"If you have something to say, then just say it, there's no need to beat around the bush."

As for Liu Yanhan, Yun Ruo Lu could only say that every time she saw her, something bad would happen.

"Look at what little sister is saying, big sister is just here to see little sister. By the way, it's a long journey to Mongolia, little sister shouldn't be physically tired and delay the trip. Also, Your Highness will bring me along this time. "

Speaking up to here, Liu Yanhan looked incomparably arrogant and proud. It was as if she had won a battle, and she arrogantly looked at her defeated opponent.

Liu Yan Han's words stunned Yun Ruo Lu, but she quickly regained her composure and said without being affected: "Really? "Then, it seems like you've already finished cleaning up?"

"That's to be expected. As for going to Mongolia, your highness immediately informed me."

Liu Yanhan was very confident and didn't seem like she was lying. If that was the case, then it was clear that Yuchi Chen was going to bring Liu Yanhan there.

Only, Yuchi Chen had told her earlier that he would only take her with him. Why now? Did he not know that the fire and water between her and Liu Yanhan were incompatible? Or could it be that Yuchi Chen was worried about her?

Yun Ruo thought to herself. However, she did not care who Yuchi Chen was going to take, but she definitely would not allow Liu Yanhan to bully her!

Yun Ruo Lu raised her gaze and looked at Liu Yan Han. The exchange between the two of them was filled with the feeling of war, but Liu Yan Han narrowed her eyes and put on a defensive posture.

"Since that's the case, let's …"

When Yun Ruo Lu said this, Liu Yan Han started getting nervous. She knew that her momentum couldn't hold up against Yun Ruo Lu, but she wasn't willing to admit defeat.

"So what?"

Yun Ruo raised her eyebrows, and said in an indifferent tone: "Let's take good care of the prince together."

After Yun Ruo Lu finished speaking, Liu Yan Han was completely stunned. She didn't know what to do next. She had underestimated Yun Ruo and thought that if she told her all of this, she would fall out with Yuchi Chen in one breath and not go to Mongolia. Naturally, she would have many opportunities to get along with the Prince.

However, she did not expect Yun Ruo Lu to actually speak so carelessly. It made her feel like a clown, making things difficult for herself.

However, since Yun Ruo Lu has already said so, then she can't continue to provoke him. She smiled charmingly and replied: "Big sister, this is what you mean. It's getting late, big sister, I still need to go back and prepare. "

After Liu Yanhan said this, she turned around and left. After she completely disappeared, Jinsha couldn't help but scold, "Pui!" It was really fake! It's so disgusting! "

"Jin'er, forget it. Don't bother with this kind of person. It's not good to be mad at him."

However, there was still some doubt in her heart. Yuchi Chen was not a person who spoke without saying anything. Why did he bring Liu Yanhan when he had clearly promised to only take her?

She had expected Yuchi Chen to give her an explanation, but she did not see him again until the day before their departure.

On the day of their departure, Yuchi Chen did not ride a horse. Instead, he sat in the front of the carriage. Yun Ruo saw that Liu Yanhan had also entered the carriage, while she and Jin Se were in the small carriage at the back.

Ke Yunjin rode his horse in front and led the way. Along with him were over a hundred guards. The scene was quite spectacular.

At the entrance of the Royal Capital, there were still ministers that came to see them off.

Yun Ruo pushed aside the curtain of the carriage, and immediately saw Yuchi Xuan standing at the very front, and Yuchi Xuan saw her as well.

Yuchi Xuan's gaze was deep, so deep that no one could see the bottom of it. However, he only glanced at Yun Ruo Lu with a complicated expression before shifting his gaze away.

Yun Ruo Lu felt that Yuchi Xuan wasn't normal today, so she couldn't tell what was wrong with him.

"Empress, what does Your Highness mean by this? He doesn't seem to care, just like carrying luggage."

Jin Se sat in the carriage and complained in boredom. He didn't notice anything strange about Yun Ruo Lu nor did he see the scene outside.

After everyone's farewell, the horse carriage began to move again. When the city gates could no longer be seen, Yun Ruo Lu put down the curtain.

It wasn't that she couldn't bear to part with Yuchi Xuan, but she had a strange feeling in her heart. She wanted to find the source of that feeling, but she couldn't find any trace of it.

"Empress, what's wrong?" Is there something wrong? "

Noticing the strange expression on Yun Ruo Lu's face, Jin Se immediately walked over and asked nervously.

"It's fine. What were you muttering about just now?"

When Yun Ruo Lu came back to her senses, she remembered that Jin Se was talking to her.

"I say, why doesn't the Prince want to sit in the same carriage as you, the Empress, and leave us behind? It's just like lugging luggage."

Jinsi was also very curious. Clearly nothing had happened, so why did the prince's relationship with her house's empress become less and less?

Yun Ruo Lu was also baffled by this question. She had never found the opportunity to speak to Yuchi Chen, otherwise, things would have become clear to her.

"Let's wait until we get to Mongolia. If you continue to be so pouting along the way, you won't be able to see any good scenery."

Yun Ruo Lu smiled indifferently, and then lifted the curtains to look at the scenery outside.

Jin Se could only pout helplessly. She wasn't really angry, she was just trying to fight for her mistress's sake. If they had to swallow their anger when they went to Mongolia this time, they might as well stay in the Royal Mansion.

Of course, the person she was referring to wasn't Yuchi Chen, but Liu Yanhan. If it wasn't for Liu Yanhan, the prince definitely wouldn't have left them behind.

Yun Ruo Lu guessed that since Liu Yanhan was able to follow them, then there must be something wrong with the situation. So she wasn't in a hurry, and there would eventually be a chance to ask what was going on.

The group travelled on the public road for an entire day. In the evening, they rested at the residence of an official.

It would take them four to five days to get to Mongolia. Thus, on the way, Yuchi Chen had arranged a place to stay. There was no need to set up a tent in the wilderness, so it was naturally much safer.

At dinner time, the local officials held a banquet. Yun Ruo Lu looked at the table filled with good wine and good food, but felt that she had no appetite. She just ate a little and found a reason to go back and rest.

Perhaps it was due to the bumpy ride of the day, but Yun Ruo felt a little sleepy when she returned to her room. He asked Jinsi to prepare a bath, take a bath and turn off the lights before going to bed.

In the middle of the night, a deep voice woke Yun Ruo up. She opened her eyes and saw Yuchi Chen sitting by her bedside, calling out to her.

Yuchi Chen did not change his clothes. He looked as though he had not rested yet. Yun Ruo Lu rubbed her eyes, and asked puzzledly: "Your Highness, it's so late, why haven't you rested yet?"

Yun Ruo Lu did not know what time it was, but she took a glance outside the window and saw the moon hanging high in the night sky. It was probably not early anymore.

Yuchi Chen smoothed out the hair covering Yun Ruo's eyes and said gently, "You'er, I haven't come to find you these past few days. Are you mad at me?"

Speaking of this matter, Yun Ruo Lu who was originally sleepy immediately became spirited, shook her head and replied: "How could that be? Your highness must have a reason, right? "

Actually, what she cared about the most wasn't whether he was paying attention to her or not. She just wanted to know how Liu Yanhan followed them. Could there be some problem?

Yuchi Chen remained silent for a while, before slowly replying, "Yan'Er came because of the empress dowager's intentions. Moreover, I'm afraid that there will be people monitoring our trip to Mongolia, so we have to be very careful. "

"Who's watching us?"

Yun Ruo Lu looked at Yuchi Chen in astonishment. She had not noticed this. During the day, he would pass by peacefully and didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

"There are three groups of people. One is the people of the Emperor, one is the people of Third Brother, and the other is …" "I don't know where they came from, but it's precisely because of their unknown origins that I have to be more cautious."

Yuchi Chen spoke in a very casual manner, but Yun Ruo Lu could still feel the killing intent emanating from her body.

It was reasonable to assume that the Emperor had sent people to follow them in the dark, but Yuchi Xuan had also sent people to spy on them.

She was worried that Yuchi Chen would think that their movements were due to her!

Ever since Ling Xiao's incident, she had understood clearly that in Yuchi Xuan's heart, she would never be number one. The most important thing about Yuchi Xuan was that he held power.

"Can't the third party find out? Do you want us to secretly capture one of them and interrogate it? "

Seeing that Yuchi Chen was frowning, Yun Ruo Lu suggested.

"These are all Death Soldiers. Even if we capture them and torture them, it would be useless. However, they probably won't stop us from going to Mongolia and will only observe our movements along the way. Furthermore, this group of people all have extraordinary kung fu skills, I am afraid they will not be easy to deal with. "

"What are they worried about?"

Yun Ruo Lu asked the question in her heart, they had ordered to go to Mongolia to find the legendary immortal herbs to serve the Emperor, could it be that they were worried that they would do something wrong?

"It's not clear yet, but since they want to monitor us, let them watch."

After Yuchi Chen finished speaking, he laid down on Yun Ruo Lu's bed to rest. This action caused Yun Ruo Lu to involuntarily move to the side to avoid him.

"Aren't you worried that Liu Fei would come if you don't go back?"

Yun Ruo Lu said awkwardly. Since the empress dowager arranged Liu Yan Han to come with them, at least on the surface, she couldn't be ignored.

"I drugged her wine. I don't think she'll wake up before dawn."

After which, he pulled Yun Ruo Lu into his arms and said gently, "Please accompany me tonight."

Yun Ruo could hear the exhaustion in Yuchi Chen's voice. She did not struggle, allowing him to hug her like this.

Yuchi Chen did not do anything but quickly fell asleep. It seemed he was truly tired.

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