Yun Ruo Lu left Yuchi Yi's chamber and secretly ran over to see Xiang Qing. Seeing that she was still sleeping, she did not disturb her and instead rushed over to the secret passageway within the imperial garden to meet up with Ling Xiao and the rest.

By the time she returned to the secret passageway, Ling Xiao and the black hawk had already succeeded. Due to the limited number of people, they only moved ten boxes. However, all of them were filled with gold and they were all extremely valuable.

"Advisor Yun, you're finally back. We waited for you so anxiously that we thought something had happened to you."

Seeing the money Ling Xiao had stolen, she suddenly changed her mind and said to Ling Xiao and the black hawk: "Take all the gold here out of the palace, give one box to your brothers, send four boxes of it to someone to escort back to Cloud City, and leave the other five boxes for me to handle!"

She had no choice but to make preparations for the future. If there was a war, she would have to spend a lot of money.

Ling Xiao and Black Hawk were both stunned for a moment, but neither of them had any objections. Ling Xiao believed that Yun Ruo Lu was not a greedy person. She definitely had her reasons for doing this.

"No problem, we will do whatever the advisor says!"

The black hawk magnanimously agreed. In fact, giving everyone a chest of gold was enough for them to live out their lives without worrying about food or water.

Everyone carried boxes of deposited gold excitedly and left the palace through the tunnels.

In addition, at the dawn of the day, they had created a new miracle. With less than fifty people in their squad, they had successfully stolen ten million taels of gold from the royal treasury of the Yuchi Dynasty.

Everyone was cheering and shouting in the forest, releasing the excitement they had in their hearts. However, Yun Ruo Man did not lose her rationality, and continued to think about other questions.

"Everyone, don't be happy too early. This is still the Imperial City, and before the sky is completely bright, we should hurry up and leave! We will celebrate when we get to the Pingyang area! "

Pingyang was the border of the Cloud City. There were only a few people living in the mountains, so it was a good place to hide.

"Good!" Everyone, hurry up and load all the boxes into the car! We need to hurry! "

Even though everyone had been tired and nervous all night, they still felt full of energy after receiving the silver.

After all the boxes were loaded, the group began their journey.

Fortunately, the secret passageway was built outside the Imperial City, so it saved them the trouble of leaving the city and allowed them to travel directly.

Without any hesitation or delay, Yun Ruo Lu brought her men and rushed back. After all, escorting so much money was risky, so their team would split into three groups and take different routes to avoid being discovered and wiped out in one fell swoop.

As she expected, when the sun rose, someone in the palace would find out that the treasury had been stolen.

However, Yuchi Yi was currently bedridden, so she hoped that the pursuers wouldn't come too quickly.

Their team only had a few dozen people, and it was not enough to fight against the soldiers!

Yun Ruo Lu, Ling Xiao, and the black hawk each brought a group of people and set out to meet at the border of Pingyang.

Yun Ruo's group travelled very smoothly, without any obstructions. However, he didn't notice that the mysterious person who had come into contact with her several times and wore the wolf fang mask had been following behind her all along.

"This damnable woman, she actually dares to rob me while I'm still inside. I'm really worried that this is not a small matter!"

The masked man stood atop a tall tree branch and looked down on everyone. His tone was filled with disdain, but the corner of his mouth raised to form a happy smile.

As far as he was concerned, Yun Ruo You taking advantage of Yuchi Yi's illness to steal the treasury was the same as robbing from the flames. Although he was unhappy in his heart, he had no choice but to protect her in the dark.

Looking at the line in the distance where Yun Ruo was, the man's gaze was incredibly deep. As he looked at everything in front of him, his thoughts had already traveled to another world.

This wasn't the first time she had felt such a feeling. Ever since she had left the Cloud City, she had always felt this strange feeling, but she had never realized that there was such a strange person.

After pausing for a moment, he did not feel any killing intent from the forest and quickly brought his men along.

Around dusk, Yun Ruo Lu was the first to arrive at Pingyang City. She waited for about two hours before Ling Xiao arrived, but the people of the black hawk were nowhere to be seen.

Although Pingyang was the territory of the Cloud City, it would still take more than a day to get there.

Because Black Hawk's men hadn't arrived yet, Yun Ruo and Ling Xiao had no choice but to wait at the Red Cliff Mountain in Ping Yang.

They saw that the sky was gradually darkening, but there was no one waiting. If the sky was completely dark, then it meant that they would have to spend the night in the mountain before continuing on their journey tomorrow. This inevitably delayed their progress.

"Advisor Yun, do you think the black hawk will escape with Jin and his men? "It's already so late, we should be there by now!"

Ling Xiao could not sit still as he walked around. He had never been at ease with the Black Hawk, but he did not understand why Yun Luoyao would place such high priority on a bandit who would murder without blinking an eye.

"Let's wait a little longer. He shouldn't have the guts to do so."

They had no choice but to wait. Although the black hawk had escorted two boxes of gold, they were all official silver. She did not believe that the black hawk had the ability to handle so much official silver, so the black hawk would not be stupid enough to take the money and sneak away.

After the time it took to make a cup of tea, the moon was already high in the sky. The scout hurriedly ran back to report, "Big Brother, the Black Hawk Gang's men are back!"

Hearing this news, Ling Xiao immediately ran out to check if it was real. After seeing the black hawk, he loudly asked, "What happened to you two? Why are you here so late? "

Black Hawk gasped for breath and cursed as he walked, "Dammit, your father's luck is bad. I actually met some officials on the way and had to deal with them after a long time. Those damn henchmen are really annoying!" "If it wasn't for the fact that I'm afraid of exposing my silver taels, I would definitely have killed them all!"

"Black Hawk!" What did you say? Meeting soldiers? What exactly is going on!? "

Hearing the swearing of the black hawk, Yun Ruo Lu immediately became more vigilant. She had chosen a safer route, so how could she encounter soldiers?

"Advisor, don't worry, it's just a squad of soldiers. We had originally just given them some money, but a soldier suddenly came running and said something. We were held at the same place and delayed for a long time."

Black Hawk said with a smile. Although he had encountered a small incident along the way, it did not affect his good mood in the slightest.

"Alright!" "Since there's nothing to do and we can't continue on our journey, why don't we celebrate tonight!"


"Drink happily!"

Ling Xiao jumped onto a large rock and called out to everyone. Immediately, the forest was filled with cheers.

Although Yun Ruo Man had her reservations, she did not want to ruin their good mood, so she did not stop them.

Very quickly, a bonfire was lit in the open space, and Ling Xiao had the few jars of wine he had bought along the way brought over for everyone to drink.

There was no meat and only wine. Everyone drank very smoothly and happily. Even Yun Ruo Lu threw away all her worries and started to drink with everyone.

Just when everyone was having the most fun, countless torches suddenly lit up around them. Those torches formed a circle and quickly approached them.

As soon as they regained their wits, they were surrounded by more than two hundred soldiers.

"Have a good time! Let's see how This King can catch all of you thugs in one fell swoop! "

From within the crowd, a familiar voice rang out. Yun Ruo and her men peeked out from the gaps between the crowd and saw that the person leading the troops this time around was actually Yuchi Xuan!

Wearing white clothes, Yuchi Xuan still looked as handsome and elegant as ever, as noble and extraordinary as before.

Surrounded by soldiers, no one dared to act rashly, waiting for Yun Ruo Lu and Ling Xiao to give the order.

Ling Xiao stood not too far away from Ruo Ruo. Just as he was about to ask her what she should do now, he saw Yun Ruo Man staring at the white robed leader in a daze.

If he wasn't mistaken, he thought they knew each other.

"Your Royal Highness, we've found all the stolen silver. How should we deal with this group?"

One of the guards ran to Yuchi Xuan's side and reported in a low voice. Without even thinking, Yuchi Xuan gave the order. "Kill!" No one is allowed to stay! "

A group of bandits had dared to steal the treasury. This was a sign of contempt towards the authority of the Yuchi Dynasty. Naturally, they wouldn't leave anything unsaid.

"Advisor, what should we do?" Why don't we kill our way out! "Even if I die, I should at least earn some lives!"

Hearing Yuchi Xuan issue the absolute order to kill, the black hawk couldn't endure it any longer. Even if he was under threat, he wouldn't just stand there and wait for death.

"Third Marquis, long time no see. How have you been?"

Yun Ruo Lu knew that she had no choice but to step out, so she walked out from the crowd to face Yuchi Xuan.

Because she was dressed in the same clothes as when she had first met Yuchi Xuan, Yuchi Xuan immediately recognized her.

"It's you?"

Seeing that Yun Ruo Lu was mixed up with a group of bandits, a trace of astonishment flashed across Yuchi Xuan's eyes. He had expected them to meet again under such circumstances.

"Prince, may I speak with you for a moment?"

Although Yuchi Xuan recognized Yun Ruo Lu, his tone was very indifferent. No one could tell that there was any deep friendship between them.

Yun Ruo Lu knew that Yuchi Xuan was doing this on purpose, so some things couldn't be said in front of so many people. She could only go to the side and speak with him.

Yuchi Xuan didn't say a word. He turned and left, walking into the nearby woods. Yun Ruo Lu gave Ling Xiao a reassured look, then chased after Yuchi Xuan.

The forest was eerily silent. Yuchi Xuan stood with his back facing Yunruo. He did not say anything, but rather waited for her explanation.

"Long time no see. I never thought we would meet like this."

At this moment, facing Yuchi Xuan, she actually had the urge to flee.

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