As he was talking, his small body was completely hidden, leaving only a large head to stay at Yun Lei's heart, and he had to drill in.

Yun Lei saw this weird scene happen to her, only her suspicion was in a nightmare! Then he saw that he was going to get in. I felt like my heart was broken, and I couldn't care more. I grabbed the child's head with both hands, and pulled it out like a fate!

Unsurprisingly, the painful pain came like lightning, making her face pale instantly ...

The child suddenly sighed: "Sister, why are you doing this?" He groaned suddenly again: "Well, since you are so painful in this matter, it might as well let you forget ..."

He seemed suddenly to find a solution to the intractable problem, and his small face became excited.

Suddenly Yun Lei heard him say this, there was an ominous premonition in her heart, and she shouted, "You—what do you want to do?"

The child smiled strangely, but did not answer. With a flash of blue light, the child's head appeared strangely transparent! There are countless blue thin lines that spread silently, and instantly penetrated the seven tricks of Yun Lei. Yun Lei just felt a loud bang in her head and sat down suddenly. There was a soft voice in the vaguely: "Sister, Rest assured, I will eliminate everything you want to avoid, so that you will not feel pain ... "

"No, don't!" Yun Lei felt a little faint in her heart. She tried desperately to be awake, but the dizziness was getting heavier. Finally, her eyes were completely dark and passed out!

I don't know how long, she slowly woke up from her coma, her long eyelashes fluttered twice, and her eyes finally opened. The eyes are clear and pure like a baby.

Yun Lei sat up slowly, her eyes turned, but I saw pine wind sending waves, wild flowers swaying, and a waterfall next to the waterfall splashed down, but I didn't see a figure, and I couldn't hear a voice.

She frowned slightly, "Where is this? Why am I here?" She thought desperately holding her head, but her mind was blank, and she couldn't remember what had happened before she came here.

She sighed and stopped thinking about it. She stood up and looked around. However, when the sky is washed away, white clouds float across the sky, and a round of red sun bursts out in the east. The beauty of the scenery is like a picture. A secret praise in his heart: "Oh, this is so beautiful!"

Feeling can't help but stand up, she was cheerful, relaxed and broad-sleeved, dancing lightly, and singing:

Ambition in the haze, retreat, see success in Wuhuchun. In a page of boating, Yin was drunk, cloud water, and Fang Ren was free.

Flower Island is a companion for the neighboring gulls. Already got the subtle purpose of Xiyi, the subtle joy, the lotus wind carries the dust.

Yun Lei's cool poems, especially Xi Shu poet Li's "Ding Fengbo" which has a sense of seclusion.

The singing is wonderful, echoing in the mountains, dancing lightly, hovering among the flowers ...

She was singing happily, and suddenly heard a voice shouting, "OK!"

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