What Should I Do If I was Forced to Marry the Elf Queen

What To Do If The Elf Empress Forces The Marriage Chapter 445

Then a faint blue candle flame gas continued to flicker, screaming and begging for mercy:

"The queen is forgiving! The queen is forgiving! The minion will never dare anymore! Please forgive me!"

140. Shadow of the Abyss King

I saw the flame above the candle without wind, shaking crazily in the air.

In its inner flames, a face full of horror gradually emerged!

It was a young man with drooping dog ears and reddish-brown curly hair. Although his appearance was barely correct last week, there was a lingering flattery and cunning in his eyebrows. People are disgusted.At this time, it was because of Veronica's deterrence, and a look of flattery and horror was added, and it became more and more unbearable.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me! Please be merciful and forgive me! Minion...The minion just said that just to get away, and as a last resort, he didn't really want to oppose the great King of the Abyss!"

Seeing the young man screaming in the candle flame, Miss "Catherine" showed a playful smile on her face.

"You actually persisted in this king's Nether Flame for so long and didn't die. I don't think you still have some skills as a dog slave."

Although the young man's soul body was screamed by the Nether Flame, he still reluctantly squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying, and shouted in a flattering and pleading tone:

"The great king of the abyss is mighty and omnipotent! Under your burning flames, I am just a slave who is just lingering... It all depends on the grace of Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Hahahaha, the Teddy clan is worthy of being a clown jester who has served the royal family for generations. Even the king said that he is so happy when he asks for mercy. It is interesting and interesting."

Looking at the red curly ghost with a pleased look, the king of the abyss hid his face and chuckled.

Seeing the Lord of the Plane, who controls his own life and death, smiled, the red curls in the candlelight seemed to see a glimmer of hope.He even more vigorously said flattering words to the king of the abyss:

"Your Majesty said... our Teddy clan has been the king’s slaves for generations... The whole point of our existence is to keep the king happy! So... I beg your majesty. Mercy, forgive me! I will serve Her Majesty the Queen harder in the future! The most supreme king in the world, I will dedicate all my life and energy to you!"

Although the red curled soul body was continuously burned into small holes in the Nether Flame, and it was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But "Miss Catherine" didn't appreciate it at all, and she didn't mean to let the "very loyal minister" Hong Curly.

"What a savvy slave, he really learned a good skill to flatter people."

Supporting the delicate face with his hands, the king of the abyss squinted his eyes, looked at the candle not far away, and then said coldly in a voice without the slightest emotion:

"I don't know. When you serve other masters, do you also speak so tactfully?"

"Wrong! My red curly hair will always be the only master of Her Majesty the Queen! Our Teddy family has served the royal family for generations and has always been loyal and never dared to make any rebellious actions. Why would you vote for him again? Your Majesty? You really misunderstood!"

Hearing the accusation of the king of the abyss, the red curly face suddenly twisted like never before, and stretched the candlelight into an extremely strange shape.

He defended himself hoarsely, and tried his best to maintain the most humble posture, begging for mercy from the king of the abyss.

But in the end, Hong Curly's words failed to impress the superior king.

Everything is just in vain.

For him, Veronica had long been murderous.

Even if it is not as a sacrifice, it will never let it go.

Because after experiencing the humiliation of El Mesa and the pain of falling from the altar.

What Veronica hated the most was the red curly hair.

They will only swarm up like flies when people gain power, and say flattering compliments against their will, hoping to get some leftovers from the gainers.

But... once the person who had been flattered by them lost the aura of the past.

Then this group of villains will scatter like flies again, looking for the next object to please.He even attacked their former master with the most vicious language.

Veronica has a deep understanding of this most ugly and shameless humanity.

If possible, she even wants to use the power in her hands to kill all these followers.

But cunning and betrayal are the nature of the devil, if Veronica is really trying to be fast at this time just for her own mood.

Then... the scope of the attack will become quite large, and it will even force some devil families that could have been allies on their opponents.

So out of the king's consideration, Veronica tried her best to restrain her emotions.She treated all the nobles who showed surrender and allegiance to her with tolerance.

Even after she was defeated by Elmesha, the families who fell into trouble were treated leniently and did not retaliate too much.

But this is only for reasons of reason.

It doesn't mean that Veronica really forgave those who hurt her.

In fact, the devil is a must-retributable existence... and the devil born in the royal family will keep every enemy of his own in his heart for a lifetime, planning a revenge plan all the time, until the day he is killed.

Veronica is a grudge, but also a stern king.

She never intended to let her enemies go.

It just lacks a suitable excuse.

Now, this hopelessly stupid dog demon came to the door by himself.

His Majesty the King of the Abyss will naturally not let it go.

In fact, she had already hated the Teddy dog ​​demon, a family of jesters who made a living by clinging to the strong!

In the days when her aura fell, Veronica witnessed with her own eyes how this group of clowns who had been infinitely flattering and flattering in front of her betrayed and pleased those who were thought to be the "new kings." Noble.

Thinking of what happened at that time, the king of the abyss trembles with hatred:

"You are right, you will only be loyal to the king forever...No matter who is sitting on the throne, you will be unconditionally loyal to them, showing off those stupid comics. If there is an anti-thief. Once you have the position of the king, you will please him as you do now!"

Veronica shouted in an angry voice.

After realizing her gaffe, she quickly reduced her expression and revealed a strange and mysterious smile:

"How about? This king is right, right?"

"No! No! Your Majesty the Queen! Even if there are a bunch of bastards in the family, my Red Curly is by no means the kind of villain! I will always be your loyal slave! I will always be loyal to you only!"

The ghost's voice became more stern and desperate.

But "Miss Catherine" only shook his head gently.

Then he said in a casual tone:

"Well, since you want to be a'loyal minister' so much, then this king will fulfill you."

After that, the flame on the candle suddenly burned fiercely!

"No! Don't! Your Majesty the Queen is forgiving—"

But the ruthless Nether fireworks swallowed everything, and soon burned the ghost of the dog demon to the limit.

Then it turned into a faint blue crystal shining with mysterious light, and it floated gently from the candlestick to the hands of the king of the abyss.

"Well, now the tools for making the door of the plane are all here... El Mesa, your end is almost here!"

141. The Alert Loli Asia

"It's not that I said you... Brother Tu...you are too accustomed to her, right?"

Looking at the piles of paper boxes and food bags on the floor, the little witch stuck her waist and said helplessly to me.

"This... Aisha is still a child, she is ignorant, Lilith, don't care about her too much."

In response, I could only shrug my shoulders and repay a helpless wry smile.

Because just now, as soon as Lilith pushed the door and came in, she bumped into the cardboard boxes stacked in front of the door.The whole person was almost buried by the empty box.

"You can't say that with Brother Tu, because she is still young, so you have to discipline her and make her sensible!"

Lilith slapped the cream stuck to the cloak, complaining.


Not to mention, I really want to discipline El Mesa.

But how do you say, I have to have that ability too?

Although it is a bit embarrassing to say...

But most of the time, Elmesha always disciplined me, and then I waited on her.

Of course, there are always surprises in everything.

When it gets dark at night... then it's El Mesa's turn to beg me for mercy, and it's the only time I can "train", bah-it's the time to discipline my wife.

Although, at that time, no matter what I said, El Mesa would promise me... even spanking her butt and asking her to call my brother and my dad is fine.....

But the time limit is limited to the evening.

After the daylight hours, everything is back to its original state, and there is no counting at all.

According to El Mesa, in the past nineteen years.She was fed up with this troublesome title of "Empress"... and fed up with her stupid grandfather.

So now she just wants to let herself go, take a good rest for a few days, enjoy life, and come as she pleases.

"If anyone wants to make a lonely vacation unhappy, loneliness will make him uncomfortable for a lifetime!"

These are the original words of El Mesa.

And I only said it when I advised her to control her diet a little bit.

I think what she meant in her words seemed quite obvious and full of threats.

Therefore, after that, I dared not ask her to control her diet in person.

Alas... Anyway, my wife can't eat fat anyway, so what do I care about her doing?Come as she is happy...

It’s just that packing up all kinds of paper bags, lunch boxes and food packaging is really troublesome and troublesome!

El Mesa ate so fast.

In all senses, it is quite a heavy task.

So over time, I also began to be affected by El Mesa and became a little slack.

And the frequency of cleaning up the house gradually changed from once a day to once every two or three days... once a week.

Originally, before the little witch came to visit, I still had to take care of the hut.

However, last week.Lilith collected the crusade's heavy work and went to the Holy Capital and the Holy See to negotiate with the nobles and the chamber of commerce about fundraising matters.I didn't come to visit for a whole week.

And I was too happy to be free, so I just went to waste wood with El Mesa.... I didn't clean up the house for more than a week.

Ever since, the scene of today appeared.

However, who could have imagined that Lilith, Nizi, would suddenly come to visit?

"Forget it, Lilith, don't care too much about you... I will clean the house. Aisha is a child, so don't worry about her too much."

I smiled and explained to Lilith.

To be honest... Ever since last week, I learned to let myself go and read a picture book with El Mesa in bed.

I suddenly felt that this way of life seemed pretty good.

"Brother Tu!"

But for my answer, the little witch is obviously not satisfied.

She frowned, akimbo, and said in a tone of hatred for iron and steel:

"It's not that I said you. If you are just afraid that the female emperor will be crowned, I won't say anything. After all, she is a legendary powerhouse. But that child is just an ordinary elf little kid. Can you accommodate her?"

Having said this, the little witch's face showed a little bit of resentment.

"More.... Besides, that child is not your biological daughter...I don't know where you picked it up from Brother Tu...Do you have to stick to her and spoil her like that? Also... still serve her with all your heart and soul. You have never treated me so well before...obviously I am your sister, right?"

Um...Is this girl Lilith jealous?

Looking at Lilith's anger, I didn't know how to answer for a while.

Because judging from the words she complained about, this girl mostly felt that my "daughter" Aisha had squeezed the pamper she should have as a sister.

But the problem is, "Aisha" is not my "daughter" or your "niece", but my wife, which is your sister-in-law.

So... Lilith, you don't need to be jealous.

Because, even if you are my sister, I would never spoil you like a wife.

After knowing that you are a heavy brother-in-law, I made up my mind to keep my distance from you.

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