Yun Lei was startled and didn't understand where the voice came from. She looked up and was looking for the source of the sound, but Guan Minghan gently pulled Yun Lei's corner of her clothes, a whole robe, and said respectfully: Disciple Guan Minghan and his sister met Master and Uncle ... "

Qingxu Dao waved his hand and said, "No need to be polite, where did you find your Yunshi sister? Can you hear from your uncle Fantasy Dream? Oh, what about other people?"

Guan Minghan respectfully replied: "Return to Master, disciples, etc. were ordered to explore the whereabouts of Uncle Dream, in order to find it faster, we separated after the mountain, Uncle Dream was missing near the sea of ​​blood, and the disciple again I was thinking of Sister Yun, so I went to the sea of ​​blood to find it first. Sure enough, the emperor was able to find someone who was interested. Finally, the disciples finally found Sister Yun who had not died. For the Master and Uncles to rest as soon as possible, the disciples brought Sister Yun back ... "

He spoke clearly and methodically, and although respectful, he was not inferior and calm. Qingxu Dao nodded his head slightly, with a smile on his face: "Ming Han, you can get back your Yunshi sister, it is a great achievement ..."

The meditation teacher wore a sleeve, pulled Yun Lei over, took Yun Lei's hand, and looked at her from head to toe. She saw that her right arm seemed to be hurt except for her white hair. Pain: "Lei, what exactly did you encounter? How could it be like this?"

Yun Lei's face flushed, and she said, "Disciple ... disciple."

The meditator was too surprised: "Don't remember? How can you lose memory? Minghan, what's going on?"

Guan Minghan sighed and said, "The disciples don't know the specific situation. The disciples discovered Sister Yun at the edge of a waterfall in a big mountain. At that time, she was like this."

Master Wuanger cried, "She has amnesia? How can this be good? Older wants to ask her where the magic star Zhang Danfeng is!"

"Zhang Danfeng" comes out in three words, others haven't done much. Yun Lei was hit with a sledgehammer, and an inexplicable pain came straight from the bottom of her heart. For a moment, she was almost in pain and couldn't breathe. His complexion turned pale instantly, and he stooped involuntarily.

The meditation teacher was so surprised that she reached out and helped her, and said, "Lei, what's the matter with you?"

Yun Lei's eyebrows were frowning, her face was blank, she bit her petal-like sakura lips, and said, "Disciple, disciple doesn't know what's going on? Suddenly I feel bad ..."

The meditation teacher stretched out her hand and touched her veins, but she did not see any abnormalities, but showed slight signs of weakness.

Qingxu Dao also frowned, and asked with concern: "How? Leer, are you okay?"

The meditator sighed too much, shook his head slightly, and looked at the head of Qingxu Dao, both of them were clear. They understood that Yun Lei's amnesia and white hair must be related to Zhang Danfeng, and could not help but sigh 'injustice '.

Qing Xu said: "Ming Han, you Yunshi may be too tired. Take her to Songxiang Pavilion to rest."

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