White bear in Pirate World

Chapter 33 Wally Entangled by the Shipwreck Curse

February 2, at noon.

The sky was shrouded in dark clouds, and the sea surface became dim. The muffled air pressure heralded a storm soon.

The weather in Paradise is not as weird as in the new world, but it is not a kind master either.

Once a small temper comes, the world will lose its color.

The sea gradually made waves, and the outline of the island was looming in darkness.

"Damn it, it's almost reaching Roland's Kingdom, and there is still a storm!"

Wally watched the clear sky quickly turn into darkness, and couldn't help but scream, always feeling that his experience of sinking the ship rose very quickly.

"Don't complain so much, you hurry up and reel, and I will drop anchor." Tiger responded calmly. Murloc has a great advantage in the sea. He can still live if the ship sinks.

Don’t worry about food or anything.

Perhaps it is because the murlocs are too convenient at sea to be suppressed by humans.

The thought flashed through Tiger's mind, and he didn't think much about it. Time was running out, and Wally was very suspicious if he could survive.

Unless you let Wally step on his back.

But looking at Wally's sturdy body, Tiger is not a last resort, he is determined not to let the situation turn into that way.

Wally had absolute trust in Tiger, and quickly reefed his sails to avoid the next storm and overturning the Pirate Ship.

Tiger jumped into the sea with the anchor in his arms, tied the rope to his body, gritted his teeth, and slashed towards the island.

Before the storm has come, hurry up, hurry up.

"I'll help too."

"No, you take the helm, don't let the ship crooked."

Tiger replied loudly, it is enough to have him underwater.

Wally ran back to take the helm.

Booming, pale lightning splits the thick dark clouds, bringing a ray of light to the earth.

Immediately afterwards, a torrential rain and violent wind hit Wally, and Wally was soaked. The boat was swaying in the waves. In the dark, it was impossible to distinguish the square, where is the island?


Wally saw that his eyesight was unreliable, his mentality was stable, he saw and heard the domineering development, Tiger's breath and breath were captured, and a little further away, he caught the peaceful breath of the island residents.

Farther on the island, several powerful breaths appeared.

Fuck, the range was too big accidentally, Wally was shocked, not daring to use the domineering look and hearing, at the same time using the sky sound to shake down, leaping to the side.


A bow and arrow shot from the end of the darkness and landed exactly where Wally had just stood.

The whole ship was shattered by an arrow.

Tiger pulling the boat suddenly felt much more relaxed, as if putting aside any burdens, so relaxed~

He looked back, his eyes almost staring out, "Where is the boat?!"

The ship was no longer visible on the dim sea. The fragments were washed away by the waves. A hemp current came along the waves. Tiger saw Wally glowing blue and doubling his size. "What happened?"

Wally replied loudly, "There are very strong guys on the island. I have seen and heard that the domineering and confiscated, let the other party notice."

Tiger raised his head and glanced, the darkness was full and he couldn't see any distance. How far did the opponent shoot from?

No, the question is, is it still safe now?

"It should be okay." Wally guessed this way, judging from that arrow, the other party was very domineering.

Strength is even more terrifying.

Wally jumped into the sea and saw that the domineering did not notice the second arrow, which proved that the man did not intend to continue the attack.

In other words, Wally is still too weak, like a mosquito flying in front of his eyes, a person squeezes it easily, squeezes it to death, and does not need to care at all.

The guys in Paradise, all of them are beyond imagination.

Wally originally thought that the paradise would be a little weaker. As a result, it seemed that the current paradise was not like the one that Luffy had experienced.

After thinking about it, Wally could only blame the matter on the fact that the era of the great pirates had not begun.

Powerhouses around the world have not yet developed to the point where they swarm into the new world.

Many powerhouses live in their own countries, either guarding the country, or acting on the evil side, or working as a hidden master to farm.

As a result, the strength of Paradise and the Four Seas is much stronger than after the opening of the Great Pirate Age.

"It's a headache," Wally thought so, but didn't intend to give up, trying to identify the direction, wanting to swim ashore.

"Wally, you become smaller, so big I can't bear you."

Tiger swam over with his domineering perception of seeing and hearing, and several meters high waves slapped on the surface of the sea, and the frenzied ocean current pulled people forward in different directions.

If murlocs weren't proficient in water, how could they swim in such huge waves?

Like Wally, it seems to be moving forward, but in fact, the direction has long been deflected by the current, and the island is getting further and further away.

"I understand," Wally lifted his transformation. The four skills are different from the game. There is no cooling time and no maintenance time, as long as the physical strength is enough.

Wally can always maintain a transformation posture.

Of course, the first blow, those skills of Thunderbolt, must be used again after the attack.

This transformation state is powerful and consumes a lot of energy.

According to his current physical strength, it is enough to support half an hour, and the time will be shorter if he uses a skill attack.

With Wally on his back, Tiger swam to the shore relying on his domineering experience.

He has learned to see and hear domineering for three years, unlike Wally, who has only recently cultivated, he will have the problem of overturning and unable to control the distance.

Swim ashore, storms ravaged the woods, leaves rustled, dust on the ground rolled up and danced on the ground.

Wally shook the water off his body, his weight was there, the storm could not move.

"What should I do next? The ship is gone and we have no money."

Tiger stood on the ground, holding the bear fur in his hand to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

Wally thought for a while and said, "Aren't we pirates, it's normal to grab a few nobles."

Tiger frowned and said: "I object, it is impossible to grab it just because the other party has money. In that case, we are no different from those garbage."

The proposal would not be passed, Wally knew very well.

My partner is Fisher Tiger, the hero who has been treated as a slave for three years and still insists on not killing human beings and aims at liberation.

In other words, someone else might hate the world a long time ago and want to destroy everything.

This belief is his strength.

Wally does not intend to deny it entirely, at most it is to lower the lower limit, "No way, then let's go to the King's meal."

Tiger thought about it for a while. Compared to robbery, eating Bawang's meal seemed not a bad thing, and it would be a big deal to return with money another day.

"Okay, we will pay back when we have money."

"Haha, really rigid." Wally smiled and started to face a serious problem in his heart.

How to locate your own pirate group?

This positioning affects the problem of partner recruitment.

Looking at the Rocks Pirates, it only talked about strength and paid people indiscriminately regardless of beliefs. The result was a complete mess inside.

A pirate group must have a common philosophy within everyone, such as the straw hat group, all members are kind.

Blackbeard Pirates, all members are evil.

Which kind of Pirates do you want?

The answer is obvious, neutral.

Wally understood his character, not a Virgin, nor darkness, but an ordinary character.

When encountering uneven things, you will be angry, when you encounter happy things, you will laugh, and when you encounter sad things, you will cry. He likes wine and cannot do without fish.

There is no idea of ​​saving or destroying the world.

Simply an ordinary white bear who wants to become the One Piece.

Tiger murmured: "Do you have any misunderstandings about ordinary?"

"You can hear what I say?!"

Wally looked surprised.

"You said everything to yourself."


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