Qi Luoer sat on the shore, his eyes moved uncontrollably with his body.

That one--

Well, she admits that the shot is very eye-catching.

But, how did she always feel that he was trying to seduce her?

Seeing that he was swimming freely in this way, Qi Luoer was even a little eager to try it.

However, she just refused to say that she was ahead, and now it seems that it is not good to go down again ...

Yue Wuyi was swimming in it cheerfully, and she didn't seem to notice her.

A big fish was startled by him somehow, and he swam in front of him.

Yue Wuzhang chased after her, splashing.

The fish seemed to be chasing his head, but turned around and swam towards Zi Luoer in the direction.

Swimming to the shore, it must be stupid to chase.

Jumping to the shore in a panic, taking countless splashes, falling into Qi Luoer's arms!

Zi Luoer stayed for a while, and couldn't help catching the lively fish.

The fish was desperately struggling in her hands.

Spitting bubbles seemed to be unwilling to catch such a hand.

There were a few drops of water on Zi Luoer's face.

Alas, is this water warm?

Soft, slippery and very comfortable.

Qi Luoer tried to touch his feet with the water.

Eyes could not help but brighten, this water turned out to be the hot spring water.

A warm sensation came from the feet, and every pore in the whole body seemed to be stretched.

Where is the hot spring water? I did not expect that this Demon King would enjoy it so much ...

Qi Luoer looked up at Yuewu.

Yue Wuzhen was chasing another fish again, looking relaxed and comfortable.

Hum, this hot spring lake is so big, it's not his family's home. If you want to swim, you can swim. Why care if he jokes ...

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