child who is as smart as the devil. It is nothing strange.

But here we are... but there is a future master of the abyss!

Although the mouth is so self-comforting...but the suspicious demons gradually doubted their previous judgment.

That little girl from the Gefirion family...can really become the master of the future?

If Melia's appearance only made the demons somewhat skeptical... then the appearance of Elmesha completely shattered their last trace of confidence.

It was the year when Veronica was eighteen.

Princess Elmesa, who had just turned twelve, came to the abyss with the Elven Expeditionary Army for the first time.

Unfortunately, the princess's first action was very unsuccessful.

He revealed his identity almost as soon as he arrived in the abyss, and was soon surrounded by a large army of monsters.

But... Soon, the young Elmesha practiced the principle of "Don't sneak, go for Wushuang".

In a short period of two days, she defeated three monster army and destroyed five cities with her own power.

In the end... she was still trying to get something, and from the protection of hundreds of guards, she killed the target of her trip-a demon lord full of evil spirits.

After that, she took the lord's heart as a sacrifice, and calmly opened the space channel surrounded by countless strong men and left the abyss.

The powerful combat power of this elf girl immediately shook the entire abyss.

And Veronica's "tragic" fate has officially begun.

58. Memories of the King of the Abyss

Although, in terms of the deep foundation of the abyss plane, the loss of a lord and a few monster legions can only be regarded as painless at best.

But the age of the elf girl gave the demons an extremely deep shock.

Twelve years old.... Only twelve years old.

Children at this age can only be counted as young children, no matter whether they are in the elves or the devil.....

But it was such a "young girl" that brought damage to the abyss plane that was about the same as a small war!He was completely unscathed!

If she waits for her to grow up, she will fully tap her potential.

So... how strong will she be by then?What kind of disaster will it bring to the Abyss?

Just thinking of this, the old foxes of the Abyss Council shuddered.

At the same time, it also deepened the suspicion in my heart... I wondered whether the decision I had made before was correct. Can the little girl of the Gefelion family become the master of the abyss in the future?

El Mesa's amazing performance made the devil congressmen put a big question mark in their hearts and began to doubt the things they had believed in.

And this suspicion continued to ferment as the deeds of the elf girl spread, and gradually planted the seeds of suspicion in the hearts of the people of the abyss.

Almost all people have the same question:

"Compared with the terrifying elf girl...who is stronger than our'future master of the abyss'?"

After all, even though it has been said for so many years, no one has seen Veronica's strength... hasn't it?

The old foxes in the council thought more:

"Can the little girl of the Geflan family really become the master of the abyss? Is she really worth our investment?"

Soon, this suspicion turned into intense thinking on the Abyss Council.

The parliamentarians split into two factions at the meeting. One group supported the Geflon family and believed that Veronica was the future master of the abyss; the other group accused the Geflon family as a liar, and the little girl named Veronica was nothing. No talent at all, demanding the cancellation of the preferential treatment and privileges to Gefilun.

After a few days of quarreling, the two sides finally reluctantly reached a compromise-temporarily maintaining the status quo and retaining the privileges of the Gefilon family.But at the same time, we must reconsider the strength and talent of Veronica [Dark Fallen Celestial Body].

Considering that Veronica was the hope and future of the family, the king of the abyss at the time rejected the opposition's proposal to "send Veronica to the Elven Kingdom for revenge."

Instead, the young talents of various demon families on the abyss plane were called to fight Veronica to prove the strength of the abyss master.

Face those young masters who are dozens of years older than themselves, or even hundreds of years old.At that time, Veronica, who had just broken through Tier 6, had no fear, ten battles and ten victories, and even defeated a Tier 7 powerhouse across the border.

If placed in the usual, such a record can definitely be called a brilliant.

But... after witnessing the terrifying power of the elf girl, Veronica's impact on the demons was not so great.

After all... the girl named El Mesa broke into the enemy's territory alone, and under the siege of several armies, she completed her mission and retreated.

In comparison, Veronica, known as the "Master of the Abyss", is a bit lackluster.

After all... in the eyes of many people, she was in a safe court, under the care of her father, and duel with a few "peers".Being able to win ten battles and ten victories is just a matter of course.

Otherwise...what else is there to claim to be the master of the abyss?

Therefore, even though Bidou allowed Veronica to prove her strength...but her position in the hearts of the demons was still far less sacred than before.

After all... who can't even compare to a little elf girl, what right does he have to say that he is the master of the abyss?

After losing the aura protection of the "Master of the Future Abyss", the rule of the Gefilon family is far less stable than it used to be.In the court and council, all kinds of intrigues and tricks, both over and under, flew like snow flakes.

The councillors and the nobles are also colluding privately, violating the command of the king of the abyss.

Everything returned to its original trajectory again, and there was no longer the aura of unity.

And "El Mesa" has also become the most frequently heard name when Veronica was a girl.

People often compare this terrifying elf girl with Princess Veronica... There is even a lot of ridicule in the words.

A good person even compiled a lot of harsh sentences to satirize the royal family of Gefirion and Veronica.

These explicit political jokes were only circulated among the nobles and parliamentarians at first... somehow, they spread to the people and spread more and more.

So much so that even the maids who scavenge in the court secretly use these jokes that mock Veronica in private.The King of the Abyss even executed more than a dozen court servants.

For the girl Veronica... the name Elmesha is like a heavy stone, pressing on her body all the time.

This hateful pointed ear not only made himself fall from the sacred princess of the abyss, but also a joke that even the servants could talk about at will.

It also became the reason why the father and queen sighed.

"You will be better than that elf...definitely..."

Every time I practiced in the martial arts field, my father would say this to Veronica.

Over time.... Elmesha has become the most hated person in Veronica's heart, and she must be surpassed!

She vowed to defeat this elf...killing this and this one who brought her endless humiliation and pain!

Therefore, she did not want to stop practicing frantically for a moment, breaking through one realm after another, and learning countless powerful forbidden spells and combat skills...

In order to one day be able to fight El Mesa!

Not only that... She also paid great attention to the news from Hanshuang Mountain, and wanted to find clues about El Mesa.

But it's not just that the elves are too strict, but the Princess Elmesa is too low-key.

For more than a hundred years thereafter, Veronica never received any information about her.

So... she had to make a magic lamp from the weapon stained with Elmesha's blood in the last attack to alert herself.

Once the elf reappears in the abyss, the magic lamp will light up.

And he will also attack.... Kill the elf without mercy and thoroughly wash away all the shame she brought to her.

Hard work pays off.

Veronica finally waited for the day when the magic light came on.

The elf named El Mesa followed the assault team and once again came to the abyss plane.

Veronica killed it without hesitation, and opened the portal toward the coordinates indicated by the magic lamp.

But what awaited her was a crushing defeat!

She lost... she lost thoroughly...

It even almost dragged the entire Gefelun family into a desperate situation of destruction!


Thinking back to the past...Veronica, the king of the abyss, gradually distorted her expression, and her body was trembling with extreme anger.

But soon... her expression suddenly stretched out again, and a weird smile evoked:

"Let's wait and see, El Mesa...This king will soon take away your most important things..."

59. "Linden Tu's Diary"

(Linden diagram perspective)

In this way, El Mesa and I lived on the Frost Mountain for months without shame.

I have to say.... El Mesa is really a very "home" and "home" girl. If it weren't for my boredom in the Luoxiao Palace, I would force her out to play.

Maybe... In the past few months, I have to spend the infinite loop of "eat, eat, eat" and "hehehe".

Although, that seems to be fine.

But I still want to go around.

Because El Mesa is a female emperor, no matter where we go, there will be people cheering, and someone will arrange the itinerary, food, shelter and transportation for us in advance.We just need to play as much as we want, no need to think about more.

Therefore, I was also spilt in the light of my own wife, eating, drinking, and traveling with public funds in the territory of the elves.Spent a month of great comfort and carefree.

Although judging from the map, the Frost Mountains and Black Forest, the territories of the Elven United Kingdom, are really small and pitiful compared to the surrounding human kingdoms.

At best, it was the size of a human principality.

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